NEWSLETTER OF THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST SWITHUN WELLS 12th October 2014 Our Mission: LOVE GOD – LOVE OTHERS – MAKE DISCIPLES Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No. 246871 Sunday Cycle: Year A. Weekday Cycle: Year II Psalter Week 4 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME HANDED ON A PLATE We’re Christians, but most of us didn’t have to do very much to earn the title. Our parents had us baptised and sent us to Catholic schools. We were taken to church as children and the habit has endured into adulthood. There are few of us who have had to fight for what we believe. Is it possible that as a result we are sometimes indifferent to a faith we have been simply handed on a plate. In today’s parable, Jesus begins with images that we can easily understand. A king is giving a wedding banquet in honour of his son. We can see the parallels; this is the Kingdom of Heaven, the king is God the Father, and the son being honoured is Jesus. The king sends out servants to invite the chosen guests, but the servants are ignored and even mistreated. Finally the king gives up on the chosen guests and invites anyone and everybody who wants to come. The group of guests who eventually turn up represent the Gentiles. Then the story takes a peculiar turn. The king bumps into one of his guests who is not dressed appropriately and the poor guest is thrown out into the darkness where there is much weeping and gnashing of teeth! What’s going on here? This poor guest didn’t ask to be invited in the first place, and perhaps he didn’t possess a decent suit! To be cast out because he wasn’t well dressed seems harsh. What we must realise is that this story is little to do with dress code and everything to do with attitude. In biblical days, when guests arrived at a wedding banquet the appropriate attire was provided at the door. All the guest had to do was put the attire on. The fact that the inappropriately dressed guest did not put on the attire provided now puts him in a different light. He obviously thought all he had to do was turn up for the party, and he did so in a spirit of indifference. He got things very wrong. Similarly sometimes we think that all we have to do in life is go through the motions. We know that we are all invited to share in God’s Kingdom, but sometimes we think all we have to do to get there is attend church and keep some rules. How often do we sit through Mass thinking of what we are going to do later in the day? How often do we switch off to the needs of others? Sometimes we fail to see Christianity as an all-embracing way of being, and when we fail to see this we fail to clothe ourselves in the goodness God expects. We don’t need to earn our invitation to share in God’s Kingdom, this is given freely, but we do need to think long and hard about how we respond. PRISONERS’ SUNDAY Pray, Act, Give Pact is a charity that supports prisoners, exoffenders and their children and families to make a fresh star and help to reduce the harm caused by imprisonment, particularly for the children and families who are left behind by providing: - Family support workers, visitor centres at prisons for families visiting a relative in prison, supervised play areas inside prisons for prisoners’ children, befrienders in court for when a family member is sentenced, a helpline for prisoners’ families and friends, resettlement support for ex-offenders. As Pope Francis has urged us: "It is not in soul-searching... that we encounter the Lord. We need to go out to the outskirts where there is suffering, blood-shed, blindness that longs for sight and prisoners in thrall" On this special day, be inspired by his example and: > Pray for prisoners, their children, families and all of those affected by imprisonment. Please see PRISONERS’ SUNDAY prayer on page 3. > Act by volunteering for Pact. > Give online at Parish Office: St. Edward the Confessor Church, 191/193 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, SO53 2DU Tel.: 023 8027 3882. Email: [email protected]. Office hours:: Wed 8.30am-4.30pm Thurs 8.30am - 4.30pm Fri 11.30am - 3.00 pm. Newsletter items should be received by Wed 9.00 am Readings for next Sunday 19th October Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time Gospel: 1st reading: Psalm 95 2nd reading: Matthew 22.15-21 Isaiah 45:1.4-6 ‘Give the Lord glory and power’. Thessalonians 1.1-5 This week’s Gospel: Matthew 21:33-43 "Invite everyone you can find to the wedding” In this banquet we will be happy and every tear will be wiped awa from our eyes. Journey in Faith – or Becoming a Catholic Do you know someone who has expressed an interest in becoming a Catholic or is curious about what Catholics believe? Do you know an adult who has not been confirmed yet? Often an invitation from a friend or neighbour is all a person needs to take the next step to find out more about the Catholic Church and its teachings. If you do, please bring them along to Journey in Faith, Wednesday evenings at St Edward the Confessor Church, Chandlers Ford between 7.30pm