MESSIAH MESSENGER The Newsletter of Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church 185 W. 5th Street Constantine MI 49042 Our vision is to be a Christ-centered church, extending our boundaries to invite and accept all people. Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church Church Office: 269.435.9785 FAX: 269.435.2021 E-mail: [email protected] HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR BIBLE? BOOK OF JOHN A. B. C. D. Peter and John Matthew and Thomas James and John Phillip and Andrew D (6:5-11) NEWSLETTER In John’s account of the feeding of the five thousand, which two disciples were involved in Jesus’ discussion of how to proceed? 1 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (or by appointment) CHURCH STAFF Dennis Smith, Pastor Debby Painter, Church Secretary Thom Britton, Worship/Music Organist Theo Outman, Choir Director COUNCIL OFFICERS Andy Rockwell, President Vic Raul, Vice President Paula Smith, Secretary MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS Jenny Bright, Treasurer Deb Hart, Christian Ed. Sue Outman, Congregational Care Roscoe Hassinger, Facilities Mgt. Tegan Stuby-Hekter, Resource Mgt. Sue Kantauskas, Gospel/Mission Eunice Outman, Invest Fund Linda Walker, Financial Secretary Cindie Rockwell, Altar Guild Joyce Shidaker, Memorial Mgt. A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR If asked to name the top five American holidays, I would start with Christmas, followed by Thanksgiving, Easter, New Year’s Day, and maybe Groundhog Day just because I think it’s fun to bet against the rodent. Halloween would not make my list. Maybe that’s because I don’t have any grandkids around this time of year to dress as fairy princesses and super-hero avengers. Besides, very few kids trick-or-treat to my far end of the street and I am forced to consume bags of mini-Mounds bars before their expiration dates, which somehow never extend to the next Halloween. Go figure. It turns out, however, that I am relatively alone in my curmudgeonly view of Halloween. According to a recent Harris Poll Halloween ranks just behind Thanksgiving on the America popular holiday scale and second to only Christmas in terms of consumer output. My first reaction to this Halloween popularity surge was to lend my voice to the choir of fundamentalist Halloween haters who have always known that Halloween was really the devil’s ploy to lure the young, vulnerable and weak of mind to the dark side. By the way, does anyone dress up like Darth Vader anymore? Upon further reflection, however, I am more inclined to rejoice in this resurgence of the patron holiday of Sleepy Hollow. Religious naysayers are quick to point out that Halloween has its origins in ancient, Celtic paganism, but it turns out that much the same can be said of many of our sacred festivals, including Christmas and Easter, both of which Christianized earlier agricultural celebrations. Halloween, otherwise known as the eve of All Saints Day, marks a turning of the seasons from summer’s verdant production and fall’s opulent reaping to the season of dark dormancy. The bony trees brace for the snowy onslaught of the winter that lurks in the deepening shadows. While some lucky humans prepare to join the migratory flight south, the rest of us hunker down with the aforementioned groundhogs, knowing that we’ll not see our solar shadows for several months to come. Both spiritually and physically, we prepare for a long, cold winter. Though the eve of All Saints Day retains some of its early Celtic rituals including legions of ghosts and goblins, it is the hallowing of the saints that makes this a holy eve and not a devil’s night. It is a time to remember those who have died, especially those whose faithful witness to the gospel has shaped our faith. While the last night of October portends a season of bleak winter darkness, we are reminded on this night that Jesus Christ is the light of the world, the light no darkness can overcome. 