1 SHALOM Shalom Congregation Eitz Chaim Monroe Woodbury Jewish Community Center 1465 Orange Turnpike/P.O. Box 183 Monroe, NY 10949 (845) 783 - 7424 http://eitzchaim-monroe.org Rabbi Alex Salzberg Tishrei—Cheshvan 5775 Chag Sameach Sukkot October 2014 2 SHALOM August Donations : Mazel Tov’s / In honor of: Dial - A - Card William & Athena Hagerty – Gift in honor of Aviva Cohen Joan & Morton Pollner - In honor of Sanford and Isabel Laufer's 40th anniversary Barbara & Robert Fromowitz - In honor of David Brunner's retirement "welcome to the good life" Barbara & Robert Fromowitz - Thank you for a wonderful journal dinner to: Diane Soss, Judi Berman & Karen Celidonio Barbara & Robert Fromowitz - Jonathan & Dara Koza - Thank you and may we all sing "hallelujah" again next year! Donations have been received from: Shirley Pinkus : Wishing Diane Soss a speedy recovery and a Refouah Schlemah; Rochelle Marshall – In honor of Paul Siegel ...In memory of Estel Renee Strauss, Z"L Rochelle & Ida Marshall – In honor of the Wyler’s cute granddaughter Aliyahs and Mishaberach: Barbara & Robert Fromowitz - Saying of Mishaberach Yizkor / Yahrzeit / In memory of: Larry & Barbara Vitelli - In memory of George Phillip Green Sheila Ornstein - Yizkor in memory of Paul Ornstein, Jason Rosenblum & Andrew Rosenblum Harley & Alyse Matsil - Yizkor in memory of Leonard Elias, dear father Margaret Meth - Yiskor in memory of those we love & lost Rochelle Marshall - Yiskor in memory of Jack Marshall Aviva & Sheldon Cohen - Yahrzeit - Ruth Cohen Brenda Winkler Goldfarb – Yahrzeit Max Winkler Henry & Samira Galler - Yiskor Lola & Efraim Jaronowski - Yahrzeit Efraim's mom, Salomea Berkowicz 783-3930 Cards are available for any occasion including birthdays, graduations, in honor of, in. Mail your donation (min. $8.00) check (made out to Sisterhood MWJCC) to her at: 5 Mercury Avenue, Monroe, NY 10950 ...Sending get well wishes and a refouah schlemah to her brother in Law Murray Sokoloff; Order a special, beautiful card for any occasion simply by calling Samira Galler at Shirley Pinkus – To honor Aviva Cohen on her birth- day Rochelle Marshall – In memory of Sydell Blatt Ida Bonelli - Yahrzeit - Louis Fleischman Ida Marshall : Donation in memory of Estel Renee Strauss Z"L We will miss her and her beautiful music. Henry & Samira Galler : Sending condolences to Barbara & Leslie Bahr on the untimely passing of Dick Bahr Z"L Rita & Gerry Wincott : In Memory of Renee Strauss Z"L; ...In Memory of Dick Bahr Z"L Martin & Judi Berman : in Memory of Renee Strauss Z"L Margaret & Warren Meth : In Memory of Renee Strauss Z"L; ...Wishing Diane Soss a speedy recovery. 3 SHALOM Yahrzeit Announcements October 3 - Toby Schack observes the yahrzeit of her father, Leon Marshall (9 Tishrei) October 3 - Ruth Sussman observes the yahrzeit of her daughter-in-law, Geri Sussman (9 Tishrei) October 5 - Judy Ronay observes the yahrzeit of her father, Moshe ben Rachel and Joseph Lieb (11 Tishrei) October 8 - Jane Kleiman observes the yahrzeit of her mother, Hilda Beson (14 Tishrei) October 8 - Alyse Matsil observes the yahrzeit of her father, Leonard Elias (14 Tishrei) October 9 - Arlyne Berman observes the yahrzeit of her sister, Rita G. Kanarick (15 Tishrei) October 9 - Rita Wincott observes the yahrzeit of her sister-in-law, Wilma Jean Lassen (15 Tishrei) October 13 - Barbara Fromowitz observes the yahrzeit of her father, Harry Feldman (19 Tishrei) October 14 - Kiki Nelson observes the yahrzeit of her father, Louis Katznelson (20 Tishrei) October 16 - Samira Galler observes the yahrzeit of her father, Haskel Balass (22 Tishrei) USHPIZOT ~ October 19 - Gary Kestenbaum observes the yahrzeit of his father, Martin Kestenbaum (25 Tishrei) Our Honored Guests October 20 - Mike Lander observes the yahrzeit of his mother, Pearl Lander (26 Tishrei) What Extraordinary Jewish Women Would You Invite Into Your October 20 - Glenn Green observes the yahrzeit of his mother, Mildred Schaffer Green (26 Tishrei) Sukkah? October 22 - Warren Miller observes the yahrzeit of his father-in-law, Joseph Dwork (28 Tishrei) (e.g., Queen Esther, Golda Meir, Emma Lazarus, Joan Rivers, Mom, Tante Baila?) October 23 - Rita Wincott observes the yahrzeit of her mother, Molly Lassen (29 Tishrei) Join us on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 October 24 - Shirley Pinkus observes the yahrzeit of her husband, Sam Pinkus (30 Tishrei) October 26 - Carlton, Nancy, Joan, Rachel and Benjamin Levine observes the yahrzeit of their son and brother, Joshua Nathan Levine (2 Heshvan) October 26 - Rose Wolvek observes the yahrzeit of her mother, Gertrude Adelson (2 Heshvan) October 28 - Marilyn Grossman observes the yahrzeit of her mother, Frieda Badiner (4 Heshvan) October 29 - David Brunner observes the yahrzeit of his father, Leonard Brunner (5 Heshvan) October 31 - Harley Matsil observes the yahrzeit of his father, Alvin Matsil (7 Heshvan) 7 PM at Congregation Eitz Chaim Show and/or tell why your guest is special to you! Refreshments will be served Suggested Donation ~ $7. RSVP by Oct. 5th to Fran Gordon: 496-6114 [email protected] 4 SHALOM From the Desk of Rabbi Alex Salzberg As I write this, I have just returned from my first Shabbat at Eitz Chaim. It was a wonderful experience that gave me a chance to get to know members of the community. I received a warm welcome – and several warm and delicious meals – and am optimistic about what we will be able to do together over the course of this year. This year I am excited to work with the community of Eitz Chaim. I hope to join you in building on the already vibrant prayer services. I am enthusiastic about the possibilities that the new Hebrew School model creates for both the children and adults in our community. I am also thinking about ways to provide more educational and community building opportunities for the adult members of Eitz Chaim – because we can always learn more. Like everything in life, I am sure that my plans for this year will change as we get to know one another and as I learn about what you would like from me. I am also sure that you will have needs and desires that develop over the course of the year, and I look forward to working with all of you to see what we can create together. I am eager to return to Monroe for the High Holidays and beyond, and to introduce my family to this wonderful community. The date of the next Book Club meeting is Sisterhood Book Club TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28TH 7 PM Location TBA Sisterhood’s next book choice is: From the internationally acclaimed Israeli writer Meir Shalev comes a mesmerizing novel of two love stories, separated by half a century but connected by one enchanting act of devotion. During the 1948 War of Independence--a time when pigeons are still used to deliver battlefield messages--a gifted young pigeon handler is mortally wounded. In the moments before his death, he dispatches one last pigeon. The bird is carrying his extraordinary gift to the girl he has loved since adolescence. Intertwined with this story is the contemporary tale of Yair Mendelsohn, who has his own legacy from the 1948 war. Yair is a tour guide specializing in bird-watching trips who, in middle age, falls in love again with a childhood girlfriend. His growing passion for her, along with a gift from his mother on her deathbed, becomes the key to a life he thought no longer possible. Unforgettable in both its particulars and its sweep, A Pigeon and A Boy is a tale of lovers then and now--of how deeply we love, of what home is, and why we, like pigeons trained to fly in one direction only, must eventually return to it. In a voice that is at once playful, wise, and altogether beguiling, Meir Shalev tells a story as universal as war and as intimate as a winged declaration of love. Are you a “K.E.N.”