and 9pm Or contact Deacon Paul Owen on 02380 658251 October - Month of the Rosary The Rosary will be prayed on : Wednesday, 22 October at 2 pm At the home of Susan Johnston, 9, Danebury Gardens SO53 4NQ Tuesday, 28 October, at 7 pm At the home of Tony & Pauline Wilson, 11, Alexandra Road, SO53 2BP ST. SWITHUN WELLS FELLOWSHIP GROUP at St. Swithun Wells Church, Fair Oak Wednesday 15th October 7.45-9pm Our second session exploring Pope Francis' "Evangelli Gaudium" with Deacon Bob Birtles. Everyone is very welcome. Enquiries: Peter Baggott: 023 8069 4060 Deacon Bob Birtles: 023 8069 2416 PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE CHANGES TO THE TIMES OF MASS, ROSARY AND CONFESSION AT HOLY CROSS CHURCH First Holy Communion Preparation If your child is in school year 3 or above and would like to make their First Holy Communion in 2015, please contact the parish office to register your interest by Friday 17th October. The first meeting, for parents only, will be on Tuesday 21st October 7.00pm at St Swithun Wells Catholic Primary School, Hillcrest Avenue, Chandlers Ford, SO53 2JP • Parents must attend this meeting • Bring a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate • Application forms will be given out & completed at the meeting FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE TIME-OUT ZONE monthly get-together for everyone aged 15-19 (or aged 14 if in Year 10): Next session is SUNDAY 26th OCTOBER in Holy Cross Resource Centre, Eastleigh, 7.00-8.30 pm: games, food, chat and faith-focus. We are using the new Youth Alpha film clips: this session - “Who is Jesus?” New people always welcome - give it a try! Under-18s: collect a Parental Consent Form from your church or download from parish website homepage – bring completed form with you. FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE Next session of INSPiRE for anyone in School Years 6 to 9 is WEDNESDAY 22nd OCTOBER from 7.00-8.30pm in Holy Cross Resource Centre. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to get together once a month with other young people from across the parish, while thinking about what it means to be a Christian. If you haven’t been before, you will need to bring a completed Parental Consent Form - collect one from your church or download from the parish website homepage. WEEKLY MEDITATION PRAYER Every Friday 11am at The Wisdom Centre WE STILL NEED ONE MORE PERSON TO COME FORWARD. DRIVERS URGENTLY NEEDED A St Swithun Wells school bus based at St Andrew's, needs more drivers before it can operate for children in the St Andrew's area. Without it some families are prevented from attending. We need a roster of 3 or 4 MEN OR WOMEN to make it feasible. One person is unlikely to take it on, but could. Drivers will be paid. If you can help, call Graham Alldred on 01794 517 360 or St Edward's Parish office. CLEANERS NEEDED AT THE RESOURCE CENTRE BEHIND HOLY CROSS CHURCH. We are trying to organise a rota. If you can spare some time, please contact Jackie Higgins on 02380 620718. We welcome into our Community of Faith: Lila Newey who will be baptised on Sunday 12th at Holy Cross Church SCHOOL OPEN DAYS St Mary’s College Wednesday 22nd October, 9-12.30pm Thursday 23rd October , 9-12.30pm Coffee at St Edward’s every Wednesday after 10.00am Mass. Churches Together in Eastleigh 19th October at 3.00pmn at St Boniface Rededication of the Chandler’s Ford War Memorial. Anchor Training for Catechists 22nd November, 10am-1pm St Edward the Confessor, Chandler's Ford with an optional workshop in the afternoon. Bring a packed lunch. The day is free of charge. Come and find out about this simple, interactive faith formation for adults. Anchor is a simple Faith resource which allows adults to discover or rediscover the essentials of the Catholic Faith through Scripture and art. DO NOT STAND STILL. WE ALL HAVE TO WALK, TO TAKE A STEP EVERY DAY, WITH THE LORD’S HELP. Pope Francis addressing prisoners at Isemia prison. Christmas Cards on Sale at St Edward’s during the weekweek-ends 18th/19th & 25/26th October There will be also a CAFOD information table where you can find out more about CAFOD, our Parish Connect 2 Project and how you can help CAFOD in ways which will not cost you anything!! To the whole Parish for your generosity for the Harvest Fast Appeal. If you forgot your envelope last week, you can still hand it in this week KNIT & NATTER at St Edward’s 13th October 2-4pm. Every 2nd Monday in the month. Come and meet new people and remember, if you can’t knit, you can natter… Tea and coffee provided. Any queries: Maureen Stephenson 02380 252104 PRISONERS’ SUNDAY PRAYER Good and Gracious god, In your Son Jesus Christ You offer us the way to new life. We pray: For those imprisoned by grief and fear as a result of the actions of others For those imprisoned in gaol and cell as a result of their own actions; and For those who can find no other life that in the never ending imprisonment of evidence and crime Jesus said come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens: Give those who are wearied by