Making Disciples through Prayer, Faith Formation and Service Pastoral Staff Pastor - Rev. James Wood Pastoral Vicar - Rev. Paul Butler Deacons: Ed Hayes, Retired: William Kogler Biagio Muratore, Phil Paolicelli Faith Formation Office: Director of Religious Education Jennifer Menneci x131 Holy Angels Regional School, Patchogue Principal - Michael Connell 631-475-0422 St. Margaret’s Preschool Jenny Tranfaglia, Coordinator x124 Last Sunday’s Enrollment Blessing Business Manager Lisa Boyd x113 Facilities Manager Michael Lorio x115 Music Ministry Dr. Daniel Crews, Dir. x117 Parish Outreach Jackie Mirenda x119 October 12, 2014 Phone: (631) 732-3131 RCIA ~ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Rectory Office Hours Dan & Joanne Williams Administrative Assistant Julie Burtoff x133 Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday: 5:00 P.M. Sunday: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. & 12:00 N Weekdays: 8:00 A.M. on Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9:00 A.M. on Mon., Wed., Fri. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm or by appointment Open for Walk-In Business Mon thru Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday Morning am pm 9 -1 9 am - 1 pm 9 am - 12 pm Closed Afternoon pm 2-4 Evening 7 - 8pm Fax (631) 732 - 8827 81 COLLEGE ROAD SELDEN NY 11784-2813 Time, Talent & Treasure Stewardship Thought for the Week We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who work share their gifts by cooking or providing meals for the homebound or those in need at soup kitchens or community centers. Sacrificial Giving Thank you to all who so generously give to the support of our parish. You are returning to God what God has so generously given to you. 2014 14,766 492 Last week’s Sunday offering Number of Envelopes Used Envelope $ % of collection Mass Attendance 2nd & 8th Last Week Average 2013 13,809 446 Special this Year 85.2% pm 5 474 326 am 8 270 232 Readings for Next Sunday Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 534 372 12 332 347 Total 1610 1280 For the week of October 19th Altar Bread & Wine First Reading ................... Is 45: 1, 4-6 Second Reading ............ 1 Thes 1: 1-5 Gospel .......................... Mt 22: 15-21 in Memory of William & Matilda Mc Fadden MARRIAGES: Couples should make arrangements in person at least one year in advance for required interview. At least one of the parties must live within the parish boundaries, or be a registered member of the parish. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. No dates will be set over the telephone. BAPTISMS: Prospective parents should telephone the rectory about three months before the expected birth to discuss the arrangements for your child’s baptism and enroll you in the required baptismal class. Baptism classes are held monthly on the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the month. The baptism date will be set at the time of the class. The child’s birth certificate as well as the godparent’s “sponsor certificate” (godparents must be practicing Catholics) must be presented before a date is finalized. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We welcome all new parishioners! We ask them to register at the rectory and encourage the use of weekly envelopes. If you are moving, please notify the rectory. Women’s Group: - The newly formed Women of Faith Ministry invites all women of the parish to join us at our upcoming gatherings. Watch the bulletin for further details. Women’s Bible Sharing: The women of the parish gather for Bible sharing on Monday mornings, 9:30 through 11:30 in the rectory. FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: Monday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.; Closed on Fridays. PARISH OUTREACH MINISTRY: Monday 10am -1 pm. and 2 - 4 pm.; Wednesday 3-5 p.m. Call for appointment. Masses for the Week Family members and/or those who requested the Mass are always welcome to present the gifts of bread & wine at the offertory procession. On weekends, please introduce yourselves to our ushers or call the office during the previous week. Monday - October 13th 9:00 A.M. Domenic & Feleicia Romanelli Tuesday October 14th 8:00 A.M. Wednesday - October 15th 9:00 A.M William & Matilda Mc Fadden Thursday - October 16th 8:00 A.M. Joan Casey Friday - October 17th 9:00 A.M Marie & John Mc Greevy Saturday - October 18th 8:00 A.M. Anthony Argenti 5:00 P.M. For All Parishioners Sunday - October 19th 8:00 A.M. Florence Donlon Luigi Cinicola 10:00 A.M. Gerard Leigh Tom Marinello & Lou Burtoff 12:00 P.M. Paul Garcia Carmen Troche For all our parishioners suffering from chronic illness, as well as Mary Jane Kogler, Jimmie D’Angelo, Robert Mahon Dorothy Oakley, Norma Frasca, Maryann Portesy Sr., Thomas Jankay, Connie Giannetto, Artie Riley, Laureen Gaige, Marilyn & Steven Vacchio, Melanie E. Seibel, Anthony Alessi, Wendiann Alfieri, Nicholas Alfieri, Joan Farrell, Ann Miceli, Christopher McGuinness, Sarah Behie, Andrew Rosa, Cassie Guagliano, Bob Carlsen, Carmella & Carmine Guadagni, Patricia Herman, Richard Taylor, Gerry Roucoulet, Robert Rankin, Sharon Klyn, Anne Logan., Fran Colon. Family members, please resubmit names for those who are ill. We will list them for 3 weeks, and then remove them unless told otherwise. Please note-due to privacy issues, we can include names given by the individual or a health care proxy only. Dear Parishioners, This past Wednesday my doctor took x-rays of the area of my foot reconstruction and was impressed with how much the bones have strengthened over these last two weeks. As a result, I am now able to walk on both feet. I will need my CAM boot for about four more weeks. But after some more therapy, I know that i will soon be walking better than I have been for many years and climbing stairs with little difficulty. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. A special thanks for the cards that I received. I look forward to being back with you very soon! Fr. Jim THE RECTORY OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH FOR COLUMBUS DAY. UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS Monday October 13 Office Closed / Columbus Day NO Faith Formation Classes Tuesday October 14 4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes 5:30 - 7 pm Christmas Play Rehearsal / Church 6:30 - Knights of Columbus (Rm 153) Wednesday October 15 4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes 7 pm - Rosary Making / Aud & Church St Margaret Fest Tickets go on Sale next Weekend. First Come...First There! ! When they run out, we’re out! Thursday October 16 4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes 7 pm - 12 Step Bible Study (Rm 153) Friday October 17 No Activities Scheduled Saturday October 18 9:15-12:45 Religious Education Classes 9:30 am Children’s Choir (Music Rm) Sunday October 19 No Activities Scheduled SAVE THE DATE St Margaret Fest - Sat, Nov 15th ...and You Visited Me Deacon Bill is available to visit parishioners at our local hospitals. Call the rectory at 732-3131 ext. 0, please provide the patient’s name, hospital and room number, and he’ll do his best to make a visit & pray with the individual. Church Visiting Hours Monday - Friday Open before morning Mass until 9:45 AM Saturday Open until end of last AM Mass; reopen at 4PM Sunday Open until end of last Church Service St. Margaret’s Children’s Choir Our Children’s Choir rehearses on Saturdays from 9:30 –10:30 A.M. in the rectory. All children in nd 2 grade or above & who love to sing are welcome! For info call Liz DeGennaro at 732 -7601 or email [email protected]. Sacraments are Celebrations! Baptisms Ryan Thomas Corrar, Craig Victor Denner, Gianna Shanne Pedraza Hsieh, Yuan Patrick Pedraza Hsieh, Xian Gabriel Pedraza Hsieh, , Madelyn Crissie Monte, Cameron Grace Pavelock, Shane Anthony Sirois & Anthony James Verdi Wedding Banns Banns I:Nicole Polacsek, St. Margaret of Scotland & Nicholas Risi, St. Frances Cabrini Faith For Parishioners Bless 2nd & 8th Graders as they Commit to Sacramental Preparation Children’s Liturgy of the Word Starting Up & Looking to Grow Dismissal for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word Service at the 10 AM Sunday Mass will begin on October 26th and will continue on a limited basis as we gather & train devoted parishioners to work with us in this very special ministry. Please help us in our search for parishioners filled with a love of God, patience and a gift for ministering to our young children. We