October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.saintanne.com Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Served by Oratorians 1694 Bird Street ● Rock Hill, SC 29730 ● Phone: (803) 329-2662 ● Fax: (803) 329-2190 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm ● Email: [email protected] Sacramental Emergency (803) 329-2662 Ext.7 ● www.saintanne.com WELCOME to saint anne We celebrate our cultural diversity and invite everyone in our community to share their unique gifts. PARISH PERSONNEL Rev. Fabio Refosco, C.O., Pastor Rev. Paul Nguyen, C.O., Parochial Vicar Deacon Ray Moore (803) 684-5621 Deacon Jim Hyland (803) 327-5080 Mrs. Pat Fedele, Parish Manager Mrs. Christina Pascual, Parish Secretary Ms. Margie Blair, Facility Operations Mrs. Maria Perez, Parish Bookkeeper Mrs. Elena Ziegler, DRE Mrs. Kendra Foos, Youth Minister Mr. Jermaine Evans, Music Director Mr. Dan Taylor, FLC Coordinator Saint Anne Catholic School Phone: (803) 324-4814 www.stanneschool.com Mrs. Shaileen Riginos, Principal Mrs. Melita Talbot-Hill, Secretary Mrs. Michelle Hatchett, Marketing Mrs. Terrah Shene, Nurse MISSION STATEMENT Saint Anne Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community blessed with a diversity of cultures all united in the Body of Christ. Formed in Faith and nourished by the Sacraments, we continue to grow in our call to Evangelization. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Masses 5:30pm and 7:30pm (Vietnamese Mass) Sunday Masses 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am 12:30pm (Spanish Mass) and 5:00pm (Contemporary Mass) Weekday Mass 7:00am (Monday - Friday) SACRAMENTS Baptism—Contact the office before or after the child’s birth. Baptism Class is on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Church Meeting Room. Holy Eucharist—Please call the church for Communion to be brought to the homebound, the sick or the hospitalized. Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:45pm — 5:15pm or by appointment. Confirmation—Call the DRE for more information. Marriage—Bride and Groom must schedule with the pastor a minimum of one year prior to intended date of marriage. Holy Orders—If you feel a call to the priesthood or the diaconate, contact our priests or deacons. Anointing of the Sick—If you are in need of this sacrament, contact one of our priests. October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.saintanne.com PARISH CONTACTS Altar Server Lauren Switzer (803) 517 7415 Annulments Jim Hyland (803) 327 5080 Apostles of Divine Mercy Bill Griesbauer (803) 327 4300 Bereavement Ministry Marian Craig (803) 327 1458 Boy Scouts Dan D'Agostino (803) 628 0150 Building Committee Rob Worley (803) 328 9399 Confirmation Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808 Craft Group Mary Sacco (803) 328 3244 Cub Scouts Todd Cook (803) 327 0420 Daily Morning Mass Marian Shulgay (803) 327 7676 Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen Beverly Carroll (803) 366 2963 Extraordinary Ministers Bill Rife (803) 980 5483 Family Promise Jan Richards (803) 328 6535 Finance Council Ralph Domenick (803) 324 4250 Girl Scouts Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439 Greeters Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637 Hispanic Ministry Ángel Juarez (803) 327 2548 Knights of Columbus Ray Howard (803) 325 1086 Lectors Pat Gann (803) 366 2168 Little Flowers Group Kristine Patterson (803) 327 1333 Men’s Organization Ed FitzGerald (803) 366 2774 Music Director Jermaine Evans (803) 517 4537 Parish Manager Pat Fedele (803) 329 2662 Pastoral Council Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439 Perpetual Adoration Bud & Carol Marlow (803) 328 9745 Religious Education Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865 Respect For Life Kristine Lenti (803) 328 5810 Rosary Group (M.M.P.) Maureen Johnson (803) 366 1588 Sacristan Bill Rife (803) 980 5483 Safe Environment Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865 Secretary Christina Pascual (803) 329 2662 St. Anne Festival Kendra Foos (803) 792 1442 St. Martha’s Circle Mary Lou Fellows (803) 980 6271 St. Vincent De Paul Debi Noce (803) 327 2099 St. Vincent De Paul Youth Donna Willis ( 803) 324 2724 Stewardship Committee Charlie Grobusky (803) 366 1501 Ushers Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637 Vietnamese Ministry Jenny Nguyen (803) 389 9516 Wedding Advisor Diane Hinton (803) 366 6652 Welcome Committee Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439 Worship Committee Fr. Paul Nguyen (803) 329 2662 Youth