News and views O CTOBER / N OVEMBER Editor: Jack Lavin Website: grand knight’s REPORT Brother Knights, our ID Drive was a success! I want to thank the many members and their families who participated in this. I want to especially acknowledge Ken Karczewski and Eric Holmquist who chaired this event. Once again they did a great job! Our council recently received some awards for the 2013 –2014 fraternal year. For our division, we finished second in the state for the ID Drive and the Blood Drive. We also received the Illinois Sprit award and the Columbian Gold award. Our council is truly living the quote, "It is a good thing to do great things in the name of the lord.” Each member should be proud of these accomplishments. On November 1st we will have our Past Grand Knight Night for PGK Dan Kavanaugh. See page 3 of this newsletter for more details. Try to attend. It is our chance to thank Dan for the excellent job he has done for the past two years as our GK. You can also thank his wife Maria for everything she has done for our council. I hope to see you at our next meeting. Vivat Jesus! Grand Knight Jack Lavin Deputy Grand knight’s Thoughts Our Grand Knight closed his report above with “I hope to see you at the next meeting.” I appeal to all the Brother Knights who may not have attended a meeting for a time to consider attending. When I first joined I was active in the Order for a few years but then did not participate actively for many years. Just kept my dues current and helped out once a year or so. A few years ago I returned and I am now very enthusiastic about the Order. To live our Catholic faith we are all called to make an effort - to do something outside of our routine. The Knights of Columbus provides a chance to do just that. If you have not been able to come to a meeting for a while consider coming. It is a great group of men and you will have fun. All participation is entirely voluntary but if all Knights pitch in a just little we will be that much better for it. The business portion of the meeting lasts approximately one hour. Then if you have time hang around for the social part. It would be great to see you again. If you are unable to make a meeting at this time - please keep the Order in your prayers! Vivat Jesus! Deputy Grand Knight Tim Kavanaugh Quote of the Month: “Our principles are just words if we do not live them out!” Carl A Anderson, Supreme Knight CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR KNIGHT OF THE MONTH FOR AUGUST - MIKE O’BRIEN! This brother knight is always willing to help others. Since he joined us he has helped on many different events. He does much for our council and for St. George Parish. He was chairman of our picnic and he did a great job running that event. For the ID Drive Mike was a corner captain for both days. Mike, we appreciate all you do for our council! Thank you ! F ATHER C.C. B OYLE P AGE 2 Officers Grand Knight Jack Lavin [email protected] 708-532-1843 Chaplain Fr. Bob Gilbert Fr. Roberto Mercado Deputy Grand Knight Tim Kavanaugh Chancellor Tony Fortson Recorder John Concannon Financial Secretary Ted Glaser 708-203-2277 Treasurer Bill Bric Lecturer Dan Albert Advocate Dave Whitaker Warden Chris Hennessey Inside Guard Ed Bidrowski Stan Brach Outside Guard Bill Krueger Frank Piacenti Trustees Dan Kavanaugh Ken Karczewski John Parmagiani Insurance Agent Jim Erickson [email protected] 708 897-0744 The INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES DRIVE REPORT. For the ID Street Drive we did better than last year. We had a total of approximately $14,800 for both days. That is a good thing. Thank you to everyone who helped. We did a great job. Check out the pictures on our council website. We had a lot of help on this and from these pictures it looks like our brother Knights had some fun doing this. A very special thanks to our ID chairmen Ken and Eric. Annual James C. Douglas Memorial Golf Outing Report This was a great day for all who attended. A big thank you to the Chairmen– PGK Greg Pajak, John Concannon and Dave Whitaker. Closest to the Pin #6 - Jonathan Pajak Closest to the Pin # 12 - Robert Kolodzjski, Jr. Longest Drive - Ken