Document 322930

Pastor, Fr. Sean Prince
[email protected]
Director of Human Concerns, Carol Dufresne
[email protected]
Business Manager, Ann Hart
[email protected]
Director of Evangelization, Cass Hooker
[email protected]
Assistant Director of Evangelization, Steve Delaney
[email protected]
Communications Coordinator, Greg Thompson
[email protected]
Pastoral Musician, Teresa Yoder
[email protected]
Accompanist, Mark Smeland
Custodian, Lance Warner
Sunday, 10/12 Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14
8:30 a.m.
Mass - Phyllis Bell 
9:45 a.m.
ICCU: Spirituality 101
Family of Faith
11 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Life & Edge Nights / Pizza with the Pastor
Monday, 10/13 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32
6:30 p.m.
Evangelization Team Meeting
7 p.m.
ICCU: Theology 201
Communications Team Meeting
Tuesday, 10/14 Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41
8:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Ark of Ones
6:00 p.m.
First Reconciliation Class
6:30 p.m.
Pastoral Leadership Council Meeting
7:00 p.m.
RCIA Inquiry
Wednesday, 10/15 Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46
8:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
Social Ministry Leadership Team Meeting
Sunday Supper Evaluation
Adult Faith Formation Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Choir Practice
Thursday, 10/16 Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Young at Heart
9:15 a.m.
ICCU: Bible 101
Friday, 10/17 Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7
Offices Closed
Saturday, 10/18 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9
5:30 p.m.
Mass - Allan Wronoski 
Sunday, 10/19 Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21
8:30 a.m.
Mass - Joseph & Theresa Deitrick 
9:45 a.m.
ICCU: Spirituality 101
Family of Faith
Catechist Training
11 a.m.
Mass - Peter Cavanna 
1 p.m.
Sunday Supper
6:00 p.m.
Life & Edge Nights
10/18 5:30 p.m. Linda Ribakov; Ed Hartman
10/19 8:30 a.m. Stanley Augustus; Izella Ward
11 a.m.
Michael Miller; Karen Miller
Eucharistic Ministers
10/18 5:30 p.m. Gayle Cowles; Olivia Oliveira
10/19 8:30 a.m. Ann Zavisho; David Brin
11 a.m.
Kim Kosin; Norman Kosin
Altar Servers
10/18 5:30 p.m. Beni Kavota; Kaylee McDonald
10/19 8:30 a.m. Keegan Baker; Destiny Enjiwa
11 a.m.
Bredon Leger; Joey Santos
10/19 11 a.m.
Jen Denton; Dave Denton
Coffee & Doughnuts
10/19 8:30 a.m. Jackie Gueretta; Ed & Linda Miller;
Betty Davis
11 a.m.
Ching Abalos; Kim & Norm Kosin;
Jean Mahoney; Marirose Brase;
Claudette Crocket
Food Pantry Stockers
10/19 Jacqueline Lefebvre; Robert & Mary Lynch; Pete Navin
Morning Ministry
10/13 Barbara Morgan
10/16 Muriel Baisden
Kathy Aber, Scott Batchelor, Dee Berube, Constantino Bristol,
Linda Brown, Clarence Butler, Frances Clark, Cecil DeLong,
Vallee DeLong, Karen Fagelman, Kerry Fagelman,
Thomas Fisher, Edgardo Franceschi, Ursella Gammergone,
Peter Gorecki, Janeth & Bill Garlette, Lorrie San Giovanni,
Lisa Grose, Pat Harrell, Janice Jarvis, Thomas Jarvis,
Ron Johnson, Brianna Karchner, Bill Kessler, Meg Kessler,
Fr. Dan Klem, Fr. John Kloepfer, Heather Krance-Kellner,
Scott Lancianese, Judy Latourneau, Lena Lednick, Kim Levi,
Judy Lund, Barbara Mashley, Wanda McErlean, Harry Meirs,
Jack Meirs, Br. Jim Mullen SVD, Rose Pardi, Tomi Perreault,
Blanche Rhodes, Fleurette Romprey, Lorrie San Giovanni,
Anna Marie Schauer, Lillian Shearin, Elaine Stamper,
Kim Tennien, Dorothy Thornton, Jim Thornton,
Laverne Triggs, Molly Villano, Terri Weaver, S. Paul Wills
John Baab, Dillon Bruce, John Christian, Rev. Mr. Daniel Cogut,
Anthony Ferguson, Benjamin Fleser, Taylor Hall,
James Hickman, Rev. Mr. Matthew Kiehl, Mark Kowalski,
Martin Lonart, Rev. Mr. Nicholas Mammi, Christopher Masla,
Miguel Melendez, Daniel Molochko, Jason Morrison,
Kyle O’Connor, Andrew Oehmann, James O’Reilly,
Nicholas Redmond, Justin Shuma, Cassidy Stinson,
Riley Winstead
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A big thanks to everyone who helped with last weekend’s All Ages. We had a great turnout, and I want to thank in
particular those who helped prepare our meal, Mark Hoggard for his great talk, and our volunteers who worked with
our children. Special thanks also to Cass Hooker & Steve DeLaney. Our next All Ages is November 22 nd at 12:45 pm.
