SeniorNet [Auckland] Inc October 2014 Newsletter SeniorNet Auckland’s General Meeting is held at 10:00 am every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the RSA, 57 Princes St., Onehunga, Auckland 1061. Phone 634 8341; E-mail: [email protected] Next SeniorNet meeting Tuesday 14 October 2014 Chairman: Neville Lane 625 4191 [email protected] Secretary: Julia Tu’ineau 634 1846 [email protected] Treasurer: Anne Udy 636 6405 [email protected] Courses: Dawn Whiteman 624 1201 [email protected] Programmer:George Williams 623 0830 [email protected] Membership: Anne Udy 636 6405 [email protected] Newsletter: Dawn Whiteman 624 1201 [email protected] Hospitality: Patricia Dick 624 2151 [email protected] Factotum: George Sabine 634 1846 [email protected] Website: Dawn Whiteman 624 1201 [email protected] Hall furniture: George Sabine 6341846 [email protected] Committee Member: John Locke 6301522 [email protected] Speakers: TBA Chairman’s Report October 2014 —Neville Lane Greetings As I type, our winter is (almost) over and the general election is now behind us with three years in which to look forward to the next. And that prompts me to advise you of the very good news that our Rental Agreement with the Onehunga RSA has been renewed with an extended term of three years (to 30 September 2017) with rental payments held at the current per annum amount for the three-year term. My thanks to the people on both sides of the table who brought this matter to a very satisfactory conclusion that among other things, gives us security of tenure unlike some less-fortunate organisations facing substantial increases in their rentals or in extreme instances, having to find alternative accommodations. With that security, we shall move on, largely with business as usual. Your Tutors have met to continue the Scheduling of the Calendar for Speakers for October—Presentations by Dawn Whiteman—MS Office Publisher Michael Allen—The History of Disk Drives George Williams—YouTube Videos of interest Term 4 and to assess availability and training of Tutors into next year. Further information on courses and Tutors will be provided by Course Co-ordinator Dawn Whiteman. A reminder to check our website regularly for course and other information – and don’t forget to press the Refresh button on your browser to see the most-recent update. Page 2 Chairman’s Report October 2014 —Neville Lane A new business item advised previously in outline is the planning in progress for the replacement of our computers and printers, now approaching obsolescence, with new equipment to enhance our range of services and as funding permits. We will continue to run our monthly meetings according to the established format, re-iterating that as with all our activities, your Committee will listen to suggestions, criticisms, etc, from members and act on them as may be practicable. In particular, we wish to maintain our reputation for the arrangement of expert and entertaining speakers for our monthly meetings but – we are running out of ideas so here again, suggestions from members would be most welcome. Perhaps members themselves will from time to time offer to stand up and relate their experiences. Another gentle reminder; annual subscription renewals fell due on 1 July but, a significant proportion of members have not yet paid. We need your financial support to continue our activities and services so please contact Membership Secretary Anne Udy by e-mail or visit her desk at our next meeting – on Tuesday, 14 October. To those taking a break during the school holidays, perhaps to fulfil grand-parenting duties, hope for pleasant weather and if you are travelling – take care. A note for your diary; Daylight Saving begins at 2am on Sunday, 28 September so put your clocks forward one hour and look forward to longer hours of sunshine and warmer temperatures. Neville Lane Chairman Email Safety and Etiquette—from the Editor It is amazing to find that in this day and age, some people have still not realized how important their email communications are. Many people send email replies late or not at all. Keep your language gender neutral. Answer swiftly. Use the Bcc…field when emailing Don’t reply to spam. Use the Cc… field sparingly. Make it personal. Don’t leave out the message thread. Do not overuse the high priority option. Do not forward chain letters. Do not request read receipts. Do not ask to recall a message. Do not use email to discuss confidential information. Without special software it lacks any kind of security. Nevertheless, e-mail is still widely used especially in workplaces where social networking sites are frowned upon. E-mail is fast, usually taking no more than a few seconds to be received. Do not write in CAPITALS. Read the email before you send it. E-mail is the oldest of the social networking tools available on the internet today. Pre-dating even the modern internet, e-mail isn't without its problems. multiple recipients. (Blind Carbon Copy) NZ Postage is expensive, 80c per envelope. Sending names and email addresses of multiple recipients to everyone is a breach of confidentiality, and a breach of the law. A ringing telephone interrupts the recipient from whatever he or she is doing. Email is easy to access and cheap to use. Page 3 Free programs and publications for SeniorNet Learning Centres Steve Green, who until