Dom Lipa Novice/News

Dom Lipa Novice/News
Welcome New
Frank Gačnik
Kamilla Klemenc
Ljudmila Dzeko
Caroline Borosich
Paula Keber
Frank Keber
Marija Koželj
Peter Vignjevic
Martha Žbogar
Elisabeth Stigge
In this Issue
Farewell to Sr. Mirta
On Thursday, November 8th, Dom Lipa hosted a reception in the
auditorium to bid a fond farewell to Sr. Mirta. Sad but true that
her obligations will take her to other new challenges. The staff and
volunteers gave her a new Apple iPad so that she will be able to
remain electronically connected to Dom Lipa and her many friends
in our community. We are now facing a future without her constant
and considerable contributions.
Of course, we know she was a Registered Practical Nurse and as
such had important responsibilities in providing medical care to
the residents but there was so much more. Sr. Mirta managed and
looked after the chapel. She prepared for masses and made sure that
all necessary arrangements for the religious activities at Dom Lipa
were made. She assisted in special occasions ie. funerals, last rites
and other difficult moments when serious illness or loss of a loved
one required delicate and respectful action.
Entertainment at Dom Lipa
Sr. Mirta was always helping to make Dom Lipa a warm and
cheerful place for the residents whether it meant indoor decorations,
planting and tending the flowers outside or encouraging and giving
support to the residents. Residents especially will miss her calm and
reassuring manner.
Mock Evacuation
A leading force in galvanizing the Slovenian community to come
together and work towards the establishment of Dom Lipa as a
Farewell to Sr. Mirta
Leto vere
Upcoming Events
Pogovor z gospo Ivanko Torkar
Christmas Mass Schedule
continued on page 3
Chudleigh’s Apple Farm
Dom Lipa Luncheon
Dom Lipa Bazaar
Dom Lipa Walk-a-thon
Infection Control Team
100 Candles
Pet Therapy
In Memory
Winter 2012
Leto vere
Neki duhovnik je zapisal pogovor med dvojčkoma,
ki pod materinim srcem v maternici ugibata, ali je
kaj zunaj tega prijetnega gnezda ali ne.
– A verjameš v življenje po rojstvu?
– Seveda. Zagotovo obstaja nekaj po rojstvu. Morda
sva sedaj tukaj zato, da se pripraviva na življenje po
o je neumnost. Ni življenja po rojstvu.
Le kako bi takšno življenje zgledalo?
– Ne vem točno, toda prepričan sem, da bo bolj svetlo
in lahko bova hodila in jedla z lastnimi usti.
o je popolna bedarija! Veš, da je nemogoče teči.
In da bi jedla z lastnimi usti? To je noro! Za to
vendar imava popkovino. Povem ti: po rojstvu
ni življenja.
– Popkovina je prekratka. Prepričan sem, da je
nekaj po rojstvu, nekaj precej drugačnega kot
to, na kar sva navajena.
oda nihče se še ni vrnil od tam. Življenje se z
rojstvom konča. Poleg tega pa, življenje ni nič
drugega kot obstoj v ozkem, temačnem okolju.
– No, ne vem natančno, kako zgleda življenje po
rojstvu, toda v vsakem primeru bova srečala
najino mamo. Ona bo potem skrbela za naju.
– Mama! Ti verjameš v mamo? In kje naj bi,
po tvoje, bila?
– Vse povsod okoli naju, seveda. Zahvaljujoč njej
sva živa. Brez nje sploh ne bi dobivala hrano in
zrak preko ‘popkovine’.
– Ne verjamem! Mame nisem nikoli videl,
zato je jasno, da ne obstaja!
– Mogoče res, toda včasih, ko sva popolnoma
tiho, jo lahko slišiva, kako poje in boža najin svet.
Veš, prepričan sem, da se življenje z rojstvom
pravzaprav šele začne.
Naj vas VERA znova in znova razsvetljuje.
Naj vas VERA znova in znova opogumlja.
