Volume 4 October 12, 2014 Issue 41 Church of Christ Jackson Street…Weekly Reader http://jacksonstreetchurchofchrist.org ELDERS: Roy Baskin Don Goin Roy Keith Larry Terry Scott White DEACONS: David Andrews Paul Garris Paul McLendon Stephen Zorsch MISSIONS: Southern Christian Home Paragould Children’s Home In Search of the Lord’s Way Utah Mission Benin, W. Africa Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry International Gospel Hour 21st Century Global Missions Bibles for China John Bryant Minister: Brian Mickey (870) 562-9674 Youth/Campus Minister: Joel Bailey (870) 814-9608 Church Office (870) 234-3053 The Church Welcome to Jackson St. church of Christ! If you are a visitor or have been gone for a week or two, then you have missed the first couple of lessons in our series on the church. We began by looking at images in the Bible used to describe the church. First, Paul likened the church to a building (temple) built to house the Spirit of God. (1 Cor. 3; Eph. 2) Secondly, the church is shown to be a plant or field that needs watering and tending. Lastly, we saw the church as the bride of Christ. In Ephesians 5:22-32 Paul connected instructions for husbands and wives to Christ and the church. There is a great purpose in the institution of the marriage relationship. God ordained that relationship as a kind of preview to what will one day be when the church is presented to Christ. Last week, the importance of the church to God was discussed, and we discovered some of the reasons in the Bible supporting the claim that the church is important to God. We found that God had a plan for the church and His people even before creation. (Eph. 1:3-4) We also learned that He values the church so highly that He gave His Son as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. (John 3:16) Finally, we saw that the church is important to God because we represent Him here on earth and are to imitate Him and reflect His honor in all that we do. (Eph. 5:1-2) This morning, we will talk about the importance of the church to Christians. The church is of vital importance to Christians, and we each must make every effort to be an integral part of it. The daily support and love that can be found within it is so necessary as we try to withstand the attacks of Satan in our lives. The Bible is also very clear about the fact that we each have a responsibility to other Christians and accepting that responsibility is a part of being Christ-like here on earth. It is with great humility and love for God’s people that I present this series of lessons. May each one serve to help in our walk with God. -Mickey Volume 4 October 12, 2014 Issue 41 What city was Paul’s hometown? BABY SHOWER: Last Week’s Answer: What priest is mentioned as having no father or mother? Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:3) On Saturday, October 18, from 2:00 ‘til 3:30 PM, in the FLC, there will be a “blue” BABY SHOWER for CLAY and JENN GOIN. GOSPEL MEETING: A GOSPEL MEETING is scheduled at the WILLISVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST on October 12-15. CHARLES HOOTEN, from the Highland Church of Christ in Texarkana, will be the speaker. The times of the services will be at 7:30 this evening and Pew Packers will start at 7:00 P.M. Weeknight services will be at 7:00. The ARKANSAS BOULEVARD CHURCH OF CHRIST, 602 Arkansas Blvd., Texarkana, AR, invites you to its GOSPEL MEETING with PAUL SHERO on October 20-22, 7:00 PM Monday thru Wednesday. On Wednesday at 5:30 PM, there will be a “Wild Game Dinner.” GLEN COLLEY will speak on “Getting the HOME to HEAVEN” at the CARRIAGE OAKS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 5661 Shed Rd., Bossier City, LA, on November 10-11, 7:00 PM. DAILY BIBLE READERS: The DAILY BIBLE READERS will meet in Room 1 on Sunday evening, October 19, at 5:00. FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Brian Mickey will be gone all week for his class in conflict management at Harding School of Theology in Memphis. NEEDED: Micheala Roden is doing a recycling project with denim at school. Any blue jean type material can be used—jeans, shirts, jackets, skirts, etc. It doesn’t matter what size or texture, stained or holey, they can all be used. If you have denim that you can donate, please place it in the FLC. Volume 4 October 12, 2014 Issue 41 For the Record (10-04-2014) MULE FEED: Monday, October 13, Group 5 – Nadine Booth, Martha Flemens, Pat Haltom, Florence White, and Genevieve White. Monday, October 20, Group 6 – Steve Keith, Roy Baskin, Glenda Adams, Bart Emerson, and Andrea Roden. Student Center Wednesday P.M. Bible Study Worship A.M. Worship P.M. Contribution Weekly Budgeted Goal 11 72 85 144 71 $5,013.00 $4,810.00 THANK YOU: LADIES: The HOPE CHURCH OF