SeniorNet Rotorua (Inc) Member of N Z Federation of SeniorNet Societies October 2014 Chairman Bruce Scott Patron Roma Cook Secretary Betty Milligan Treasurer Denise Weatherall Committee Alan Armstrong Don Gray Bert Harris Harry Hicks Barrie Pinfold Rodney Runciman Dennis Walsh Pauleen Wilkinson Course Co-ordinator Barrie Pinfold Course Tutors Alan Armstrong Tony Baker Dave Clough Dave Daniel Faye Donnelly Bert Harris Harry Hicks Betty Milligan Rodney Runciman David Thornley Glenise Turkington Denise Weatherall Technician Dave Clough Membership Pauleen Wilkinson Manuals Rodney Runciman Webmaster Alan Armstrong Postal Address P O Box 2090 Rotorua Greetings fellow members. In the absence of Bruce Scott - our Chairman - I have offered to put pen to paper. (Actually it is fingers taping on the keyboard - these days.) My very first introduction to computers was - with Telecom - back in the early 1990’s. A promotion within the ranks, had me on a six week training course in Hamilton - to learn how to use a computer. It was very scary for someone like me; technology was almost a foreign word. There was no Power Point presentation; just a large easel with strange drawings on large pieces of paper. The tutor pointed at the drawings with a long wooden pointer - and explained each component before flipping the page. (Reminded me of my arithmetic lessons in primary school; I didn’t cope very well with those either). This was my introduction to the computer world. Back in Rotorua, the big - cumbersome - computers awaited. I was lucky to have two staff with much younger brains… so I was able to communicate with the public face to face. Thank goodness the Founders of SeniorNet had the foresight… How lucky are we - at Rotorua SeniorNet’s Learning Centre - to have such a well equipped and, warm, friendly ambience to work in. Plus - the added bonus of a classy lounge in which to hold our monthly gatherings. We have a great bunch of volunteer tutors who give of their time and are willing to impart their technical knowledge. They all deserve a huge THANK YOU. Pauleen. Public Relations Officer. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday the 8th October Our Guest speaker Is Rhonda Tickelpenny Custom Solution Liason Officer Rotorua District Council To speak about The– RATES REBATE SYSTEM Are you eligible We Welcome the Following Members to our Club:- Mary Woodside Jan Fieldsend Lina Finau Maureen Callaghan 2 COURSE INFORMATION COURSE NAME COST SESSIONS Computer Awareness TUTOR(S) Harry Hicks Bert Harris Denise Weatherall Bill Verney PHONE DETAILS 349 0072 343 7232 A course for beginners 348 9924 347 9377 Free 4 Windows 8 Basics $5 1 iPad Get Started $10 2 Alan Armstrong Android Tablets $10 2 Denise Weatherall Bert Harris 348 9924 Beginners' Guide for Galaxy 343 7232 Tablets Basic Word $20 4 Betty Milligan Allister McGregor 348 8117 Create professional documents 348 8220 Open Office Text Writer $10 2 Rodney Runciman 345 8629 Freeware alternative to MS Word Card Making $20 4 Glenise Turkington 345 9669 Make personalised greeting cards easily Computer Maintenance $5 1 Dave Clough 348 2759 Keeping your computer troublefree Digital Cameras $10 2 Lloyd Oliver 347 6437 Learn about your digital camera Email $20 4 David Thornley Dave Daniel 349 3719 Composing, sending and receiving 345 4052 email Windows 8 Mail App $10 2 Alan Armstrong Lloma Gates 349 6344 Get-started workshop on Win 8 357 4037 email Facebook Basics $10 2 Alan Armstrong Denise Weatherall 349 6344 Get started on Facebook 348 9924 Files & Folders $15 3 Denise Weatherall 348 9924 Genealogy $20 4 Bert Harris Internet Explorer $20 4 Alan Armstrong 349 6344 Getting the most from the Internet Photo Editing FastStone $20 4 David Thornley 349 3719 Enhance and edit digital photos Scanning $10 2 Dave Daniel 345 4052 Saving Your Data $10 2 Dave Clough 348 2759 Backing up files to external drives TradeMe $15 3 Denise Weatherall For users upgrading an earlier version 349 6344 Basic how-to's of Apple's iPad File & Folder structure, finding, organizing and moving folders. 343 7232 Organizing your family history Getting the most out of your scanner 348 9924 The 'how-to' of on-line auctions THESE COURSES ARE OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLE WHEN REQUIRED Desktop Publishing $40 8 Betty Milligan 348 8117 Make your own brochures and pamphlets MS PowerPoint $40 8 Tony Baker 345 7607 Slide shows that deliver the message MS Excel Spreadsheet $40 8 David Thornley 349 3719 Spreadsheets are powerful calculators! Memoir Writing $15 3 Dave Daniel 345 4052 Publishing your life history The course you want not listed? Please tell us. 3 October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 10am Tutors Thu 2 Fri Sat 3 4 10 11 2pm Photo Editing 4 5 6 10am Scanning 1 7 10am Back-Up 1 8 9 10am Executive 2pm Monthly Meeting 12 13 10am Scanning 2 14 10am Back-Up 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Labour Day 28 29 30 31 More courses may be added during the month and will appear in the on-line timetable. November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 