MARKETPLACE BUSINESS/ FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, management and circulation of JEWISH HERALD-VOIcE. (Publication No. 0021-6488). EMPLOYMENT Do You Need Mailing Help for Your Small Business, Organization or Non-Profit? Do You Need Mailing Help for Your Small Business, Organization or Non-Profit? Mosk & & Mosk Mosk LLC LLC Mosk Certified Public Accountants Certifi ed Public Accountants Mosk &Mosk Mosk LLC Mosk LLC Mosk &&Mosk LLC Certifi ed Public Accountants Certifi ed Public Accountants 5959 West Loop South, Suite 340 Certifi ed Public Accountants 5959 West Loop TX South, Suite 340 Bellaire, 77401 Contact JFS DISABILITY SERVICES For a List of Ways Our Participants Can Help You! Contact JFS DISABILITY SERVICES For a List of Ways Our Participants Can Help You! Celebration Company can provide an array of Celebration Company can provide an array of services for small businesses, organizations and nonservices for small businesses, organizations and nonprofits including: Stamping, stuffing, sealing, labeling profits including: Stamping, stuffing, sealing, labeling for mailing greeting cards, flyers, newsletters, etc. Disability Services for mailing greeting cards, flyers, newsletters, etc. Disability Services Celebration Company provides life skills and Celebration Company provides life skills and meaningful employment to individuals with meaningful employment to individuals with disabilities who, with joy and purpose, provide disabilities who, with joy and purpose, provide services and create products that celebrate the good services and create products that celebrate the good Please call: of life. MichelePlease Arnoldcall: 713.667.4727 ofThis life. Michele Arnold 713.667.4727 listing is co-sponsored by the Jewish Herald-Voice. [email protected] M M M M M M M M M M 5959 West Loop South, Suite 340 Bellaire, TX 77401 5959 West Loop South, Suite 340 340 5959 West Loop South, Suite Bellaire, TX77401 77401 Bellaire, TX TX 77401 Bellaire, 713-665-MOSK (6675) 713-665-MOSK (6675) 713-665-MOSK (6675) 713-665-MOSK Denise & Milton(6675) Mosk III Denise & Milton Mosk 713-665-MOSK Denise & Milton Mosk Denise & Milton Mosk(6675) IIIIII III Denise & Milton Mosk III HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION – offers interest-free loans for qualified applicants. For more information, visit or call 713667-9336, ext. 221. CHILD CARE RETIRED SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER – will pick up your child for after-school care. Hebrew tutoring optional. Meyerland-Bellaire area only. 713-774-1686. CE ME TE R Y P LOT S MUST BE BETH ISRAEL MEMBER - One cemetery plot for sale in Beth Israel’s Memorial Gardens, Woodlawn. Priced below current cost. 713-669-9994. COMPUTERS A SMALL OFFICE/HOME COMPUTER SERVICE offering computer and network setup, maintenance and training, hardware/software upgrades, Internet, email, and all aspects of computer use. Call Sam 713-592-8844. This listing is co-sponsored by the Jewish Herald-Voice. [email protected] ADMIN ASST NEEDED IN SW HOUSTON. Must have excellent computer skills in Excel, Word, and knowledge of Publisher helpful. Previous mail merge experience and email blasts a plus. Also past experience in proofreading recommended. Will be responsible for all administrative duties for event planning. Excellent benefits. Email resumes to: [email protected]. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT – fulltime position available in SW Houston. You will be providing exceptional support to the CEO. Ideal candidate must have advanced computer skills & be proficient in MS Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and relational database skills. Must be accurate, detail orientated, and have ability to multitask. 