Karczewski, Jr. Best (Lowest) Score - Chris Pajak, Jonathan Pajak, Dan Doyle Best (lowest) Score with Peoria System - Tie - Bob McMinn; Stan Young; Ed Anderson; & Phil Conboy. Second Team - Jim Mor- rey; Ted Wolski; Dan Del Ricco; and Bill Kreuger. Blood drive Report We held a blood drive on Tuesday, September 23 . We had 48 pints. Thank you to everyone who participated on this. Roger, we will get your 100 pints next time! Next drive is January 13. Our Corporate Communion is November 23rd St. George Church at 9:30 Mass. Please arrive early. Our council will have reserved seating at church. We will have breakfast after mass at the Cahill Center. Contact our Church Director Tom Kavanaugh at [email protected] for additional details. W WW .K NIGHTS 4698. ORG P AGE 3 Nov.1st. 7:00 PM PAST GRAND KNIGHT NIGHT FOR PGK DAN KAVANAUGH Come raise your glass to Dan! Let’s all come together for our Past Grand Knight Dan Kavanaugh and thank him for everything he has done for our council. This will be a mini–Oktoberfest. We will have plenty of great Oktoberfest food, cold quality beer and good music. It will be in O’Connell Hall at St. George. If the weather permits we will also be outside. In the area where we had our picnic, we hope to have a fire pit. So dress warm! This will be a fun time. Contact GK Jack Lavin at [email protected] or (708)532-1843 if you want to help on this event. This is an open meeting for adults. Vocation Raffle PLUS A SELLER’s RAFFLE = 2 tickets to see the Hawks plus parking Chris Hennessey, our Worthy Warden is chairing the vocation raffle again. Chris has donated two Black Hawk tickets and parking for the winner of a seller’s raffle for this year’s Vocation Raffle. For each book of tickets you sell you will receive a ticket for the seller’s raffle. The odds are very good. The game is January 6 with Colorado. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or $15 per booklet. 1st Prize is $10,000, 2nd Prize $2,500, 3rd thru 6th Prize is $1000, 7th thru 10th Prize $500, 11th thru 15th Prize $200 and 16th thru 20th prize is $100. The good news is that our council keeps $9 of each booklet we sell and the remaining $6 will go to the Illinois State Council K of C Charities Inc. The monies we raise will go into our vocation account and will be used support seminarians. Raffle books will be available at our meetings in September, October, and November. If you can’t make a meeting, please contact Chris Hennessy at (708) 535-0775 or at Let us keep in our prayers For those in their final hours, our military, the unemployed, vocations to the priesthood and religious life, the end of abortion, and for deceased members of the Knights of Columbus. Pray for the sick: Mike Conlon, B J Moonan, Judy Peluso, Dan Santerior, Faye E. Barrett, Charles Buchino, Bob Fox, Jim & Judy Depa, Paul Isherwood, Madaline Pisarski. Susan Prete, Jim Rovak, John Swatowski, Ken Weissman And James Dages. If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, please send an e-mail to Brother Knight Bill Krueger at [email protected] or call him at 708-539-8105. K NIGHTS OF C OLUMBUS 17208 S V ALLEY D RV T INLEY P ARK , IL 60487 R ETURN S ERVICE R EQUESTED W E ’ R E O N T H E W EB ! W WW. K NIGHTS4 698 . ORG Mark Your Calendar! IN SERVICE TO ONE, IN SERVICE TO ALL! October 9 Officers Meeting 8:00 p.m. St. George O’Connell Hall October 11 Spooky Sprint 5K run to benefit the school. Arrive to help 6:30 am and to run at 7:00 am St George parking lot. October 12 Columbus Day Major Degree 12:30 p.m. St. George O’Connell Hall October 16 Business Meeting 8:00 p.m. St. George O’Connell Hall October 23 4th Degree Meeting 8:00 p.m. St. George O’Connell Hall November 1 Past Grand Knight Night 7:00 p.m. St. George O’Connell Hall and area West of building November 6 Business Meeting 8:00 p.m. St. George O’Connell Hall November 13 Officers Meeting 8:00 p.m. St. George O’Connell Hall November 20 Business Meeting 8:00 p.m. St. George O’Connell Hall November 23 Corporate communion 9:30 mass and breakfast at the Cahill Center November 27 HAPPY THANKSGIVING Let’s Be thankful for all we have!
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