UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Negative constructions in nonliterate learners’ spoken L2 Finnish Taina Tammelin-Laine LESLLA 2014 UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Contents Background Participants Data collection and analysis Classroom as the interactional setting of the study Verb conjugation and negative construction in Finnish Data Results Conclusions UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Background This study is a part of my on-going PhD study on how non-literate adults learn Finnish as their L2 Hardly any previous research on the field in Finland ”We have almost no findings on the SLA processes of members of [ ] low-literate and illiterate adult learners.” and ”As a result, we do not know how literacy level affects the acquisition of oral L2s.” (Tarone, Bigelow, & Hansen 2009, p. 2, 22.) The study is not firmly based on any SLA theory but the general premise of it is the usage-based theory of additional language learning UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Data collection and analysis Two language and literacy classes at two adult education centers August−December 2010, January−May 2011 Participant observation (notes, audiotaping) Analysis both quantitative and qualitative UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Participants Participant AEC Age* Country of origin Amina Husna A A Rana A Asra B L1 45 Afghanistan Dari 45 Afghanistan Dari Kurdish 28 Iran (sorani) 24 Afghanistan Dari L2s Length of residence* Russian 15 months − 16 Farsi 12 Farsi 18 *In August 2010, in the beginning of the data collection AEC = Adult education center UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Classroom as the interactional setting of the study For the participants the main place for encountering Finnish Classroom interaction mostly lead by the teacher: (teacher’s) initiation (I) (learner’s) response (R) (teacher’s) feedback (F) In real interactional situations, almost no corrective feedback given by the teacher The main focus of teaching – A: reading skills – B: reading skills alongside oral skills Negative construction only mentioned in the reader used especially at adult education center A UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Verb conjugation and negative construction in Finnish Conjugation of the verb asua ‘to live’ in affirmative and negative forms (present tense, the indicative mood) Affirmative (minä) asun (sinä) asut Negative (minä) en asu (sinä) et asu hän asuu (me) asumme hän ei asu (me) emme asu (te) asutte (te) ette asu he asuvat he eivät asu negative construction: auxiliary ei + lexical verb inflected in person and number bare stem UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Data Amina Asra Husna Rana Total Number of words 669 512 387 635 2203 Number of turns 264 241 179 270 954 Declarative turns with verb(s) 44 53 13 60 170 Interrogative turns with verb(s) 13 20 8 6 47 Percentage of turns with verb(s) 21.6 29.9 11.7 24.4 22.7 Number of different verbs used 15 19 12 14 31 UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Data Amina Asra Husna Rana Total Number of words 669 512 387 635 2203 Number of turns 264 241 179 270 954 Declarative turns with verb(s) 44 53 13 60 170 Interrogative turns with verb(s) 13 20 8 6 47 Percentage of turns with verb(s) 21.6 29.9 11.7 24.4 22.7 Number of different verbs used 15 19 12 14 31 UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Negative constructions in the data Total of turns with verb(s) Neg. declaratives with lexical verb(s) Neg. declaratives with no lexical verb(s) Neg. interrogatives with lexical verb(s) Neg. interrogatives with no lexical verb(s) Total of neg. constr. Percentage of neg. constr. Amina Asra Husna Rana Total 57 73 21 66 217 6 3 0 3 12 15 38 4 34 91 2 3 0 0 5 4 1 0 4 9 27 45 4 41 117 47.4 61.6 19.0 62.1 53.9 UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Negative constructions in the data UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ The first occurrence of the negative construction type October – Amina: EI without a lexical verb in DECLARATIVE Tämä ei (target: Sitä en tiedä) This no+SG3 ’That one I don’t know’ – Asra: EI without a lexical verb in DECLARATIVE Koti ei (target: Hän ei ole kotona) Home no+SG3 ’He is not at home’ – Rana: EI without a lexical verb in DECLARATIVE Ei hyvä mies (target: Mies ei ole hyvä) No+SG3 good man ’The man is not good’ UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ The first occurrence of the negative construction type cont. January: – Asra: EI + a lexical verb in DISJUNCTIVE QUESTION Kirja ei kirja? (target: Kirjoitanko vai en?) Write+SG3 no+SG3 write+SG3? ’Shall I write or not?’ March: – Amina: EI without a lexical verb in QUESTION Ei koira? (target: Eikö sinulla ole koiraa?) No+SG3 dog? ’Don’t you have a dog?’ – Asra: EI + a lexical verb in QUESTION Ei kirjoita? (target: Enkö kirjoita tätä?) No+SG3 write+NEG ’Shall I not write this?’ UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ The first occurrence of the negative construction type cont. March – Asra: EI + a lexical verb in DECLARATIVE Minä ei tiedä (target: (Minä) en tiedä) I no+SG3 know+NEG ’I don’t know’ – Husna: EI without a lexical verb in DECLARATIVE Käsi ei hyvä (target: Käsi ei ole terve) Hand no+SG3 good ’The hand is not fine’ UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ The first occurrence of the negative construction type cont. April – Amina: • EI + a lexical verb in DECLARATIVE Tämä ei kirjoittaa (target: Tätä en kirjoita) This no+SG3 write+SG3 ’This one I don’t write’ • EI + a lexical verb in DISJUNCTIVE QUESTION Lukee…ei kirjoita (target: Luenko vain, en kirjoita?) Read+SG3 no+SG3 write+NEG ’Shall I just read this, not write?’ UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ The first occurrence of the negative construction type cont. May – Rana: • EI + a lexical verb in DECLARATIVE Ei nukkuu (target: En nuku) No+SG3 sleep+SG3 ’I don’t sleep’ • EI without a lexical verb in DISJUNCTIVE QUESTION Hyvä ja ei hyvä (target: Onko tämä hyvä vai ei? Good and no+SG3 good ’Is this good or not?’ • EI without a lexical verb in QUESTION Ei kotona opettaja? (target: Eikö mennä kotiin, opettaja?) No+SG3 at home teacher ’Don’t we go home, teacher?’ UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Conclusions Typical of all the participants: – low use of verbs in general – EI without a lexical verb in declarative utterance occurs first – no conjugation of EI – wide use of EI without a lexical verb both in declaratives and questions throughout the data collection period (cf. Eskildsen 2012) – the lexical verb used with EI is mostly in correct form – only the conjugation of EI is missing (cf. En asun pattern in Puro 2002) UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Conclusions cont. Individual differences in – the number of negative constructions – the time of the first occurrence of EI without a lexical verb – the order and time of the first occurrence of the negative construction types other than EI without a lexical verb – the complexity of negative constructions The most complex negative constructions (EI + a lexical verb in a question / disjunctive question) are used only by the most fluent readers The less fluent reader uses the less negative constructions and verbs in general UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Conclusions cont. To learn the more complex use of negative construction than just the word EI the participants need more focused instruction − affordances encountered in real interactive situations during the teaching are not enough UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ References Eskildsen, S. W. (2012). L2 negation constructions at work. Language Learning, 62(2), 335−372. Puro, T. (2002). Suomi toisena kielenä -aikuisoppijan verbien kehittyminen alkeiskurssilla [The development of verbs by adult L2 Finnish learners during the course in basic language skills] (Unpublished licentiate dissertation). University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Tarone, E., Bigelow, M., & Hansen, K. (2009). Literacy and second language oracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ Thank you! [email protected]
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