Ministry Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808 CONTACTOS EN ESPAÑOL • • • • • • • • • • • Oficina Parroquial Christina Pascual (803) 329-2662 Caballeros de Colón Rigoberto Félix (803) 980-4990 Coro de la Iglesia Jesús Román (803) 324-9784 Catecismo Denise Kizer, Coordinadora (803) 324-8260 Bautizos Gerardo Arroyo (803) 412-1859 Matrimonio Ángel Juarez (803) 327-2548 Quinceañera Coi Juarez (803) 242-2985 Ministerio de Eucaristía Luis Lozano (803) 371-7210 Lectores María Quiroz (803) 487-8682 Grupo de Oración Elvia Trujillo (803) 678-9961 Legión de María Chela Arzaluz (803) 324-2088 LIÊN LẠ LẠC Mục Vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam Mọi vấn đề liên quan đến mục vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam xin trực tiếp liên lạc với Ông Gioan Nguyễn Văn Chuyên (324-7532), Ông Nguyễn Văn Toán (803)3671990, Bà Phạm Thị Liễu (803-325-5260), Bà Nguyễn Jenny Nhung (803-389-9516), Bà Nguyễn Thị Huyền (803-412-2759), hoặc Phạm Thị Loan (803-328-5100). Các vấn đề liên quan tới phép bí tích xin liên lạc với Cha Xứ hoặc các vị dưới đây. Bí Tích Rửa Tội Cha mẹ muốn cho con chịu phép Rửa Tội cần phải (1) gia nhập giáo xứ và (2) tham dự khóa hướng dẫn về Bí Tích Rửa Tội. Xin liên lạc văn phòng giáo xứ (803-3292662 ext. 3) để ghi danh. Bí Tích Hôn Phối Theo luật Ðịa Phận Charleston, những ai muốn lãnh nhận Bí Tích Hôn Phối cần phải học khóa dự bị hôn nhân với cha xứ ít nhất là 6 tháng trước ngày lễ cưới. Liên lạc: Cha Phaolô Hiền PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Xin liên lạc với bà Diane Hinton (366-6652) để biết những việc cần làm và tập dợt cho ngày lễ cưới. Pat Swoope - Chair 2012-2015 - Pat Swoope, Ángel Juarez, Elena Ziegler 2013-2016 - Denise Kizer, Bud Marlow, Jenny Nguyen 2014-2017 - Ed FitzGerald, Joe Geraci, Jamie Raad If you would like to serve in the Parish Council, please contact the Parish Office. Chương Trình Giáo Lý Mọi chi tiết về chương trình Giáo Lý xin trực tiếp liên lạc với bà Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4). PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Chương Trình Giới Trẻ Ralph Domenick - Chair Pat Fedele, Shaileen Riginos, Andrew Shene, Ray Howard, Michael Radl, Mark Eddie Mọi chi tiết về Nhóm Trẻ (Youth Group) xin liên lạc với bà Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4). 2 October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.saintanne.com LITURGY & WORSHIP TODAY’S READINGS LECTURAS DE HOY First Reading — On this mountain the LORD will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines (Isaiah 25:6-10a). Psalm — I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Psalm 23). Second Reading — God will supply whatever you need (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20). Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and everything is ready. Come to the feast! (Matthew 22:1-14 [1-10]). Primera lectura — El Señor preparará un banquete y secará las lágrimas de todos los rostros (Isaías 25:6-10a). Salmo — Viviré en la casa del Señor todos los días de mi vida (Salmo 23 [22]). Segunda lectura — No importa las circunstancias, nuestras necesidades se resolverán en Cristo Jesús (Fil 4:12-14, 19-20). Evangelio — La invitación se ha enviado; todo está listo; vengan a la fiesta (Mateo 22:1-14 [1-10]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. PERPETUAL ADORATION This hour still needs an adorer— might you help fill it? 1:00am Thurs. If you wish to be a substitute adorer, please call Bud Marlow at (803) 328-9745. ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO La siguiente hora todavia está abierta ¿usted puede ayudar? Los jueves a la 1:00am. Si le gustaria ser sustituto, llame a Felipe Uribe (803) 985-3850. Paul Borrell Bill Reburn Jake Porter, Jr. Wilder Aitken Patricia Mohl Mike O’Neil Lillian Riopel George Pistanowich George Steinfeld Dan Brett Phil Schmit Deacon Diego Perez Janet Duffy Sharon Weber Nicky Whitehead THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SUNDAY - October 12 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Vincent de Paul - Gathering Space Knights of Columbus Breakfast - Cafeteria 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm - Sunday Masses 10:30am Faith Formation & F.U.E.L. K4 — 12th Grade 10:30am Adult Bible Study - “A Cultural Tour of the Bible” 11:30am SVDP Youth - Church Mtg. Room Parish Prayer List John Perez Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Los lectores se reúnen el segundo jueves de cada mes a las 7:00pm en la iglesia. MONDAY - October 13 7:00am Mass - Daily