Hospitality First Presbyterian Church is an inclusive, reconciling congregation which welcomes into its worship and full membership all persons who profess faith in Jesus Christ regardless of race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or economic status. We are delighted you joined us today and invite you to register your presence with us on the friendship sheets. On Sundays Parking can usually be found in the Santa Fe County lot behind the church and at metered parking without charge. Childcare is available on the second floor in the preschool area. Ask the ushers if you have questions, need a Hearing Assistance Device, or would like a Large Print Version of the service. Get Involved in the Life of the Church: Have questions about the church or what Presbyterians are all about? Gatherings are held monthly on the second Saturday after Men's Breakfast at 9:15 in the Rendon Room. Contact the church office (982.8544) for more information about the gathering or about how to become involved in the church. Counseling by arrangement with the Pastoral Counseling Center (988.4131). Medicare and most insurance accepted or sliding scale fees negotiable. Music TGIF Concerts every Friday night at 5:30PM. Free will offering. Oct 24 Oct 31 Nov 7 Nov 14 Carol Redman, flute and David Solem, harpsichord Sergio Rodriguez, piano and Cecilia Leitner Chancel Choir, Chilcott Requiem Alicia Solomon, mezzo soprano and Juanita Madland, piano October 19, 2014 208 Grant Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico [email protected] 505.982.8544 Worship & Study—Sundays New Direction for Children on Sunday mornings: Join Cindy Piatt on the second floor to explore the Bible using the musicals Godspell and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The Mystery of Jesus and the Divine according to the Gospel of John with John Miller in the Rendon Room. The Gospel of John provides a unique perspective on Jesus’ role and identity as related both to humanity and to the divine. Christianity is a monotheistic religion believing in one God. And yet there is the concept of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We speak of both Jesus’ humanity and his divinity—of his earthly historical existence and of his existence predating and post-dating history itself. How can all this be? And what is its significance for human lives, both then and now. Ministry Showcase—who we are, what we do, and why we do it—a six-week Stewardship and Adult Education series. This Sunday Ray Kersting presents the colorful history of First Presbyterian (approaching 150 years now) in A Church that Remembers Its Past, Has a Future. On the final Sunday of the showcase, October 26, Harry asks the question why take a journey when we could just stay here in The Road to Renewal. —Weekdays Theology in Modern Film Series first Monday of the month at 6:00PM, home of Andrew Black. Religion & Science Discussion 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7:00PM, Rendon Room Mary’s Women 2nd Monday each month at 5:30PM, Rendon Room. Rev. Dr. Barbara S. Boyd, facilitates this spiritual reflection of Karen Armstrong’s book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life (books provided). Every woman and her best friend is invited to join us each month as we gather to spend time together in sharing, meditation/ prayer, discussion,/study, laughter/tears—the gamut! This is a gathering of women, after all, and we have lives and wisdom to share and reflect upon. Morning Prayer Wednesdays at 7:00AM, McFarland Chapel Base Community Bible Study on Wednesdays at noon in the Rendon Room led by Pastor Harry Eberts. Using today’s newspaper, lectio divina, Ignatian Contemplation, and other resources we will explore Mark and how it applies to us and our world today. New people always welcome to the community! Prophetic Spirituality Wednesdays 5:30–6:20PM in the Rooftop Garden or Rendon Room (depending on weather) Taizé Service Thursdays at 5:30PM, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 841 W Manhattan Ave Spanish Bible Study Saturdays 9:00–10:00AM—Moore Conference Room on the third floor Rediscovering Jesus through Reconnect Rediscover Remember Rejoice! October 19, 2014 11:00AM Those who are able may stand God Calls Us PRELUDE HYMN 733 WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP bold in unison The moments before worship are a transition from “getting here” to “being here.” Take the opportunity to listen to the prelude and quiet one’s mind and become open to the spirit. Praeludium in D, BuxWV 139 by Dietrich Buxtehude We All Are One in Mission The world belongs to the Lord The earth and all its people. How good and lovely it is To live together in unity. Love and faith come together Justice and peace join hands If the Lord’s disciples keep silent These stones would shout aloud. CANDLELIGHTING PRAYER OF CONFESSION bold in unison Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us. We pray for forgiveness when our words and actions are shaped and molded by other than the Holy Spirit. For the times when we have used the gifts of your Spirit to enhance our own glory rather than using them to serve others. Forgive us, O God. When our use of your gifts has led to division and discord rather than increasing understanding and unity. Forgive us, O God. For believing one gift to be superior to another rather than celebrating the various ways in which they complement each other and build up the whole community. Forgive us, O God. The Holy Spirit enables us to confess Jesus as Lord and in so doing, we are acknowledging our total allegiance to, and love for Jesus. Merciful God, forgive any lack of commitment by us to love as Jesus loved and to serve as he served. Fill us anew with the Holy Spirit so that our worship, witness and service may reflect our unity and the faithful use of our diverse gifts. RESPONSE printed at right ASSURANCE OF PARDON bold in unison The good news is that God has continued to love and save us in and through Jesus, whom we confess as Saviour and Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit. Friends, believe these words of grace: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! RESPONSE printed at