Naj vas VERA znova in znova tolaži.
Naj vam Božični in Novoletni prazniki okrepijo
VERO v skrivnost odrešenja in življenja.
Toni Burja, C.M.
Dom Lipa’s 31st Annual Walk-a-thon
This year’s Walk-a-thon was held on Sunday, May
27th at the Slovenian Summer Camp (Farma). It
was a beautiful sunny day in which 82 walkers of
all ages came out to walk on the Caledon Trailway
as far as they could to raise money for Dom Lipa.
Following the walk, everyone enjoyed a barbeque
lunch and refreshments, followed by mass and a
short awards ceremony.
Trophy for Oldest Walker: Mrs. Resnik
Trophy for Most Money Raised: Sr. Mirta
Trophy for Most Money Raised by Youth under
18: Miriam Padar
We are once again grateful for everyone’s
unwavering support in making this year’s Walka-thon another successful day. Thank you to all of
our walkers and their sponsors, to our corporate
supporters who generously donated t-shirts, loot
bags, food and so much more. Thank you to all of
our volunteers who cooked the food, registered the
walkers, and cleaned up during and after it was all
over…you are fantastic!
Thank you everyone for supporting Dom Lipa!
We hope to see you at next year’s 32nd Walk-a-thon.
A message from Dom Lipa’s
Infection Control Team
Throughout the month of October, as every year prior
to the beginning of the Influenza and Enteric Illness
season we organize infection control education sessions.
Educational events include: Influenza & Influenza
Immunization Facts for Health Care Workers and
Residents, Be Germ Wise – Fun Way to Learn
Methods of Spreading Bacteria and Viruses, Hand
Hygiene and Proper Use of Personal Protective
Equipment (mask, gown, gloves etc).
Dom Lipa contributes to preventing and controlling
Influenza by IMMUNIZATION of its employees and
residents. We strive to keep high rates of immunization.
Last season Dom Lipa was placed high on the Long
Term Care Homes employees’ immunization rate list in
Winter 2012
the GTA. We were 20th place among 96 Homes. It is a
good result but we want to do better this year.
We would like to thank all employees, volunteers and
visitors in helping us to reduce and prevent spreading
of infections.
SANITIZERS BEFORE and AFTER a contact with
each resident.
Magdalena Finat
Director of Care & Infection Control Professional
Pogovor z gospo
Ivanko Torkar
Rodila sem se 15 marca, 1926,
materi Mariji in očetu Antonu
Petrovčič, v Zaklancu pri Horjulu.
Bila sem tretji otrok od sedmih.
Oče nam je zgodaj umrl, ko sem
bila stara osem let. Mama je ostala
sama in sem morala kmalu začeti
delati. Po končani osnovni šoli,
sem se vpisala v čipkarsko šolo
kleklanje. Pozneje v taborišču mi je
prav prišlo.
Vojska se je začela leta 1941, ko sem bila stara 15
let. Italijani so zasedli polovico Slovenije, drugo pa
Nemci. 1943 so Italijani propadli – prevzeli so nas
Nemci. Še isto leto so bombardirali in požgali več
vasi. Pri nas je vse pogorelo. 1945, konec vojne, smo
bežali na Koroško, Avstrija. Masa ljudi, civilov in
vojakov Domobrancev, smo zasedli vetrinjsko polje.
Po treh tednih so nas civile preselili v razna taborišča.
Mi smo bili odeljeni v Spittal, ob Dravi.
Začetek je bil težak, dokler se ni uredilo. Zaposljena
sem bila v otroški kuhinji. Kuhali smo samo za
otroke – za odrasle je bila glavna kuhinja. Tam
sem tudi spoznala bodočega moža, Franceta. Čez
čas, sem zamenjala službo. Kot sem že omenila,
delala sem čipke kleklanje po naročilu. Sem še malo
zaslužila. 1948 leta sem se odločila za Kanado – tudi
moji sestri in brat.
