St. Andrew Roman Catholic Parish All Masses take place at St. Joseph High School - 3333 Greenbank Road. Parish Office: Office Hours: Located at St. Monica Church 2080 Merivale Rd, Nepean Ontario, K2C 3H1 Mon - Thurs 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fridays - Closed Phone: 613-723-9767 Fax:613-225-9143 Parish Administra on: 613-723-9767 Pastor: Fr. Frank Brewer (ext 3) [email protected] Associate Pastor: Fr. Ma hew Keshwah (ext 4) [email protected] For emergencies requiring a priest: Leave a message at 613-716-8335 Permanent Deacon: Deacon Eugene Margeson emargeson@archo Administra ve Assistant: Siobhan Peryer-Fait (ext 1) [email protected] Parish School Coordinator: Janice Pilgrim (ext 2) [email protected] Parish Ministry Informa on: Adult Faith Forma on (RCIA): Parish office: 613-723-9767 Sacrament Prep: Janice Pilgrim 613-723-9767 (ext 2) Music Ministry: Steve Evraire CWL: Linda Lovelace: fl[email protected] Altar Servers: Tammy Hickey: tamarahick@sympa Children’s Liturgy: Line Joyal—Culbertson & Mellissa Applewaithe Pastoral Council: Serge Bosquet Finance Council: John Sco Building Commi ee: John Kane: [email protected] Gym set up Team: Liem Nguyen: [email protected] Ministers of Holy Communion: Paula Gallant Readers: Mellissa Applewaithe We are Barrhaven’s Roman Catholic Parish and we are serving our community in the center of Barrhaven. If you are new to our community, please find our Parish Registra on Form at the entrance of our church (Gym). Please know that we are honoured by your presence. Our parish serves the needs of our community in many different ways; prepara on for Sacraments, children's liturgy on weekends, social ac vi es, assistance to those in difficulty, comfort to the sick and those who mourn a loss. If we can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to call us. Upcoming Parish Events… Oct 26...Enrolments for First Communion Nov 15...Parish Pot luck supper (6:00 pm) Nov 16...St. Andrew Feast Day (coffee social) Nov23...Feast of Christ the King Nov 25...Healing Mass at St. Monica Church Nov 30...1st Sunday in Advent Visit us at: Saturday, October 11, 2014 5:00 p.m. The call to live God’s life NOW and join him at his banquet table is the single most important reality of our lives. Are we le ng the cares of this world distract us from hearing, accep ng and living his Word? + For Joseph Dang Luong Ha by Tuyen Ha Sunday, October 12, 2014 9:30 a.m. · It is dangerous for people to put off the important with some vague idea of doing it ‘later’. When ‘later’ comes, they are never ready, for their lives have been shaped and organized without any room for it. We need to pay a en on to what is truly valuable in our lives - our family, friends, health, principles, meaning - and the source of all these things, Jesus Christ. Are ‘urgent’ concerns pu ng us in danger of being indiffer-ent to God’s call to the fullness of life? Mass Wednesday, October 15, 2014 (MTHS) 9:00 a.m. · Mass Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:00 p.m. · Mass Sunday, October 19, 2014 A Ques on: Is there something important that you have kept pu ng off un l ‘later’? Is it actually that important to you? If so, what are you doing today to be ready for it, or to help make it come about sooner rather than ‘later’ - or never? 9:30 a.m. · Mass Weekend Masses at St. Andrew Parish Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Weekday Mass at Mother Teresa High School (440 Longfields Dr) Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (Oct 8,15 & 22) Weekday Masses at St. Monica Church: (2080 Merivale Rd) Monday 7:00 p.m. (9:00 am on holiday Mondays) Tuesday & Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving: Giving thanks for what we have is so important that we have even a civic holiday - a day for no other purpose than to stop, recognize and be grateful for our blessings. Some people -are very aware of the abun-dance, freedom and security we enjoy. They may not need a special day, but the rest of us do. We give thanks to God by sharing our abundance with the less fortunate; by gathering together with family and friends to celebrate what we have and are; by taking the me to relax and praise the goodness of God. Thursday 9:00 a.m. (Coffee following Mass) Friday 9:30 a.m. 1st Saturday of the month 9:00 a.m. Weekend Mass Schedule at St. Monica Church: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Open To God: As we give thanks, we grow closer to God, more aware of his love. Our faith will increase. And we will be more able to call on the Lord to help us remove from our lives anything that is a barrier to his loving presence. Sunday 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Please remember in your prayers… those who are sick at this me. For those who celebrate this weekend, may the love of Jesus Christ be your joy and confidence; for others, may it be your strength and consola on. Confirma on Parent Mee ngs: FOR OCTOBER Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most ba ered by war and violence. World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. All Children (grade 6+) a ending Catholic or Public schools wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirma on in 2015 must be registered