2 The saints who have preceded us through the portals of death, point us to new life and renewed hope. We shall name some of them on the Sunday after. So, have a happy Halloween and save a few mini-Mounds bars for me. ************************************ We congratulate RaeAnne Donoway and Nate Wolfe on their upcoming nuptials. We mourn the passing of Maxine Milhahn who passed away September 17, 2014. A big “THANK YOU” to our Messiah Church family for all of your prayers, cards, phone calls, visits, and of course, the great food. We both appreciate all of you very much. Matt and Sue Kantauskas Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church Church Council Meeting September 21, 2014 Synopsis Action Items: · Approval of August Council minutes · Approval of Treasurer’s report - noted that our deficit January - August is $3,583.89 · Roscoe purchased a new dish washer for the rental property with council approval. Discussion: · There were some questions about how we compensate substitutes for paid staff. Dennis explained that the Synod has guidelines which our church follows. · Tegan Stuby Hekter explained the derivation of funds in an income account labeled “investment savings”. She is continuing her research into this issue. · We discussed the funding for Chuck Wagon. Members donate deserts, and Deb Hart has donated the rest of the food. · Sue Outman updated the council on her research into insurance for the Food Pantry. THANK YOU! Our Progressive Dinner was a success. Eighty-seven people enjoyed a variety of salads at the Lutheran Church, a hearty hot meal at the Methodist Church and yummy desserts at 1st Congregational. $948.00 was donated for the Constantine Church Association voucher program! CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Sunday, October 12th after Worship Services. 3 MONDAY NIGHTS AT THE MOVIES (All movies subject to change depending on availability.) September 29 - Philomena (Pg-13; 2013) Stars Judi Dench and Steve Coogan. London journalist Martin Sixsmith (Coogan) is approached by the daughter of Philomena Lee (Dench) who had her infant son, Anthony taken away when she was a teenage inmate of a Catholic convent fifty years ago. Martin arranges a magazine assignment about her search for him that eventually leads to America. Along the way, Martin and Philomena discover as much about each other as about her son's fate. Furthermore, both find their basic beliefs challenged. October 6th - God is Not Dead (PG; 2014) Stars Shane Harper and Kevin Sorbo. Present-day college freshman and devout Christian, Josh Wheaton (Harper), finds his faith challenged on his first day of Philosophy class by the dogmatic and argumentative Professor Radisson (Sorbo) who begins class by informing students that they will need to disavow, in writing, the existence of God on that first day, or face a failing grade. As other students in the class begin scribbling the words "God Is Dead" on pieces of paper as instructed, Josh finds himself at a crossroads, having to choose between his faith and his future. Josh offers a nervous refusal, provoking an irate reaction from his smug professor. Radisson hands him the ultimatum that sets the rest of the rickety plot in motion: Either Josh drops the class, or else he has to take to the podium and try to prove the existence of God to Radisson and his fellow students over the course of the next three sessions. October 13 - Heaven Is For Real (PG; 2014) Stars Greg Kinnear, Kelly Reilly, Sonja Burpo, and newcomer Connor Corum. When four-yearold Colton Burpo made it through an emergency appendectomy his family was overjoyed at his miraculous survival. What they weren’t expecting, though, was the story that emerged in the following months. Colton recounts the details of his amazing journey with childlike innocence and speaks matter-of-factly about things that happened before his birth ... things he couldn't possibly know. Todd and his family are then challenged to examine the meaning from this remarkable event. October 20 - The 100 Foot Journey (PG; 2014) Stars Manish Dayal, Helen Mirren, Om Puri, Charlotte Le Bon. A story centered on the Kadam family, who when displaced from their native India move to France, open a restaurant across the street from a Michielin-starred French restaurant owned by Mme Mallory. The chilly chef proprietress gets wind of it and her icy protests against the new Indian restaurant a hundred feet from her own escalate to all out war between the two establishments -- until Hassan's passion for French haute cuisine and for Mme. Mallory's enchanting sous chef, Marguerite combine with his mysteriously delicious talent to weave magic between their two cultures and imbue Saint-Antonin with the flavors of life that even Mme. Mallory cannot ignore. October 27- Horses of God (NR; 2014) Stars Abdelhakim Rachid, Abdeliah Rachid, Hamza Souidek, Ahmed El Idrissi Amrani. Ten year-old Yachine and his 13-year-old brother Hamid live in Sidi Moumen, an impoverished slum on the outskirts of Casablanca, where everyday violence, mental illness, corruption, and dope-dealing compete with fantasies of escaping to Western Europe to earn scads of money or dreams of making it as a professional soccer player. They are subject to the lure of religious fanatics who blame their misfortune on "the imperialist Zionist conspiracy" and offer a "community of new brothers" to those who will submit to the discipline of martyrdom. Nabil Ayouch's deeply moving film has been lauded for its "brutal poetry" and the realism with which it depicts how insidiously and cynically fundamentalists ply their trade. 