Deacon Chris Morash, the Director for the Office of Worship with the Diocese will speak on Music and Liturgy in light
of Evangelization.
With our All Ages occurring, the Sunday Supper ministry offered Bag Lunch distribution on Sunday in the circle near
the entrance to the parish offices. They had approximately 78 guests who enjoyed a sandwich, raisins, fruit, cookies,
and a few other items. In addition, guests were able to pick-up a zip-lock bag of several bagels donated by Panera, and
too, a bag of fruit provided free of charge by the Foodbank of Virginia. We gave out almost 300 lbs of fruit! This past
Sunday, we helped a lot of people, providing them with not just a meal on Sunday, but too, food for a good part of the
Please see the announcement below concerning the Living Our Mission Capital Campaign. We are in the midst of our
involvement, and more information will begin to become available in the coming weeks. I want to thank EVERYONE
for their time, energy, and support of the campaign.
Peace and God bless,
-Fr. Prince
Every week this month ICC staff members are taking the time to answer questions so that
you can get to know them better.
Meet: Greg Thompson - Communications Coordinator (at ICC since Oct 2013)
What is your story?
I am a longtime Virginia native, born and raised in Virginia Beach when my dad was in
the Navy. After his retirement, we moved to Forest, VA where I went to middle school
and high school. It was in going to college at William and Mary where I became very
involved in my Campus Ministry and experienced a renewal of my faith. I studied
Marketing and Film Studies there, while also serving as Music Minister and TV Station
Manager. After graduation in 2013, I worked in Williamsburg, VA and began
worshipping at Immaculate Conception that July.
Why did you choose to work at Immaculate Conception?
Like any millennial, I’ve always wanted to “pursue my passion” which I can say I have
happily done here at ICC. I knew after graduation that I wanted to continue working in
New Media (video production, social media, graphic design, etc.), but I wanted there to be true purpose in my work.
Being able to serve such a diverse, welcoming, and social justice-driven parish has been the best opportunity for my
skillset, and the most motivating environment I could have imagined.
In your role, how do you serve parishioners?
I manage all of the parish’s print and digital media which currently includes our website, email newsletters, bulletin,
mailers, posters, flyers and brochures. Basically, I oversee anything that has our parish’s name on it in the hopes that
we maintain a consistent image in our parish and beyond in the Hampton Roads community. The top way I can help
parishioners is to provide help or give guidelines for getting the word out about a parish event. For events or
announcements that appeal to our parish as a whole, I consult my outstanding Communications Team who volunteer
their time as we design logos, layouts and other graphics.
What hopes do you have for our parish?
I hope that our parish is always perceived as a welcoming place, and that our ongoing social ministry efforts and faith
formation programs continue to reinforce that. With that kind of love communicated to our Hampton Roads
community, I hope Catholics and non-Catholics alike know that they can come to us for a helping hand.