Chapel 5:30pm Girl Scouts # 2670 - Music Room 6:30pm Liturgical Ministers Training - Church 7:00pm Rosary (Spanish) - Daily Chapel 7:00pm Boy Scouts # 277 - Cafeteria 7:00pm CORE Team Mtg - Religion Room 8:00pm Hispanic Prayer Group - Sacristy TUESDAY - October 14 - St. Callistus 7:00am Mass - Daily Chapel 7:00pm Rosary (M.M.P.) - Church WEDNESDAY - October 15 - St. Teresa de Jesus 7:00am Mass - Daily Chapel 9:00am School Mass - Church 10:00am Bible Study - “The Gospel of Mark” - FLC Mtg Room 6:00pm Faith Formation K4 — 8th Grade - FLC 6:00pm Adult Bible Study - “Catholic Beliefs that Guide you” 6:00pm Confirmation Class - Religion Room 6:30pm Adult Choir - Music Room 7:00pm Haunted House Mtg. - Religion Room 7:00pm Legion of Mary (Spanish) - Sacristy 7:00pm Choir (Spanish) - Church THURSDAY - October 16 - St. Hedwig/St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 7:00am Mass - Daily Chapel 8:00am Parish Finance Council - FLC Conference Room 8:30am VIRTUS Program Training - FLC Mtg Room 6:30pm Cub Den Meeting - Cafeteria, Mtg&Music Room FRIDAY - October 17 - St. Ignatius of Antioch 7:00am Mass - Daily Chapel 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet - Daily Chapel 3:30pm Stations of the Cross - Daily Chapel 6:30pm Little Flowers Catholic Girls - Cafeteria 8:00pm Hispanic Prayer Group - Church SATURDAY - October 18 - St. Luke, Evangelist Vigil Masses at 5:30pm and 7:30pm (Vietnamese) Those who died (los difuntos) Jackie Haynes Mass Intentions Sunday Oct.12 9:00am † Eileen Keefe 10:30am † Edythe Weiss Monday Oct.13 7:00am Special Intention for Susie Hinton Flowers for the Altar Your thoughtful flower donation enhances weekend Masses while being a special remembrance. If you would to donate flowers, please call the church office at 329-2662 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. 3 October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.saintanne.com CHRISTIAN FORMATION Saint Anne: Committed to Safe Environment The policy requires any adult who has regular contact with children or vulnerable adults and all employees of the Church to attend awareness training, be background screened, sign a volunteer/employee code of conduct and acknowledgement of receipt of our diocesan policy. Please go to www.virtus.org to register for one of the upcoming classes. FAITH FORMATION NEWS Elena Ziegler (DRE) [email protected] (803) 372 5865 YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Kendra Foos (Youth Minister) [email protected] (803) 372 5808 FAMILY FUN NIGHT WAS A SUCCESS “Over 60s” is now “First Friday Friends” Many young folks have hesitated attending because of the name. Any age is welcomed! We meet on the first Friday of the month and have some great discussions and interesting study sessions. This year we are talking about spirituality. Youth Group members and their families enjoyed food and games together—like this Flag Football game between parents and students! Our next Family Fun Night will be in December! Weekly Faith Formation Classes for Children Classes are entering the sixth week of instruction. We will have already completed one fourth of the year! We have been promoting and accepting registrations for classes since April. If you have not yet registered your child, do so now. Sunday classes are full, so please register for Wednesdays. Forms are at the welcome desk and online for your convenience: www.saintanne.com. Sacraments for Adults!!! Are you a baptized Catholic adult who has never been Confirmed or who has not made First Communion? It’s never too late! Sunday Morning F.U.E.L. All 9-12 grade students are invited to come and engage in lively discussions about our Faith—Sundays 10:30am-12:30pm in the Religion Room. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults If you interested in becoming Catholic or are a spouse of a Catholic… if you are a “returning Catholic” … if you are curious about how a person becomes a Catholic… or if you know someone who is… We hold meetings to help you in your journey towards Catholicism. These meetings are ongoing and the process is tailored to your individual needs. Need Service Hours? Our service project this month will be helping at the St. Vincent de Paul Halloween Festival. Contact Kendra if you are interested. Confirmation Fall session is underway! Please contact Kendra and/or visit www.saintanne.com/sacraments/confirmation/. Technology Safety is everyone’s concern, but most especially for parents of children. The USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) has developed a simple, practical website for parents: https://faithandsafety.org. Remember this one thing: Internet safety isn't about the right software or service. Rather, real safety in the digital world is all about active, involved, loving parenting. It's a team effort that builds a strong Christian family! Check out this website for help dealing with the internet, social media, mobile and gaming devices. 