SAP Jan 10 & 11, - St. Andrew Catholic Parish

St. Andrew Roman Catholic Parish
Masses take place at St. Joseph High School - 3333 Greenbank Road.
Parish Office:
Office Hours:
Located at St. Monica Church
2080 Merivale Rd, Nepean Ontario, K2C 3H1
Mon - Thurs 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fridays - Closed
Phone: 613-723-9767 Fax:613-225-9143
Parish Administra on: 613-723-9767
Pastor: Fr. Frank Brewer (ext 3)
[email protected]
Associate Pastor: Fr. Ma hew Keshwah (ext 4)
[email protected]
For emergencies requiring a priest:
Leave a message at 613-716-8335
Permanent Deacon: Deacon Eugene Margeson
Administra ve Assistant: Siobhan Peryer-Fait (ext 1)
[email protected]
Parish School Coordinator: Janice Pilgrim (ext 2)
[email protected]
Parish Ministry Informa on:
Adult Faith Forma on (RCIA): Parish office: 613-723-9767
Sacrament Prep: Janice Pilgrim 613-723-9767 (ext 2)
Music Ministry: Steve Evraire
CWL: Linda Lovelace: fl[email protected]
Altar Servers: Tammy Hickey: tamarahick@sympa
Children’s Liturgy: Line Joyal—Culbertson
& Mellissa Applewaithe
Pastoral Council: Serge Bosquet
Finance Council: John Sco
Building Commi ee: John Kane:
[email protected]
Gym set up Team: Liem Nguyen: [email protected]
Ministers of Holy Communion: Paula Gallant
Readers: Mellissa Applewaithe
We are Barrhaven’s Roman Catholic Parish and we are
serving our community in the center of Barrhaven.
If you are new to our community, please find our Parish
Registra on Form at the entrance of our church (Gym).
Please know that we are honoured by your presence.
Our parish serves the needs of our community in many
different ways; prepara on for Sacraments, children's
liturgy on weekends, social ac vi es, assistance to those
in difficulty, comfort to the sick and those who mourn
a loss.
If we can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to call
Upcoming Parish Events…
Book Club Meeting…(at St. Monica Church)
Fri, Jan 30 & Feb 20 at 7:00 p.m.
F3 Youth Group…
Fri Feb 6 (Pancake Party)
Visit us at:
When Jesus rose from the water, things looked the
same, but everything had changed. Heaven was
open for close contact with God. The me had
come for Jesus to act with divine power.
Saturday, January 10 2015
5:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, January 14, 2105 (at Mother Teresa HS)
9:00 a.m.
Mass (parishioners welcome)
Saturday, January 17, 2015
5:00 p.m. + For Noel & Eileen Mar n
by the Mar n & Brennan Families
Sunday, January 18, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults
Catechumens: Antoine e Drummond, Melissa
Wingham, Crystal Stanton, Yulan Qing, Kevin Tran.
Candidates for recep on into the Church and
Confirma on: Hall Prociuk, Ralph Plugowsky.
Confirma on: Kassandra Roy & Audrey Frey
Please keep them in your prayers
Please remember in your prayers…
those who are sick at this me.
Pope’s Prayer intentions
for January 2015
Universal: Peace
That those from diverse religious
traditions and all people of good
will may work together for peace.
Evangelization: Consecrated life
That in this year dedicated to
consecrated life, religious men
and women may rediscover the
joy of following Christ and strive
to serve the poor with zeal.
From Birth to Ministry
While it seems an abrupt shi from Christmas Day,
the bap sm of Jesus is the next public step in his
life. As it reminds us why we take so much joy in
Christmas itself, it is a fi ng end to our celebra on
of the Christmas season. Following his bap sm, we
see Jesus preaching the Good News, healing the
sick, giving sight to the blind and doing all those
things which are signs of Emmanuel, God living
among us with his saving power.