5+ yrs. experience at the executive level a must. Competitive salary & comprehensive benefit package offered. Send resume to: Resumes@ SECRETARY NEEDED – for service company. Downtown area; Please call Mr. Ben, 713-304-2913. L E G A L N OT I CE S NOTICE TO CREDITORS 66Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of RONALD JAMES PRESTON, Deceased, were issued on September 30, 2014, in Cause No. 433127, pending in the Probate Court No. FOUR (4), Harris County, Texas, to: MARGARET SUSAN PRESTON and MICHAEL JAMES PRESTON. 66All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Christina Lesher Attorney at Law 5615 Kirby Drive Suite 412 Houston, Texas 77005 DATED the 6th day of October, 2014. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF SANDRA L. PAGE 66Notice is hereby given in Cause Number 433119, styled Estate of SANDRA L. PAGE, Deceased, that original Letters Testamentary were issued on SEPTEMBER 11, 2014, pending in the Probate Court Number Two, of Harris County, Texas. 66All persons having claims against the estate shall present the same within the time prescribed by law. Claims may be presented to the said representative at the address below and said personal representative direct that any such claims be presented to the attorney for said representative. FREQUENcY OF ISSUE: Weekly – 52 issues per year Plus Wedding, Passover, Voices in Houston, Rosh Hashanah and Bar/Bat Mitzvah editions at an Annual Subscription Price of $60.00. OFFIcE of PUBLIcATION and GENERAL BUSINESS OFFIcE: Herald Publishing co., 3403 Audley St., Houston, Harris co., TX 77098-1923. Lawrence S Levy, circulation Manager; 713/630-0391 PUBLISHER: Jeanne F. Samuels; EDITOR: Jeanne F. Samuels; OWNERS: Jeanne F. Samuels and Jewish Herald-Voice Inc., 3403 Audley St., Houston, Harris co., TX 770981923. Bondholders, Mortgagees, other Security Holders: None. Tax status has not changed. Average number of Single issue published copies each issue nearest to filing date during preceding (October 9, 2014) 12 months 15a. Total copies printed (net press run) 4421 4400 15b. Paid circulation 1. Mailed Outside-county Paid Subscriptions 539 524 2. Mailed In-county Paid Subscriptions 2981 2926 3. Paid Distribution Outside the Mails Including 34 13 4. Paid Distribution by Other classes mailed through USPS 16 15 15c. Total paid Distribution (Sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)) 3571 3478 15d. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution 1. Outside-county copies Included on Form 3541 None None 2. In-county copies Included on Form 3541 None None 3. Other classes mailed through the USPS 28 38 4. Outside the Mail 206 251 15e. Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (Sum of 15d (1), (2), (3), and (4)) 234 289 15f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e) 3805 3767 15g. copies not distributed 616 633 15h. Total (sum of 15f and 15g) 4400 4421 15i. Percent Paid (15c divided 15f times 100) 95.02% 92.33% 16. Electronic copy circulation. None claimed. 17. Publication of Statement Ownership will be printed in the October 9, 2014 issue of this publication. 18. Signature of circulation Manager -000000000000Lawrence S Levy I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. FRANK L. PAGE, INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR C/O LAWRENCE R. SILVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW (281) 589-1040 Ad is O.K. 2305 SOUTH HIGHWAY 6, SUITE 1, O.K. with corrections HOUSTON, TEXAS 77077 PERSONAL COMPUTER REPAIR AND /s/ Christina Lesher VIRUS REMOVAL – 20 years of Attorney for experience. Call Steve 281-744-0606. To:______________________________ From:__________________________ MARGARET SUSAN PRESTON LOOKING FOR A YOUNG State Bar No.: 24041330 LEADERSHIP ASSOCIATE – toPROOF HERALD-VOICE AD 5615 Kirby Drive, Suite 412 ASSISTANT F IJEWISH TNESS provide strategic direction for activities Houston, Texas 77005 Ad is O.K. Please go of over thisadults proof CAREFULLY. To:______________________________ From:__________________________ the young in the community Ad is O.K. Change copy 10-09-14-01 G AY L A’ S CONCIERGE Telephone: (713) 529-5900 To:______________________________ From:__________________________ to create innovative approaches to Facsimile: (713) 529-4858 charge) ••• (additional SERVICE – Let me be the extra O.K. with corrections FITNESS IN PRIVATE: Through JEWISH HERALD-VOICE AD PROOF If we have not received this form or heard from you by the return date, we will assume O.K. with corrections engageHERALD-VOICE young people, coordinate AD JEWISH hour in your day. I am available to Email:PROOF [email protected] Looking Glass with Alice!and NOTICE TO CREDITORS that thethe advertisement is O.K., it will run IS. Please godevelopment overAS this proof CAREFULLY. leadership initiative and Change copy do all those household chores you offers private gym in Meyerland Please go over this proof CAREFULLY. Change copy 10-09-14-01 facilitate involvementHowever, in the annual (additional charge) don’t have time for. Fix anything from One-on-one nutrition, this There isneighborhood. no Ifcharge for typesetting corrections. ifbycopy is changed, an we have not received form or heard from you the return date, we will assume 66On the 30th day of(additional September, charge) campaign. An heard excellentfrom competitive If we have not receivedisthis form or you by the return date, we will assume TV’s to cleaning the filters. Errands, strength training, cardiovascular. that the advertisement O.K., and it will run AS IS. Advertiser’s additional make-up charge will be assessed and run insertion upon Signature the dry cleaning, grocery shopping, available for in the JH-V H E A Lmay T H Chave A R E to be 2014, Letters Testamentary thatAlice’s the advertisement O.K., and package it will is AS IS. “I’ve used services for the iscompensation Please return to our office Estate ofO.K. LEE M. CARROLL was issued honey by postponed toyears a later date. the successfulcorrections. candidate. Email resume Ad is is no charge for typesetting However, if copy is changed, an do lists, gift shopping, garage To:______________________________ From:__________________________ past 10There had great results! Thereand is no charge for typesetting corrections. However, if copy is changed, an to KENNETH B. Carroll by Probate to: [email protected] Advertiser’s Signature cleaning and hauling. Pet care, doctor’s additional make-up charge will be assessed and insertion in the JH-V may have to be She has created a warm and private O.K. with corrections AFFORDABLE CARE FOR JEWISH AD PROOF Please O.K. additional and mail make-up or FAX back immediately. Signature charge will HERALD-VOICE be assessed and insertion in the JH-V may have to be 1 Time ofAdvertiser’s Harris County, appointments, activities. Airport pick return to our Date office by to a later date. Please go over this proof CAREFULLY. SENIORS – 4-24 hrs./$15hr. Bath- Court NumberPlease space, postponed where I always felt comfortable Please return to our office by Change MEAL PREPARER WANTED – ing Assistance, Meal Preparation, Texas Fax: 713-630-0404 Phone: 713-630-0391 in copy Cause Number 433394 postponed to a Kalmans. later date. up and drop off. Call Gayla Kirshner at and saw results!” – Elyse (additional charge) Monday-Friday, from 11am-6pm, Please O.K. and mail or FAX back If we have not received this formimmediately. or heard from you byfor the return date, we will assume pending upon the docket of said Court. 713-962-9020. Medication Reminders, Light House ContactPlease Alice: agalass1951@comcast. Time Date O.K. mail or FAX backand immediately. thatand the advertisement O.K., it will run AS713-464IS. oneisperson, Memorial area, persons having claims Timeagainst this Date Fax: 713-630-0404 Phone: 713-630-0391 Keeping, Transportation Service.Ad isAll O.K. net, 713-248-7459. To:______________________________ From:__________________________ Fax: 713-630-0404 Phone: 713-630-0391 7083. There is no charge for typesetting corrections. However, if copy is changed, an are required to present them Background Check. 713-956-8183,O.K. Estate fs data: Firestone, PestCon / Firestone, PestCon. 