6th and 8th Grade Students: Youth Rally! Flyers and forms for the Annual Diocesan Jr. High Youth Rally are in the Gathering Space and on the website. Upcoming VIRTUS training sessions: Go to www.virtus.org to register: Oct.16, 8:30am (St. Anne, Rock Hill); Oct. 22, 6:30pm (Divine Saviour, York); Oct. 30, 7:00pm (St. Philip Neri, Fort Mill); Nov 13, 7:00pm (St. Philip Neri, Fort Mill); Nov. 20, 8:30am (St. Anne, Rock Hill). LAST CHANCE TO ORDER “At Home with the Word” and “Workbook for Lectors” “Palabra de Dios” and “Manual para Proclamadores de la Palabra” Time to order for the upcoming year. The sign-up sheets are on the Welcome Desk in the Gathering Space. The cost for “At Home with the Word” is $8 for the standard type and $12 for large print. ”Workbook for Lectors” is $12.00. The deadline for ordering is this Sunday, October 12th, so please be sure to sign up! 4 October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.saintanne.com STEWARDSHIP “Active Parishioner” is determined by three things: ●Being properly registered in the parish—faithfully attending Mass on the weekends and Holy Days of Obligation ●Regularly supporting the parish by using any identifiable donation (such as envelope system, loose check, or electronic donation) ●Being active in at least one parish program, ministry, or organization. Stewardship of Treasure Corresponsabilidad Financiera OFFERING From the beginning of time, our Creator has given humankind the gifts of life and unconditional love. One day, our God saw fit to give the first fruit of love for us: the sacrificial gift of an only son, Jesus. Jesus gave his own life for us on the cross. He set an example for us of giving unconditionally and of sacrificing so that others might live. We walk in the footsteps of Christ when we sacrificially give a part of our substance so that others might live. The starting point for Sacrificial Giving is the basic principle of Christian stewardship—that everything we have is a gift from God. In gratitude for God’s generosity, we dedicate a portion of these gifts—our TIME, TALENT and TREASURE—to furthering God’s Kingdom. If we truly believe that God gives us all that we have, gratitude is one response. Trust is another. When we realize that God has provided for us and will continue to do so, we recognize that our real security lies in God. Our God, who has given us all, will take care of our future. YTD Oct 5, 2014 Collection Online Contributions Other Income Religious Education Catholic Schools Facilities Improvement 14,755 2,166 0 37 0 2,614 187,136 15,859 13,458 2,105 4,242 12,022 TOTAL INCOME BUDGET SURPLUS/(SHORTFALL) 19,571 19,261 310 234,821 269,654 (34,833) Weeklyofferingsbudgetbasedonpredicted expensesdividedby52weeks Did you know? Stationery, stamps, paper and pens are just a few of the items necessary for running an efficient office. Last fiscal year, our average monthly cost for office supplies, printing and postage was $1,265.80. Place God first in all things This means making God’s priorities our priorities. When we place our loving Creator at the center of our life, we become more prayerful, more focused on loving and caring for our families and our neighbor in need, and less preoccupied with material things. In short, we find the true source of happiness and fulfillment that we all seek and that the Lord alone can provide. It’s been said that “People make the time and find the money for what they value most.” We must challenge each other, as disciples of Jesus Christ, to value God above all else. This belief will lead us to put our faith in action by finding the time and money to promote God’s priorities because we have made them our priorities as well. .Second Collections THIS WEEK- Catholic Schools This week’s Second Collection helps to offset tuition assistance. Catholic Schools empower students through an academic, Christ-centered education. We invite you to participate in this ministry by supporting this collection which helps schools to remain a place where our Faith is taught and lived. NEXT WEEK - Mission Sunday Your prayers and donations will help support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is beginning and where it is new. By sharing the gift of faith and your contributions towards promoting it, we can bring hope and love to those who need it most. “Sacrifice, surrender, and suffering are not a popular topic nowadays. Our culture makes us believe that we can have it all … that with the right technology all pain and problems can be overcome. This is not my attitude toward sacrifice. I know that it is impossible to relieve the world’s suffering unless God’s people are willing to surrender to God, to make sacrifices, and to suffer along with the poor. From the beginning of time, the human heart has felt the need to offer God a sacrifice.” Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Parish Council & Finance Council Saint Anne will be selecting 3 new members for the Parish Council and one new member for the Finance Council in December 2014. Their term will begin in January 2015. To be considered for this position, one must be a Saint Anne Active Parishioner (registered, serving, contributing) in good standing and at least 18 years old of age. The application form may be found at www.saintanne.com/parish/parish-council/ 5 October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.saintanne.com EVANGELIZATION 2014 Synod on the Family Gala 2014 Pope Francis has written a special prayer for the Synod on the Family. SAS Gala 2014 is coming November 8th! St. Anne Gala 2014‘s theme is “START SPREADING THE NEWS” at the Rock Hill Country Club on Saturday, November 8th. And, if you're looking for some “heavenly items” and fun, this party will have it! To reserve tickets, donate, sponsor, or volunteer, please email [email protected]! Remember, sponsorships at the $2,500 and $5,000 level get YEAR-LONG MARKETING BENEFITS AT ST. ANNE SCHOOL. Thank you to the following sponsors: Michele Boyne Pediatric Dentistry, CVC Consulting and Founders, FCU- $5000; HM2 Consulting, Kirol Family Dentistry, Resolute, Ribald Events and the Waterstone Group- $2500, Comporium, First Citizens Bank and The Rick and Demaso Families- $1500 so far… “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God's plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. 2014 Gala Tickets now on sale! $50 each or $600 for a table of 8 [email protected] Is St. Anne High School right for you? Families, read the BIBLE, says Pope Francis An informational meeting is planned for Tuesday, October 28th at 6:30pm at St. Anne School. Students in 7th and 8th grade (and parents of these students) are invited to attend. Come and hear about our inaugural class! Come and be a part of this story! Questions? [email protected] (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has asked for prayers for the bishops who are about to begin work in the two-week Synod on the Family and invited all families to keep a Bible handy in their homes, and read it often. “For the family to be able to proceed well, with trust and with hope, it must be nurtured by the Word of God” he said. Pope Francis continued: “Today, as the Synod for the Family opens, with the help of the Pauline brothers there is a Bible for every family! Not to just put it on a shelf, but to keep it on hand, dip into it often, both individually and together, husband and wife, parents and children, perhaps in the evening, especially on Sundays. In this way the family will grow and walk in the light and the strength of God’s Word!” Take-Out Tuesdays Benefitting St. Anne School Development Get out of the kitchen on Tuesdays! J. Scotts Catering is offering ready-to-cook meals (in throw away tins) every Tuesday for as little as $16.50 (for 2)! Order by 10am on Tuesday and pick up at St. Anne School on Tuesday afternoon (between 3:15 and 6pm). 10% of proceeds benefit SAS Development. [email protected] A Saint in New Jersey? Venerable Sister Miriam Teresa Demjanovich (1901-1927) Who is Sister Miriam Teresa? Teresa Demjanovich, a 20th Century American girl, was born in Bayonne, New Jersey in 1901, the youngest of seven children of Alexander and Johanna (Suchy) Demjanovich—Ruthenian immigrants to the United States from what is now Eastern Slovakia. Teresa received Baptism, Confirmation, and her First Holy Communion in the ByzantineRuthenian rite of her parents. Why is she being considered for Sainthood? Because of her saintly life, her striving for perfection in her religious life, her spiritual writings, the mystical privileges accorded her by God during life, and the favors received by others after her death through her intercession with God, the Sisters of Charity petitioned Rome for