PARISH CONTACTS Physical Address .......... 404 S. Broadway Parish Offices .................... 402-254-6559 Rev. Jeffery S. Loseke, Pastor [email protected] Rosemary Kathol, Business Manager [email protected] Louise Guy, Receptionist [email protected] Steve Heine, Plant Manager Office Fax Line ................. 402-254-6553 Rectory (after hours).......... 402-254-6556 Order of Deacons: Deacon Paul Steffen ... 402-254-6720 [email protected] Elementary School ............ 402-254-6496 Terry Kathol, Principal [email protected] Lisa Klug, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Finally, he sent his son to them... Religious Education........... 402-841-7589 Sr. M. Jane Conrad, PBVM, Director [email protected] Council Leadership: Pastoral Council Sam Hochstein .... 402-841-4351 [email protected] Finance Council Matt Steffen ......... 402-254-2117 [email protected] School Board Jennifer Kleinschmit..402-254-6544 [email protected] Parish Website & E-mail: [email protected] SCHEDULE FOR HOLY MASS Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Daily (T-F): Saturday: 5:30 p.m. 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. 8:05 a.m. (and 6:30 a.m. on 1st Fridays) 10:45 a.m. at Golden Living Center SCHEDULE FOR CONFESSIONS Daily (T-F): 2nd & 4th Wed: Saturday: 7:40—8:00 a.m. 7:00—8:00 p.m. 4:00—5:00 p.m. October 5th in the Year of Our Lord 2014 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 6th St. Bruno; Bl. Marie Rose Durocher Away L/D of Gene Kathol family Tuesday, October 7th Our Lady of the Rosary Away † Jeff Steffen Wednesday, October 8th Away † Mary Lunders † Dale Feilmeier Thursday, October 9th St. Denis & Companions; St. John Leonardi Away L/D of Jim Hochstein family Friday, October 10th Away † Michelle Gatzemeyer & Jensen family 10:00 a.m. † LeRoy & Marilyn Creamer Saturday, October 11th 10:45 a.m. † Joe Schaefer (at Golden Living Center) Vigil for Sunday 5:30 p.m. † Shirley Sudbeck † Roger Korth Sunday, October 12th 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 a.m. L/D of Edward & Ann Stevens family 10:30 a.m. People of Holy Trinity Parish Patron Saints for the Week St. Bruno Bl. Marie Rose Durocher Our Lady of the Rosary St. Denis et al. St. John Leonardi possessed people education in the faith the Rosary against headaches religious education Daily Readings for This Week Mon: Gal 1:6-12 & Lk 10:25-37 Tue: Gal 1:13-24 & Lk 10:38-42 Wed: Gal 2:1-2,7-14 & Lk 11:1-4 Thu: Gal 3:1-5 & Lk 11:5-13 Fri: Gal 3:7-14 & Lk 11:15-26 Sat: Gal 3:22-29 & Lk 11:27-28 Sun: Is 25:6-10a; Phil 4:12-14,19-20 & Mt 22:1-14 Points of Ellipses... Fr. Jeff ach of us is a masterpiece of God’s creation. This one line has been adopted as this year’s theme for Respect Life Month, which begins this Sunday, October 5th, in the United States. Each year since 1972, the U.S. Bishops have set aside the month of October as a time to reflect upon the gift of human life, to raise awareness of the injustices committed against it, and to pray for a greater respect for all human life—from conception until natural death. As Catholics, we desire to live in a world where each and every person is loved and treated with respect and dignity, especially those who find themselves on the periphery of society: the unborn, those with mental or physical disabilities, the poor and homeless, the chronically ill, the dying, and so many others who are considered “burdens.” ndeed, at the heart of the Church’s morality is the basic and most fundamental recognition that the human person possesses infinite value. When this reality is forgotten or disregarded, there is little to stand in our way of treating one another like objects, to be used and abused depending on the circumstances. The high dignity we possess as human beings is not something we can earn by our own merits. Likewise, it means that we cannot forfeit it or lose it. Whether innocent or guilty, whether old or young, whether healthy or sick—no matter what—every human being is deserving of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and protection. This is what we mean by unconditional love; it is the kind of love that God Himself has for each one of us. We can never forget that the call to holiness and the call to live