Document 330581

United Nations Wsi;in in the Republir of South Sudan
F&&t Forwardins Senices
UNMPSS h the Republic of South Sudan
Closing Date for Receipt 6EOL: Friday, 17 October 2014
Description of General Requirements:
The United Nations Mission in the. Republic of So@h Sudan (UNMISS) hereby solicits Expression of
Interest (EOI) f b m competent companies for d e l i v q of Goods t~ UPMISS, Logistics Base, Juba, in the
Rqmblic of south Sub
Items Descriwtion ad Requiremen*:
> Shipment of 28 x. 28-Foot S e a Containers loaded with ConWire, from FCA Xingang Sea Port,
China, to DAP UNMlSS Logistics Base, Tamping Site..inJuba, South Sudan_
Interested companies in delivering the goods to UNMSS are- invited to submit their EUI by hand delivery or
e-mail as indicated below. The EOI must include1as a &mum, the following docu~mtatiudinformation:
Company's profile, with a minimumof thee-year *oven experience in the related business;
Company's registration certificate;
Company's contact details (address, telephom and fax numbers, email, etc,);
List of referenced clients (pinimum of three) with Pontact addresses.
Provide the United Nations Giabd Marketplace WGM)
registration number (MUST).
Important Notice:
a salicifation. WISS
reserves the right to change or cancel the
requirement at my time during the EOI and/or; solicitation process. Thus, submitting a response to
this EOX does not automatidy guarantee that your company will be considered for receipt of the
k This EOI does not constitute
solicitation when issued.
Vendors &crested in fulfilling the rquiremexlt described above MUST be registered with UMGM
and may wish to visit for fi@lregishation i n f o d o n in order to be eligible to
participate in my solicitation,
The EOI, clearly marked "Expression of Interest - weight Forwar&ng Sewiees to UNMISS, Logistics
Base, ;Tuba, in South Sudan" musf be rqeived by W I S S no later than 1200 horn local t i m in South
Sudan (GMT+3) on Friday, 17 October 2014, via e-mail to: kelIi@lun.~rg,with copy to [email protected], or
hand delivery to the attention of Mr. F e s h KeUie, Purchasing Unit 1, Procurement Section, UPJ Compound,
Building 3C102, Tomping Site, Juba, R%publicof South S u b .