CUDA NEWS EXCELLENCE ENGAGEMENT COLLABORATION OCTOBER 2014 OUR MISSION MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION The mission of the Collège Béliveau learning community is to nurture all students to become successful, bilingual learners and responsible global citizens. September is now over, having brought us much warmer than usual weather, particularly in the last week. We are hoping that the month of October brings us more of the same. KUDOS TO OUR CUDAS Our sports teams are also in full swing. Students have been training for crosscountry meets in the early hours under Mme Cassin’s guidance and have participated in meets throughout the city. Our Grades 7 & 8 students recently won their last outing at Whittier Park and should be congratulated for their efforts and hard work. Our Grades 9, Junior Varsity and Varsity volleyball teams are also well under way, as they compete against other schools in the AAA league. We also have a large number of teams in Grades 7 and 8, and they too will begin their league play this month. Both boys’ and girls’ hockey teams have also begun their seasons, with parents stepping up to take over the coaches’ role. We wish our teams the best of luck throughout the season. As is our tradition, our student leaders in Grade 9 are asked to help us with our Soirée d’excellence. Thanks go out to our student volunteers who helped out during this celebration on September 25th. Lucas Smith, Gillian Kolody, Corbin Mariash, Jordan Barker, Geneviève Loiselle and Carter Stone did an excellent job in welcoming our guests and attending to their needs. Our guests and staff members were very impressed with the work that you did, including the time that you spent helping us to prepare for the event. Merci beaucoup!!! We are now in Year 2 of our 21st Century Learning Initiative, with students in both Grades 9 and 10 currently bringing their own laptops to class. As well, along with six other high schools in the division, Collège Béliveau is taking part in the Collaborative Wednesdays pilot, allowing staff time each Wednesday to collaborate either with colleagues at our school or with those from other schools in the division to focus on improving teaching practices and student engagement. Our 5th Comédie Musicale is currently in the works, with students being asked to audition for the various roles. Stay tuned for further details! This year, Élan took place again in Ile des Chênes, Manitoba and we were fortunate to have 2 busloads of students participating in a variety of activities en français, with students from other immersion and French schools. The weather cooperated so that we were able to enjoy the activities outside. We also celebrated our students at our annual Soirée d’excellence on September 25th. With close to 300 people in attendance, 101 students currently in Grades 10 to 12 were honoured for their successes over the 2013-2014 school year. Well done! We would like to thank the organizing committee, including M. Grenier, M. Brunel, Mme Petrak, Mme Bacon, Mme Palichuk and Mme Pinette for their help in setting up for the evening. Here’s to a great year! Gilles Mousseau Principal 1 Paula Meyer Vice-Principal COUNSELLOR’S CORNER WELCOME Student Services would like to extend a “Welcome Back” to all students and parents. We hope that you all had a restful summer and are ready for the upcoming year. Student Services are located on the second floor in rooms 206 for the junior high students and room 215 for high school students. We work to provide support to all students in our building, helping them develop an academic plan to ensure future success as well as providing counseling and support services. We hope that you have all had a great start to the year and we look forward to working with everyone as the year progresses. Our Student Services team is comprised of: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Parents and students are reminded that the voluntary withdrawal for a course is October 10 th. Any withdrawal must be completed through the guidance office accompanied with a parental permission note. Please encourage your son or daughter to drop by to discuss post-secondary plans, and run a Career Cruising session with us. We’d love to see them! GRADE 12 CREDIT CHECK Credit verification for ALL GRADE 12 STUDENTS and discussion of post-secondary issues was on September 18 in the school library. The students were asked to complete a profile outlining their school activities, community involvement, athletic and artistic activities, achievements and honors. The discussion also focused on bursary and scholarship applications, prerequisites for certain university faculties and programs as well as application deadlines for post-secondary institutions in Manitoba. A list of Scholarship websites will be distributed via student school email account and will also be available on the school website. We ask you to remind your son/daughter to check their email accounts on a regular basis so as not to miss important notices, announcements pertaining to scholarships application, post-secondary institutions deadlines, etc. The information will also be posted on the bulletin board near room 215, Students Service Room. NATURAL HELPERS Natural Helpers is a Peer-Helping Program for students in grade 9 to 11. It is a helping network within the school that helps young people assist their friends with everyday problems, teaches them how to refer serious problems to trained individuals and emphasizes the importance of taking good care of themselves. A three-day training retreat will be held from Wednesday December 3th to Friday December 5th at St. Benedict’s Monastery and Retreat Centre. A survey for grade 9 to 11 students was distributed on September 12th in order to select students for the training. Selected grade 12 students will act as co-facilitators. 