need several adult leaders and some teen assistants in order to continue offering the Children’s Liturgy of the Word Service on a regular basis. Leader Training will be provided along with continued support from the Office of Faith Formation. Please reach out to Gina Rizzo at: 846-1342 or [email protected] Annual Level 4 Rosary Making This Wednesday evening, Oct 15th, at 7 PM All Level 4 children will gather in the auditorium to make their own rosary Parish Social Ministry Thrift Shop Please Help! We are in need of ... The shop is open on Tues/Thurs 10-2 & Sat. 10 Soup/Crackers, Tuna/Canned Meat Macaroni & Cheese, Cereal, Canned Vegetables, Pasta / Sauce, Instant Potatoes & Juice The Thrift Shop is located between buildings. You can leave your clothing in the pull down bin just to the right of the Thrift Shop or drop off at the rectory during office hours. Please do NOT leave bags out in inclement weather. Another Option! Diapers... The colder months means that some of our neighbors will be facing a tough time trying to heat their homes or pay for medicine. One hundred percent of the money donated to our poor box (located at the entrances of the church) and our Outreach Angel in the lobby goes to helping others through these times. Please be generous in your support. Help us to help others! Has your child changed diaper size and you no longer need the smaller ones? We will gladly accept all sizes, especially 4,5,6 thru adult. Please package them tightly in a strong bag and drop them off at the rectory. Many thanks! Helpful Phone Numbers Domestic Violence 1-800-799-SAFE Baby Safe Haven Hot Line 1-877-796-HOPE Post Abortion Counseling - days 722-4355 Depression after Delivery 1-800-944-4PPD Project Rachel - evenings 242-0907 The Life Center 243-2373 Crisis Pregnancy/Counseling 243-2373 Drug Hotline 1-800-522-5353 24 hr State Child Abuse 1-800-342-3720 Suicide Prevention 1-800-639-5433 rmation Calling all Children… Christmas Play Sunday, Dec. 14th~3 PM The children of Saint Margaret’s parish prepare a gift for the Christ Child. They honor His birth by retelling the Christmas story for their family, friends and all of our parishioners. All are welcome! Any child Pre-K to 6th grade may take part in the production. Angels must be 3 years and older—do not need to audition. Children participating in the pageant are expected to attend ALL rehearsals ~ 5:307:00 PM in the Church. Monday, October. 20th, 27th Monday, November 3rd, 10th , 17th & 24th Available Next Week After Mass & at the Rectory $800 Adults $500 Children (5-10) Mark Your Calendars! Pre-Sale Only, No Sales at Door. The fun starts after the 500 Mass on. Women of Faith Ministry Weekend Retreat Presenter will be Fr. Larry Lewis, MM Our God chose to enter the human mystery & to experience it ALL & invite us to try to love as God does. OCTOBER 24-26 ~ CENACLE RD., RONKONKOMA $225 pp Weekend, six meals—$175 pp commuter, six meals $50 Non Refundable—Balance on day of arrival. Deposit made out to Ronkonkoma Cenacle Inc. Space is limited. For info call the rectory at 732-3131. Montfort Spiritual Center ~ LI Women Are you ‘Clothed in Christ’? Please join the L.I. Women’s Retreat Ministry for another powerful weekend retreat at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore on Oct. 24-26th. Our Guest Speaker, Patti Gordon, who enjoys bringing the Word of God to life through drama and dance, will once again share her gifts with us. For more info, call Yvonne @ 631-732-3574 / [email protected]. Immaculate Heart of Mary Magnificat ~ RVC Magnificat - A ministry to Catholic Women invites you to a BREAKFAST on Saturday, October 25th at the Hofstra Club on the Campus of Hofstra University. Our speaker will be Char Vance, who is internationally known for her miraculous healing in Medjugorje and her gift of humor and joy. The cost of the breakfast is $32 per person. Reservations must be paid by check & received by October 18th Please make check payable to Magnificat—RVC –mail to Jim Schuerger, 43 Gateway, Rockville Centre, NY 11570. For info call Angela at 516-763-1739 or [email protected] Women of Beauty Catholic Women’s Conference The Conference will be held at St. Joseph’s Parish, 39 N. Carll Ave. in Babylon on Saturday, Nov. 8 from 9-4. The keynote speaker will be Pat Gohn Author of “Blessed, Beautiful & Bodacious-Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Womanhood.” For info or tickets go to DRVC.ORG/NEW_EVANGELIZATION 516-678-5800 X 615. Stony Brook Hospital seeks EM’s The Catholic Chaplain’s Office at Stony Brook University Hospital is seeking Eucharistic Ministers to bring Communion to Catholic patients at the hospital. Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled to serve one day a month (Sunday or Wednesday) & spend 1-3 hours at the hospital per assignment. Training will be provided. If interested in learning about this special ministry, please contact Greg Shemitz at 751-2446 email: [email protected] or Ueli Laeng at 737-4164, email: [email protected] Becoming a Catholic Christian Do you know a neighbor or family member who has expressed a desire to learn more about the Catholic faith, and, perhaps, to enter our Catholic community? Perhaps your spouse has been thinking about becoming a Catholic and does not know how to proceed. Have you been explaining your faith to someone, and now that individual wants to know more about the Catholic religion? If the answer to any of the above questions is “Yes,” then you should know about the RCIA, which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The Church uses this process to help adults move toward an adult commitment to the Lord, and full participation in the Catholic community. It is meant specifically for adults who are seeking Baptism, or those who have not received Confirmation or Eucharist. Those interested are invited to contact the rectory 732-3131 x 110. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE You are invited to explore the benefits of a Catholic High School Education. The open house dates for the Diocese High Schools are: 10/18 McGann-Mercy ~ 727-5900 ~ 9:00 AM -12:00 PM 10/19 St. John the Baptist ~587-8000 x113 ~ 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM 7TH & 8TH GRADE AND TRANSFER STUDENTS Go to—call 516-739-5030 for INFO and times or pick up the brochure at the rectory. WorldWide Marriage Encounter ~ Married Couples! Would you attend a seminar to enhance your job or to increase your salary? Why not give your marriage the same attention? Enhance your good marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! Weekends are scheduled throughout the Metro New York area. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for November 7-9 at the Montfort Spiritual Center 26 South Saxon Ave Bay Shore, NY. For info or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at http:// Long Island Coalition for Life RESPECT LIFE MONTH ~ OCTOBER Visit our Diocesan website at, go to Ministries, to find out about all the programs & agendas put in place for the month of October & beyond. Free flyers & brochures are available as well as dates for March for Life & the Pilgrimage at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy. There is a reading list & a Respect Life Contest as well as other helpful information. HEALING MASS Revive your spirit! th Thursday, November 6 7 PM ~ Rosary 7:30 PM ~ Healing Mass Fr. Michael Barry, celebrant St. Frances Cabrini Parish, Route 25, Coram You’re invited to join Christians around the country in the 40 Days for Life campaign to bring an end to abortion. From Sept. 24th through Nov. 2nd, pro-life people will be making a concerted effort of prayer, fasting & peaceful vigil on behalf of the unborn babies dying by abortion. The 40-day vigil will take place daily, 7AM to 7PM, on the public sidewalk outside the Hempstead Planned Parenthood abortion facility -540 Fulton Ave. (Hempstead Tpke.). We ask that you spend at least 1 hour at the vigil during the 40 days in memory of the unborn babies & all those hurt by abortion. For info: 243-1435; [email protected]. Holiday Help Program for the Bereaved St. Mary’s Parish, 20 Harrison Ave. in East Islip will be hosting the evening on Thursday, November 6th from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. The speaker will be Sr. Diane Liona, CSJ. Refreshment served ~ all are welcome, please bring a friend. Please RSVP by November 1st at 581-4266 x0. A free will offering is appreciated.
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