KIMMAGE MANOR PARISH Telephone: 406-4377 Sunday 19th October 2014. e-mail: [email protected] Fr. Paul Walsh C.S.Sp. Fr. Tom Hogan C.S.Sp. & Fr. Eddie O’Farrell C.S.Sp.4558316. Child Protection Contact: Bríd 087-2951425, Tracy Pryce 087-7994897. SUNDAY MASSES: 6.00 p.m. (Sat.), 10.00 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 5.30 p.m. Saturday. BAPTISMS: 3rd Sunday of the month. Mass Intentions Saturday 6.00 p.m. Padraig Lynch, Anniversary Adrien & Elizabeth Victory, Anniversary. Denise Murphy, Anniversary. Sunday 10.00 a.m. Anne Geraghty, RIP. Séan, Kathleen & son Sean Treacy,Anniversary Sunday 11.30 a.m.Phyllis O’Reilly,Month’s Mind Betty O’Reilly & Connie Kenny, Anniversary. Monday 10.00 a.m. Padraig Lynch, Anniversary. Mark Quinn, Anniversary. Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Dermot Byrne, RIP. Wednesday 10.00 a.m. Thank You Mass. Thursday 10.00 a.m. Leo Mills, RIP. Toni & Des Gillen, RIP. Friday 10.00 a.m. Linda Anne Byrne, Anniversary. Saturday10.00 a.m. Kathleen McDonagh, RIP. Remember in your prayers those who are ill in our Parish, especially Sr. Angela Hurley, Mark Rodgers, Mae Quinn, Geraldine Ryan, Joan Doyle, Kevin Walsh, Eamon Moran, Anne Byrne, Joe O’Connell, Monica Mitchell, Joe Perry, John Murray, Muriel Acheson and those in Nursing Homes. They are very much part of our community and our thoughts are with them. Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of John Gerard Edwards who died recently (brother of Joe Edwards). To his family and friends we extend our sincere sympathy. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Mission Sunday The celebration of Mission Sunday this year has a very special meaning as it coincides with the closing of the special Synod on the family. Please help us at World Missions Ireland to be able to share the gift of faith through your prayer and whatever financial assistance you can give. Every cent collected in Ireland on Mission Sunday is sent to a missionary church, not yet self-sufficient. There will be a special collection this weekend It will replace the Share Collection. Your support is very much appreciated. Our Mission Prayer May all children In the world Share love Share friendship and live In the peace Of God’s love Now and forever; Amen November Altar List of the Dead November is the month of remembrance. All on the November lists of the Dead are remembered each day at Mass.The parish is currently compiling the Altar list of the dead. If you wish to have your loved ones inscribed on the list, please take an envelope from the church exits. You may leave them in the sacristy, with the sacristan or Parish office. The O’Reilly & Kenny family would like to thank Fr.Paul and the parishioners of Kimmage Manor for their prayers, flowers, Mass cards and those who attended Phyllis’ funeral Mass. Mass will be offered this Wednesday 22nd October at 10.00 am for your intentions. “Association of Catholic Ireland” meeting on Tuesday 21st October at 7.30pm – 9.30pm. in the Kimmage Manor Hall. All are welcome. The bucket collection last weekend 11th/12th October to help defray the cost of heating our Church amounted to €2,510.00. We thank you all most sincerely for your generousity. Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver invite you to their Sale of Work that will be held on Sunday 2nd November at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall, Terenure, from 10.30am – 3.00pm. They will be grateful for your support or goods and assure you of their prayers! For more information or if donating goods, please ring: 4909360 St. Vincent de Paul will take up their church door collection next weekend. Kimmage Manor Active Retirement AGM takes place On Wednesday after the Coffee Morning on Wednesday 29th October. Full attendance will be expected and appreciated. Senior Help Line, Ireland’s only confidential listening service for older people, provided by older volunteers, is open 365 days of the year. From 10 am – 10 pm. So don’t be alone. We are there. Phone Lo-Call 1850 4440 440 (No call costing more than 30c) November month of the Holy Souls. How about abstaining from alcohol this month? or contact (353) 1 8749464 Blessing of pets: Join Ballinteer Parish this Sunday, 19th October at 12.30pm in St John the Evangelist Church, Ballinteer for a special Blessing after Mass for pets. All domestic pets welcome! KIMMAGE MANOR PARISH Telephone: 406-4377 Sunday 19th October 2014. e-mail: [email protected] Fr. Paul Walsh C.S.Sp. Fr. Tom Hogan C.S.Sp. & Fr. Eddie O’Farrell C.S.Sp.4558316. Child Protection Contact: Bríd 087-2951425, Tracy Pryce 087-7994897. SUNDAY MASSES: 6.00 p.m. (Sat.), 10.00 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 5.30 p.m. Saturday. BAPTISMS: 3rd Sunday of the month. 29th Sunday of Ordinary time Today happens also to be WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. It is a reminder to us that by our very Baptism we are expected to reach out to the whole bring the Joy of Jesus to all we meet. And the world needs this so badly, right? Our Holy Father Pope Francis speaks about Mission this weekend. Here are three extracts from his special Message: 1. THE GREAT DANGER IN TODAY’S WORLD, PERVADED AS IT IS BY CONSUMERISM, IS THE DESOLATION AND ANGUISH BORN OF A COMPLACENT YET COVETOUS HEART, THE FEVERISH PURSUIT OF FRIVOLOUS PLEASURES, AND A BLUNTED CONSCIENCE. HUMANITY GREATLY NEEDS TO LAY HOLD OF THE SALVATION BROUGHT BY CHRIST. 2. TODAY VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW CHRIST (or have abandoned him). SO FOR US THE MISSION TO THE WORLD CONTINUES TO BE MOST URGENT. ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH ARE CALLED TO TAKE PART IN THIS MISSION...FOR THE CHURCH IS MISSIONARY BY HER VERY NATURE. 3. THERE HAS BEEN A GROWING AWARENESS OF THE IDENTITY AND MISSION OF THE LAY FAITHFUL IN THE CHURCH, AS WELL AS A RECOGNITION THAT THEY ARE CALLED TO TAKE AN INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL.
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