announce... A Conference for Families and Professionals Saturday, November 8, 2014 9:00AM—2:30PM Keynote Speaker: Patty Schetter, M.A., BCBA Camarillo, CA 93012 if registered by Ventura County Office of Education 10/28 Conference and Educational Services Center Registration is required 14 days prior to event, or a $10 Late Fee will be applied. Seating and materials are not guaranteed for late registrations. Individuals are responsible for assuring that payment is received by the SELPA prior to the event. To pay by check or purchase order, mail to: Ventura County SELPA, 5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA 93012. Payment can be made via credit card online. If you work for a school district or other agency, please ensure that payment is forwarded in a timely fashion to SELPA, to avoid being required to pay at the door. You will receive a written confirmation if we receive the registration by the deadline, and payment/authorization is received. *District Coordinator or Director of Special Education authorization (VC SELPA only) is required for use of SESP Funds. Please forward a copy of your registration to your Special Ed. Director/Coordinator for approval. NO PURCHASE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNDER $100.00 Cost: $15.00 if registered by 10/28/14 Optional box lunch: $10.00 when registering. Indicate a preference for turkey, beef or veggie sandwich. One CEU for BCBAs is available through the Southern California Consortium for Behavior Analysis (SCCBA). $5.00 with conference registration or at the door. dos semanas de anticipación. de señas deben ser reservada con Interpretación en Español o lenguaje advance. ed if requested at least 2 weeks in sign language interpretation provid- Spanish translation (via headset) or If you are having trouble accessing the system or you do not have computer access, please call (805) 437-1560 or Email: Barbara Rush at [email protected] Autism Society Ventura County (ASVC) does not endorse any particular service, therapy, strategy, business, or professional. Individuals and families are strongly encouraged to research each entity to make sure that the offered services and supports can meet their individual needs. extra 5100 Adolfo Road Optional lunch $10 Location: Cost: $15 per person TO REGISTER: Go to: for the link to be redirected to OMS or to register directly go to The Ventura County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), Mary Samples, Assistant Superintendent, in collaboration with the Autism Society of Ventura County Session I A. Social Narratives: This practice uses social situations in some detail by highlighting relevant cues and offering examples of appropriate responding. Social narratives are individualized according to learner needs and typically are quite short, perhaps including pictures or other visual aids. Presented by: Marcia Hamilton, MA, Speech and Language Pathologist, Principal, Moorpark Unified School District B. Self-Management Preschool- Elementary: This technique teaches learners to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, accurately monitor and record their own behav- Keynote Speaker Patty Schetter is a Project Coordinator for the Center for Excellence in iors, and reward themselves for behaving appropriately. Presented by: Laura Cornish, Speech and Developmental Disabilities (CEDD) at the UC Davis MIND Institute. She oversees the Cali- Language Pathologist, Oxnard School District, and Sena Reed, Special Education Teacher, fornia Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN), which provides Pleasant Valley School District training, coaching and resources in Evidence Based Practices (EBPs) to educators, service coordinators, clinical staff and families throughout the state. In addition, she is the faculty advisor and instructor for the UC Davis Extension Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Special Studies Program. Other projects Patty coordinates include Think Transition of North- C. Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention: In this practice, typically developing peers support youth with ASD acquire new behavior, communication, and social skills by increasing social and learning opportunities within natural environments. Peers are taught strategies for engaging youth with ASD in social interactions through both teacher-directed and learner-initiated activi- ern California, which provides training and networking opportunities for professionals sup- ties. Presented by: Nathan Dybvig, Special Education Teacher, and Chris Caetano, Behavior porting youth with disabilities through the transition from school to college and career, and Support Associate, Triton Academy, Ventura County Office of Education the Autism Distance Education Parent Training (ADEPT). Patty is the author of Learning the R.O.P.E.S. for Improved Executive Function (2003), The Autism Program Development and Review Protocol (APDAR) (2009) and Percy Learns to Fly (2012), a children’s book about differences and discovering strengths and talents. supports include pictures, written words, objects within the environment, arrangement of the envisented by: Andie Baehne, Special Education Teacher, Oxnard Union High School District, and Kelly Cox, Occupational Specialist, Assistive Technology, Ventura County SELPA The evolution of evidence-based practices in response to increased needs of people with autism spectrum disorders understanding of the The background of each evidence-based practice to be presented at this conference settings the learner in engaging in desired behaviors or skills independent of prompts. Examples of visual ronment or visual boundaries, schedules, maps, labels, organization systems, and timelines. Pre- The keynote will cover: The implementation of evidence-based practices D. Visual Supports for Middle School and Older: This technique uses visual displays to support in the home, community, and classroom Conference Schedule 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Registration and Resource Faire 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Keynote Presentation 10:30AM – 10:45 AM Break and Resource Faire 10:45AM – 12:15 PM Session I 12:15 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch: purchase in advance or bring your own 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Session II 2:30 PM – 3:00PM Resource Faire OVER 20 COMMUNITY RESOURCES ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND! Each session will provide an overview of the evidencedbased strategy, the research base, and opportunities to practice interventions and/or develop materials that can be used immediately. Session II E. Visual Supports Preschool-Elementary: Same as session D but focusing on younger students. Presented by: Chelley Nail, Intensive Behavior Intervention Specialist, and Trish Malotte, School Psychologist, Ventura Unified School District F. Video Modeling: This practice uses visual models of the targeted behavior or skill (typically in the behavior, communication, play, or social domains), provided via video recording and display equipment to assist learning in or engaging in a desired behavior or skill. Presented by: Leslie Comstock, Speech and Language Pathologist, Coordinator, Ventura County Office of Education G. Task Analysis: Process in which an activity or behavior is divided into small, manageable steps in order to assess and teach a skill. Other practices such as reinforcement, video modeling, or time delay, are often used to facilitate acquisition of the smaller steps. Presented by: Brandie Rosen, Program Specialist, Las Virgenes Unified School District, and Julia McCarter, BCBA, Behaviorist, Simi Valley Unified School District H. Self-Management Middle and High School: Same as Session B, but focusing on older students. Presented by: Kristen Hardy, MS, School Psychologist, Principal, Simi Valley Unified School District, and Marcia Hamilton, MA, Speech and Language Pathologist, Principal, Moorpark Unified School District
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