imprisonment the courage to change; and to those who carry the burden of another’s imprisonment, an abiding hope, so that we and all your children may be free. We ask this in Jesus ’name. RIP Remember in your prayers the soul of: Monica O’Driscoll whose Requiem Mass will be celebrated at St Edward’s on Tuesday 14th October at 11.30am. May her soul rest in peace NEXT WEEK’S SECOND COLLECTION FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS Last week’s collections (incl weekly standing orders) St Edward the Confessor: £347.55 (S/O £816.15) Special Collection for CAFOD: £1,156.68 (incl £131.68 gift aid) Our Lady Queen of Apostles: £2823.50 (S/O £438.46) Special Collection for CAFOD: £263.15 Holy Cross & St. Swithun Wells: £416.31 (S/O £315.02) Special Collection for CAFOD: £496.04 St. Joseph’s & St. Andrew’s: £606.58 (S/O £409.78) Special Collection for CAFOD: £555.01 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: St Swithun Wells Primary School 023 8026 6210; St George Catholic V.A. College 023 8032 2603; St Anne’s Catholic School 023 8032 8200; Charlton House 023 8067 7575 / St Mary’s College 023 8067 1267 Mass Times for our Six Church Communities PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE CHANGES TO THE MASS , ROSARY & CONFESSION TIMES AT HOLY CROSS TIME CHURCH 9.300am HC Sat 11th 5.00pm St Sw Vigil Masses 6.00pm OLQA 6.00pm St J 6.30pm St Ed Nijolé Vilimé RIP Sun 12th 28th Sunday of 9.00am 9.00am HC St Ed Polska Msza Święta Paulina Lesniczuk FM Ordinary Time 9.15am SA DATE Sat 11th MASS INTENTION DATE TIME CHURCH Eileen Monaghan RIP Thurs 16th 9.30am HC Maria Jacobs RIP St Hedwig 10.00am St Ed 6.00pm St J Fri 17th 9.30am HC St Ignatius of Antioch 10.00am St Ed 6.00pm St J 9.30am HC MASS INTENTION Our Lady on Saturday 9.30am 11.00am Eileen Alford & Family Annie Carville RIP OLQA SA Holy Souls RIP 11.00am HC Mon 13th 10.00am St Ed St Edward The Confessor 10.00am 10.00am HC Holy Souls RIP OLQA Tues 14th 9.30am HC St Callistus I 10.00am St Ed 10.00am 10.00am OLQA SA Wed 15th 9.30am HC St Teresa of Avila 10.00am St Ed St Sw 9.30 am Eleonor de Melo’s Bday Sat 18th Michael Lane FM Holy Souls in purgatory specially dedeased member of FOSS St Luke People of the Parish Sat 18th 5.00pm St Sw Helen Christian FM Vigil Masses 6.00pm OLQA 6.00pm St J Nathaniel Parris-Dollard’s Bday 6.30pm St Ed People of the Parish Requiem Mass. Monica O’Driscoll Sun 19th 9.00am HC Polska Msza Święta 9.00am 9.15am St Ed SA 9.30am OLQA 11.00am SA 11.00am HC 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time Joanna Wilson-Brosnan RIP Monday Jackie Callow RIP Olivia Lee RIP Thanks giving - Joseph Anthraper The Holy Rosary followed at 10.00am by Morning Prayer with Word and Communion (cancelled if there is a Mass at Holy Cross at 10.00 on Mon am) St J 7.30 pm St Ed 9.30 am AND St J 6.00 pm PRAYERS St A 10.00 am St Ed 8.25 am HC 9.10am ROSARY St Ed HC St Sw St A St J OLQA Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Sunday Saturday The Holy Rosary in the Oratory of Marie Louise House, Newton Lane, Romsey The Holy Rosary Evening Prayer with Word and Communion Morning Prayer with Word and Communion The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary St. Edward the Confessor,191-193, Winchester Rd, Chandler’s Ford, SO53 2DU Holy Cross, 53, Leigh Road, Eastleigh. SO50 9DF St. Swithun Wells, Allington Lane, Fair Oak, SO50 7DB St. Andrew’s, Fleming Avenue, North, Baddesley SO52 9EP St. Joseph’s Oratory, 26 Abbey Water, Romsey, SO51 8EJ Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Martin Street, Bishops Waltham. SO32 1DN ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday - HC No Adoration. Holy Hour 7-8pm St Ed after Mass, closing with Benediction 8.30pm St J from 12.00 noon until 6.00pm. St A following Morning Prayer until 11.00am Malayam (Syro-Malabar) Rite 1st Friday of the month 5.00 pm The Holy Rosary, followed by Mass at Holy Cross. Fr David O’Sullivan Tel: 023 8061 2430 (Parish Priest) mob: 07554 427063 [email protected] Deacon Bob Birtles Tel: 023 8069 2416 [email protected] Fr George Ngwa Tel: 02380620795 [email protected] Tel: (Assistant Priest) Deacon John di Meo Tel: 01794 515688 [email protected] Canon Alan Griffiths (Assistant Priest) [email protected] CONFESSION (SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION) POLISH PRIEST : Fr Zbigniew Budyn Tel: 023 8178 6316 Deacon Paul Owen Tel: 023 8065 8251 [email protected] Deacon Paul Hollingworth Tel: 01794 524287 [email protected] Saturdays: Co-ordinator & Adviser for Catechesis & Formation: 10.00am Holy Cross Church Richard Martin Tel:023 8065 8338 RETIRED PRIEST: Fr David Whitehead 12 noon St. Edward the Confessor Church [email protected] 5.30pm Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church Holy Cross Resource Centre & Fin Admin: Twitter:@RichSSW Linda Roberts Tel: 023 8065 8339 5.30pm St. Joseph’s Parish Centre. Sundays: 8.45am St. Andrew’s Church. [email protected] Parish Administrator: Cristina Carretero Tel: 023 80 27 3882 [email protected]
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