10am Tutor Workshop 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2pm Monthly Meeting 4 WEBMASTER NEWS "Ain't Nothin' That I Haven't Sung About" - Bing Crosby I think this is my 78th monthly column (losing count) and I often struggle for new topics. Still plenty of techie stuff I could write about except it's not of much general interest. I try not to be boring, but it's a while since anyone told me "I liked your column in the Newsletter" so I've been wondering about that. Light on the horizon! The Federation recently sent us a whole swag of Windows 8 video tutorials. The perfect gift for tutors with a full work-load and very little time to learn anything new. The club does have two Win 8 laptops we swap around to practise on, but that's only scratching the surface and none of us yet have the expertise to answer more difficult questions. And we're human - there's not much reason to learn new material if you already know 5 good ways to do something, and mastering the sixth will take time that's in short supply. That will change as more of us buy new PC's, but nobody throws good equipment away just because some marketer says it's obsolete. I've looked at some of the Federation’s tutorials which are excellent for home study, and I've put a few that should be popular on our website. Click the Support button then the new Windows 8.1 button to open the page where they are. To use them you need to install a free VLC viewer and there's a "click here" link for doing that near the top. There are 68 tutorials altogether (over 18 hours' viewing) which we haven't assessed properly yet, so can you help us please? There's a link in the red line on that page to a survey form where you can tell us what you thought of any you looked at and what others you want to try. We'll promote whatever you like best and add more as they’re needed. There's a complete list lower down that page except they're filenames whose exact content isn't always clear, and we haven't viewed them all yet. Setting up links will take time because each one requires two lines of code, so we'll start with those you ask for. Almost all my learning comes via the Internet these days, and knowing how to find the best among many sources is a really useful skill to have. Rodney and I are running an Internet browser class some time soon, with one or two places left for anyone who wants to improve their on-line experience. Knowing how to use a browser is only the beginning! Alan Armstrong Webmaster 5 Dave’s Corner I hope this isn’t you or me. SENIOR DRIVING As a senior citizen was driving down the motorway, his car phone rang, answering, He heard his wife’s voice urgently warning him “Vernon, I just heard on the news that there is a car going the wrong way on the M25 Please be careful. “Hell” said Vernon “Its not just one car it’s hundreds of them” ******************************************************************************************* Microsoft’s last update “A small number of customers experienced problems with a few of the updates. As soon as we became aware of some problems, we began a review and then immediately pulled the problematic updates, making these unavailable to download. We then began working on a plan to rerelease the affected updates.” So should the updated patch solve the problems with the previous update? Yes—and no. Microsoft previously released security update 2982791, which was the update that was pulled a week ago. The new update is labeled “2993651,” and should replace 2982791. As part of that process, Microsoft advised users to manually remove update 2982791 through a process of rebooting and deleting certain files. Unfortunately, patching the previous patch won’t solve the problem. Microsoft still recommends that you uninstall security update 2982791 through the process outlined above, which includes wading through the system registry. “Customers do not need to uninstall the expired 2982791 update before applying the 2993651 update; however, Microsoft strongly recommends it,” Microsoft says. “Customers who do not remove the expired update will retain a listing for 2982791 under installed updates in Control Panel.” In other words, you don’t have to uninstall the patch—but yes, you pretty much have to. Fortunately, if you did experience crashes, uninstalling the old patch and applying the new one should solve the problem. if If you didn’t have any problems, you should still do it anyway.. 