CHRIST ladies invite you to the 14TH ANNUAL LADIES’ DAY AT NIGHT (for ages 16 – 100) on Tuesday, October 14, from 6:30 to 8:45 PM. The topic, “Is Your Wagon Draggin?” will be presented by TIMI FOX of Hope. Registration and devotional will be held in the auditorium with dinner served in the fellowship building following. Please RSVP by October 8 to [email protected] or phone 870-777-4569. Our ladies will meet in Room 1 at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, October 14, for LADIES’ WORK DAY. The October LADIES’ LUNCHEON will be at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, October 22. There will be no LADIES’ BIBLE CLASS tomorrow. The family of Delena Duke wishes to express their deep thanks and appreciation for all you have done in the recent months and days of Delena’s illness and passing. Earlier this year, before her hospitalization, many of you were coming to her aid as her health was regressing. During her recent four months in Wentworth your prayers, expressions of concern, cards, and visits were a comfort to us. Then in these past few days you were a tremendous support to get us through this difficult time. Thanks so much to so many who brought food to the door or contributed to it, for the kind words of tribute, to those who handled all the aspects of the service, and to the ones who provided the great lunch afterward. You have shown the love of Christ and displayed what the family of God is all about. We “thank God for you” (1 Cor. 1:4). The Delena Duke Family FORREST SMITH and FRANK McILROY of Serenity Ridge Recovery will speak to all youth and adult classes during the Bible class period next Sunday morning, October 19, then again during the worship period. Our family cannot tell you how much your kindness and loving support has meant to us in the loss of our mother. We cannot thank you enough for allowing us to use the church for the service. And to all the wonderful ladies of the church, the food was so good. Please keep us in your prayers—our family really needs them. Love you all, Keith & Aleena Gairich CHRISTMAS BASKETS: SYMPATHY: It is time to begin bringing items for the Christmas baskets for our shut-ins and placing them in the box provided in the FLC. We will fill 30 baskets this year. Our deepest sympathy is extended to STEVE HASTON on the death of his uncle, RUFUS PURSER, who died recently in Mississippi. NEXT SUNDAY MORNING: Volume 4 Serving List Scripture Reading Bible Verse Sermon Prayer Song Leader Nursery Workers October 12, 2014 Today, October 12 David Sisson Matthew 16:13-18 Brian Mickey Open: Ron Betts Close: Bob Stevens Joel Bailey Sandy Keith Donna Loe Issue 41 Prayer List Concerns: Clara Betts (Had heart shocked, but no improvement; will return to hospital at later date to be shocked again) Kandy Wyrick (Neck surgery at St. Michael’s, Texarkana, November 12) Louis Gabbard (Clara Betts’ brother, surgery for two arterial blockages at Tulsa hospital) Evening Scripture Reading Bible Verse Sermon Song Leader Luke Talley TBA Prayer & Praise Open: Steve Haston Close: Ryan Holbrook Michael Fondren Morning Scripture Reading Next Week, October 19 Jeffrey Jester Sermon Forrest Smith/Frank McIlroy Open: Phil Keith Close: David Connelly Brandon Wallace Kathy Gann Mikie McLendon Prayer Prayer Song Leader Nursery Workers Evening Scripture Reading Sermon Prayer Song Leader Mike Henderson Joel Bailey Open: Randy House Close: Barry Wallace Brandon Wallace (Please notify Carl Burdine or Charles Woods if you cannot be present to perform your assigned duties.) Elder in Charge for October: Scott White JACKSON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST 313 South Jackson Street P.O. Box 307 Magnolia, AR 71754-0307 Sunday’s Opportunities: 9:00am Bible Classes 10:15am Worship 6:00pm Worship Wednesday’s Opportunity: 7:00pm Bible Class Email: [email protected] Telephone: 870.234.3053 Shut-Ins: Viola Aaron-Room 7, Brown House, Wentworth Garvis Arrington-Dudneywood Helen Blair, Room 1, Hedden House Fola Coats-Room 9, Brown House, Wentworth Margaret Dennis-Room 310, Magnolia Health/Rehab Jackie Foster–Home, 1591 Columbia Rd. 13 Margie Moses-Room 106A, Magnolia Health/Rehab Pat Stephens-Room 10, Hedden House, Wentworth Linda Warner-Room 10, Hughes House, Wentworth Celia Wideman–Room 12, Monroe House, Wentworth Dick Wideman-Room 12, Monroe House, Wentworth Mary Wyrick-Room 205, Pine Valley Sick and/or Chronically Ill: Vicky Antley Melba Arrington Brooke Bearden Michael Blair Jennifer Carter Linda Clark Sammy Couch Jada Dean Jean Gaines Wanda Green Lynda Harris Steve Haston Kerry Keith Jo Miller Billie Owen Vernon Perry Rufus Purser Charleen Skyme Shirley Vickers Joe Warga Sue Whatley Kandy Wyrick
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