eternally with God in heaven is not reserved for only a portion of the human race. Rather, in God’s house, there are many rooms (cf. John 14:2) and He desires that not a single soul be lost or separated from Him. oday, there are many injustices committed against human life and human dignity: abortion, embryonic manipulation and destruction, euthanasia, suicide, murder, bodily mutilation, discrimination, human trafficking, pornography, unjust wages, poverty, and so on and so forth. During this Respect Life Month, then, I call upon you to pray for an end to all injustices against human life and the human person, but, even more so, I encourage you to celebrate life and to live your life in joy. Remembering the words of Pope St. John Paul II, we must never cease to announce the Gospel of Life! Page 3 Points from the Parish & Community... NO DAILY M ASS: There will be no daily Mass offered here this week at 8:05 a.m. as Fr. Jeff will be away from the parish Monday through Friday. Deacon Paul Steffen will lead a Liturgy of the Word (no Communion) on Wednesday and Thursday. CCHS will have its Mass on Friday, Oct. 10th at 10:00 a.m. NO WEDNESDAY CONFESSIONS: There will be no evening Confessions this Wednesday, Oct. 8th. ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL: Please take the time to consider your annual stewardship to the Archdiocese through the Annual Appeal. If you did not receive a mailing from the Archdiocese, envelopes are available in the back of church or at the parish office. Currently, we are at $4,115.00, which is 13% of our goal of $31,685.83. CHILDREN’S CHOIR PRACTICE: The children's choir will practice on this Tuesday, Oct. 7th at 3:45 p.m. in church for the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Oct. 12th. CDA MEETING: The Catholic Daughters will meet this Tuesday, Oct. 7th at 6:00 p.m. in the Holy Trinity Cafeteria for Rosary, dinner, and their meeting. HT SCHOOL BOARD: There will be a HT School Board meeting this Tuesday, Oct. 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the parish meeting room. ROSARY FOR LIFE: All are invited to pray a Rosary for life at 6:00 p.m. each evening at the Grotto, south of the Activity Center, during the month of October. FALL DINNER STEWARDSHIP: Soon you will be called to help at or donate toward our upcoming Fall Dinner. Please be generous, especially with your service. FALL DINNER GAMES PRIZES: The Fall Dinner Games Committee is seeking more donations of prizes (up to $10 value), juice boxes, snack packs, small Gatorade or Powerade bottles, and pop (12-packs). These can be dropped off at the parish offices. The Fall Dinner will be Sunday, Oct. 19th. GUILD NOTES: October’s cleaning group is Group 5, led by Carrie Hochstein. Group 14, led by Ashley Leise, will serve the next funeral luncheon. 300 CLUB WINNERS: The 300 Club Winners for September are Don & LaDonna Hames ($300) and Josh Becker ($300). HT/CCHS HISTORY BOOK SALE: Get your copy of A Journey of Faith, the Holy Trinity/Cedar Catholic High School History book at the special closeout price of $5.00 throughout the month of October. Stop by or call the Catholic Development Office (402-254-3912). CHOIR MEMBERS NEEDED: The parish choir is in dire need of participants—both men and women and especially sopranos. One’s commitment to the choir usually totals about 1½ hours per month. Please pray and discern whether you might possess the time and talent to offer to God through this great ministry. High school students are welcome. CCHS students may earn valuable “Church” hours toward their Living the Faith requirements at school. Please contact Rose Koch or the parish office if interested. GIFT GATHERERS NEEDED: If your family would like to participate in gathering and presenting the gifts at Mass, call or email Louise at the parish. Likewise, if you are no longer able to perform this ministry, please let Louise know to take you off the list. OPEN ADORATION HOURS: Please call the parish office to take one of these open hours: Friday 6:00 & 8:00 p.m.; Saturday 1:00, 2:00, & 3:00 p.m. We are looking for someone to share at 2:00 a.m. on Friday. LIFE CHAIN: A Life Chain will be held next Sunday, Oct. 12th on Hwy 12, at the Wuebben house (1 mile East of Hwy 57), at 3:00—4:00 p.m. Signs will be provided. Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult. For more information, contact: Judy (402357-2240), Michelle (402-357-2163), or the Holy Family parish office (402-254-3311 or 402-357-2465). Please plan to join us, rain or shine! Bring a chair! ST. ANDREW PARISH DINNER: This Sunday, Oct. 5th, St. Andrew’s Parish in Bloomfield will have its Fall Dinner in the parish hall at 11:15 a.m.—1:15 p.m. GLASS, GRAPES, & GREEN: You are invited to a Kruse Stained Glass open house, Nissen wine tasting, and JD tractor display this Sunday, Oct. 5th at 1:00—7:00 p.m. at 88760 564 Ave in Hartington. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The Catholic Order of Foresters has a $5,000 college scholarship available for high school seniors and $600 tuition assistance for anyone who is going to or already in college. This is available for two-year members. If interested, please call Kelly Mauer at 402-582-4594. Financial Update - September 28, 2014 Projected Weekly Need - $22,555 Sunday Stewardship .............$ 11,176.00 Tuition & Other Income.. .......$ 8,038.51 Total Income...................$ 19,214.51 Fiscal Year-to-Date Income: $ 318,655.69 Fiscal Year-to-Date Expenses: $ 315,915.35 Fiscal YTD Excess/(Deficit): $ 2,740.34 Page 4 Grace and Blessings upon our young people who were sealed THE WEEK AHEAD AT A GLANCE… See what’s happening in our Catholic parishes and schools. SUNDAY OCTOBER 5TH 9:30—10:45am Rel Ed First Reconciliation Class in Meeting Room 11:15am—1:15pm St. Andrew’s Fall Dinner in Bloomfield with the Fr. Jeff will be away from the parish Oct. 6-10. There will be no daily Mass at 8:05am this week. Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend! Many thanks to Archbishop George Lucas for his apostolic ministry. MONDAY OCTOBER 6TH TUESDAY OCTOBER 7TH WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8TH 3:45pm Children’s Choir Practice at Church 6:00pm CDA Meeting at HT Cafeteria 7:00pm HT School Board at Meeting Room 8:05am Liturgy of the Word (no Communion) 6:45—8:00pm Rel Ed (7,8,11,12) at Mtg Rm or Godparent Homes 7:00pm Confessions CANCELLED THURSDAY OCTOBER 9TH 8:05am Liturgy of the Word (no Communion) 2:00—3:00pm Prayers for Priests Holy Hour at Church Welcome to the Parish through the waters of Baptism... Lainey Rose Schapmann, daughter of Adam & Jessica Schapmann VOCATION CRUCIFIX Oct. 5—11: Jean Marie Lammers Oct. 12—18: Joe & Kathy Lammers Family GOLDEN LIVING CENTER ROSARY LEADERS Oct. 7, 3:30pm: Jean Marie Lammers Oct. 14, 3:30pm: Shirley Stevens & Darlene Miller FRIDAY OCTOBER 10TH Day of Penance: Abstain from meat or take up some other penance 10:00am CCHS Mass at HT SATURDAY OCTOBER 11TH SUNDAY OCTOBER 12TH 9:30—10:45am Rel Ed First Reconciliation Class in Meeting Room 3:00—4:00pm Life Chain at the Wuebben Home on Highway 12 LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEK: OCTOBER 11—12, 2014 Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Marce Kollars Dave Konz Aleacia Herbolsheimer Tim Kuchta Lou Ann Creekmore Kathy Lammers Greeters & Gift-bearers Dan & Marcella Gothier Family Roger & Sherry Wortmann Family Jeff & Mary Leise Family Servers Turner & Keanna Korth Brianna Miller Andrew & Bradley Dowling Trisha Dybdal Ryan & Jason Becker Gus Creekmore EMHCs Dan Kollars, Chris Miller Steve Rokusek Troy & Lisa Klug Judy Kuchta Russ Flamig, Bob Gentrup Louis Guy Janet Albers Kathie Dresden Robin Potts Colin Kathol Marcia Sudbeck Children’s Choir Lectors Musicians Video Bill Christensen If you are unable to be at the Mass for which you are scheduled, please exchange with another liturgical minister or arrange for a substitute. “Second Annual Cedar Catholic Fall Blitz” (A spin-off of the original $125 Fall Dinner with Lots More Food, Lots More Winners, Lots More Fun!) Saturday November 8, 2014 (Snow Date: November 9, 2014) at the Msgr. Cyril J. Werner Activity Center, Hartington, NE. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Blitz Scavenger Hunt 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Social Time 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Specialty Buffet Dinner 8:00 p.m. - Drawing for some great prizes. 