permission to open her Cause for Beatification and Canonization. (www.northjersey.com) Our Gifts “Everyone has a special gift to offer the whole church, just make sure it is used to serve everyone and not to puff up one's own pride or to create division”, Pope Francis said. " It is a gift that God has given to someone not because he or she is a better person than someone else or because she or he deserves it," the Pope said at his general audience in St. Peter's Square Oct. 1. God gives gifts freely, out of love, so that they can be p" ut at the service of the whole community for the good of all people," he said. (excerpt from www.catholicnews.com) 6 October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.saintanne.com PARISH LIFE - MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Saint Martha’s Gift Shop shares... Pope Francis’ call to families: FAMILY MUST BE NURTURED BY THE WORD OF GOD. Catholic New American Bible, only $10 Knights of Columbus Breakfast Filipino Couples For Christ A breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus will be held on Sunday, October 12 at the St. Anne Family Life Center from 7:30am until noon—everyone is welcome! The proceeds from the breakfast will support the Boy Scouts. The tasty breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, hash browns, meats and drinks. Filipino Couples for Christ will meet November 8, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. at Prince of Peace, Greer, SC. Conference for Mothers! All mothers are invited to attend a one-day conference, “God Equips the Called." Come experience renewal in your vocation through inspiring talks, prayer, and Holy Mass! Featuring talks by Fr. Patrick Winslow and popular author Danielle Bean. Saturday, November 8, 8:30am-3:30pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Charlotte. Tickets are $35 (before October 5) and $45 (after October 5). Infants welcome! The conference includes lunch. Advance registration required. To reserve your seat today please visit www.motheringwithgrace.org. Hospitality Luncheon! Join us at the Five and Dine Restaurant located in lovely downtown Rock Hill at 135 E. Main St. on Tues. Oct. 14th at 1:00pm. Come and enjoy this “Dutch Treat” gathering with your fellow parishioners, family, and friends. www.eatatfiveanddine.com. St. Mary’s Annual Revival St. Mary Catholic Church will be hosting their Annual Revival , October 19 -21, 2014 each night at 7 pm. This Revival is opened to ALL people, Catholic and Non-Catholics, you are welcome. For more information, contact the Church Office at (803) 329-1008. Catholic Days at the Capital Join Catholics from across South Carolina as they gather in Columbia for Catholic Days at the Capitol, January 28, 2015. This annual event provides an opportunity to put into action our Faith’s call to political responsibility and gives Catholics a voice in shaping our state laws. Activities include: ♦ A legislative briefing on policy issues affecting human life and dignity ♦ Pre-scheduled meetings with elected officials ♦ Group photos of each diocesan delegation with their bishop ♦ A breakfast for Catholic Days participants with the Bishop of Charleston and legislators SC Charismatic Conference “Give Thanks I Have Chosen You By Name” (Ephesians 4:1-6) This conference will promote the experience of the power of the Holy Spirit and the use of one’s gifts. It invites all people to experience the Holy Spirit who opens us to life-changing relationships with Jesus Christ and the Love of the Father. It also emphasizes praise and worship of God through song and word as the Holy Spirit empowers us for personal holiness and renewed Catholic life. The Conference is Oct. 24-26 in Myrtle Beach. See http://screnewal.org/2014Conference.html. October — Respect Life Month October is annually observed as Respect Life Month in Catholic Churches across our nation. This provides a wonderful opportunity for catechists to teach children and youth the truth about the dignity of the human person. Human life is under constant attack in our culture today—from the moment of conception to natural death. Life is threatened because we no longer understand what it means to be human, and what our humanity calls forth from us in our responsibility to care for others. John Paul II in his encyclical The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae, EV) tells us that “For the Christian, it is an absolute imperative to respect, love and promote the life of every brother and sister, in accordance with the requirements of God’s bountiful