? (Kosher Empty Nester) We are couples and singles whose children have fled the nest, including those who have children away at college. We meet once a month for a Friday Shabbat dinner in various homes. You don’t need to be kosher to host—just make dairy, fish or vegetarian dishes. Please join us in celebrating the joy of Shabbat! For more information call Barbara Zucker at (928-6906) 5 SHALOM The next Shalom Deadline is October 5th for the November Issue Please send articles as a MS word file to Sheila at: [email protected] Congregation Eitz Chaim is a conservative synagogue affiliated with United Synagogue of America Please donate your unused toiletries to the batand Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. tered women’s shelter. There is a basket set up Shalom is published on or about the 1st of the in the rear lobby. month, ten times per year, and is sponsored by the Sponsored by Jewish Family Sisterhood of Eitz Chaim. Editor: Sheila Ornstein 928-6244 Circulation: Linda Siegel 782-5292 Advertising: Bonnie Brunner 497-8321 Please e-mail the Shalom directly with your news: Send to Sheila- [email protected] Please email all submissions to Shalom typewritten in upper and lower case letters (please send as a Microsoft Word file). October Kiddush Upcoming dates are being sponsored by: Gail Sulliven—October 11th—in honor of her grandson, Joseph Steven’s, birthday. Eitz Chaim Board of Directors—October 18th in honor of the Outgoing Board Members and the Incoming Board Members. Pomeranatz Family—November 8th—in honor of Rebecca’s Bat Mitzvah. Services. Thank You!! 6 SHALOM SHOP AT THE EITZ CHAIM GIFT SHOP FOR ALL YOUR JUDAICA NEEDS! Call Jane (783-3110) for Information. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS. TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE SHALOM 7 SHALOM Our November Bat Mitzvah Tens of Thousands Rally For Israel Around The World Joining thousands around the world, at least 10,000 pro-Israel New Yorkers, among them Eitz Chaim’s Rochelle Marshall and Paul and Linda Siegel, turned out on Sunday, July 28 for the “New York With Israel” rally that the World Jewish Congress co sponsored at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, near the United Nations. Rochelle arrived early, hours before the official starting time, to secure their spot, front row and center directly across from the speakers’ platform. The crowd which thronged the plaza and spilled onto Second Avenue, heard speakers including New York’s Senator Charles Schumer, the chair of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians, Congress member Elliot Engel of New York; and the Consul General of Israel in New York, Ambassador Ido Aharoni, and Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor. Other New York elected communal figures, and rabbis also addressed the crowd. Rochelle’s excitement listening to the rabbi’s intensified when she spotted Eitz Chaim’s Rabbi Barry Katz. He did not address the crowd, but even better, came over to greet and speak with Rochelle, Rebecca Elizabeth Pomerantz will be celebrating her Paul, and Linda. Bat Mitzvah November 8, 2014. Rebecca is a 7th grader at Monroe-Woodbury Middle School where she enjoys playing her violin. Her favorite subjects are Reading and Orchestra. She loves horses and enjoys riding as much as she can. She currently is volunteering at Winslow Therapeutic Equestrian Center. Rebecca also loves running and is busy with the "Girls on the Run" team at her school, training for their big race at the end of November! Rebecca is a Girl Scout at the Cadette level. She has already earned her Bronze award and is busy working towards her Silver award.. Rebecca's parents, Karen and Jay and her younger brother, David, are extremely proud of all of Rebecca's hard work and dedication. Rebecca's grandparents, Carol, Len and Reni are very excited, and are anxiously awaiting the big day. Rebecca's family looks forward to sharing her Simcha with the entire Eitz Chaim congregation. The rally near the UN was one of many pro Israel demonstrations around the world in recent weeks including Washington DC, Budapest, Hungary, and in Marseille, in southern France. 