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Living Our Mission Campaign Witness Weekend
October 18th and 19th
We are pleased to report that Immaculate
Conception’s Living Our Mission campaign is well
underway and is going quite well. Thanks to early
commitments to the effort, we are quickly
approaching the halfway mark of achieving our
goal of $660,000. As a next step in our process to
raise funds for the important needs of our Church
such as seminarian education and retired priests as
well as the opportunity to renovate our parish
kitchen, we will be conducting the Living Our Mission
Witness Weekend on October 18th and 19th. During this
weekend, you will have the chance to hear from one of
your fellow parishioners about the Living Our Mission
campaign and why it is so very important for all of us to
support this historic effort. In addition, after each Mass,
we will have a table set up in the commons area where
each of you will be able to pick up an individualized
packet with further information about the
campaign. This is a very important weekend to our
success, so please plan on joining us for a couple of
minutes after Mass to pick up your packet. Thank you in
advance for your support.
Parish Picture Directory Pickup
If you have yet to pick up your directory, they are
located in the Receptionist's Office, for families who had
their pictures taken. We invite you to stop by and pick
them up Monday - Thursday from 9:30-5:30, or any time
on the weekend you are at church. Ask the receptionist
for help, or check the box in the back of the room. Books
are sorted by last name. Please take the directory with
your name on it. Contact Nancy Dixon if you have a
question 826-5778 or email [email protected]. Thanks
so much for your cooperation!
Sunday Suppers
Pope Francis urges us to “ask for the grace that our
Christian witness may be the carrier of God’s visit to his
people, that is, of closeness which sows hope.”
With our witness as Christians, we must show others the
same attitude with which God visits his people:
closeness, compassion, and capacity to restore hope.
Last Sunday we distributed bag lunches for our guests
while our All Ages program ran inside. We served 78
guests, with leftover bag lunches taken to St. Vincent’s
the next day. We provided guests with approximately
300 lbs. of fresh fruit, courtesy of the Foodbank. We are
extremely grateful to all the volunteers and parishioners
who generously donate financially to the Sunday Supper
ministry. We are currently collecting an average of $160
each weekend, which, along with our membership to the
Foodbank, allows us to provide this nourishing supper.
Volunteer sign-up opportunities are extended every 7
weeks for the upcoming months. If you have not yet
done so, please consider signing up today.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Every October charities strive to increase awareness of
this disease and to raise funds for research into its
cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. In our
parish alone, we have had a significant number of
women who have battled this disease. Thanks be to God,
many are survivors, and for some, breast cancer
ultimately led to their eternal rest. We encourage you to
visit sites like, for more
information about this disease, how to detect it, how to
treat it, and how to support someone who is fighting it.
Cursillo Weekend Retreat
October 16-19 for Women
This weekend is an overnight experience held in
Williamsburg. Cursillo is a movement and a method
through which one’s spirituality and relationship with
Christ may grow deeper. It is a world wide movement
approved by the Pope and supported by our bishops.
The goal of Cursillo is to bring all to a deeper
understanding of the teachings of Christ. For an
application and further information, contact Cass in the
office or by email: [email protected]
Morning Outreach Ministry - Volunteers Needed
2 days a week our parish Morning Outreach Ministry
provides financial assistance to members of the
Hampton Roads community who are unable to pay their
utility bills and/or prescription medications. Our hours
of operation are Mon-Thurs from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. We
are in desperate need of volunteers for this
ministry. Training is provided to all volunteers.
Please contact Muriel Baisden: (757) 838-1641.
Page 4
RCIA Inquiry – October 14 at 7 p.m.
Are you interested in the possibility of becoming
Catholic? Do you desire to be Baptized? Are you an
adult and have not received Communion as yet or been
Confirmed? Come to this session to receive information
on our upcoming sessions that will help you consider
these questions. Contact Cass Hooker for more info.
Religious Education
Registration for 2014-15 religious education is now
available online or at the parish office. Elementary and
Pre-K meet Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Middle and high school students (grades 7-12)
meet Sunday evenings at 6 p.m. There is no fee; all are
welcome to attend.
ICCU Catholicism 101: Catholicism: The Movie
Every Sun at 9:45 a.m.
Catholicism: The Movie will continue next week at
Immaculate Conception on Sunday October 19th (The
final presentation for this session.) The presentation
will take place between the Sunday Liturgies from 9:45
– 10:45 in the Adult Faith Formation (triple) room. The
scheduled topic is: Oct19 – Prayer and the Life of Spirit
Volunteers are needed. If you enjoy sharing your faith
with children, please consider volunteering. We are
looking for catechists and teacher positions for
elementary. Contact Cass Hooker for info.