6 From the Course Co-ordinator. We have a couple of requests for a Card Making Course. Tony Baker has offered to run this course in November if there are a sufficient number of people interested. He will be using a programme from Hallmark which is a free download off the Net. The Club has a print shop programme which you can also use for free. The fee for the course will be $20. If you wish to do this course please send your registration with the fee to the Secretary. As Our Chairman is away on an overseas trip at the moment the committee have taken the time to fill in the gap. At the last monthly meeting it was asked how many of you would be interested in learning how to make the most of your Smart Phone. About a dozen raised their hands but to date no one has come forward. We have a person willing to come along to and instruct members on the use of their Smart Phones but we need to know numbers attending so we can set a time date and venue. We have had a complaint from the Regency Park Management about parking. When attending a course at the learning centre please park in the car parks but not in front of or on the paved area at rear of the main building. The staff have difficulty getting into the garages. REAL ME Why do you need RealMe? As more services come on board with RealMe, your online interactions will be simpler with no need to turn up in person with identity documents and your needs will be more easily met as important life events occur - such as health, financial planning and taxes, retirement and changes in your living situation. By 2017 the aim is for 70% of New Zealander’s transactions with government to be completed in the digital environment. How do you get RealMe? It’s easy! To get a verified RealMe account get started online on and enter some of your details, then visit a participating PostShop for them to take your photo, and in no time at all, your identity is verified. There’s a step-by-step guide on the RealMe website. And once you have your verified RealMe account, you are in control. RealMe relies on permission from you to share any of your information, and most important - you can see where, when and to whom you have provided information through. 7 HOW TO REGISTER FOR A COURSE First: make sure that you are in fact a paid-up member of Rotorua SeniorNet. If you aren’t, apply for membership! Then, when you have decided what course you want to take, fill out one of the Registration forms that comes with your Newsletter (or get one from the Club Website: (, and post it to the Secretary, Rotorua SeniorNet. PO Box 2090, ROTORUA. 3010. (Please don’t just turn up on the first day of the course that you’ve learned about from the Club Website! That creates problems for everyone.) Once the Course Coordinator has checked that: a. there are enough people wanting to do the course; and b. the tutor(s) are available for that day, and c. the rooms are available, you will be contacted to see if that date and time works for you. When all this is in place, the course can get under way. You can (but you don’t need to) send money in when you first register for a course (it may take some months, or even longer in some cases, to get adequate numbers for a course). But when you are notified that the course is ready, you have to make sure that your money has been sent in before you can start. Please note: the fact that a course is advertised on the Website timetable does NOT mean that places are necessarily available. Often the course is full before the course is shown on the timetable. Check with the Course Coordinator first. A Clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy memory Where there is a will there is a relative 8 SeniorNet Rotorua Incorporated Course Registration Form First Names ........................................................................ Last Name .......................................................... Phone No .............................. Address ................................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... Post Code ................ Mobile ................................. Email ...................................................... @ ............................................... (for newsletter) or No email yet (please advise changes) Best time and way to contact me ....................................................................................................................................................................... Information required for TEC and ACE funding (please tick all that apply: Age: 55-59 years 60+ years Ethnicity: NZ European Windows version Word processor: XP MS Works NZ Maori Vista Pasifika Windows 7 Word 97 Asian Windows Word 2000 Word Other 8 2003 Word 2007 Open Office Writer Email program: MS Outlook version ............ Outlook Express Windows Live Mail Our Courses are built around Microsoft Windows so members should have Windows-based home computers and relevant course programs to get maximum benefit from courses provided. Introduction to Computers Course: Already Done Currently Doing Require Exemption It is essential students have adequate basic computer skills before they take part in courses other than the Introduction to Computers Course which is provided without further charge to new members of the Club. Exemption from this requirement can be granted to people who can show they already have good computer experience. Please hand in this form with payment at a Monthly Club Meeting or post with your cheque to: The Secretary, Rotorua SeniorNet, PO Box 2090, ROTORUA 3040. 9 Signed ............................................................................................... Date .....................................
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