8 SHALOM If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living. Yiddish Proverb BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION The Hebrew School and Gan Shalom have been re-enrolled in the Box Tops For Education program. It started in December 2012. At that time our school ID, which is 961171, became active. There are three programs that can add up to $60,000 per year for the school. One is the regular Box Top collection, two is Bonus Box Tops, and the third is shopping online. An explanation of all there is found at www.BTFE.com. Immediately, we are collecting box tops, which equal 10 cents each. There is a basket on the table near the downstairs front door B’KOR CHOLIM COMMITTEE Eitz chaim is a caring community. A B'kor Cholim committee has been formed to offer support to our Eitz Chaim family. If you or anyone you know in our congregation needs a call, a card, or a contact, please et one of us on the committee know. Beth Marks Moses [email protected] 845-427-2704 Paula Spector [email protected] 845-610-3548 Nancy Rothstein [email protected] 845-783-7069 SCRIP GIFT CARDS We have Scrip in $50.- & $100.-denominations. For every purchase you make, the Shul earns 5 percent. It is completely painless, you just exchange your cash for a gift card and - voila- you are ready to go shopping. The gift cards are available at the office. Call Margaret at 783-7424 or stop in. ShopRite & Stop & Shop Scrip is available! 9 SHALOM 10 SHALOM SISTERHOOD BOARD 2014—2016 Birthday Cards: Kathy Falber – 782-0608 Sisterhood Co-Presidents: Historian: Judy Ronay – 492-2074 Linda Siegel – 782-5292 High Holiday Babysitting: Fran Gordon – 496-6114 Elaine Osterhaut – 928-6466 Vice President of Fundraising Aviva Zucker – 928-6906 Rochelle Marshall – 783-2495 Arlyne Berman – 783-2773 Rebekah Linkowski—917-204-9401 Israeli Affairs: Treasurer: Rita Wincott – 783-6572 Rochelle Marshall – 783-2495 Membership: Bonnie Brunner – 497-8321 Gail Sullivan – 774-2635 Ellen McNally—294-9047 Recording Secretary: Gail Sullivan—774-2635 Corresponding Sec’y: Isabelle Laufer – 783-5190 Kiddush Committee: Paula Spector – 610-3548 Ronnee MacDonald – 782-0453 Yom Huledet to our October Birthdays: Diane Soss – 782-7018 October 3rd………….Barbara Zucker Shalom Newsletter: October 6th………….David Siegel Sheila Ornstein – 928-6244 Linda Siegel – 782-5292 Bonnie Brunner – 497-8321 Randy Treiber October 10th………...Steven Bakst Donna Kushner Judaica Shop: October 11th………...Joan Ostrer Jane Kleiman – 783-3110 October 19th………...Gary Kestenbaum Karen Fischer – 928-8115 Sunshine: Adria Gross – 782-7132 Women’s League Liaison: Karen Celidonio – 928-2701 Education Liaison: Ilyse Grunes – 774-0816 Book Club: Alyse Matsil—238-3494 Rosh Chodesh Group: Beth Marks—427-2704 Jennie Ossentjuk—496-1892 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gifts: Barbara Vitelli -783-7275 Dial-a-Card: Samira Galler – 783-3930 11 SHALOM Sisterhood Bereavement/Refouah Schlemah Fund Sisterhood has a bereavement fund that is used to provide meals for families during their time of shiva or recovery from illness. Donations to this fund are welcome. Please make your check out to: Sisterhood MWJCC and put “Bereavement/Refouch Schlemah Donation” on the memo line and send it to: Sisterhood MWJCC c/o Sheila Ornstein 19 Scaglione Court Highland Mills, NY 10930 A donation has been made by Shirley Pinkus is memory of Estel Renee Strauss. From the bottom of our hearts, the Marks-Moses Family and Adam thank our Eitz Chaim family for all the love and blessings extended to Tamara and Adam during their Aufruf. So many people stepped up to make the day memorable. Tamara shared that she felt embraced by her Eitz Chaim family and was proud to introduce Adam who felt so included as well. 12 SHALOM Monroe Woodbury Jewish Community Center PO Box 183 Monroe, New York 10949 Please Do Not Hold Dated Material CANDLE LIGHTING October April 2013 2014 Light candles………..…………….……..Ends JOIN US FOR Shabbat Light candles………..……..Ends SERVICES Oct 6:16 pmpmOctMay 4 —4 7:13 pm pm May3 3— — 7:37 — 8:42 Oct 8 — 6:08 pm May 10 — 7:45 pm AT May 11 —8:51 pm Oct 9 — 7:05 pm Shavuot Light candles………..……..Ends Oct 10 — 6:04 pm Oct 11 — 7:02 pm EITZ CHAIM May 14 — 7:49 pm Oct 15 — 5:56 pm May 15 — 8:55 pm May 16 —8:56 pm May 17 — 7:52 pm May 18 — 8:59 pm Oct 16 — 6:54 pm Shabbat Light candles………..……..Ends Oct 17 — 5:53 pm Oct 18 — 6:51 pm Oct 24 — 5:43 pm Oct 25 — 6:42 pm Oct 31 — 5:33 pm Nov 1 — 6:33 pm May 24 — 7:58 pm Friday Night 6:00 PM Shabbat Morning 9:00 AM Sunday Morning 8:30 AM May 25 —9:06 pm If you would like to arrange a morning or evening minyan for a yahrzeit call Mark Schulberg.
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