love in Jesus Christ.” Retreat at St. Thomas Aquinas Church “Jesus is the Son of God, Our Healer” On October 25, 2014, Saturday from 9:15am – 3:30pm, you are warmly invited to participate in this retreat at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church: 1400 Suther Rd. Charlotte, NC 28213. The event features international evangelist Alan Ames. He will share his “Saul to Paul” conversion story and powerful healing ministry. For details, you may visit www.alanames.org/en/ or contact Sherr Siplon at [email protected]. You may also go to “Jesus is the Son of God our Healer” on Facebook Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Our next weekend that assists post-abortive women and men to find healing from their abortion experience will be Nov. 7-9, 2014 in Rock Hill, SC. For more information, contact Christy (803) 554-6088 or Kathy (803) 546-6010 or send an email to [email protected]. “In every child which is born and in every person who lives or dies we see the image of God’s glory. “ 7 October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.saintanne.com Bienvenidos a la Página de Información Hispana Esta página contiene información para la Communidad Hispana. Los invitamos a formar parte de nuestra parroquia, a crecer espiritualmente, a integrarse a algunos de nuestros ministerios, y a leer todas las páginas del boletín. Lecturas y Calendário, página 3 - Finanzas, página 5 - Evangelización, página 6 Clases de Confirmación Clases de Catecismo Jóvenes, si han estado un año en el Youth Group, pueden comenzar las clases de confirmación. Las primeras clases empiezan en octubre, cada miércoles de las 6 hasta las 7:30 en la escuela de St. Anne. Para mas detalles, favor de contactar a la directora del ministerio juvenil, Kendra Foos al (803) 3725808. Las clases de catecismo de los miércoles o los domingos son especialmente para los niños de Kinder (5 años) hasta el 8 año escolar. No son solamente para que los niños se preparen los sacramentos sino también para que puedan continuar creciendo en la fe. Las clases empezaron en septiembre. El costo es de $50 por niño. Para procesar su aplicación, la familia tiene que ser miembro de St. Anne. Se tiene que llenar la inscripción completamente y entregar la donación para reservar su lugar. Para más preguntas, pueden contactar a Denise Kizer (803) 324-8260. Programa de F.U.E.L. Este es un programa para los jóvenes en el High School. F.U.E.L. (Finding Understanding in Everyday Living) es una clase dinámica donde los jóvenes pueden hablar sobre diferentes temas de la fe católica. Vengan a participar y dialogar para entender mejor varios aspectos de la fe. Esta clase cuenta como requisito de confirmación pero no es solamente para los de confirmación: es para todos los jóvenes en el High School que quieren aprender más. Aviso: Hay una clase especial para todos los padres de familia. Para los niños que van a celebrar su primera comunión, las reuniones son requisitos del programa y son una vez al mes. VIRTUS - Protección para los niños Cada año, todos los niños y jóvenes tienen una clase especial (durante el mismo horario de clase) donde los catequistas les hablan sobre como protegerse contra cualquier abuso. Todos los adultos (personas mayor de 18 años de edad) quienes participan en St. Anne como voluntarios y trabajan con niños tienen que tomar el curso de VIRTUS de la diócesis. Favor de hablar con Denise Kizer (803) 324-8260 si eres voluntario y necesitas tomar la clase. En la página 4 de este boletín se encuentran las próximas fechas de Virtus. Caballeros de Colón ¡Hay un almuerzo para todos este domingo! Tambien hay venta de comida después de la Misa. El dinero recaudaudo se donará a caridades especiales. COMPARE - Tienda en Charlotte ¿Sabias que al guardar tus recibos de COMPARE, tu iglesia de St. Anne puede obtener un 3% de reembolso sobre el valor del recibo? Favor de juntarlos y ponerlos en la caja que dice COMPARE que se encuentra al entrar en la iglesia al lado de la sacristía. Fútbol para niños de kinder a cuarto año La escuela de St. Anne invita a todos los niños de la parroquia a integrarse a la liga de fútbol. El costo es $50 para registrar y recibir una camisa. Los partidos empezaron el 27 de septiembre. Pueden contactar a Coach Maynard al e-mail [email protected]. ÚLTIMA OPORTUNIDAD! Por favor, apúntense este fin de semana en la lista que se encuentra en la entrada de la iglesia para recibir su copia de “Palabra de Dios” y “Manual para Proclamadores de la Palabra”. El costo para“Palabra de Dios” es $8 para el pequeño