St. Clare’s Page 2 HOLY MASS INTENTIONS (+ - repose of the soul) GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING 2013 2014 $5662.00 $6771.00 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 8A Master Ifeanyi Ezissi (III), req by Ezissi Family 10:30A +Mackinley Sillerman, requested by Helen Roberts 12:30P People of the Parish MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 8:30A +George Apostolou, req by Jennie Apostolou TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 8:30A Special Intention, requested by Jossette Baudin WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 8:30A +Vasil Zacharias, req by Stella & Harry Zacharias THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 8:30A +Solange Elie, requested by Mary Falme FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 8:30A In Thanksgiving, requested by Marie Denize 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Is 5:1-7, Mt 21:33-43 Gal 4:22-24, Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6, Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25, Lk 11:49-46 Eph 1:1-10, Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14, Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17b, Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1, 4-6, Mt 22:15-21 With respect, admiration and thankfulness we pray for those who are currently serving around the world and those to be deployed in the near future in defense of our nation and world: Ricardo A. Wilson, Frank Kestler, Joseph Giordano, Trevor Gordon. THIS WEEK Sunday, October 12 9A Faith Formation Classes 10:30A Faith Formation and RCIA 10:30A Holy Name Society- Mtg Rec. Basmnt 11A Baptism Class - School - Room 104 6P AA Mtg Annex SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Tuesday, October 14 8:00 +Betsy Harris, req by Laure Coismain 10:30A +Marie Veronique Rene’, req by 7:30P Evening of Prayer - Church Gisele Remy Wednesday, October 15 12:30P People of the Parish 7:30P Prayer Group - Rectory Basement Thursday, October 16 9A Catholic Charities - Rectory Basement 7:30P Baptism Class - Church Friday, October 17 7:15P Girl Scout Mtg Annex ALL SOULS EN6:30P Youth Mtg Rectory Basement VELOPES are available Saturday, October 18 in the church today. In No12:30P Baptisms vember we remember and pray for the souls of the dead especially our family 3:30P Parent Gathering (1st Communion) members, friends and fellow parishioners. Feel 7P NA Mtg Annex SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 8:30A +Mr & Mrs Augulus Baptiste, req by August Baptiste 5P Bertrand & Richard Aristor (L), req by mother free to take an envelope and fill in the names of your beloved dead whom you wish to have prayers offered during November. Return the envelope with your offering in the collection basket or at the Parish Office. VISION STATEMENT OF ST. CLARE’S PARISH: With Jesus our Lord and Broth- October 12, 2014 St. Clare’s Page 3 Dearest Parishioners, The Antependium As soon as you entered our parish church today and looked toward the Sanctuary, you will have noticed immediately the Altar covered by a green cloth draped over the top and hanging over the front and the other three sides. The Altar is completely ornamented by this green covering. This covering draws your attention to the Altar and states to your mind that the Altar is the center and focus of our attention during the celebration of the Eucharist. This Liturgical Vestment is called an “antependium”. The word comes from Latin “ante” + pendium”,“ante” meaning “in front of” and “pendium” meaning, “hanging”. The antependium is a vestment that hangs in front of the Altar. The pulpit can have an antependium, a vestment that hangs in front of it, as well. The antependium brings attention to what it is covering. It is a statement of dignity and reverence. It says this piece of furniture is really important. In the year 421, Palladius writes about how the altar was covered with linen cloth and how some Roman women bequeathed their silks to make coverings for the Altar. The linen or silk cloth would be thrown over the Altar much as an ordinary tablecloth is spread today…and it fell down around all sides of the table. Symbolism of the Antependium The Altar represents Christ Himself. Christ is the Altar. The Antependium is “a covering of honor for the body of the altar which…represents Christ Himself” (cf. Geoffrey Webb in The Liturgical Altar). Again, “…the Altar is Christ, therefore, on account of its dignity; it is clothed in precious vestments. Often, the color of the Antependium is changed with the Liturgical season or festival. During Ordinary Time, the Altar is dressed in green, at Christmas and Easter, in white or gold, on Pentecost in Red, during Advent and Lent in purple. When the Altar is stripped of its vestments after the Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, the impact of the naked Altar, having had its altar cloth and antependium removed carries with it the emotional and non-verbal message of the desolation of Christ. Christ is the Altar and the High Priest. Thus, the Altar wears the same vestment color as the ordained Priest who presides in the person of Christ, the head of His Body, the Church. We hope to purchase another antependium to dress the Altar during Christmas and Easter and Advent and Lent. If you would like to have an Antependium memorialized for a deceased loved one or for another intention, please speak to Fr. Alonzo or me. They are expensive and beautiful. Lots of love, Your Pastor, Fr. Andy Gathering us together, We, the People of St. Clare’s, faith-filled, hope filled and loving, October 12, 2014 2014 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL “When We Give We Share The Light Of Faith” The annual appeal supports the Diocese’s work of Catholic Charities, Migration Service, Faith Formation, Vocations support, Chaplaincies, Care for Retired Priests, parish assistance and Catholic Education. It is our hope to obtain 100% participation by encouraging a contribution from every parishioner. Remember no gift is too small. Here is the latest report as of September 15th: Amount of Goal: $50,424.00 Amount Pledged: $43,246.00 Amount Received: $33,551.00 Number of Donors: 169 If you haven't yet made/fulfilled your pledge, parishioners will be calling you to encourage you to make a pledge and give, if you haven’t already done so. ST. CLARE’S Page 5 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL GIVES BACK St. Clare’s will share in the profits. For each car, truck or van, running or not The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will give back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle. Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member, friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718)491-2525. Thank You! ST. CLARE CATHOLIC ACADEMY APPEAL FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The new St. Clare Catholic Academy, which replaced the St. Clare’s Parish School, has the jurisdictional coverage of four South-East Queens Catholic Parishes’: St. Clare’s of Main Rosedale and Eastern Laurelton, St. Pius X of South Rosedale and Eastern Brookville, Mary MagdaST CLARE PRAYER GROUP meets ever y lene of Central Laurelton, Christ The King of Wednesday night at 7:30PM in the Rectory Basement. Springfield Gardens and Western part of Consisting of intercessory prayer, the Rosary and Brookville. praise to God, all welcomed to avail themselves of the To have fair representation from all four parishloving presence of the Lord with others. es, and at the same time achieve and maintain the right combination of needed skills and talANNOUNCED MASS OFFERINGS. The oppor - ents, the Board of Directors is seeking persons tunity to pray in a special way for the repose of the with expertise or practical experiences in fund soul of a loved one or other prayerful intention is raising, marketing and public relations, grant made available each day with announced Mass offer- application and management, resources developings. You may choose to commemorate a death anni- ment for parents, proper and practical use of versary, wedding anniversary or birthday remem- social media, facilities management, the new brance. Masses are presently available in 2014 from Common Core Academic Standards etc… November to December. Also the 2015 Mass Book is now open. Each offering is $20.00 per Mass. Please For more detailed information, interested pacome to the Parish Office to make special Mass inten- rishioners may talk to their respective Pastor tions for your loved ones. (Father Andy at St. Clare’s, Father Miguel at St. Pius X, Father Jeff Dillon at Mary Magdalene HALLOWEEN COSTUME and Christ the King) or contact directly the PARTY sponsored by the Family Life Academy Board Chairperson Mr. Irnel L. SteCommittee takes place on Saturday, Oc- phen at 917-796-6096. tober 25th from 12:00PM to 4:00PM in the school auditorium. Tickets are only $8.00 per person and are now available at the Parish Office, School Office and Religious Education Office. There will be music, danc- ST. CLARE NOVENA is pr ayed ever y Satur day ing, food and drink, raffles and prizes for best cos- morning in the Church following the 8:30AM tume. Don’t miss out on this spooktacular party! Pur- Mass. All parishioners and friends of Saint Clare’s chase your tickets today. Please note that NO tickets are invited. will be sold at the door and tickets are limited. PLEASE help St. Clare’s reach it’s goal! October 12, 2014 ST. CLARE’S GALA DEDICATION DANCE & DINNER Joyfully Celebrating 90 Years On Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 6:30PM we will hold our Annual Gala Dinner. Each year we hold our Gala Dinner in commemoration of the Dedication of our beautiful church building. This year we will celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the dedication of St. Clare church. Instead of holding the dinner in our gymnasium, this year’s dinner will be held at the New York Elks Lodge in Lynbrook (just 15 minutes from here). The cost for this year’s Gala Dinner will be $55.00 per person which will include a live DJ, hot appetizers, fine buffet meal, desert and premium open bar. Please be sure to Page 4 SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIAL Church Sanctuary - is available Rectory Chapel - is available REMEMBER A LOVED ONE! THE ST. CLARE TREE OF LIFE located at the main entrance of the church offers a unique opportunity to memorialize a loved one or event in our lives. More details are outlined in the brochure located in the church vestibule. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Let us pray for God’s healing power for those affected by this disease & ‘BE PREPARED’ - The Boy Scouts of America thank God for those who are in reare running a program at Sacred Heart School Gym, covery. Amen. 221 Street between 115 Ave and 115 Road Cambria BEYOND THE GRAVE memor ial Heights. First through Fifth Grade boys meet every plague for those who were buried from Saturday at 11AM. Sixth Grade through High school our church in the last year will be dedmeet every Friday at 8PM. For more information call icated at the 5:00PM Mass on SaturKelvin Willis at 516-978-7947 day, November 1st. All family members, friends and neighbors of those PARISH REGISTRATION - We invite anyone we loved are welcomed to this special who attends our Masses to register in our parish. Mass as part of our All Souls rememThis will give you the opportunity to be acquainted brance in November. with the various events, ministers and activities of our parish and enable us to serve you better with your CATHOLIC CHARITIES A Rosedale Field Office needs. Please come to the Rectory for a registration for Catholic Charities is open at Saint Clare’s on the form. THIRD THURSDAY of each month fr om 9AM to 3PM in the rectory basement. A Catholic Charities representative will be present to help people find proper resources for various needs including food and finanSt. Clare Church cial assistance, counseling, other Catholic Charities and THIS COMING Tuesday, community programs, etc. If you know of anyone who needs help ask them to make an appointment by calling Oct. 14th 7:30PM. Christina Smith at (347) 472-5053 or (718) 217-1238. Wonderful Evening of Prayer Theme: Pope Francis and Our Story The CIVILIAN COMPLAINT REVIEW Presenters: Rev. Bob Lauder BOARD will listen to individual complaints on and Sister Ave Clark O.P. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st in our Rector y offices. (Fr. Lauder’s Book on Pope Francis Spirituality will be for sale . . .$10.00) If you or your neighbors have complaints about the NYPD, you can bring your issues right here on October Come and enjoy a peace-filled hour of shar- 21 from 5PM to 8Pm. It’s better for everyone to have ing a gift of prayerful compassion. your complaint heard and dealt with than to have it boil under the surface. Continue the Journey to the Promised Land where all God’s people will be one.
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