8:30 p.m. - Enjoy the evening in a rustic fall setting to include various entertainment. You will have a blast at the Blitz! Come hungry and plan your attack on a large variety of delicious dinner entree's: Blitz Scavenger Hunt Added fun to the Fall Blitz is a Scavenger Hunt. Teams of four to six people or two or three couples will pre-register by November 5. Then check-in at 3:45 p.m. on Saturday, November 8 at the Msgr. Werner Activity Center to get started in the Blitz Scavenger Hunt by 4:00. You will get clues to find items when you sign-in. Registration is $50 per team in addition to your event ticket. Great prizes will be awarded to the top two winning teams returning first or by 5:30 p.m. to the Msgr. Werner Activity Center with completed lists after hunting around town. Winners will enjoy prizes that evening and more to take home. Register on the form on the reverse side. The Blitz Scavenger Hunt is an optional part of the Fall Blitz not a separate event. “Roasted whole Hog,” “Appetite Priming Prime Rib Sandwiches,” “Ron’s Barbecued Rib-Tickling Ribs,” “Tator Sliders & Tator Shreds,” “2 Beans in a Shed,” “The Corn Crib” “Sides of Silage,” “The Sugar-Shack of Sweets,” and a “Bridge Over Calming Waters” Some of the prizes include: Husker Tickets, I-pads, Weber Grill, a 47” Flat Screen TV, Cedar Catholic Season Tickets, Cedar Fan Items, a portable heater, Hunting-Fishing License Combos with NE Park Passes, $100 Gift Certificates for groceries & gas, $100 Certificates to farm & hardware stores, $50 Gift Certificates to Restaurants, flower & gift shops, and more!!! The food bunks, corn crib and food sheds will close at 8:00 p.m. then roll back and let your supper settle while prizes will be given away and some entertainment enjoyed. Advance Tickets! $125 per ticket (admits 2 guests). Event benefits Cedar Catholic School budget. Guests will enjoy an all-you-can eat dinner and courtesies. An adult only event. For tickets or more information call, Brian & Jody Paulsen, Mark & Denise Kuehn, Ron & Joan Brodersen, Raleigh & Christi Burbach, Keith & Michelle Loecker, or the Development Office. October 2014 Thank You God, for another wonderful Year! Thank you for an abundant crop and your generosity to us. Harvest is a time to return God’s generosity with special thanks. God entrusts us to manage the gifts He has given us and to remember His Church and our Catholic Schools. Please remember our Cedar County Catholic Schools Gala 2015 with a gift of grain or a cash gift for the Gala 2015 Grain Auction. Your gifts of harvest to Gala 2015 assists Cedar County Catholic Schools’ budgets. The Gala has helped our Catholic Schools with approximately $2.92 million in the past nineteen years. Gala 2014 raised a net total of $278,314.00 for our four Catholic Schools. The Grain Auction is over 22% of Gala proceeds and an essential part of it. Farmers, retired farmers and friends please remember Gala 2015 with a gift. Gifts of corn will be greatly appreciated as well as soybeans, hay and cash gifts, which can be converted to corn for the Grain Auction. Making a gift to the grain auction can be done by delivering grain to the Fordyce Coop, Hartington Elevator or Hartington Feed and Chick. Notify the elevator in person or by phone of the amount of grain you would like to give. Or call Merle Loecker at 402-254-3535 to arrange a time for him to stop for your grain donation. It may be more convenient to make a grain gift during the harvest season than later. If you would like to make a cash donation for grain, mail a check to the Catholic Development Office at P.O. Box 654, Hartington, NE 68739. Gala Grain Auction Committee members are: Darrell Lammers or Dan Kollars, Grain Committee Co-Chairmen Chuck Sudbeck, Clinton Becker, Alton Heimes, Mark Hans, Merle Loecker, Kurt Thoene, Brian Pinkelman, Gene Dickes, Mike Stevens, Roger Sudbeck, Stan Sudbeck, Tom Steffen and Richard Pinkelman. Let’s help our 20th Gala have the best yield yet! Plan to Enjoy the Twentieth Annual Cedar County Catholic Schools Gala at the Msgr. Cyril J. Werner Activity Center on Saturday, March 21, 2015. (Snow date March 28, 2015) There is traditional fun and new surprises each year for all!
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