4 WE PRAY FOR GOD’S HEALING PRESENCE IN THE LIVES OF THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE Agnes Blough, Ruth Burns, Lillian Carter, Brian Deller, Murph Doyle, Judy Elliott, Heidi Feldman, Steve Freese, Lincoln Hoffmaster, Heather Hughes, Denise Kantauskas, Sue Kantauskas, Shirley Lipscomb, Linda Lytle, Linde (prounced Lind-ie), Marie, Delores Neely, Jake Persing, Heather Philips, Nancy Preston, David Schafer, Amanda Stump, Ron Schuen, Patty W., Marlyn Wigren, and Sam Yacono. Watch, dear Lord, with those who wake or watch or weep. Tend the sick, rest the weary, bless the dying, and soothe the suffering. Shine your light of love on them and walk with them, that they may know the peace and comfort of your presence. Amen. WOMEN OF THE ELCA MEETING Stewardship/Business Meeting. Tuesday, October 14th at 2 p.m. in the Church Library. FAITH NIGHT AT THE KALAMAZOO WINGS HOCKEY GAME Come join us for one more sporting event before the snow falls (we hope) on Friday, November 7, 2014 for Faith Night at K-Wing Stadium. Game time is 7:30 p.m. and we will leave the church parking lot at 6 p.m. Prior to the game there will be some guest speakers. There is also a program following the game but we do not plan to stay for that as it will be late. If you would like to stay, please plan your own transportation. The cost per ticket is $12.00. Deadline to sign up is October 26, 2014. A sign-up sheet is available on the table in the Narthex. Questions?? See Tom Rockwell or Joyce Shidaker. THIS MONTH’S BIRTHDAYS Graham McGlothlen Cindy Kline Joyce Shidaker Chris Smith Nathan DeMeyer Beverly Lewis Alexandra Harrison Pat Portinga Richard Chrisman Mary Smith Amanda Mead Norma Moord Lois Lucas Ann Gerst Carole Seymour Brock Michalek Malcolm Stamp Martha Hochstetler Walter Hekter, Jr 10/02 10/03 10/03 10/04 10/04 10/07 10/07 10/08 10/10 10/10 10/11 10/12 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/22 10/22 10/28 10/30 THIS MONTH’S ANNIVERSARIES Robert and Cassandra Bellaire Halsey 10/01 Chad & Karen Bojanich 10/11 Jean & Debra Hart 10/11 ANNUAL PICNIC ON GEORGE’S FARM Gone us on George’s Farm for our Halloween Party, Sunday October 26th from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Kids (and adults) are encouraged to wear their costumes. There will games, prizes and the usual food. Bring a chair and a dish to share. Hot dogs and buns, the fixings, and drinks will be provided. ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER Have you an email account and would prefer to get the newsletter electronically? Please call the office and let them know at 269.435.9785. Or email at [email protected] 5 KIDS’ CORNER CHILDREN’S CHUCK WAGON There will not be a Chuck Wagon this month. NOISY OFFERING The Noisy Offering for October has been designated for the Constantine Church Association (CCA) Voucher Program. PIGGY BANK COLLECTION We collected $100.00 from the kids’ piggy banks for our local mission project, Confirmation Camp for our kids. In case you don’t remember, each child has a piggy bank and when they do chores at home, they earn money for our missions projects, all year round. *********************************************************************************************************** FOOD PANTRY SUNDAY The last Sunday of the month has been traditionally Food Pantry Sunday at Messiah. Don’t forget to bring in a non-perishable item for the Food Bank Sunday, October 26th. CURRENT FOOD BANK NEEDS: corn, crackers, tomatoes, fruit cocktail. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Please remember that in order to have events shown in the November Messiah Messenger, it must be added to the church calendar (located outside the church office), placed in the newsletter box in the church office, or given to the church secretary no later than Monday, October 20th. 6 SOUP LABELS AND BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION There is now a box on the Fellowship Table for you to donate your Box Tops For Education and Campbell’s Soup Labels For Education. These will be given to the Constantine Schools. Also being collected at the pull tabs off of cans for various charitable organizations. So please take a minute to cut off the label or box top and help Constantine’s school children. BOARD MEMBER NEEDED We are asking for a volunteer to represent our church for a one year term on the Constantine Community Soup Kitchen Board. It involves a one hour meeting four times a year. Your first meeting would be March, 2015. To volunteer for this position, talk to Sue Outman. She has been our rep for five years and wants and needs a break. Sue will continue to organize our “crew” to cook and serve the 3rd Monday of every month at the Soup Kitchen. CHOIR PRACTICE Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. JANUARY - AUGUST GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT INCOME EXPENSES PROFIT/LOSS $ 86,840.23 $ 90,432.82 $ (3,583.59) INK CARTRIDGE RECYCLING Messiah can receive a cash refund on any used inkjet cartridges carried by Movie City video store in White Pigeon and credit toward purchase on cartridges not carried by the store. The pastor’s office printer uses discount priced cartridges carried by Movie City. Recycling your used cartridges in this way can save Messiah several dollars in printing costs. Bring your used cartridges to the church office and help Messiah cut costs. CROP WALK The 2014 Crop Walk is scheduled for Sunday, October 5th. Registration is at 1:15 p.m. here at Messiah and the walk starts at 1:30 p.m. It’s not too late to sign up individually, as a family, or as a group. You may pick up pledge sheets from Sue Outman or Pastor Dennis. 25% of all funds raised this year will go to the Constantine Food Pantry. SOUP KITCHEN Messiah’s next turn at the Soup Kitchen is Monday, October 20th. 7 8 8 THOSE WHO SERVE IN OCTOBER 5th Assisting Minister: Lector Minister: Usher Ministers: Communion Ministers: Coffee Ministers: Acolyte and Communion Assistant: ATV Tech: 12th Assisting Minister: Lector Minister: Usher Ministers: Communion Ministers: Coffee Ministers: Acolyte and Communion Assistant: ATV Tech: 19th Assisting Minister: Lector Minister: Usher Ministers: Communion Ministers: Coffee Ministers: Deb Hart Deb Hart Janis Jones, Butch Seymour Jody Bowersox, Veleta Smith Cindie Rockwell, Carol Seymour NEEDED Brock Michalek Theresa Chrisman Eunice Outman Matthew Kantauskas, Dave Knisely Deb Hart, Janis Jones Berne and Janet Heign Paige Brown Leah Stiver Paula Smith Sue Outman Andy Rockwell, Tom Rockwell Theresa Chrisman, Sue Outman George Diffenderfer, Cheryl Hart, Bruce Wyman Acolyte and Communion Assistant: ATV Tech: NEEDED NEEDED 26th Assisting Minister: Lector Minister: Usher Ministers: Communion Ministers: Coffee Ministers: Acolyte and Communion Assistant: ATV Tech: Deb Hart Theresa Chrisman Janis Jones, Dave Knisely George Diffenderfer, Paula Smith Sue Outman, Joyce Shidaker Paige Brown Leah Stiver Sanctuary Ministers: Altar Guild Ministers (All Month): Donut Pick-up (All Month): Steve and Carol Boland Karen Bojanich, Linda Walker Janis Jones 9 Movie Night 6:30 p.m. 27 Movie Night 6:30 p.m. Soup Kitchen Newsletter Deadline 20 Columbus Day Movie Night 6:30 p.m. 13 Physician Assistant Day 6 Monday Open Space 9:15 a.m. Movie Night 6:30 p.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Food Pantry Sunday Deadline K-Wings Sign-up Picnic on George’s Farm 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. 26 Evaluate Your Life Day Open Space 9:15 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. 19 Open Space 9:15 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Council Meeting 12 Do Something Nice Day World Teacher’s Day Open Space 9:15 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. CROP Walk 1:15 p.m. 5 Sunday Mother-in-law Day 10 Bald and Free Day Card Night 6:00 p.m 28 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day 21 W/ELCA Meeting 2:00 p.m. 14 7 Tuesday Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. 29 National Nut Day Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. 22 Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. 15 Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. 8 Bible Study 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. 1 Wednesday Card Night 6:00 p.m. Card Night 6:00 p.m. Thursday Card Night 6:00 p.m. 30 Card Night 6:00 p.m. 23 Bosses Day Card Night 6:00 p.m. 16 Fire Prevention Day 9 2 October 2014 Wear Something Gaudy Day World Smile Day 31 National Bologna Day United Nations Day 24 17 10 3 Friday Make A Difference Day 25 18 Sweetest Day RaeAnne Donoway and Nate Wolfe Wedding 11 4 Saturday
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