We take down decora ons, normal schedules
resume and it s ll looks like winter. But the days
grow longer and we too have a mission. A er our
celebra ng, we are to act. We are to organize our
lives to let the Holy Spirit lead us as we a empt to
live as God’s people in everything we do. In all
things, we are to let the Light of Christ shine
through us.
A Ques on
What does it mean to you personally to “live as
God’s people in everything we do”? What do you
find to be most helpful in your day-to-day life to
keep you “on track”? What difference does it make
when you are conscious of following/imita ng
Christ in responding to the situa ons of daily life?
May our gracious, loving God grant us faith,
courage and freedom from confusion, that in all
areas of our lives we may see clearly, plan wisely
and act surely as children of the Light.
You are invited to fill out a Parish Registration Form found
on the table as you enter the gym. The completed form can
be put into the collection basket during the offertory.
Donation boxes are available for new parishioners at the
entrance to the Church. Please take a blank set and write
you name, address and phone number on the first three
envelopes submitted into the collection.
If you would like to set up Direct Deposit
or VISA, please call the parish office at 613.7239767.
Our charity number is: 128967353 RR0125. You can direct
your donation to the parish through the United Way by
providing this charity number to them.
January is Alzheimer’s Awareness month. Archbishop
Paul-André Durocher, president of the Canadian
Conference of Catholic Bishops, is urging support for a
national dementia strategy. Parliament will debate a
private member’s bill, C-356, An Act for a National
Dementia Strategy early in 2015. Alzheimer’s and related
dementia diseases afflict 750,000 Canadians and their
caregivers. C-356 calls for increasing funding for research,
promoting earlier diagnosis and intervention, strengthening
the integration of primary, home and community care,
enhancing skills and training of the dementia workforce,
and improving support for caregivers. Contact your local
Member of Parliament to show your support; Office of the
Prime Minister ([email protected]); the Health Minister
([email protected]) , download a petition for
at: or sign the new online petition:
For information about early-onset dementia
(ie people in their forties)
Reminder to all those making
donations by envelope for 2015
Please include on the envelope...
Your name,
Address & Postal Code
& Phone Number
Please do not use boxed envelopes
from 2013 or 2014. Thank you
Parish Events
You Coming to F3 ??
[F3 = Faith, Fellowship& Fun]
F3 - The next youth group event is on Friday February 6th at 7
pm in the church basement. All youth are invited to join us
for a Pancake Party! Invite your friends! Contact person:
Emilie Chan at [email protected]
Book Club
Please join us for our second book
The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic
by Matthew Kelly. Books are available
at the parish office for $5 each.
Quantities are limited. The two
meetings to discuss this book will be:
Friday, January 30th (Chapters 1-3)
and Friday, February 20th (Chapters
Join Fr. Matthew Online!
Find weekend homilies,
book reviews, prayers,
articles, and other
Catholic resources while
at the same time being
introduced to a new
saint each month.
Click below to see more!
House Mass & Potluck Dinner
Thank you to our host families this past month of December
Siobhan Peryer-Fait
Ron & Melinda Peasley & family
Because of the very poor ice and snow conditions,
which are hazardous, and the likelihood that things will
not improve significantly during the week, it has been
decided to cancel the Family Fun Day AT St. Monica
Church originally scheduled for next Sunday, Jan. 18.
At a time of need or
when planning ahead call:
Barrhaven Chapel
3000 Woodroffe Ave.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
1786 River Road, PO Box 131,
Manotick K4M 1A2
TEL: (613) 692-2559
FAX (613) 692-2550
UNIT 602 (Innes Rd & St. Laurent Bl.)
“Welcome one another, just as
Christ has welcomed you, for the
glory of God.” (Romans 15.7).
(Archbishop T. Prendergast Pastoral Year Theme 2014)
For all your
Real Estate Needs
Joe May, Broker
(613) 884-4820
Re/Max Affiliates Realty Brokerage
129 Riocan Avenue O awa, ON K2J 5G3
Tel: (613) 216-1755
Email: [email protected] Website:
Place your ad here!
Contact the parish office
for more info about placing your ad.