PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME TUESDAY 22nd OCTOBER 2014 15.00 - 20.00 PRE-SYMPOSIUM COURSE (1st Session) Jóhanna Bar∂dal: Introduction to Construction Grammar WEDNESDAY 22nd OCTOBER 2014 8.30 - 13.30 2.30 PRE-SYMPOSIUM COURSE (2nd Session) Robert D. Van Valin Jr.: Introduction to Role and Reference Grammar REGISTRATION PLENARY SESSION: Hans Sauer (Salón de Actos - Chair: Javier Martín Arista) 3-4 Complex verbs and their history, especially particle + verb and verb + particle Sala de Grados 4 - 4.30 Isabel Casanova: Is the English Perfect also Perfect in Portuguese? 4.30 - 5 Hong Cai (e-session): Aspectual classification of Mandarin Chinese verbs: a comprehensive approach 5 - 5.30 COFFEE BREAK 5.30 - 6 Dmitry Gerasimov: Is there a category of verbal aspect in Russian? 6 - 6.30 Aleksandrs Berdičevskis and Hanne Eckhoff: Constructional profiling and aspectual pairs in Russian THURSDAY 23rd OCTOBER 2014 8.30 9 - 9.30 9.30 - 10 10 - 10.30 REGISTRATION Salon de Actos Sala de Grados Ana Elvira Ojanguren López: The grammaticalization and loss of the adjectival inflection of the past participle in Old English Marta Tío Sáenz: The normalization of Old English weak verbs of the second class. Advances and issues Darío Metola Rodríguez: Strong verbs lemmas from a corpus of Old English: Methodology and encountered problems Helen Plado: What can control implicit subject of converb? The case of Estonian des-converb Taiwo Ehineni (e-session): The Syntax of Null Verbs and Nouns in Nigerian English newspaper headlines Marian Alves Castro: The interaction of locative inversion and extraposition from DP Tania de Dios: On the relationship between retrievability and object omission: a corpus-based approach to contextual object omission in English 10.30 -11 Iker Salaberri: The Syntactic structure of Old Saxon clauses 11-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30 - 12 12 - 12.30 12.30 -1.30 Francisco Cortés Rodríguez: The interaction of locative inversion and extraposition from DP María del Carmen Fumero Pérez & Ana Díaz Galán: Parsing Rules for do-auxiliary insertion in ARTEMIS' Grammar Development Environment (GDE) Tamara Bouso: Whispering adieus and smiling a welcome: Changes in argument structure in the history of English Daniela Schröder: Exclamatives in the History of English PLENARY SESSION: Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. (Salón de Actos - Chair: Francisco Cortés Rodríguez) Some Questions Concerning Accomplishments 3 - 3.30 3.30 - 4 Juan Gabriel Vázquez González: Dative-Accusative ditransitive constructions in Skeat’s edition of The Four Gospels in Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian and Old Mercian versions Lachezar Perchekliyski & Yana Chankova: Aspects of vpinternal scrambling in Old English and Old Bulgarian 4 - 4.30 Esaúl Ruiz Narbona: The treatment of valency in dictionaries: The case of Old English morphological causatives 4.30 - 5 COFFEE BREAK 5 - 5.30 5.30 - 6 6 - 6.30 Ewa Gumul: Nominalizations and verbal constructions in simultaneous interpreting Éric Poirier: Looking for determinisms of verb nominalizations in translation from English to French Federica Cominetti: Syntactic nominalization and parts-ofspeech in Modern Standard Chinese Izaskun Elorza: Constructions of Report in Direct Speech and their Transition Areas in Popularizations in English Miriam Pérez-Veneros: Scientists vs. research: The nominalization of authorial voices introducing reported speech in science popularizations from the British press David Lorenz: to-contraction in English: The emergence of a constructional schema? Ignazio Mauro Mirto: A case study of the zero article in Italian Miguel Vázquez Larruscain: Him, the snake, and the apple tree... Gareth O’Neill: Experiential Predication in Irish 20.30: Tapas Dinner. Meeting Point: Tourist Information Office (50, Calle Portales) FRIDAY 24th OCTOBER 2014 8.30 REGISTRATION Salon de Actos 9 - 9.30 9.30 - 10 Conor Pyle: Dynamics of compounding in two dialects of Australia’s Western Desert Avelino Corral Esteban: An analysis of ´wh`- questions in Cheyenne 10 - 10.30 Klaus Wedekind: Events vs. States in Cushitic Narratives 10.30 -11 Anja Latrouite: Morphological cues for the necessity of richer lexical decompositions 11-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30 - 12 12 - 12.30 12.30 -1.30 3 - 3.30 Rainer Osswald: The syntax-semantics interface of PP resultatives in Italian and English Stavros Kelepouris & Miriam Taverniers: Four of a kind. Resultative-like construction types in English Sala de Grados Kevin Chan (e-session): On the condition of grammaticalization of coordinative conjunctions Teresa Fanego: From modifier to core argument: the constructionalization of English ACC-ing gerundives Roger Pérez i Brufau: Blending theories: An Image-schematic Construction Grammar to explain Argument Structure Constructions Acquisition Ángel García Ferrer: Las preguntas retóricas desde una perspectiva multimodal: un estudio contrastivo inglés-español David Lorenz & David Tizón-Couto: The V-to-Vinf construction and its realization in American English Eva Staudinger: Psych-predicates with discourse-level meanings: the French [ça PRON V de INF]- construction PLENARY SESSION: Jóhanna Barðdal (Salón de Actos - Chair: Juan Gabriel Vázquez González) Dative Subjects in Germanic: A computational analysis of lexical semantic verb classes across time and space Ilia Shatunovskiy: The Verbs of Thought and Thinking Ismael Iván Teomiro García & Alba Luzondo Oyón: The Non- 3.30 - 4 4 - 4.30 4.30 - 5 5 - 5.30 5.30 - 6 6 - 6.30 Mohammad Al-Zahrani: The Morpho-syntactic and Semantic Properties of Hijazi Modals Anna Alexandrova: Redefining the avertive: evidence from Slavic Selected Dative Construction in English Dialects The Non-Selected Dative Construction in English Dialects Sandra Lucas: Semantically predictable constructions Musavir Ahmed (e-session): A Study of Morphological Case in Gurezi Shina COFFEE BREAK Pilar Guerrero: The distribution of verb classes in the English benefactive alternation: an “agnation- based” approach Ludmilla Podolski: Another look at the meaning of the verbs of the lexical field of possession Yolanda Fernández Pena: Verbal agreement with collective nominal constructions: syntactic and semantic determinants Walfried Premper: Circumstantial clauses in Arabic: syntactic and semantic considerations concerning their typology Daniela Caluianu: Static motion: the lexicalization of motion events in Japanese-English interlanguage 21:00 Symposium Dinner. Meeting point: Restaurante ‘En Ascuas’ (22, Calle de los Hermanos Moroy)
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