2 COUNSELLOR’S CORNER IMPORTANT DATES FOR GRADE 12 STUDENTS October 8 University of Manitoba presentation (9:45am) October 8 University of Winnipeg presentation (11:00am) October 10 Deadline to withdraw from courses in Semester 1 October 15 Université de Saint-Boniface presentation (9:45am ) October 15 Red River College presentation (11:00am ) October 28 University of Manitoba, Evening of Excellence November 3 Parents evening – Louis Riel Career and Post-Secondary Symposium November 4 Grade 11 and 12 visiting Louis Riel Career and Post-Secondary Symposium November 5 National University Fair Week – St. John’s Ravencourt November 6 National University Fair Week – Balmoral Hall November 25 Future Student Night, University of Winnipeg December 1 Deadline for application « Major/Special Entrance Scholarships », University of Winnipeg Mid-February University du Manitoba Info Days February 17 & 18 Red River College Open House February 19 University of Winnipeg Open House February 25 Arts and Technology Centre Open House April 22 Louis Riel Arts and Technology Centre Open House UPCOMING EVENTS September 29 October 17 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 5 November 18 & 19 Take Your Kids to Work Day information session - Grade 9 students Take Your Kids To Work forms due (Grade 9) Parents’ Evening: Louis Riel Career and Post-Secondary Symposium Grade 11 and Grade 12 visiting Louis Riel Career and Post-Secondary Symposium Friends for Life presentation by Manitoba Public Insurance for all Grade 9 to 12 students Take Your Kids To Work Day (Grade 9 students) Special Language Credit – for High School student interested in challenging the language option, Dakota Collegiate. All applications forms need to be submitted by October 16, 2014. Please see the guidance counsellor. December 3 to 5th Natural Helpers Training retreat - St.Benedict’s Retreat Centre MENTAL HEALTH CURRICULUM Student Services teachers, in conjunction with Louis Riel School Division Clinicians and Physical Education Staff, will be delivering a series of lessons to all grade 9 and 10 students this October and November. These lessons will cover topics relating to Mental Health and will be delivered during the health class portion of your child’s Physical Education classes. Students will learn more about issues relating to mental health. They will also be developing an understanding of the issues surrounding mental illness including stigma, recovery, supports and understanding. If you have any questions regarding the Mental Health curriculum, please contact a Student Services or Physical Education teacher. (con’t page 4) 3 QSP MAGAZINE FUNDRAISER There are two ways to order, online and via the catalogue, however online ordering is strongly encouraged. Online Ordering Catalogue Ordering Orders are processed immediately and will be delivered within 4 to 6 weeks. No paperwork to send back to school. Orders are only processed once the campaign has ended and all students have submitted their orders. Orders can be made from September to June 2015. Magazines will be delivered within 10 to 14 weeks, after the orders have been processed. Payment accepted: Visa and Mastercard Payments and order forms must be sent to the student`s PEP/Homeroom teacher by the due date. Orders via catalogue can only be made for the duration of the campaign (September 9th to October 17th) Payment accepted: Visa, Mastercard, Cash, Cheques (payable to Collège Béliveau) Online orders Go to School code: 3736113 Catalogue orders 1. Fill out the order form (Use a separate order form for each customer). Additional order forms available at the school. NO PHOTOCOPIES PLEASE. 2. *Please ensure that order forms are complete. Orders cannot be processed otherwise. 3. Return the order forms with payment to your child’s Homeroom teacher (for Grades 7 & 8) or to the office (for Grades 9 to 12) by: Friday October 17th, 2014. COUNSELLOR’S CORNER (con’t) TAKE YOUR KIDS TO WORK DAY On Wednesday, November 5th, all grade 9 students will have the opportunity to spend the day at work with a parent, friend, relative or volunteer host. Students will begin to develop an understanding of the world of work and learn to develop some of the skills required to succeed in the working world. The grade 9 students will attend a daytime information session outlining the details of this event on September 29th in the school library and will be bringing home permission forms for parents and guardians to sign. Please ensure your son/daughter returns the form by October 17th. 4 SOIRÉE D’EXCELLENCE Our 5th Annual Soirée d’Excellence took place on Thursday, September 25th at Collège Béliveau where we honoured students for their successes during the 2013-2014 school year. Students in Grades 10 to 12 were nominated by staff members in a number of categories, including Athlete of the Year, Volunteerism, Arts & Music, Ambassadorship, and Français. Students were also awarded certificates for Academic Excellence if they completed the school year with a 90% average or better while in Grades 9, 10 or 11. In front of more than close to 300 guests, including parents and grandparents, students received their awards for their very deserving accomplishments over the course of the evening. Honored students have demonstrated their dedication to sports, their artistic and musical talents, their compassion and leadership skills within and around our community as well as their dedication to learning and for that, we are incredibly proud of them. We look forward to continuing this tradition with our students and congratulate them on their very fine work. Bravo! 