recently held the position of Northern Regional Representative for the SeniorNet Federation, has written free programs and publications for SeniorNet Learning Centres. In his guide to The Benefits of Computers Steve identifies four distinct categories, namely Information, Entertainment, Communications, and Commerce. The modern computer is simply the most amazing gateway to commerce the world has ever known. We access information using our computer to question the World Wide Web, referred to as the “web”, or the “internet”. Potentially we can research and buy any product or service throughout the world. The “app” that gives us the capability to seek information is referred to as a “web browser”. The major web browsers are Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera petitive prices before purchasing new computers. Safari Grocery – Let the supermarket come to you. Buy and pay for groceries on the computer, and have them delivered to your home. and Google Chrome. Some of the real benefits of using computers are: E-banking - Visit your bank any hour of the day or night to manage bank accounts and funds. TradeMe – Buy and sell new and second-hand goods Tickets – Book flights, tickets and accommodation. Search for the best deals. Property – Buy, sell and rent to a global audience. Other Free Guides are Amazon – Purchase digital products, including cheap Ebooks Buying New Computers, Gaming – Lose money and occasionally win. Have a flutter without leaving home. Communication Spreadsheet –Play around with your budgets and expenses and let the computer do the sums. Herald News – Read the latest editions of hundreds of the best newspapers in the world. Google – Find any information immediately. Check out com- Christmas Luncheon Tickets will be available for purchase at the hall door, before the general meetings held Oct 14 and Nov 11. Our booking needs to be confirmed immediately following the November meeting. Tablets Tablets versus Smartphones Entertainment Computers in Cuisine Computers in Gardening Computers in Photography Computers in Travel Technology Trends 2014 Computer Security Email Steve Green for a free pdf guide. [email protected] Only current financial members will be subsidised , your price being $25 each. The cost to nonmembers is $32. See you at the Waipuna Hotel Restaurant, 58 Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland 1060. Page 4 Marine Corps Exercise for people over 60 Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room on each side. With a 5-kg potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides. Hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-kg potato bags. Then try 50-kg potato bags, and then eventually, try to get to where you can lift a 100-kg potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.) After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag. Welcome to New Members Ron Goldsmith Dawn O’Dea Please contact the Course Coordinator to apply to join a course—Dawn Whiteman at the monthly meeting or email [email protected] Colleen Thompson Mary Thomson Brenda Dawson Term 4 2014 SeniorNet Auckland Scheduled Lessons in Calendar Page 4 4 Page Page 6 SeniorNet [Auckland] Annual Subscription Renewal Dear Members Our financial year ended on 30th June 2014, and subscriptions became due 1st July 2014 for the year ending 30th June 2015. Please continue to support your Learning Centre using one of the following options: 1 Internet Banking Pay to ASB Bank a/c 123060-0268846 SeniorNet [Auckland} Inc. Please include Payers Name and Detail, e.g. John Smith subscription. Then please advise the SeniorNet Membership Secretary and Treasurer Anne Udy, the amount that you have paid to SeniorNet [Auckland] Inc via Internet Banking [email protected] 2 Standard Post Please complete the Renewal Form below, then print and post it together with payment to The Treasurer, SeniorNet [Auckland} Inc., P.O. Box 13366, Onehunga 1643 3 Pay at the Next Meeting, 14 October 2014 Please complete the Renewal Form below, then print and present it together with your payment at the desk during our next meeting. ....................................................................................................................................... SeniorNet [Auckland] Inc Subscription Renewal 1st July 2014 to 30 June 2015 First Name (s) ................................................. Surname (s) ......................................................... Address ......................................................................................................................................... Post Code .......................................................... Email .................................................................. Phone (Landline) .............................................. Mobile ............................................................... Payment Options Single $20 Joint $35 Cheque Cash Please add $10 to your subscription for printing and postage, if unable to use E-mail. Amount Paid ................................................................................................................................. Signature.......................................................................................................................................
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