Parish of All Saints Wellington with St. Catherine’s EYton Young people in to begin WELCOME! 29th March 2015 Palm Sunday TODAY 10.30am Morning Worship With a dramatic reading of the Passion Story Leader: Revd. Mark Ireland — Vicar Service followed by Coffee in the Parish Centre 6.30pm Evening Worship Theme: A bluffer’s guide to the Old Testament 10. ‘Led like a lamb to the slaughter.’ Reading: Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12; pg. 702/1103 Leader: Revd. David Ash — Associate Vicar Speaker: Revd. Mark Ireland — Vicar St. Catherine’s Church Eyton 10.00am Holy Communion Revd. Margaret Smallman Readings: Mark 11: 1 - 11: NT pg. 45 Philippians 2: 5 - 11; NT pg. 185 2nd Apr—Maundy Thursday Commemoration of the Last Supper 7.30pm Holy Communion 3rd Apr—Good Friday (See inside) 10.30am All Saints Celebration with Puppets followed by coffee, tea & hot cross buns 12.00 noon Walk of witness begins from Wellington Methodist Church with open air outreach in town square. Preacher: Tony Herber-Davis, House of Prayer NEW TO ALL SAINTS? Young people in throughout if you are new... if you would like to get to know us... if you would like to know more about All Saints....please speak to those on duty on the Welcome Desk or one of the clergy on the door. NEXT WEEK 5th Apr - EASTER DAY 10.30am All Age Holy Communion With Adult Baptisms Readings: Mark 16: 1 - 8; pg 967/1519 Acts 10: 34 - 43; pg 1043/1638 Leader: Revd. David Ash — Associate Vicar Speaker: Revd. Mark Ireland — Vicar Service followed by Coffee in the Parish Centre 6.30pm Songs of Praise Leader: Revd. Mark Ireland — Vicar Speaker: Revd. David Ash — Associate Vicar St. Catherine’s Church Eyton 10.00am Holy Communion Revd. Richard Kirby Readings: Acts 10: 34 - 43: NT pg. 123 John 20: 1 - 18; NT pg. 109 Week ahead: 29th Mar—4th Apr Office Opening Hours: Mon - Thurs 9.00am-3.30pm Telephone: 01952 248554 Or E-mail [email protected] Note-David is working in the Parish. STAFF TEAM Mark: [email protected] (641251) David: [email protected] (402866) John: [email protected] (07815 817095) Susie: [email protected] (07539 115243) Stephanie: [email protected] (07538 054880) For Ministry Team contacts & preaching themes pick up a copy of the All Saints Insight card Prayers Every Day, Monday to Friday: Morning Prayers 8.30 to 9.00am in the Prayer Room All Saints Prayer Room open 9am-4pm Ecumenical prayers Wed 9.00-9.30am in Prayer Room Monday 30th 10.00am-4.00pm Holy Week Open Church. 7.00pm Bell ringing practice. Tuesday 31st 10.00am-4.00pm Holy Week Open Church. 12:00noon Churches together frugal lunch, see opposite. Wednesday 1st 10.00am-4.00pm Holy Week Open Church. 12.30pm Midweek Holy Communion Theme: Betrayal predicted. Reading: John 13: 12 - 30 Revd. David Ash 7.45pm Adult Baptism Pilgrim Course, Parish Centre. 7.45pm Music Group Practice at All Saints. Maundy Thursday 2nd 10.00am-4.00pm Holy Week Open Church. 2.00-5.00pm All Saints Advice Link in the Parish Centre. 7.30-8.30pm Ballroom in the Parish Centre. 7.30pm Holy Communion in church (last session of Rhythms of Grace study) Good Friday 3rd 10.30am All Saints Celebration with puppets followed by coffee, tea and hot cross buns. 12.00noon Walk of witness starting from Wellington Methodist church. This week, Holy Week, Monday 30th March until Thursday 2nd April, we are opening church from 10am until 4pm. There will be creative prayer stations expressing the week leading up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday in church. Come and spend some contemplative time enjoying the prayer stations and give an hour in holy week to being quiet before the cross. We Need Your Help This Summer! Every summer we run activity church for all 3 –14’s together. This is a chance for our teams who serve all year to have a rest. If you are interested in helping us to run activity church please let Susie know. Tel: 07539 115243 E-mail [email protected] Churches Together in North West Telford Frugal Lunch on Tuesday 31st March At Wellington Methodist Church 12 Noon for 12.30 Tickets £2.50 Proceeds to