ICCU Theology 201: The History of Christianity Every Mon at 7 p.m.
We are now studying of The History of Christianity in
the Reformation Era on Mondays at 7pm. From 1500 to
1650, modern Christian pluralism took shape in
Western Europe. Catholicism persisted and was
renewed; various forms of Protestantism grew,
including some radical strains. This course will seek a
contextual understanding of each tradition, in both its
own terms and how it was affected by the others. The
series is taught by Brad S. Gregory, who is Associate
Professor of Early Modern History at the University of
Notre Dame. Prof. Gregory holds degrees in History and
Philosophy from Catholic University in Belgium.
Parents: Wondering what to do while your child is in
religious education in the mornings on Sunday? Well,
there is a wonderful opportunity for YOU. Come to our
“Triple Room” and watch a wonderful video. Bring your
coffee, donut and even your infant and relax with other
adults. This is FOR YOU! It will conclude when the
children are ready to be picked up from their classes.
Sacramental Preparation for Our Youth
Parents, please note the following information on
sacramental preparation for your son or daughter.
First Reconciliation - Children must be seven years old
and in 2nd grade. This sacrament is necessary to prepare
for First Communion. (If your child attends Catholic or
private school this preparation at our parish is
expected.) Preparation Meeting - Oct 14 at 6 p.m.
Parents and their child are expected to attend.
Confirmation - Youth must be fifteen years old and
in 10th grade or higher. Orientation for youth and
parents will be held in January.
October Financial Information
Budget Needed
Actual Received
Over (Under)
Income Budget: $758,584
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Week of 10/05/14 Month of October
14,588.15 $
58,352.60 $
3,571.75 $
(40,192.70) $
Families using Envelopes/Checks/Online Giving in October: 261 out of 640
Capital Improvement Collection October 4th & 5th: $2,829.60
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Interested in online
Sign up on our website:
Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club
The Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club will meet for Mass
at St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church in Virginia
Beach at 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 25th. Afterward,
the group will meet at a member’s home for chili and
dessert. The Tidewater Catholic Alumni Club is an
organization of single Catholic professional men and
women. The club is a member of the national
organization Catholic Alumni Club International. For
more information e-mail [email protected] or go to
40 Days for Life Campaign
If you could help end the pain of abortion in our
community, would you? You can! Through prayer,
fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach, 40 Days
for Life has helped save over 8,000 lives and close 56
abortion facilities worldwide! Please consider
participating in your local vigil at the Peninsula Medical
Center for Women in Newport News which is being this
fall from Sept 24th until Nov 2nd. To sign up or find out
more, visit
or contact your local campaign leader Caroline Barnes
at [email protected].
Diocesan Catholic Women’s Conference:
On Saturday, November 8, the diocese will host the
2nd Annual Catholic Women’s Conference at the
Richmond Convention Center. Nationally-known
keynote speaker Sister Miriam James, SOLT will provide
reflections on what it means to be “Women on the Way.”
Guest musician and emcee, Sarah Hart, will host the day
and offer music during the Vigil Mass for this 2nd annual
day of fellowship, prayer, and inspiration to refresh and
renew the soul. The conference will feature multiple
breakout sessions, Mass, Reconciliation, and expo area
with several different vendors and ministries available.
New this year is an incentive to register as a group. For
every group of six women who register, one of them will
be free. Registration includes admission, buffet lunch,
and continental breakfast. Cost is $40; $15 for college
students; free for all women religious (i.e. nuns or
Religious Sisters); $45 at the door by cash or check only.
All those interested may contact the Center for
Marriage, Family, and Life for more information.
Visit for more details and to register.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Women’s Fellowship Oct 16 at 6:30 p.m.
