Welcome Visitors. If you are visiting us today, please feel free to stop by the Welcome Center with any questions. You can also receive detailed information on our website (www.bbcde.org). WEEKLY ACTIVITIES SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING CLASSES Monday, February 16 Church Offices Closed Elementary Tuesday, February 17 9:30 a.m. Ladies (AM) Nehemiah Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Ladies (PM) Nehemiah Bible Study at the home of Tracy Ward Wednesday, February 18 6:30 p.m. Awana 6:30 p.m. Youth Group 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting FAITHFUL TO ALL HIS PROMISES 1st - 2nd Grade TO BE LIKE JESUS 3rd - 4th Grade HOW MAJESTIC IS YOUR NAME 5th - 6th Grade Youth CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED Thursday, February 19 1:15 p.m. Ladies Intercessory Prayer at the home of Beth McGarvey 7:00 p.m. Elder Meeting Adult Friday, February 20 6:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball (ages 18+) CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED Saturday, February 21 7:30 a.m. Women’s Fit Club 9:00 a.m. Indonesia Prayer Meeting at the Farm House Sunday, February 22 9:00 a.m. Sunday School (infant - elementary) 9:00 a.m. Christianity Explored Class (Adult & Youth Group) 10:30 a.m. Morning Service ———-- Home Groups (Various Times) February 15, 2015 CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED (Room 102 - Greg Baumann, Pastor Tyler Miller & Brett Wharton) (Room 154 - Pastor Chris McGarvey, Jeremy Thornburg & Greg Caskey) OVERVIEW OF THE BIBLE Taught in Mandarin (Room 133 C&D - Ed Chau) WELCOME O Worship the King - hymn #104 Behold Our God God Be Merciful to Me In Christ Alone OFFERING* SCRIPTURE READING & PRAYER Isaiah 9:8-10:4 (page 573 in the pew Bible) MESSAGE “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Isaiah 9:8-10:4 - Pastor Chris McGarvey Jesus, Thank You BENEDICTION —————————— *Children are dismissed for Children’s Church. Children ages 4 and 5 will be dismissed from the auditorium for Children’s Church. Nurseries are provided for children from infant to age 3 and a nursing mothers’ room is also available. WOMEN’S MINISTRY BOOK OF THE MONTH - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” by: Donald S. Whitney Ladies Bible Study: The women’s ministry kicked off the 2nd semester of Ladies Bible study this past Tuesday! If you would like to join this study please contact Beth McGarvey at [email protected]. The group is studying the book of Nehemiah. The study is 1 1/2 hours every Tuesday from February 10 - March 31. The morning group meets at the church from 9:30-11:00am (childcare provided). The evening group meets at the Ward’s home from 7:008:30pm. Donald Whitney draws from a rich heritage of godly believers from Christian history, guiding readers through a carefully selected array of disciplines including Scripture reading, worship, silence and solitude, journaling, and more. He shows how the Spiritual Disciplines, far from being legalistic, restrictive, or binding as they’re often perceived, are actually the means to unparalleled spiritual liberty. INDONESIA PRAYER MEETING The next prayer meeting for Indonesia is 9:00am Saturday (February 21) at the Farm House with Alex & Betsy Kirk. The focus of the prayer meeting will be on radical Islam. All are welcome, please join the group in praising God for what he is already doing in Indonesia and asking for the gospel to bear fruit and increase (Col 1:6). The book features in-depth discussions on Bible study and prayer, including methods for praying through and meditating on Scripture. By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them on a long-term basis. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life provides you with a refreshing opportunity to embrace the pursuit of holiness through a lifelong delight in the disciplines. Cost: $12.00 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WOMEN’S FIT CLUB All women (ages 14 and up) are invited to join the Fit Club on Saturdays at 7:30 am in the gym for a free workout! All fitness levels are welcome and we encourage you to invite your friends! Bring a towel and water if you like. Any questions, contact Tracy Ward at (302)540-5779 or [email protected]. Shannon Barisa will be leading an informational meeting for all those who would like to be involved in this summer’s Vacation Bible School (July 13-17). The meeting will take place after the morning service on Sunday, March 1st in room 102 (by the auditorium). ALL CHURCH LUNCH - FEBRUARY 15 Join us for an All-Church soup and sandwich lunch after the morning service today. If you are new to our church or visiting today we would love for you to join us so that we can get to know you better. The lunch will be served in the gymnasium. MISSIONS MOMENT This week, please remember in prayer Mark & Heather Strobert, Bethel-sent Missionaries in Alberta, Canada. Mark serves with Wycliffe creating computer tools to help translate Scripture into minority languages around the world that don’t yet have the Bible. Heather serves with “Power to Change” both to tell students about Jesus and to train and prepare students and staff for cross-cultural mission trips to Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and Canada. Mark and Heather have two children, Jade, and Ryan. NEXT WEEK’S SERMON TEXT Isaiah 10:5-34
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