y $12 para el grande. El “Manual” cuesta $12.00. El último día es este domingo, el 12 de octubre. Catecismo de Adultos La Pastorela - Obra de Teatro Navideña Los adultos quienes quieren recibir algún sacramento, favor de inscribirse para asistir a las clases del domingo por la mañana de las 10:30 a las 12pm. ¡Nunca es tarde! Se estará organizando una pastorela con la participación de nuestros niños. La pastorela será sábado, el 20 de diciembre. Más detalles vendran pronto—mientras tanto, por favor hablen con Coi Juarez (803) 242- 2985. ¡Monaguillos! La reunión de monaguillos es el próximo domingo después de la misa, el 19 de octubre. Para que los niños participen como monaguillos en la Misa, tienen que asistir a esta reunión que se trata de cosas prácticas tanto como la espiritualidad de servir a Dios. Por favor, hable con Felipe Uribe (803) 985-3850 para más información. Novenas para Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe Las novenas para la Virgen empiezan el 3 de diciembre en la iglesia. Si su familia le gustaría tomar un día para coordinar el rosario, por favor hable con Berta Uribe al (803) 985-3850. 8 I CHÚA (CN XXVIII Thng Niên – Nm A) “i sã sn, mi quý v n d tic ci” Bài c I (Is 25,6-9) a tic mà ngôn s Isaia mô t có nhng nét áng chú ý sau ây: x Ngi tht ãi là "Chúa các o binh" x Khách c mi d là tt c các dân x Ni dn tic là "trên núi này", t c là núi Sion. x Trong ba tic ó, ngi d không ch c thng th c nhng th c n ngon, mà còn c t khi mi bun su, ti h, tang ch. ó chính là hnh phúc Nc Tri c Thiên Chúa ban cho tt c mi ngi không phân bit ai. Bài c II (Pl 4,12-14.19-20) Trong thi gian Phaolô b cm tù, tín hu Philipphê ã r!ng rãi giúp # ông. Trong lá th cám n gi cho h, Phaolô nói 2 ý. Thc ra ông c$ng không n nhng giúp # v%t cht y, vì m!t m&t ông ã quen thích nghi vi mi hoàn cnh, và m&t khác ông còn c Chúa tr giúp, cho nên "Tôi có th' làm c mi s trong ng ban s c mnh cho tôi". Tuy nhiên vic tín hu Philipphê tr giúp v%t cht cho ông là m!t *+u rt quý. Phaolô xin Thiên Chúa +n áp li x ng áng cho h. Bài Tin Mng (Mt 22,1-14 Ý ngh-a ca d/ ngôn ba tic trong bài Tin M0ng hôm nay là: Thiên Chúa ban hnh phúc Nc Tri trc tiên cho dân Do Thái, nhng hã t0 ch1i vì chu!ng nhng giá tr trn gian hn. Thiên Chúa li ban hnh phúc y cho muôn dân. Tuy nhiên, c$ng nh ngi d tic ci phi m&c áo ci, ngi c mi gia nh%p Nc Tri c$ng phi có m!t np 31ng mi phù hp vi Tin M0ng. XIN MT LI CU Trong tun, xin hip ý cu cho nhng ý nguyn sau: Cu cho các linh hn Cu cho các bnh nhân i Nguyn Tháng Mân Côi y M, nhng gng tôn sùng Kinh Mân Côi mãnh lit quá, hp d n quá, không th không lôi kéo mnh chúng con c. Chúng con nguyn luôn luôn dâng li chào M qua Kinh Mân Côi. TIN CNG OÀN Phân Nhim Cho Tha Tác Viên: x 11 tháng 10, 2014 Æ 7:30 PM Tha Tác Viên Li Chúa o Ô. aminh Uông Sn (Bài c I) o Ô. Giuse Nguy4n Vn Thành (Bài c II) Tha Tác Viên Thánh Th o Ô. Giuse Hoàng Vn Phát o Ô. Giuse Nguy4n Vn ông o Ô. Giuse Nguy4n Vit Xuyên x 18 tháng 10, 2014 Æ 7:30 PM Tha Tác Viên Li Chúa o B. Maria Nguy4n Th Ti (Bài c I) o B. Maria Nguy4n Th Lan (Bài c II) Tha Tác Viên Thánh Th o B. Maria V$ Th Hoa o B. Maria Phm Thào o B. Maria Phm Th Loan Thông Báo: Các Thánh To Vit Nam 5m nay, L4 Các Thánh T6 o Vit Nam s7 c t ch c ti Columbia, SC vào ngày 16 tháng 11 lúc 2:30 PM. Gn ngày l4, chúng tôi s7 ph bin chi tit. Xin quí = theo dõi bn tin giáo x hàng tun. Các danh nhân Ln Ht Mân Côi Có rt nhiu danh nhân ht sc tôn sùng Kinh Mân Côi, dù cám d có rt nhiu giai thoi v ni m châu ca vô s danh nhân, nhng xin hn ch sau ây mt ít mu n hình. c Leô XIII khng nh: “Mun c n soi sáng u khin Giáo Hi, phng phán linh nghi m hn c là c Kinh Mân Côi.” Dù rt bn rn, c Piô XI cng tìm ra c thi gi mi ngày ln 3 chui. Ngài tuyên b: “Ngày nào không c ht Kinh Mân Côi, ngày ó coi nh vô ích”. c Piô XII là v Giáo Hoàng c toàn th th gii khâm phc nhiu ln qui t c thiu nhi La Mã n n Vatican qu! chung quanh Ngài c Kinh Mân Côi. Khi Ngài b"ng hà, ngi ta qun tràng ht Ngài thng dùng vào tay nói lên ý chí dù sng dù cht, Ngài không ri tràng ht thân yêu. Ông Franco, quc tr#ng Tây Ban Nha, trc khi gii quyt $t vn quan trng, n ln ht trong nguy n ng riêng. khi khô lá úa, c khi trí loãng mây trôi, c khi lòng bc nh vôi: có M lu ý ri! %&ng Thng Ngô ình Di m, khi còn là Ph Tr#ng Hi '"ng, thng i chân không hành hng n La Vang ln nhiu chui mi v. (trích t www.dongcong.net) Thi s) Hàn M*c T+, ti nhà thng phung Qui Hòa luôn luôn -n ht và ã ca tng M/ b0ng mt ki t tác Ave Maria. October 12, 2014 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9 www.saintanne.com
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