Would you like to join a dedicated group of married and
single women who study the word of God and engage in
community service projects? If you hunger to grow in
faith and enjoy fellowship, please come to our next
meeting on October 16th at 181 Colony Road Newport
News VA 23602 at 6:30 p.m. We meet every other
[email protected]
Annual White Mass - October 25/26, 2014
Bishop DiLorenzo invites you to attend one of
the Annual White Masses which honor the giftedness of
persons with disabilities held during a regular Mass
time. It sends a message to all parishioners and affirms
that through the Sacrament of Baptism, "each of us has a
place at the table of the Lord." You are invited to attend
to witness the participants giving glory and praise to
God, and thereby reminding us that we are all created in
His Image. There will be receptions following each
Mass. All are welcome to attend one of the following in
our region:
 Prince of Peace, Chesapeake October 26th, 11:00 am
 St. Jerome, Newport News October 26th, 9:00 am
Rosary Congress - Fri, Oct 17
On Friday and Saturday, October 17 and 18, Mary
Mother of the Church Abbey, at 12829 River Road,
Goochland, Virginia hosts the 19th Annual Rosary
Congress, with featured speaker Father Dan Cambra,
MIC, Director of the Marian Evangelization Team. Friday
Mercy talk; the Mass at 7:30pm; and, an all-night
registration; 9:00 am Rosary; 9:30am Mass; Divine
day; and, 4:30pm Holy Hour with Vespers and
Benediction. To RSVP (no charge) and reserve lunch
($7) call 804-360-2359.
Knights of Columbus Youth Halloween Party
Sun, Oct 26, 2014, 12 to 3 p.m.
Wear your scariest costume! Refreshments, games, and
entertainment will be provided. Knights of Columbus
Hall located at 12742 Nettles Drive, Newport News, VA
23606. Contact: Knights of Columbus Youth Director
Vahwere Kavota Tel. (757) 755-6917 or sign up in our
Church Commons.
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Phone #
Altar Servers
Steve Bove
Arts & Environment
Bereavement/Funeral Carol Dufresne
Building Use /
Ann Hart
Cass Hooker
Children’s Liturgy
Cass Hooker
Choir/Music Ministry
Teresa Yoder
Greg Thompson
Family of Faith
Cass Hooker
Eucharistic Ministers
Bev Amante
Gayle Fronkier
Finance Council
Joe Paulus
Health Ministry
Linda Ribakov
(804) 4027781
Hospital Visitation
Barbara Morgan
Dave Okerblom
Cass Hooker
Parish Life Committee Mary Ellen
Bob Amante
Pastoral Leadership
Council (PLC)
Dave Okerblom
Greg Thompson
Terri Weaver
Cass Hooker
Youth Ministry
Steve DeLaney
Social Ministry
Carol Dufresne
Jonathan Behun
Wedding Preparation Fr. Sean Prince
Young Adult Ministry
Steve DeLaney
Arts & Environment Fall Update
Fall planting season is here again. One of the first steps
in welcoming parishioners and guests a like is our
beautiful gardens and grounds, which produce a
continuous supply of blooms for parish floral
arrangements throughout the liturgical year.
As the weather slowly tells us, Fall planting season is
here again and the following spring blooming bulbs
could find a great home in our gardens: Crocus, Daffodils
(King Alfred, Mount Hood, Maureen), Hyacinths,
Muscaris, Irises (Siberian and Louisiana) Tulips, Virginia
bluebells, and many others. Additional, too, many
shrubs and perennials: Viburnums, Hydrangeas,
Eucalyptus, Poet's laurel, Euonymus, etc. As we clean
and tidy our gardens at home, if you happen to be
dividing your perennials and/or bulbs, the parish
always appreciates any extras you may have that we
could use in our gardens. Donations of plants, bulbs,
and/or perennials are always welcome, and too,
financial donations. Thank you to everyone who has
dedicated their time to keeping our gardens so beautiful.
Also, your donations—both monetarily and through
actual plants and flowers—over the years has been
greatly appreciated!
A Note of Thanks
On behalf of my mother, my girls, and myself, thank you to
all who prayed, helped with doctor visits, prescription
pick-up, sent cards, called and prepared meals during my
recent ear surgery. Praise be to God, I am experiencing
what appears to be full recovery of my hearing—and way
ahead of schedule! I continue to be so very grateful to
God for the blessing of this parish community. Thank you
for truly living what it means to be a church of Jesus
–Carol Dufresne
Submit your bulletin announcements by Mondays at
noon to [email protected]
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Immaculate Conception Church
In Service to One In Service to All
For more information:
Contact David Brin, ICC Knights of
Columbus Round Table Coordinator
at 757-851-0907