Parish of All Saints Wellington with St. Catherine’s Eyton Young people in to begin WELCOME 12th October 2014 17th Sunday after Trinity TODAY We welcome members of Probus with us today 10.30am Morning Worship & Thanksgiving for Jemimah Dixon Theme: ‘Silver Service’ Readings : Joshua14: 6 - 15; p219/335 1 Timothy 5: 1 - 8; p1128/1769 Leading: Revd. John Grice—Curate Speaker: Revd. Richard Kirby—Non Stipendiary Minister (NSM) There are rooms available upstairs & downstairs at back of church, with sound relay & toy bags, which you are welcome to use if you need to leave the service temporarily. Service followed by Coffee in Parish Centre 4.00pm EXPLORE TOGETHER Fun Food & Family Exploring the Bible, Faith & Prayer IN THE PARISH CENTRE, TODAY! 6.30pm Holy Communion Theme: ‘One thing you lack’ Readings: Proverbs 3: 1 - 18; pg 606/947 Mark 10: 17 - 31; PG 958/1506 Leader: Revd. Richard Kirby—Non Stipendiary Minister Speaker: Linda Kirby—Licensed Reader St. Catherine’s Church Eyton 10.00am Morning Prayer Young people in to begin Revd. Margaret Smallman—NSM Readings: Exodus 20: 1 - 17; OT Pg 64 Matthew 5: 11 - 16; NT Pg 4 NEXT WEEK 19th October - 18th Sunday after Trinity 10.30am Holy Communion Theme: ‘O What a foretaste….’ Readings: Psalm 48; pg 547/846 Luke 19: 29 - 40; pg 995/1564 Leading: Revd. Richard Kirby—Non Stipendiary Minister Speaker: Revd. Richard Clarkson Service followed by Coffee in Parish Centre 6.30pm Evening Worship Theme: ‘A father’s wisdom, a mother’s ambition’ Readings: Proverbs 4: 1 - 18; pg 607/948 Mark 10: 35 - 45; PG 959/1507 Leader: Revd. Mark Ireland—Vicar Speaker: Rev David Ash—Associate Vicar St. Catherine’s Church Eyton 10.00am Morning Prayer Revd. John Grice—Curate Readings: Exodus 33: 12 - end; OT Pg 78 Matthew 22: 15 - 22; NT Pg 23 Week ahead: 12th Oct—18th Oct Office Opening Hours: Mon—Thurs 9.00am-3.30pm Telephone: 01952 248554 Or E-mail [email protected] Note-David Ash is working in the Parish this week. STAFF TEAM Mark: [email protected] (641251) David: [email protected] (402866) John: [email protected] (07815 817095) Susie: [email protected] (07539 115243) Stephanie: [email protected] (07944 524579) For Ministry Team contacts & preaching themes pick up a copy of the All Saints Insight card Prayers Every Day, Monday to Friday: Morning Prayers 8.30 to 9.00am in the Prayer Room All Saints Prayer Room open 9am-4pm Ecumenical prayers Wed 9.00-9.30am in Prayer Room Monday 13th 10.00am-12.00 noon Singing for Fun in the Parish Centre. 12.00-2.00pm Open Church. 2.00pm Bowls in the Parish Centre Hall. 6.30pm Bell ringing practice. 7.30pm Wellington Literary Festival in PC - Thomas Telford: road, canal, bridge builder - and poet! 7.30pm Freedom in Christ course in Parish Centre Lounge. 7.30pm December Planning Meeting in church. Tuesday 14th 12.00-2.00pm Open Church. 7:00-9:00pm Guides in Parish Centre. Wednesday 15th 10.00am-12.00 noon Toddlers in the Parish Centre. 10.30am Wednesday Bible Study Group, Parish Centre 12.30pm Midweek Holy Communion Theme: Trinity 17 Reading: Philippians 4: 1 - 13 Revd. Margaret Smallman 7.45pm Music Group Practice at All Saints. Thursday 16th 9.30am TCAT Sign Language Course in Parish Centre. 10.00am-12.00 noon Toddlers in the Parish Centre. 12.00-2.00pm Open Church. 2.00-5.00pm All Saints Advice Link in the Parish Centre. 7:30-8:30pm Ballroom in the Parish Centre. 7.45pm Discipleship Course in the Parish Centre. Friday 17th 7.30pm Wellington Literary Festival - Shakespear’s greatest hits in All Saints Church. 