right God Renews Us SCRIPTURE READING GLOBAL MISSION ANTHEM Chancel Choir SCRIPTURE READING MESSAGE The Congregation HYMN 308 OFFERING AND OFFERTORY Tenors and Basses of the Chancel Choir RESPONSE 14 sing verse 5, words printed at right Psalm 36:5–10 Jan Heckler, Mission Co-worker in Madagascar Sing a New Song by Michael Haydn I Corinthians 12:4–13 And there are a variety of activities . . . O God in Whom All Life Begins Crystal Night by Burt Szabo ♫ For thyself, best gift divine to the world so freely given; for that great, great love of thine, peace on earth and joy in heaven: Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER God Sends Us on Our Journey STEWARDSHIP MINUTE History Ray Kersting HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK PASSING OF THE PEACE HYMN 315 ♫ Dona nobis pacem, pacem. Dona nobis pacem. In the Midst of New Dimensions BLESSING POSTLUDE Final from the First Symphony by Louis Vierne The service of worship concludes after the postlude. The music can be enjoyed and this time can be used for prayer. You may remain seated or depart quietly. Serving today Officiant: Music Director: Choir Accompanist: Liturgist: Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III Linda Raney David Solem Rebecca Heindel Ushers: Dick Crawford, Cindy Piatt (8:30) Malissa Haslam, Lu Santa Cruz, Dick Lindahl (11:00) Prayer of Confession and Assurance written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on Liturgies Online. Prayers and Praise Names of those to pray for will be listed for four weeks unless otherwise requested. Notify the church office 982.8544 or [email protected] with your joys and concerns. Pray for Carolyn Stupin whose sister Margaret McClintock is recovering from cancer surgery, Janet McKay recovering from a fall and Margo Hall who had surgery. Congratulate Janis Chitwood who received the Teacher of the Year award from Archbishop Sheehan on October 10. Chancel flowers today are given by Charlie & Janet Spring in honor of their parents. Mission and Social Justice Mission and Social Justice Retreat on Saturday, October 25, from 9:00AM to 12:30PM in the Rendon Room. This is for the MSJ Committee as well as folks who are interested in mission and social justice. It will be led by Rev. Andrew Black. If you have read the book Toxic Charity bring it with you! Items Needed for the Community Closet: We are collecting socks, underwear, small soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, feminine products, razors and sunscreen—box in the lobby. Rediscovering Jesus through Shelter Week for FPC is November 9–15! Please check the shelter book on the lobby table and sign up to bring food or to help with the evening activities—or both! Many good things are happening at the Shelter. At least 18 persons/families have secured housing and are no longer homeless! Some of our homeless guests are now part of the paid staff. Come and see and feel the “new” shelter ambience! If you would like to bring food, but can’t make it to the shelter, bring it to the church and we’ll arrange to get it there. First’s Fourth Friday at the Shelter: We are volunteering every fourth Friday of the month from 8:30 to 12:30 at the shelter 2801 Cerrillos Road. We do NOT have to provide the food, just the service. Come from 8:30–10:00AM to help with set up and food prep, 10:00–12:30 for serving and clean up or stay the whole morning! Our next date is October 24. Earth Care Tidbit of the Week: Ecuador in 2008 became the first country with a constitution to recognize that nature has rights: rights to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles of structure, functions, and its processes in evolution. Art and History Spirit of the Seasons will be the fall exhibit beginning in late October in the Back Pew Gallery. We are looking for works that represent the spirit in color—any kind of art that represents for you the spirit of faith, of life, of the world. Painters, sculptors, photographers, fabric artists, jewelers, potters, calligraphers, and all other artist should call Andy Ritch (471.6596) or Carol Fallis (471.2860). The deadline for art is October 25. Stewardship Next Sunday, October 26, is Stewardship Sunday. Bring you pledge card. We thank those who have already sent in their pledges! Fellowship The Presbyterian Men’s Breakfast podium will be occupied on Saturday, November 8, by Ruling Elder and recent Commissioner to the General Assembly David P. Kirby. He will enlighten us on the topic GA221: How It Made Some Controversial Decisions. Purposeful actions taken by the Assembly included giving pastors the discretion to conduct same-gender marriages, and the decision to divest from some companies determined to be contributing to non-peaceful pursuits in Israel-Palestine. Pick up Assembly in Brief from the lobby table for more information about these and other decisions made. The Presbyterian Men’s Breakfast is an organization for fellowship of all interested individuals. We ask a $2 contribution for the breakfast starting at 8:00AM which gets you a delicious, home-cooked meal and freshly brewed fair-trade coffee. John Whitcomb is taking reservations and questions at 982-3921 or travel@ Autumn Tea this coming Friday, October 24, is in honor of our gracious members born prior to 1925. If this describes you and you did not receive an invitation, we may not have known your year of birth. You ARE invited, so please call the church office at 982.8544. News Remembering with gratitude the generous collection of cards that so many of you have given over these last few years, we’re asking once again for Donations of Greeting Cards for Christmas and for all occasions, as well as calendars, to be placed in the marked box in the foyer. They’ll be delivered to the Chaplains and volunteers at the prison for distribution to the inmates around Thanksgiving, so we’ll collect them in mid-November for sorting and delivery to the prison. It’s a fine opportunity for using leftover cards from past years as well as all those cards coming from so many organizations. The inmates truly appreciate them! One last week to Order Nametags this time around. Signup sheet on the lobby table.
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