www.stmaryshitchin.org.uk The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday 12th October 2014 Welcome to St Mary’s. If you are a newcomer please introduce yourself to one of the clergy or fill in and hand to one of us the detachable section of our new Welcome Bookmark. Do come and join us for coffee in Church House (opposite the North Door) after the 9.35am service. The Collect Almighty God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you: pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself, and so bring us at last to your heavenly city where we shall see you face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 8.00am – Holy Communion President: Canon Michael Roden 9.35am –Sung Communion President: Preacher: Organist: Setting: Processional Hymn: Seekers’ Song: Lesson Readings: Gradual: Gospel: Prayers are led by: Offertory Hymn: Canon Michael Roden David Sellick Matthew Harrison Rutter SGP54 Jesus calls us here to meet him Blaenwern Jesus bids us shine (see page 4) Exodus 32:1-14 read by Mike Steele Philippians 4:1-9 read by Margery Bedingfield Psalm 106:19-23 (see page 5) Matthew 22:1-14 Trevor Groom 185 Lights abode, celestial Salem – Regent Square 1 Please take your bulletin home Anthem: Communion Hymn: Recessional Hymn: Rejoice in the Lord alway – Anon/Redford (see page 4) 259 My God, and is thy table spread - Rockingham 532 Ye watchers and ye holy ones – Lasst uns erfreuen 11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) President: Preacher: Introit: Offertory Hymn: Final Hymn: Canon Michael Roden The Revd Hilary Oakley SGP54 Jesus calls us here to meet him Blaenwern 185 (omit *) Lights abode, celestial Salem – Regent Square 532 Ye watchers and ye holy ones – Lasst uns erfreuen 6:30pm Choral Evensong Officiant & Preacher: Organist: Introit: Processional Hymn: Responses: Psalm: Old Testament Lesson: Office Hymn: Canticles: New Testament Lesson: Anthem: Hymn: Offertory Hymn: Canon Michael Roden Robert Crowley God be in my head - Rutter 336 All my hope on God is founded – Michael Ayleward 139:1-18 Proverbs 3:1-18 read by Barry Arends 413 O sing a song of Bethlehem – Kingsfold Stanford in Bb 1 John 3:1-15 O for a closer walk with God – Stanford (see Hymn 231) 169 The church of God a kingdom is - University 11 Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear - Birling 2 Please take your bulletin home Prayers for people We pray for all those who are to be married, including: Donata Huggins & Timothy Lees We pray for all who are ill, and by name for: Liz Hughes, David, Bernie Bottesch, Ron Walters, Alan Lawson, Mary Foster, Charlotte SabeyCorkindale, Paul Rushby, Paul, Katherine. …and we pray for all who love and care for them. We pray for church members at home or in residential care: Colin Atkinson, Sheila Axtens, Alan Bailey, Jean Bailey, Dennis Cole, John Coxall, Roma Greenaway, Adrian and Sanda Haigh, Cameron Harrison, Alice Hazelwood, Edith Ingram, Mollie Jenkins, Angela McNally, Cynthia Myers, Sheila Pay, Joan Randall, Shirley Robinson, Peg Saunders, Bill Shinn, Mark Vincent. …and we pray for all who love and care for them. We also pray for: Ann, Anna, John Dyson-Cannon, Ethel Edwards, Margaret Gorman, Jenny Hall, Helen, Clive Holmes, Jacquie, Jill, Brian Jones, Emily Kilby, Hanna King, Michael Laurens, Linda Menzies, Dot Milton, Agnes Emmanuel Odiachi, Orla, Jean Pay, Jane Peace, Ian Stewart, Julia Stocker, Paul Street, John Toll, Eileen Warren, Bob West, Lewis Willis, Jenny Yateman. …and we pray for all who love and care for them. We remember before God those who have died: Beth Buffett, Eileen McLeod …and we pray for those who mourn. Prayers for the World Church In Zimbabwe, many secondary school students are educated in church schools. It is of great concern that thousands of educated school leavers remain unemployed. Let us pray for the Government to devise economic policies that lead to job creation. Let us also pray for US. in its varied support of the five dioceses in Zimbabwe. 