Harvest Distribution of Harvest gifts will take place at 9.30am on Tuesday. Volunteers required speak to Pam. The Harvest Supper with quiz and raffle will be on Friday 17th October at 7.30pm. Tickets are strictly limited Please sign the list at the back of church £12 per adult £6 per child St Mary's Floodlighting During the months of October to April the church is floodlit from dusk to 10:30pm. If you would like to sponsor a week during this time for a special event please contact one of the wardens or sign the list at the back of church Guide amount is £25 per week. Chester Cathedral Organ Marathon. Andrew Millinchip & Hannah Bloor would like to thank everyone at St Mary's who sponsored them to perform in the Chester Cathedral organ marathon on October 4th. Their sponsorship had reached £255 on the day but there's more money to come in and you're still able to contribute to help maintain the wonderful musical tradition at the cathedral. Deanery Day at Chester Cathedral Saturday 8th November 2014 The day starts at lOam and finishes with Evensong, at 4.15pm. Cost £15 per person to include lunch, afternoon tea and a cathedral tour (which will include the roof top viewing decks!!) For more details of the programme and the seminars available please see the poster in church, the Mews or St Mary's website. Please sign the list at the back of church to book your place. Men's Breakfast The first Men's breakfast will be held at The Hollies at 8.30am on Wednesday 15th October. It is intended to be an informal get together for men from St Mary's & St Peter's, and if there is support to become a regular monthly event. The cost will be dependant on the type of breakfast you order, which can be healthy, simple or full Cheshire breakfast (large) with coffee for £12.50. Please sign the list at the back of the churches as The Hollies require numbers on the 13th. For more information speak to Alan Newton or John Stopford This bulletin can be downloaded at www.stmaryswhitegate.org www.stpeterslittlebudworth.co.uk THE PARISHES OF ST MARY'S WHITE GATE WITH ST PETER'S LITTLE BUDWORTH Welcome to St Mary's Whitegate HARVEST FESTIV AL 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Celebrant and Preacher: The Vicar Reading: Genesis 1: 1-3, 24-31a Matthew 6: 24-end 9.30am Morning Prayer CW Officiant and Preacher: The Vicar Readings: Deuteronomy 8: 1-10 Luke 12: 16-31 ------------- Everyone is welcome to join us for coffee in the Mews following the service. 12th October 2014 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity ----.-.-------6.30pm Choral Evensong BCP Officiant and Preacher: The Vicar Readings: Ezekiel47: 6-12 Acts 10: 10-16 Welcome to St Peter's Little Budworth 11.00am Parish Communion CW Contact: For enquiries please contact Canon Chris Humphries 01606301563 Email: [email protected] _____________ Information for the bulletin should be with Linda Dutton by Thursday 12 noon. Tel: 01606 862733 Email: [email protected] Celebrant and Preacher: The Vicar Readings: Philippians 4: 1-9 Matthew 22: 1-14 6.30pm Evensong BCP Officiant and Preacher: Revd Jane Millinchip Readings: Proverbs 3: 1-18 1 John 3: 1-15 Please turn off your mobile phone whilst in church ® MONDAY 13th October SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY 8.00am 2.1Spm 2.30pm Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity St Mary's Whitegate St Peter's Little Budworth 9.30am Sung Eucharist CW 6.30pm Evensong BCP 11.00am Matins BCP 6.30pm Evensong BCP , ............................................................... ~ WHITEGATE Parish Church News IBDDUNI N Christian care for families Tuesday 21st October 2.00pm in the Mews Revd Vivien Gisby and Pauline Hayward will tell us about Training for Pastoral Work. Members and non-members alike (male and femalel) are welcome at this meeting. Just let Eileen or Chris know that you are coming. - Mid-Cheshire Foodbank The Mid-Cheshire Foodbank express their thanks for the regular food donations from St Mary's congregation. As a harvest initiative they are requesting the following items: Tined fruit; Sugar; Cordial; Fruit Juice (long life); Tinned sponge puddings; Tinned custard; Tinned meat; Cup-aSoup; Toilet Rolls The above items are urgently required as current stocks are very low compared with other items LITTLE BUDWORTH Parish Church News Salvation Army Foodbank The box for items for the Winsford Salvation Army Foodbank is at the back of church. Please continue to support them with your donations. Morning Prayer-St Mary's School Harvest Festival-St Mary's Knit & Natter-St Peter's TUESDAY 14th October ~ ~ 9.30am 9.30am 7.30pm Holy Communion-St Peter's Distribution of Harvest Goods-St Mary's St Mary's PCC Meeting-The Mews WEDNESDAY 8.30am lO.OOam Men's Breakfast-The Hollies Crafty Coffee-The Mews THURSDAY 8.00am l.OOpm 15th October 16th October Morning Prayer-St Mary's Toddler Group-The Mews FRIDAY 17th October 7.30pm Harvest Supper-The Mews SATURDAY 18th October VISION STATEMENT; 'To draw people to Jesus Christ by nurture, prayer and care' Prayers are asked for Those who are ill: Anna Sherratt, Hazel Palin, Vanda Copeman Home Communions: Horace Wright, Fred Spann, Tom Rogerson From the Anglican Cycle of Prayer Archbishop Solomon Tilewa Johnson, Primate & Metropolitan, Church of the Province of West Africa; Archbishop of Internal Province of West Africa and Bishop of Gambia Admission of new Readers- Please pray this week for those to be admitted as they prepare for their licensing service.
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