www.apt.med.ubc.ca Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics Inside this issue: Upcoming Events 1 We inspire and transform patient care in Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics through collaboration, leadership in patient safety, innovative research, and excellence in education Volume 2, Issue 2 Upcoming Events Fall2014 2 Message from the Department Head APT Christmas Party 2 Research Day and Awards Night 3 Research Day and Awards Night 4 Hello everyone P.S. I’m sorry this letter is a little late, I had an unfortunate collision with a car in August, both the bike and the car fared better than I did! My ongoing plea for photos and news items…. This will be a short newsletter, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew about the results of Research Day and Awards Night, so read on. Upcoming Events Our Graduates 5 Strategic Engagement Follow-on 5 Big News! Our first Faculty Development Day will be on November 15th at the Arbutus Club. Thanks to our Faculty Development Chair, Dr. Alana Flexman, and the energetic committee she is working with we have a great half-day + planned. There is lots of space for department news, events, awards and photos in this newsletter. Please send me items (especially photos!) Page 2 Faculty Development Day Agenda Our Strengths Research Innovation Reputation Our Aspirations *Thriving Culture *International Recognition *Patient Safety Leaders APT Christmas Party The annual Christmas Party is coming up fast. It will be held in the usual location at the University Golf Club on November 28th. Yes, I know, not even December yet, but one could always hope for snow anyway, as in Vancouver that can be a surprise at anytime during rainy season! Date: November 28, 2014 (Friday) Time: 6:30 PM Venue: University Golf Club Please contact Jessica Yu for more information and tickets: [email protected] Page 3 Research Day and Awards Night June 2014 This year we tried out a new format and held Research Day on one day and then held Awards Night on Friday night. As usual, a great display of research put on by our students, residents, fellows, post-docs. Research Day was rainy, but the celebrations the next night were rewarded with amazing sunny weather. The Research Day organizers, Dr. Pascal Bernatchez and Dr. Don Griesdale did an amazing job as always. They are happy to hear any suggestions for changes and improvements to the format of this highlight of our academic year. Master Teacher Awards VGH—Alana Flexman SPH– Laine Bosma RCH—Kenneth Ryan BCCH—Myles Cassidy BCWH –Mike Wong Research Day Competition Rural/Community—John Veal 1st Place – Anesthesia Oral Presentation: Sarah Sunderland 2nd Place – Anesthesia Oral Presentation: Ilana Sebbag 1st Place – Pharmacology & Therapeutics Oral Presentation: Hyun-Kyoung Koo 2nd Place – Pharmacology & Therapeutics Oral Presentation: Stephanie Sellers 1st Place – Anesthesia Poster Presentation: Gayatri Gopalakrishnan 1st Place – Pharmacology & Therapeutics Poster Presentation: Maartje Westhoff Medicine—Vinay Dhingra (Cardiology) FPA: John Veal (LGH) Ron Ree (SPH) Mike Traynor (BCCH) 2nd Place – Pharmacology & Therapeutics Poster Presentation: Khalid Asseri Awards Night Illustrious Recipients of awards/trophies/medals/and sometimes cash ANESTHESIA Ken C. K. Wong Memorial Award for Clinical Teaching: Alex Wong Dr. James Kimme Golden Epidural Award: Tonia Berg and Sara Waters Dr. Michael Smith Award for Pediatric Anesthesia: Travis Schisler RCH Resident Award for Clinical Excellence: Brad Merriman Kenny Wong Award for Clinical Excellence and Collegiality: Patrick Hecht Dr. Anthony Boulton Award for FPA Clinical Excellence: Chelsey Ricketts Giannoulis Regional award : Paul Zakus Dr. Jone Chang Pain award: Lindi Thibodeau Derek Daniel Wolney Memorial Resident Prize in Anesthesia: Travis Schisler Dr. J.A. McConnell Memorial prize in Anesthesia: Travis Schisler Dr. Jone Chang Memorial Award in Anesthesiology Excellence: Jacquie Trudeau Dr.Dimitri Giannoulis Memorial Award in Regional Anethesia: Paul Zakus Giannoulis Resident Appreciation Award: Mark Vu Awards Night Illustrious Recipients of awards/trophies/medals/and sometimes cash Pharmacology undergraduate and graduate student awards Undergraduate Awards Esther Anderson Memorial Prize: Sifeng Xu Prakish Gill Memorial Prize: Touraj Khosravi & Roger Shen Zhang (sharing the award) FROSST Medical Scholarship: Edmond Li Merck, Sharp and Dohme Scholarship in Medicine: Edmond Li Graduate Awards Sacks Prize: -PhD: Kimberley Pitman -MSc: Maartje Westhoff Academic Excellence: Robin Yongkyu Kim And our Graduates….. Department of Anesthesiology, PHarmacology & Therapeutics Rm 3300 JPPN 910 W 10th Avene Vancouver BC V5Z 1M9 Phone: 604-875-5855 Fax: 604-875-5344 E-mail: [email protected] Pharmacology Family Practice Anesthesia FRCPC Anesthesia MS students: Chelsey Ricketts Travis Schisler Badran Mohammad (Nov 2013) Erik Coatta Jacquie Trudeau Shu Fung Ho Eric Shin Bo Wen Jenny Li (Nov 2013) Alex Blais Brad Merriman Hyun Kyoung Koo (May 2014) Sean McLean Pooya Kazemi PhD students Heidi Boyda (Nov 2013) Ryan Whitehead (Nov 2013) Check out our website! http://apt.med.ubc.ca Wanki (Gavin) Wong (May 2014) We inspire and transform patient care in Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics Projects that are underway: Contacts: Katharine Garcia (JPPN office) Jessica Yu (Med Block C office) Andy Jeffries (website) If you have ideas for future content or want to help create this newsletter, please contact Roanne! Finally printed off some excellent visual posters from the strategic engagement retreat and the final Vision/Purpose statements and have been traveling around to various sites to talk about the outcomes and plans The Six key themes are: Collaboration Identity Relevance/Value People Culture of Engagement Sustainability 1. Improving the website so it becomes a go-to place for all faculty and students for information and resources. Our capable webmaster Andy Jeffries has re-tooled the website and it now includes scrolling news items, upcoming events and soon: faculty information. 2. Research database: on the website soon! 3. Joint faculty events: Inaugural Jean Hugill Lecture happened on September 17th UBC Summer Student Program course : first year resounding success thanks to Andrew Horne! 4. Faculty Development Committee
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