3 Please take your bulletin home Seekers’ Song Jesus bids us shine with a pure, clear light, Like a little candle burning in the night. In this world is darkness; So let us shine, You in your small corner, And I in mine Jesus bids us shine, First of all for Him; Well he sees and knows it, If our light grows dim. He looks down from heaven to see us shine, You in your small corner, And I in mine Words Susan Warner 1819-1885 Sung Communion Anthem Rejoice in the Lord alway – Anon/Redford Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, rejoice. Let your softness be known unto all men: The Lord is e’en at hand. Be careful for nothing: but in all prayer and supplication, let your petitions be manifest unto God with giving of thanks. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesu. Amen. Philippians 4:4-7 4 Please take your bulletin home Psalm 106: 1-6; 20-24 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2nd Praise the Lord * O give thanks to the Lord for / he is / good; and his / mercy . en/dures for / ever. Who can express the mighty / acts . of the / Lord: or / fully / voice his / praise? Blessèd are those who act ac/cording . to / justice: who at / all times / do the / right. Remember me O Lord * when you visit your people / with your / favour: and come to me / also . with / your sal/vation, That I may see the prosperity / of your / chosen: that I may rejoice with the rejoicing of your people * and exult with / those who / are your / own. We have sinned / like our / fathers: we have acted per/versely . and / done wrong. At Horeb they / made themselves . a / calf: and bowed down in / worship / to an / image. And so they exchanged the / glory . of / God: for the likeness of an / ox that / eats / hay. They forgot God who / was their / saviour: that had done such / great / things in / Egypt, Who had worked his wonders in the / land of / Ham: and his terrible / deeds . at the / Red / Sea. 24. Therefore he / thought . to de/stroy them: had not Moses his servant stood before him in the breach * to turn a/way his / wrath . from de/stroying them. Glory to the Father and / to the / Son: and / to the / Holy / Spirit; as it was in the be/ginning . is / now: and shall be for /ever / A/men. 5 Please take your bulletin home Future Events th 16 October 7.30pm North Herts Inter Faith Forum: An invitation to their AGM at Walsworth Road Baptist Church, followed by a talk at 8pm on "Do Inter-Faith Marriages Work? - When Two Faiths Meet". The guest speakers are: Julian Bond, the director of Christian Muslim Forum, Tehmina Kazi of British Muslims for Secular Democracy, and Zara Afzal, director of 'Hidden Heart', a film about inter-faith marriage. All are welcome. Contact via Sandra the secretary [email protected] th 16 October 8pm Wives’ Group Tour of St Mary’s Church by Dave Everest, followed by coffee in Church House th 17 October 7:30pm Quiz Night in aid of North Herts Sanctuary at Ickleford Cricket Club. Tickets £10 each to include fish/sausage and chips or vegetarian option. Licensed bar. Tickets can be purchased from Katherine on 01462 457517 or e-mail [email protected] th 19 October 6.30pm Music Praise: Churches Together in Hitchin is holding its annual Music Praise event at Walsworth Road Baptist Church. Phil Jackson of Hitchin Christian Centre has once again brought together a number of choirs and music groups from member churches to sing a couple of items each and in so doing “make a joyful noise to the Lord”! Those of you who have been before will know what a great time of worship this is - if you haven't, do come along and share in this good occasion. All are very welcome. th 25 October Ministry of Welcome discussion meeting in Trinity Chapel. This is intended for everyone who now is, or might like to be, a Sidesperson welcoming people to services or a Steward welcoming visitors during the week. Your Churchwardens are inviting you to come and share your thoughts on how we do our welcoming. You are invited to come either in the morning with refreshments from 10.00 and the meeting from 10.30 to 12.00, or in the afternoon with refreshments from 2.00 and the meeting from 2.30 to 4.00. Please could you sign in at the back of church or let one of the wardens know if you are able to attend. There’s almost nothing more important in our church life than how we welcome people, so do also think about volunteering to be either a Sidesperson or a Steward. th 25 October 3pm Autumn Music Concert at St Faith’s. To celebrate the musical life of St Faith’s there will be a concert given by members of St Faith’s, both past & present. Entry is free. th 26 October 4pm Meeting to discuss CAP (Christians Against Poverty) debt centre and Job Club at Hitchin Christian Centre. 