PROGRAM PROFILE FORM Note: It is very important that the program profile describes the individual program and not the work of the entire organization. This is so each program model can be sorted according to its specific characteristics. If your organization has multiple programs, please contact us about creating a separate profile for each one. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Program Name Year Launched Link to Program Image Implementing Organization Implementing Partners Only include if directly involved in core work of program Launch Country Additional Country(ies) of Operation (if any) State/Province(s) of Operation City(ies) of Operation Program Stage Select Operational Status Select Implementer Status Select Which of the following primary topics relate to the program’s core work? Please select a maximum of 2 topics to ensure the website topic search is most effective. Community Engagement ECED Fragile/Conflict-Affected State Learning through Play Public-private Partnerships Student Assessment CSR Curriculum Reform/Design Education Financing Educational Technology Girls’ Education Inclusive Education Low-cost Private Schools Out-of-School Children Secondary Education Skills for Work Teacher Training/Evaluation Transparency/Accountability Which of the following secondary topics relate to the program’s core work? Community Engagement ECED Fragile/Conflict-Affected State Learning through Play Public-private Partnerships Student Assessment CSR Curriculum Reform/Design Education Financing Educational Technology Girls’ Education Inclusive Education Low-cost Private Schools Out-of-School Children Secondary Education Skills for Work Teacher Training/Evaluation Transparency/Accountability Highlighting Innovation Please describe what makes your program innovative. Key Challenges Please describe any key challenges faced by your program. PROGRAM APPROACH Which of the following main topics of instruction relate to the program’s core work? Please select a maximum of 3 topics. 21st Century (Soft Skills) Culture/Indigenous Studies Environmental Studies Literacy ICT Vocational/Technical Skills Art & Music English Language Ethics & Values/Religion Local/Mother Language Science & Engineering Other Comprehensive Curriculum Entrepreneurship Skills Health/Nutrition Math/Numeracy Sports Which of the following secondary topics of instruction relate to the program’s core work? 21st Century (Soft Skills) Culture/Indigenous Studies Environmental Studies Literacy ICT Vocational/Technical Skills Art & Music English Language Ethics & Values/Religion Local/Mother Language Science & Engineering Other Comprehensive Curriculum Entrepreneurship Skills Health/Nutrition Math/Numeracy Sports TARGET BENEFICIARIES Target Geography Select Target Education Level (ISCED Levels) Early Childhood Lower Secondary Short-cycle Tertiary Pre-primary Upper Secondary Bachelor or Equivalent Primary Post-secondary Non-tertiary Master/Doctoral or Equivalent Is this a gender specific program? Select Target Population (if applicable) Displaced Individuals Ethnic Minorities Linguistic Minorities Nomadic Communities Out-of-school Children Religious Minorities Other Individuals with Disabilities Orphans/Vulnerable Children Racial Minorities Income Level of Target Population Bottom Quintile (0-20%) Fourth Quintile (61-80%) Middle Quintile (41-60%) Second Quintile (21-40%) Top Quintile (81-100%) Strategies for Reaching the Poorest Please describe any strategies (e.g. systems, resources, partnerships) used for targeting the poor. TECHNOLOGY Technology is not a focus of this program Main Technology Used as Part of Model Please only select if technology forms a central component of the program’s approach. Please select a maximum of 2 technologies. Camera Mobile Phone Solar Technology Other Main Technology Purpose Classroom Lesson Delivery Materials in Other Languages Teaching Materials Technology Partners Computer Radio Tablet or E-reader Internet Smart Board Television Enrichment or Remediation School Operations Tracking Student Performance Learning Materials Teacher Training Other SCALE Date of Data Collection Month Year Number of Current Learners Served Total Number of Learners Served to Date Percent Female Learners Percent Male Learners Number of Teachers In the text box below, please describe what the number entered refers to (e.g. “1,000 teachers are trained each year” or “the school employs 50 teachers”) Number of Schools/Centers Operated In the text box below, please describe what the number entered refers to (e.g. “4 early childhood learning centers are currently active” or “teachers are trained in 100 schools around the country”) Total Number of Products Distributed In the text box below, please describe what the number entered refers to (e.g. “100 reading books distributed” or “1,000 tablets distributed”) Other Measures of Scale Not Included Above EXPANSION Has the program scaled up (i.e., expanded its market share since founding)? Yes Has the program been replicated (i.e. entered new domestic/international markets)? No Yes No Please provide a brief description of program growth to date. Include founding date and any baseline data, growth data, history of scale-up or replication, and/or how the program model has evolved since founding. Please provide a brief description of plans for future growth. Include goals for future and associated timeline, and any plans for scale-up or replication. MONITORING AND EVALUATION Is there a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) strategy in place? Yes No If yes, please describe the program’s M&E strategy. If no, please describe any plans the program has for developing a M&E strategy. What outcomes data does the program monitor? Ability to Reach the Poor Graduation/Promotion Rates Standardized Assessment Teacher Attendance Other Cost Effectiveness Increased Enrollment Student Attendance Teacher Retention Has the program been externally evaluated? Yes Employment Rates Internal Assessment Student Retention User Satisfaction No If yes, please describe evaluation results here. Link to Evaluation Documentation Please indicate if documents may be posted on public profile or are for CEI staff only. RESULTS Please provide any results you would like to report (in the following categories or others). Please include the measure being reported and the date for which it is valid. Assessment Performance Results should compare results over time or relative to other alternatives. Date User Satisfaction Date Poverty Measures Date Please describe indicators of what income level the program is serving (e.g. demographic information of beneficiaries such as “90% of students are the first in their families to attend post-primary school”) Graduation/Promotion Rates Date Employment Rates Date Student Attendance Date Teacher Attendance Date Enrollment Date Cost Effectiveness/Value for Money Date Cost of the output relative to alternatives (e.g. “cost per student is 2/3 of the cost of government expenditure per student” or “unit cost per student is $3 per month”) Other Date FINANCIALS Main Source of Initial Investment Please select a maximum of 2 sources. Aid Agency Endowment Government Own Funds Award Equity Individual Donor Private Payment/Fees Community-funded Foundation In-kind Contribution Other Main Source for Covering Recurring Costs Please select a maximum of 2 sources. Aid Agency Endowment Government Own Funds Award Equity Individual Donor Private Payment/Fees Key Funders Annual Operating Budget (Include Currency) Community-funded Foundation In-kind Contribution Other Main Source of Tuition/Fees Cross-subsidization Household Funds Revenue Other Free Service/Product Loans to Students/Families Scholarships Government Pay-for-performance Vouchers/CCTs SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS Please provide the links (URLs) for relevant program documents here. Please indicate if documents may be posted on public profile or are for CEI staff only. For photos, please provide photo credit if necessary. Document Links Photo Links Video Links Other Links PUBLIC CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Name Contact Title Contact Email Contact Telephone Number Program Website Program Facebook Page Other Relevant Social Media (e.g. Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn) General Contact Name General Contact Email General Contact Telephone Number
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