Imeli smo obvezni kontrakt za
eno leto, brat na farmi – moji sestri
in jaz smo ostale v Montrealu
kot služkinje pri družinah. Po
končanem kontraktu, smo se zopet
dobili in skupaj odšli v Toronto.
Moje prvo delo sem dobila v
pekarni. Po nekaj mesecih, sem
ga zamenjala – nisem rada delala
v nedeljo. Zaposlila sem se v »wall
paper factory«. France je tudi
odslužil kontrakt na farmi in prišel
v Toronto.
Poročila sva se 19 novembra,
1949. Poročil naju je gospod
Jakob Kolarič. Ustvarila sva si družino treh otrok.
Ko so otroci odrasli, sem šla v šolo, napravila sem
tečaj in sem dobila delo v TD Bank, in tam delala do
upokojitve. France je dobil delo v American
Standard in je tudi jemal »management courses« in
si pomagal do boljše službe. Ostal je do upokojitve.
Mož mi je umrl leta 2009, jaz sem pa v Domu
Lipa. Hvala Bogu, da so Slovenci mislili naprej, da
so zgradili ta dom. Sem zelo zadovoljna – imamo
kapelo in sveto mašo vsak dan. Z osebjem se dobro
razumemo, hrana odlična. Imamo razne aktivnosti
-telovadbo trikrat na teden, vsako sredo imamo
bingo in za vsakega praznujemo rojstni dan.
Študenti Slovenske šole nas radi obiščejo da se
razgovarjamo po slovensko, in zelo sem vesela.
To our new interviewer
We would like to thank Natasha Milavec, 1st year University of Toronto
student, for taking on the role of preparing interviews for the newsletter,
as Sr. Kristina did until her leaving last summer.
Natasha Milavec and Ivanka Torkar, during interview time.
Volunteers for Dom Lipa
Interested in volunteering at Dom Lipa? Please call Boguslawa, Activation Coordinator.
Mock Evacuation at Dom Lipa
A “mock evacuation” at Dom Lipa was held on
Tuesday, October 16th, 2012. We are required to
practice mock evacuations every two years.
Volunteers were recruited to role play residents,
using a variety of assistive devices (wheelchairs,
walkers and canes), while some were independent
walkers. Everyone was given name tags such as Mrs.
Minnie Stree or Mr. Amos on names
and coloured shirts to identify to staff that they were
role playing. In the auditorium, participants were
first given their roles and what was going to happen,
then they proceeded to the chapel and were staged.
The scene was set, using the chapel as the place
where they were staged.
The event occurred at 11:00 am and then the alarm
was set. First, code red, followed by code green
(precautionary), and then code green stat (crisis).
Everyone evacuated out of the building with good
results! We then celebrated the event with a pizza
lunch and cake for all volunteers and staff.
Božične praznike Dom Lipa
24. december - Polnočnica ob 18:00
25. december - Slovenska sv. maša ob 11:00
26. december - Slovenska sv. maša ob 11:00
1. januar - Slovenska sv. maša ob 11:00
Dom Lipa Christmas
Mass Schedule
December 24th - Midnight mass at 18:00
December 25th - Slovenian mass at 11:00
December 26th - Slovenian mass at 11:00
January 1st - Slovenian mass at 11:00
Spovedovanje bo v sredo 12. decembra od 9:00 ure dalje | Confessions will start at 9:00 am on Wednesday, December 12th.
Winter 2012
Chudleigh’s Apple Farm
On a beautiful day in September, residents
took a trip to Chudleigh’s Apple Farm in
Milton. There were furry four legged friends
made and lots of smiles and sunshine.
Dom Lipa Luncheon
On Sunday, November 19th, 2012, Dom Lipa hosted
its second luncheon to raise funds and to bring the
community a brief report on current issues affecting
our nursing and retirement home.
Attendance was truly awesome – Three hundred
and seventy in attendance! And, the meal served was
delicious. Many compliments were received for the
meal and for the lunchtime format of the occasion.
Our new and improved
website is up!