6 Please take your bulletin home th 6 November Anarchy & Beauty: William Morris & his Legacy 1860-1960 The Friends of Holy Saviour Church invite you to join them on a trip to this major exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, London. Cost £30, to include coach travel and entrance to the exhibition. The coach will leave Hitchin at 9.30am and arrive back at approx 6.00pm. Entry to the exhibition is at 11.30am, and afterwards the remaining time is your own until coach pick-up at 4.30pm. For tickets (payable on booking) and further information, contact Gill Chidgey 01462 423603 or [email protected] th 6 Nov 7:30pm Wives’ Group Charity Quiz in Church House including a Ploughmans Supper, bring your own drink and glass. Tickets £6.00 from Susan Franks 643691 or Eileen Turney 451050 Notices The pulpit flowers are given today by Margaret Tait for the glory of God and in loving memory and thanksgiving for the life of her husband Roy Tait. Grateful thanks to all who donated to the Harvest Flowers and food items for the Hitchin Foodbank, and to all who worked so hard to decorate the church! Margaret Forthcoming Services Midday Prayer is said on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 12:15pm th Tuesday 14 October 10am Holy Communion th Thursday 16 October 12.15pm Holy Communion th Sunday 19 October 8am Holy Communion The Eighteenth Sunday 9:35am Sung Communion with commentary after Trinity 11.15am Mattins 6:30pm CTH Music Praise at Walsworth Road Baptist Church (see Future Events) st Tuesday 21 October 10am Holy Communion rd Thursday 23 October 12.15pm Holy Communion th Sunday 26 October 8am Holy Communion The Nineteenth Sunday 9:35am Sung Communion after Trinity 11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) 6:30pm Evening Prayer th Readings for 19 October: Morning Services: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26: John 6:51-58 7 Please take your bulletin home St Mary’s Contacts Team Rector and Vicar - Canon Michael Roden 452758 in the first instance, otherwise 434017. Please send all mail to Church House. Michael’s day off is Wednesday. Parish Office 452758 email: [email protected] Team Rector's Secretary - Dorothy Grieves 432951 Churchwardens – Michael Taylor 459611, Robin Sternberg 684588 & Derry Charman 420665 Verger - Stephen Holland 07904 305743 Director of Music – Alan Childs 01582 883420 email: [email protected] St Mary’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/StMarysChurchHitchin All other St Mary’s contacts are published on the first Sunday in the month in the Bulletin Supplement. St Mary’s, through its Charitable Giving Group, supports AquAid Lifeline Fund’s Philip Veale Children’s Centre in Malawi caring for over 150 orphans in Gomani. AquAid can provide a whole month’s child care for just £8. Ask Robin Sternberg 684588 for more details, or look on the Church House noticeboard. All communicant members of the Christian Church are welcome to receive the bread and the wine at a celebration of Holy Communion. Others are welcome at the altar rail to receive a blessing. If you wish for a blessing please ask. For very young churchgoers: Please feel free to be in church during the services, but if you feel very distressed the choir vestry (at the back of church) also doubles as the "early years gurgling room". In there you will find a cabinet of toys. The room has glass doors so that you and your parents can see and hear services, but it also has an environment where you can feel at ease to be yourself and gurgle away. Words and music printed under CCL Licence No 224366 Details of future notices are needed by Wednesday and should be sent ideally by email to [email protected] or left in the “Bulletin Editor” pigeon hole at Church House. The e-bulletin If you wish to be included in the email distribution of this bulletin, please send an email as above. Tracy Watson 8 Please take your bulletin home
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