5 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD RECIPIENTS 6 AMBASSADOR AWARD RECIPIENTS 7 QUÉBEC EXCHANGE PROGRAM My name is Chloe Poirier. I’ve decided to participate in a six month exchange program. I am the first at our school, College Béliveau, to ever want to do it. When my parents first talked to the school they had no idea what they were talking about! It was pretty funny! In this exchange program you fill out a bunch of papers talking about yourself, your school, your friends, your family, your interests, etc. Then you send it to the program and they match you up with another person in Québec that is “compatible” with you, meaning that you share the same interests and/or personality. After you’re matched up, your twins information gets send to you and your information gets send to them, once you have the information you have to approve that your match up with someone you want to live with. When I got the information for my twin, Laurence Drainville, I was hysterical. You may think that living in a different place for three months is scary or that living with someone you don’t know would be nerve racking, but in the end it’s so worth it and a blast. I’ve really been enjoying having a sister which is different than just having a brother. I’m very lucky to have met Laurence and for us to connect so well together. I would recommend this program to anyone looking for something interesting to do or meet new people/culture. It’s an amazing life changing experience, which has been an awesome trip in my life already! Je m’appelle Laurence Drainville et je viens du Québec. Je participe au programme d’échange étudiant d’Éducation Internationale. Je me suis inscrite à ce programme, l’an dernier, au mois de novembre. J’ai rempli un dossier qui décrivait ma personnalité, mes intérêts, mes amis, ma famille, etc. Ensuite, il y a vérification des maisons et familles pour vérifier que l’endroit est propice à accueillir un élève étranger. Ensuite, j’ai envoyé les documents à Éducation Internationale. Avec tous les dossiers reçus, ils essaient de mixer deux personnes qui ont les mêmes intérêts C’est comme cela que j’ai été placée avec Chloé. Après cette étape, ils envoient les documents de la personne avec qui tu es jumelé. J’étais vraiment contente quand j’ai reçu les papiers de Chloé! Les étudiants du Québec partent au début septembre et reviennent à la fin novembre. J’ai été très bien accueillie au Collège Béliveau. Les professeurs et les élèves sont très gentils. Je réussis à bien m’intégrer ici. Au mois de février, Chloé viendra passer trois mois au Québec, chez moi. C’est vraiment une expérience à vivre et je le recommande à tout le monde! C’est une chance incroyable de pouvoir voyager, apprendre et vivre dans un lieu différent. 8 SHAD VALLEY 2014 Last year, around this time, I applied for the Shad Valley Summer enrichment program, after being asked by Mme Bacon (Merci Madame!). The application process was a very intensive one, and I really had to be certain that this was something that I wanted to pursue. With the arrival of my acceptance letter in February, I was extremely excited to have been selected for this experience and immediately began researching the twelve host campuses where I could possibly be spending a month of my summer. I was placed at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay Ontario, which was one of my first choices and thankfully close enough to drive to. My July was full of everything from lectures on the science of fire and Martian geology to calculus workshops, tours of all faculties on campus and various business projects. It was a lot of work and I learned so much all the while having a great time. By the time the month was over, it was extremely hard to leave the 64 people that had been like my family for the past four weeks. All in all, Shad Valley was the most unbelievable, stressful, tiring and amazing month of my life and it was an experience that I won’t soon forget. - Lauren Baird ANNOUNCEMENTS & SYNERVOICE From time to time, we send automated messages to our family members to inform them of upcoming events or to pass on important information. However, we find that these messages are not always transmitted to the intended parties. To assist you, we have added a Synrevoice section under Parent Information on our webpage so that you can have access to information that was sent out. Whenever a Synrevoice message has been sent out, that same information will be added to this site. To access this new link, please go to schools/CB/Pages/default.aspx. As well, all daily announcements will be posted under Announcements, which can also be found under the Parent Information section on our webpage. 9 10 UPCOMING EVENTS PARENT COUNCIL This year’s Parent Council Executive is as follows: October 2014 Wed-Fri 01-01 Camp Cedarwood (8/9) Friday 03 Interim reports sent home (if warranted) Friday 10 Last day for course withdrawals Monday 13 Thanksgiving Day - NO CLASSES Wednesday 15 Lifetouch Photo Retakes (9:00 a.m.) Friday 24 PD Day (SAGE) - NO CLASSES Tuesday 28 PEP classes (1:00 p.m.) / Early Dismissal (2:30 p.m.) Wednesday 29 WE Day November 2014 Wednesday 05 Take Our Kids to Work (Grade 9) Friday 07 Remembrance Day Ceremony Monday 10 PD Day - NO CLASSES Tuesday 11 Remembrance Day - NO CLASSES Friday 21 Report cards sent home (Grades 7-12) Tuesday 25 PEP Classes (11:00 a.m.) / Early Dismissal (2:30 p.m.) Thursday 27 Parent/Student/Teacher conferences (Grades 7 - 12 Co-Chair: Rhonda Temple / Joyce Plante Vice-Chair: Lisa Knight / Therese Houston Secretary: Cheryl Pilek Treasurer: Kerry Zakowich Do you have questions about the your child’s school or education? Please bring them to our monthly meetings. Collège Béliveau meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Library. If you cannot make the meeting and have questions, please feel free to email them to: [email protected]. The next Parent council meeting will be Tuesday October 14, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the library on the second floor. from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) Friday 28 PD Day - NO CLASSES December 2014 Wed-Fri 03-05 Natural Helpers Retreat Tuesday 09 Soirée Arts à Coeur - Winter Concert Friday 19 PEP Classes (11:00 a.m.) / Air Bands (1:00 p.m.) Friday 19 Last day of school before Winter Holidays. School closed at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 20- Jan. 04 Winter Holiday. SCHOOL CLOSED. January 2015 Monday 05 School opens Collège Béliveau 296 Speers Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 1M7 Phone: 255-3205 Fax: 255-0692 11
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