1 Dubai Renal Pathology Course 10

Dubai Hospital
1st Dubai Renal Pathology Course
10th and 11th October, 2014
Dubai, UAE
Endorsed by
The Course Organiser-Dr Amna Al Hadari MSc MD , Consultant Nephrologist, Renal
Unit, Dubai Hospital
Phone: 0097142195000
Email: [email protected]
UK organiser-Dr Aimun Ahmed MSc MD PGC Med Ed FRCP, Consultant Nephrologist,
Renal Unit, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Phone: (+44) 1772-52-4046
Email: [email protected]
Dr Amna Al Hadari, Consultant Nephrologist, Renal Unit, Dubai Hospital
Dr Aimun Ahmed, Consultant Nephrologist, Department of Renal Medicine,
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Michael Jansen, Consultant Pathologist, Dubai Hospital
Prof Terry Cook, Professor of Renal Pathology, Hammersimth Hospital and the
Imperial Academic Health Science Centre, London. Deputy Director of the Centre for
Complement and Inflammation Research at Imperial College and Past-President of
the Renal Pathology Society UK.
Prof Alan Salama, Professor and Reader in Nephrology, Royal Free Hospital.
University College London
The aim of this course is to provide comprehensive teaching in all common renal
pathology and kidney transplant pathology, the course is an excellent opportunity to
meet top UK experts in the field of renal pathology. Also you will have opportunity to
bring your own challenging cases with pathology to seek the expert opinion.
Day 1, Friday 10th October 2014
Welcome and Registration. Tea and coffee on arrival
09.00 –10.00 Common Renal histopathological presentations
Normal kidney
Diabetic nephropathy
10.00-12.00 Glomerulonephritis cases with up-to-date management
Case 1: Minimal Change
Case 2: Membraenous Glomerulonephritis
Case 3: FSGS
Case 4 and 5 Membrano-proliferative GN
Case 6 and 7 Ig A Nephropathy, crescentic IgA Nephropathy
Case 8 and 9 Ig M Nephropathy and C1q nephropathy
12.00-14.00 Friday Prayers and Lunch
14.00-17.00 challenging cases & management
Tea and Coffee will be served during the session
17.00 End of day 1
Day 2, Saturday 11th October 2014
8.30-09.45 Lupus nephritis, Vasculitis and Cresentic GN with up-to-date management
Case 1 ANCA positive and negative vasculitis
Case 2 Anti GBM disease
Case 3 Crescentic GN
Case 4 and 5 Lupus Nephritis
09.45- 10.45 Kidney in systemic diseases with up-to-date management
Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Case 1 Immuntactoid disease
Case 2 Light chain and dense deposit disease
Case 3 Myeloma Kidney
Case 4 Amyloid disease
10.45-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00- 13.30 Transplant cases with up-to-date management
Case 1 Acute rejection
Case 2 chronic allogarft dysfunction and rejection
Case 3 BK nephropathy
Case 4 CMV nephropathy
Case 5 CNI toxicity
Case 6 Anti body mediated rejection AMR
Case 7 Recurrence of the Primary disease in the transplant
13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-17.00 Challenging cases & how they were managed
Tea and Coffee will be served during the session
17.00 End of day 2