7.00-9.00pm Pathfinders Chat and Chill in the PC. Italian Market On Friday 17th Oct and Saturday 18th October there will be an Italian Market in Wellington town centre. "Pastoral Ministry - Goings and Comings Thanks to Janet Garvey who has 'retired' from being our Bereavement Anniversary Card Co-ordinator after three years of being involved and welcome to Mags Thompson who has now taken this on. Thanks too to Helen Bird our Transport Co-ordinator who has been replaced by Lynda Bunn. If you are involved in the Transport Rotas in any way Lynda will soon be coming round to see you with a new rota! If you want to know more about either of these ministries please speak to Linda Kirby - Pastoral Minister." OASIS LUNCH Tuesday 14th October 12.15pm in the Parish Centre Canon Roger Griffiths theme will be “From Tyndale to St David” Tickets available from Geoff & Elsie May [246870] Coming Soon! All Saints Festival 2014 In 2012 we held an AS festival which offered a wide range of worship styles and was successful in helping us to explore greater variety. This year we shall be having another festival but this time the emphasis is on events that might interest others. Starting on the 30th October, the line-up so far is: a talk on Science & Faith by Professor Stephen Taylor of Liverpool University, The story of Creation in textile art with an exhibition of needle craft and a café, an alternative Halloween ‘light party, a Curry Night with a speaker who was inside the twin Towers on 9/11 plus our annual Confirmation Service and Service of Light. The working title is ‘Stitching is all together: Science, Faith, Creation, Creativity, Sadness & Joy’. Please start praying, volunteering & consider creatively who you might invite… someone with a keen interest in science… someone who would like to hear the story of 9/11 … someone who might appreciate textile art? David Ash. As All Saints is a sponsoring church this event is free. Tickets can be obtained from the office. Upcoming Meetings: MOTHERS UNION—The next meeting will be on Saturday 25th October at 12 noon in the Parish Centre. We will be making some beautiful sewn decorations as well as some for the tree. It promises to be fun if possibly a little messy. By all means invite friends who are not members. To help with arrangements, would you please let me know if you are intending on coming. Gill Ireland. SOCIAL COMMITTEE— The Social Committee’s next meeting will be held in the Pheasant Inn, Market Street, Wellington at 8pm on Wednesday 22nd October. Do come along, we would love to see welcome new members. Karen Sturmey - Daily Prayer Calendar Please help yourself to a copy of the Prayer Calendar which can be found at the back of church and use it as often as you can to help focus our prayers together MORNING PRAYER WEEK 3 MONTH 1 Week beginning 12th Oct 2014 All Saints Prayer Network. To request prayer phone or text 07817 284 041 or email: [email protected] Items for prayer this week: For those who attended the Rooted in Christ course in Kenya, that they will be able to start thier groups soon. For all those attending the Freedom in Christ and Discipleship Explored courses. Wellington Probus Club an association of retired professionals or individuals who have been in business. For the safe arrival of Jack Wallace MacLannan, born in 1st Oct (3lb 11oz) to Richard and Abi, grandson to Barbie & Toni Hulme. Day Psalms Old Testament New Testament Monday Psalm 71 1 Kings 21 Acts 21.37-22.21 Tuesday Psalm 73 1 Kings 22.1-28 Acts 22.22-23.11 Wednesday Psalm 77 1 Kings 22.29-45 Acts 23.12-end Thursday Psalm 78.1-39 2 Kings 1.2-17 Acts 24.1-23 Friday Psalm 55 2 Kings 2.1-18 Acts 24.24-25.12 ROTAS Next Coffee in the Parish Cente 19th Oct: Carol Whiteheads’s Team Brass Cleaning: 13th Oct — 26th Oct - John Watkins Church Cleaning: 13th Oct — 26th Oct - Ann Higgins Flowers: 19th Oct - NEW TO ALL SAINTS? if you are new... if you would like to get to know us... if you would like to know more about All Saints....please speak to those on duty on the Welcome Desk or one of the clergy on the door on the way out. TODAY
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