2003 Folder with corrections Advertiser’s Signature additional make-up JEWISH charge willHERALD-VOICE be assessed and insertion in20+years the JH-V may have to be AD PROOF R E A L E S T A TE experience. within the time prescribed by law. The Please return to our office by postponed to a later date. Please go over this proof CAREFULLY. SALES AND MARKETING H A N DY M A N Change copy FOR LEASE file: Firestone, PestCon 01-08-2003 place where claims may be sent is: fs data: Please Firestone, PestCon / immediately. Firestone, PestCon. 2003 Folder (additional charge) If we have notmail received this back form /or heard from by the return date, we2003 will assume O.K. and or FAX REPRESENTATIVE – you Houston fs data: Firestone, PestCon Firestone, PestCon. Folder GENESIS K – Home Health Services, Time Date that thePestCon advertisement is01-08-2003 O.K., and it will run AS IS. Fax:non-medical 713-630-0404 Phone: 713-630-0391 file:Steve Firestone, home care provider is offers excellent services at affordable Production: P. Revised: HC The Estate of Lee M. Carroll file:THE Firestone, 01-08-2003 FOR LEASE BRAES TIMBERS There is PestCon no charge for typesetting corrections. However,in if copy is changed, an WISHING COMMUNITY – looking for a person experienced cost; 713-446-2697. Advertiser’s Production: Steve P. the Revised: HC area. additional make-up charge will be assessed and insertion in the JH-V may have to be c/o:Signature ATTORNEY: Russell C. Ducoff off of BRAESWOOD: Location, Chag Sukkot Sameach! Please call Alfred medical services Strongly Production: Steve P. Revised: HC Please return to our office by postponed to a later date. data: Firestone, PestCon / Firestone, PestCon. 2003 Folder State Bar No.: 06158500 Location. 5 bed/r, study, 3.5 bath/r, for all your handymanfswork needs, 713- prefer expertise in social media LATE MOM’S CAREGIVERS – are O.K. and mail or FAX 01-08-2003 back immediately. file:Please Firestone, Address: 4615 Southwest Freeway, 2 car garage, and Jacuzzi Pool. 3 Time Date 851-2431. Serving Herald readers with PestCon marketing. Send resumé Phone: to steve@ Fax: 713-630-0404 713-630-0391 available after months of great care. P. Revised: HC b/rooms down, 2 up. High-end Suite 500 integrity since 1996. Production: Steve 713-729-6033. appliances w/wine chiller. Lawn & Houston, Texas 77027 fs data: Firestone, PestCon / Firestone, PestCon. 2003 Folder pool care included. Min to TMC file:ME Firestone, PestCon 01-08-2003 P E S T C O N T R O L H OME I M P R OVE NT area, Rice, downtown & hike/bike /s/ Kenneth Carroll Production: Steve P. Revised: HC trails along Braes Bayou. MLS # Date: 10-6-2014 12933400. DOTTIE WILLIAMS, Telephone: (713) 665-8750 REALTY ASSOCIATES. 832-741Fax (866) 369-5413 0565. PLUMBCO Plumbing 10-09-14-01 “Call the Best, We’ll do the Rest!” 713-725-5025 MPL 17021 SECURITY SYSTEMS AND SURVEILLANCE Termite & & Termite Termite &Pest Control, Termite & Inc. Pest Control, Inc. Pest Control, Inc Termite & . Pest Control, Inc. (281) 403-0134 Pest Control, Inc. (281) 403-0134 (281) 403-0134 403-0134 (281)(281) 403-0134 Safe Effective Solutions To All Your Pest Problems The protection you need, from the company you trust! Effective Solutions To All Your Pest Problems SafeSafe Effective Solutions To All Your Pest Problems Safe Effective Solutions To AllPest Your Problems Pest Problems Safe Effective Solutions To All Your Be a Mensch! PRINTING Three Cats Meals on Wheels desperately needs drivers. Call the ERJCC 713-729-3200 PSA Real Printing – Not Digital! JHV Special - Mention this ad 500 Business Cards • Black Ink up to 8 lines of type 45.00 $ Publishing [email protected] • [email protected] • Commercial and Residential Alarm Systems and Monitoring • Security Cameras IP Technology • Intercoms • Access Control Systems • Home Theater Guy Mizrahi • License No. B16951 713-668-8818 • School’s in Session: Slow Down Watch for Children
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