Have a look at
Dom Lipa Bazaar
The Dom Lipa Bazaar took place on Sunday,
November 11th – Thanks to all who contributed with baked goods and items for sale,
and to those who came and helped make
this event a great success!
After the meal, Tony Klemenčič spoke about the
need for more volunteers, explaining the many ways
in which Dom Lipa needs volunteer help. In some
cases, the volunteers need not have any experience
or special skills - training will be provided. For
more specific needs, he hoped that people in the
Slovenian community who have experience in
building maintenance and management, fundraising, nursing home administration support,
promotion and community outreach could lend
their knowledge, advice and skill to Dom Lipa.
He asked people to consider volunteering or
encouraging others who could assist. He also hinted
that a new capital fund-raising initiative would be
announced in 2013 to raise funds for reducing the
mortgage debt so that more resources could be left
to apply towards patient care.
Sr. Mirta and her religious sisters were thanked for
their long and dedicated service to the residents of
Dom Lipa and Fr. Burja did likewise on behalf of
the parish. The applause of all present confirmed the
deep appreciation of the community for the sisters.
Mr. Klemenčič thanked all present and those who
could not attend, for their continued strong support,
financial, volunteer and otherwise, of Dom Lipa.
Tony Klemenčič
Upcoming Events
Annual General Meeting
Sunday February 24th, 2013 at 2:00pm
Entertainment at Dom Lipa
Oktoberfest in Dom Lipa on October 26th, 2012
continued from page 1
vibrant and well-operated nursing home
in the 1970’s, Sr. Mirta, together with Sr.
Teodozija and Sr. Veronika, worked at our
Home. And, along with the other nuns,
Sr. Miranda and Sr. Kristina were also active
in generating volunteer interest and raising
funds through the walk-a-thons, promoting
Dom Lipa at every opportunity.
I expect that she will miss her strong
relationship with Dom Lipa and its residents
as well as her annual blueberry-picking trips
even though those trips may have involved
watching out for bears and occasionally
getting lost!
We will miss her tremendously and are
already feeling the loss, trying to imagine
carrying on without her.
Naša Pesem in concert on November 14th, 2012.
Dom Lipa would like to thank all the families
who participated in our 3rd annual Poinsettia
Fundraiser. These poinsettias will decorate
the common areas of Dom Lipa and bring
enjoyment and the spirit
of giving into our Home.
Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year
from Dom Lipa.
Winter 2012
The one thing we can do is to remember
Sr. Mirta’s manner - the way in which she
always put the needs of the residents first
and treated everyone with dignity, kindness
and reassurance - and try to emulate that
approach in our continuing efforts for the
residents of Dom Lipa.
Sr. Mirta, we sincerely thank you for your
commitment and hard work and wish you
God’s blessings in all your future endeavours!
Tony Klemenčič
100 Candles
On September 6th, we celebrated Mr. Joseph
Rosenwirth’s 101st birthday with cake and friends.
Odšli so v Večnost
In Memory
Mary Albiani
Mary Drazumerich
Slavica Kukovac
Annie Starich
Maria Jakopin
Frančiška Čeligoj
John Hari
Anton Ogrinc
In November, we had another celebration, and that
was for Mrs. Judita Senica, as she celebrated her
100th birthday on the 20th.
Dom Lipa wishes these centenarians, both, a very
Happy Birthday and a happy and healthy year and
years to come.
Pet Therapy
There is an addition to Dom Lipa’s Pet Therapy
Program. A new dog, Kaylie comes to visit
our residents every Sunday afternoon with her
owner, Kim Elllis, from St. John’s Ambulance.
Naše globoko sožalje sorodnikom.
Our deepest condolences to the family.
Dom Lipa
52 Neilson Drive, Etobicoke, ON M9C 1V7
416.621.3820 |
Theresa MacDermid, Administrator
Tony Klemenčič, Board President
Irena Dolenc-Stajan, Newsletter Committee
Lucy Končan, Newsletter Committee