by their parents, in person, at ONE of the following one-hour mee ngs at St. Monica Parish Hall (2080 Merivale Rd.) Thursday, November 6 @ 7:30 pm Tuesday, November 11 @ 7:30 pm Wednesday, November 12 @ 7:30 pm St. Monica & St. Andrew Golf Tournament Dinner A Success making $3500 On Sept 13th, 2014 the annual St. Monica Golf Tournament was unfortunately rained out (players all got rain checks) however, the Golf Dinner did proceed and it was a big social and charity success! There were fun ice-breaker games by Mary Armstrong, to help meet new friends, a great roast beef dinner, door prizes by Felice Miranda and lots of fun. With raffles of donated prizes and an auction run by Peter Ruiter the tournament this year raised over $3500. This money will be used for charitable causes in our parish, thanks be to God. Many thanks go to all the folks on the golf committee: Siobhan, Deacon Ray, Mario, Mary, Courtney, Carter, Andrew at Manderley Golf, and all volunteers for their hard work and dedication. We also were supported by local businesses and would encourage you to support our generous sponsors listed here. See you all next year. Tim Norris The Manderley on the Green Golf Club Royal LePage - Felice Miranda Rod A. Vanier – General Practice Lawyers Argos Carpets Lincoln Heights, Ford Pflug Optical Limited USI - Utility Structures State Farm Insurance Agency - John Van Noort Remax - Chris Hollands, Sales Agent House of Canvas - John Conroy Macdonald Insurance- Robyn Kuzell Piazza Tanner - General Practice Lawyers Emond Harder - Lawyers - Labour & Employment law Sign-a- Rama Shoppers Drug Mart - 888 Hog's Back Plaza Ottawa Health Group - Chiropractic, - Registered , Massage Therapy Dan McCurdy AutomotiveClinic Parish Pot Luck Supper Welcome all parishioners, as we celebrate our Parish Feast Day! CHANGE OF DATE Now taking place on Saturday, November 15 a er the 5:00 p.m. Mass in the Atrium (parish will provide drinks, please bring your own dishes and cutlery as well as serving pieces) Please let us know if you are planning to a end and what you can bring to add to the table. Sign up sheet can be found at the entrance to the church. St. Andrew Parish You are invited to enter the names of deceased loved ones and friends into the book of remembrance in the month of October. They will be prayed for at all Masses on All Souls day , Nov 2 You Coming to F3 ?? *F3 = Faith, Fun, & Fellowship Visit: Email: [email protected] Contact Person: Emilie Chan Events are held at St. Monica Church For students in grade 7—12 Next gathering...Fri Oct 17 from 7—9 pm Youth Mass: Sun, Oct 19 at 11 a.m. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE CONTINUES This year’s ‘40 Days For Life’ project con nues un l Nov. 2. Individuals or groups select an hour between 7:00am and 6:00pm that they would be willing to pray near the Morgentaler Clinic at 95 Bank St. For details, call Ray Gremli at 613-825-1573 or see -O awa THE WORK OF THE CANADIAN CHURCH IN HAITI A wri en report on CCODP’s work in Hai since the 2010 earthquake is now available, at h p:// gences/devpeace_hai _4years_report.pdf To see a video on its ac vi es in the country in English, h p:// EUTHANASIA & ASSISTED SUICIDE: On Oct. 15 the Supreme Court of Canada is to hear the Carter vs Canada case that seeks to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia in Canada. Our Catholic faith teaches us to meet the needs of the suffering with: compassion; the Church’s prayer; and our assistance - to show the ailing their great worth, to assure them that they do not suffer alone and to remind them in their suffering that they reveal to us the face of Jesus Christ in a unique way. The measure of a society is found by how it cares for its most vulnerable members. Let us not fail our ailing brothers and sisters by legalizing euthanasia rather than ministering to their suffering. Please join together in prayer and fasting to ask God’s help in preventing the great assault on human life of euthanasia becoming legal in Canada. For more information visit: ( Also see the diocesan website ( about the national ‘Life-Giving Love’ campaign on this issue. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PARISH SUPPORTERS! LAW OFFICE OF TED M. KELLY At a time of need or when planning ahead call: KELLY FUNERAL HOME Barrhaven Chapel 3000 Woodroffe Ave. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 1786 River Road, PO Box 131, Manotick K4M 1A2 TEL: (613) 692-2559 FAX (613) 692-2550 613-823-4747 Liturgica GIFTS & SOUVENIRS FOR ALL RELIGIOUS OCCASIONS 1260 OLD INNES RD., UNIT 602 (Innes Rd & St. Laurent Bl.) 613-745-1537 For all your Real Estate Needs Call Joe May, Broker (613) 884-4820 Re/Max Affiliates Realty Brokerage 129 Riocan Avenue O awa, ON K2J 5G3 Tel: (613) 216-1755 Email: [email protected] Website: “Welcome one another, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15.7). (Archbishop T. Prendergast Pastoral Year Theme 2014) Klear Skies Watering Services Have your loved ones tombstone cleaned, restoring it to it's natural beauty. Call Vince @ 613-791-5940 to book an Appointment Place your ad here! Contact the parish office for more info about placing your ad. 613-723-9767
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