Christian Aid & Cafod The speaker is Peter Kelsall from Christian Aid WALKING GROUP On Good Friday there will be an easy 2– 3 mile walk around the parish after the Ecumenical Act of Witness in the Town Square at noon. Please bring a packed lunch which we will eat in the Parish Centre before we start (drinks provided). Please also bring diaries and suggestions so that we can plan a varied programme of walks for the summer. The walk will end with tea and cake at the house of Barry and Rita Church. If you can’t make Good Friday but would like to be involved in the Walking Group please e-mail Barry on [email protected] Good Friday Walk of Witness The walk of witness will begin at 12.00noon at the steps of Wellington Methodist Church. In contrast to previous years the walk will be in quiet through to the town square marking the solemnity of the day. The walk will be led by the disabled members of the congregation together with small children and their parents, with the rest of the congregation following behind. In the town square there will be hymns, a drama performed by Elim church and Tony Herber-Davies of the House of Prayer will be speaking. Let’s witness to our town of Wellington. 7.30PM 22ND APRIL HUSTINGS MEETING ALL SAINTS PARISH CENRE HALL Candidates for the forthcoming General Election have been invited to attend a hustings to be chaired by Jim Hawkins of BBC Radio Shropshire radio at which we will be able to question them on some of today’s key issues. The meeting is open to all members of the Wrekin Constituency. There are still copies of the House of Bishops letter on the election which provides a refreshing perspective on the political life and process. If you have any questions you wish to suggest please give them to the Church Office or e-mail Mark Ireland. All SAINTS ANNUAL PAROCHIAL MEETING: Thursday 23rd April 2015 7.30pm At this meeting, all those who are on the Church Electoral Roll are eligible to attend and vote on important issues such as new members of the wardens and sidesmen teams and PCC/DCC. If you are a member of All Saints church but not yet on the electoral roll, do consider filling in an electoral roll form which you can get from the wardens or the office.Forms need to be completed and returned to the enrolment officer, Sue Barry, by 8th April 2015. Nominations lists are on the Annual Parochial Meeting Board for 1 Warden, 1 Deputy Warden, 4 PCC members to serve for a period of 3 years and 1PCC member to serve for a period of 1 year to fill a casual vacancy. All nominations need to be agreed, proposed and seconded. If you are nominated you will need to fill in a Profile Form. This form needs to be handed in to the Parish Office or e-mailed by Tuesday 21st April. Daily Prayer Calendar - Please help yourself to a copy of the Prayer Calendar which can be found at the back of church and use it as often as you can to help focus our prayers together MORNING PRAYER WEEK 2 MONTH 2 Week beginning 29th March 2015 All Saints Prayer Network. To request prayer phone or text 07817 284 041 or email: [email protected] Items for prayer this week: - For the families and friends of June Hanna, Dawn Bates and Ray Mortimer whose funerals were held this week. For those to be baptised on Easter Day, including Madeline Wong and Isaac James. Thank you to all who worked so hard bringing together the first Ignite meeting. The next of the monthly Ignite meetings will be on Saturday 18th April. Flyers giving details are available in the vestibule. Day Psalms Old Testament New Testament Monday Psalm 41 Lamentations 1.1-12a Luke 22.1-23 Tuesday Psalm 27 Lamentations 3.1-18 Luke 22.24-53 Wednesday Psalm 102 Jeremiah 11.18-20 Luke 22.54-end Maundy Thursday Psalm 42 Leviticus 16.2-24 Luke 23.1-25 Good Friday Psalm 69 Genesis 22.1-18 Hebrews 10 .1-10 ROTAS Next Coffee in the Parish Centre 5th Apr: Jill & Malcolm Bamber’s Team Brass Cleaning: 30th Mar — 12th Apr - Sheila Ball Church Cleaning: 30th Mar — 12th Apr - Ann Higgins Flowers: 5th Apr - Joan Maddison
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