THE WESTFIELD <X, J.) LEADER, THCKSDAy, AUGUST 20, Page 2 (Jul.ib, Miss Janet Elizabeth Judtl, ! Presbyterian Rite >! Mis* KaHK»iina AnjKt Kirk, all o! ;Ratti Family Reunion ' Richmond, Hiizalx'ih Irwin! Muiintainsiite— The third annual of Morgiintown, N.C., andreunion of the I'lAU lamily Sunday Unites Susan Gabb, ;; Hutcliins Mrs. Frederick Lewi* Smyro Hi ofin the Jvlks ('.'tub, Houti' 22. i GaMonia. N.t'. Miss Krnily Mulier than 12.) ckset-nciuni.s, inciudThomas T, Hassell \ of Kinx-wsbus y, Mli^H., was flower mure iw~ o;u. lioin California- Pauline A. Mason, George Stewart Wed In Gar wood Joyce Montelione Married Saturday To Donald Long To Wed i- v Wedding vows were exchanged I uirl and William H. Martin HI of i The family, four brotherf and two The marriage of Miss Pauline 1 by Mi.-s Joyce Madeline Montelioi e . sisters., came to this country in 18Hfl Miss Susan Palmer Gabb became ; Ritltmuiid was rins-liearn . \nne Mason, daughter of Mr. and aiid Donald Max Long Saturday in : J the bride of Thomus Tiilman Hasscll ; Robert Hollowuy of Newport News from ! arnia in Moutjn.'isso, llaijMrs. Edward Mason of Garvvood, to the chajii'l of the Presbyterian Saturday. The Rev. William K. Mar- served us best man. Ushers were ; (u follow llicir t:adf as coiifL'clionGeorge Charles Stewart of JZ1 Sum Church. The Rev. Richard h. Smith tin Jr., assistant to the president of Robert Howard of Greensboro. N.C., ;crs, A number of their descentianta mil Ave. took place Saturday in St. associate minister, officiated at ti.e Union Theological Seminary in Rich- , Benjamin A. Lacy of Blaeksbure, '[reside in the area. i Paul's United Church of Christ in 5 p.m. ceremony. Wedding mus.c mand, Va., officiated at the 4:30 jva., William Thomasson of Lynch-! Soiu survivors of the original sex i Garwood. was furnished by Dr. George Wil ceremony in St. Giles Presbyterian ] burg, Va.. and Joseph J. Waff Jr. jtette are Mrs. Wilhcintina Katli Mo The 4 p.m. ceremony was pur! am Volkel. Church in Richmond. | of Richmond, I iinari. Sf>, of FiwninElon. and Anformed by the Rev. Stephen Szabo A reefption aflf.r the coremoni The bride is the daughter of Mr. The bride is a graduate of Queens j thony Ratli, 84, of Euiontown. Mrs Miss Susanne Greene was the soloist was hsl-i in the Park Hotel, Plainand Mrs. William Bortoii Gabb of College in Charlotte. N.C., where | Mblinai'i was pre.sanl ai Sunday's and Mrs. Arthur Jennings, organheld. Richmond, formerly of Westfield. she was a member of K^ppa Debits. Ifesiiviiies; bw- brother was absent , isf. The bride is the daughter of Mi Mr. Hassell is the son of Mrs. Luther Mr. Hassell, a graduate of the tFni- due lo illness. | The bridegroom is the son of and Mrs. Francis Montelione of 524 Butler Richardson ot Newport News, vcrsily of Virginia where he was a Wt'lciimad lo the reunion was a Fames Stewart Sr. of Garwood and Lawrence Ave. Mr. and Mrs. DonVa., and the late Cmdr. Thomas T. member of Phi Sigma Kappa, is at- Imember of the family in a Catholic the late Mrs. Edith L. Stewart. ald Ray Long of Winfield, Kan., are tending T. C. Williams School yf Ireligious order. Brother Anthony, of Hassell. the bridegroom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left o n ' a j the Trenton Mission, Silver Springs, The bride, who was escorted by Law in Richmond, Va. Tin; bride, who was escorted by wedding trip to Nashville, Tenn., her father, wore a gown of ivory Following a reception at (he parish ; Md., and the most distant traveler, father, wore a gown of rose pat! after the reception at the Locust Inn peau de soie with a Sabrina neck- house of St. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. !Joseph Haiti of Redwood City, Cal knitxi Chantiliy lace and organza in Roselie. They will live in Cranline and a chape! train. Her veil Hassell left for a wedding trip to i Arrangements for the reunion were fashioned with an A line skirt and ford. was an ivory mantilla of Brussels North Carolina. They will make their I handled by Mrs. James (,'agnossola ' (Mat-liable Watteau train. The emThe honor attendant was the lace and she carrieot a cascade bou- home in Richmond. I and Mrs. Mario CiCirolamo of Westpire bodice had a scalloped Sabrina bride's sister, Miss Judith L. Mason, quet of stephanotis with a centered fieid. I neckline and was headed in mock MRS _JAMES H EWES| and the flower girl was the bride's orchid. Bruce G. Henry of 470 Springfield pearls. A matching Jace cap held MRS. DONALD MAX LOWU (Carolyn JcanSraiJj godchild, Kathleen Sorbie of NorMiss Sally Slater Gabb was herAve. received first honors for the We ail have wilhin us a center of her illusion veil and she carried a (Joyce Montelione) man, Okia. —Ofuncrit Crfift sweetheart bouquet of baby roses sister's honor attendant, lirides- past academic year at the Univer- stillness surrounded by silence.— Bridesmaids were Miss Edith MISS DIANE CATHERINE DUKES and feathered carnations. maids were Miss Carolyn Stelling sity of Connecticut. Dag Hammarskjold Moore of Westfield and Miss FlorMiss Diane Montelione of Westence Stokes of Morris Plains, the, field was her sister's honor attendant. Bridesmaids were Miss Teri Woman's Club Schedules bridegroom's nieces, and Miss Roseanne Alien of Westfield and Miss Long of Winfield, Kan., sister of Helen Kazlouskas of Elisabeth. the bridegroom, Miss Shirley Mum- Fall Theater Party Marine Sgt, Elmer K, Stewart of ford of Westfield and Mrs. Walter Mountainside — The Mountainside Havelock, N.C., was best man for Scotch Plains—Miss Csi^ Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Dukes of Beyer of Madison, Kan. All were Smith became the bride ot Woman's Club will begin another Lafayette, Ind., announce the enhis brother. Ushers were Wesley Harold Ewen J r . [attired alike in aqua sheath dresses gagement of their daughter, Miss I with floor length organza ovcrsklrts. active season Wednesday, Sept. 1G Moore Jr. of Westfield, Elmer bride is the daughter a theater party at the Paper Diane Catherine Dukes, to Peter They carried sweetheart bouquets of with Mill Playhouse, scheduled for theStokes Jr. of Morris Plains and Wal- Mrs. Wade Vcrnon Richard Wohld. He is the son of Mr. yellow daisies and wore daisy cir- 8:30 p.m. performance. Michael ter Stewart Jr. of Garwt>od, all Parkwood Dr. Mr. Etej is and Mrs. B. B. Wohld of 628 Benson clets in their hair. Rennie is "starring in V suspense nephews of the bridegroom, and of Mr. and Mrs. Jama PI. Carrol Wray Campbell of Winfield, mystery play called "Heart's De- Ronald J. Forte of Colonia. Garry Orange, Conn. Miss Dukes was graduated from Kan., was best man. Ushers were light." Tiiis is a pre-Broadway of- G. Mooro of Westfield, the brideThe Rev. uaden Brown Thornton High School and attended Donald Montelione of Westfield, fering, Michael Rennie fans may groom's nephew, was ring-bearer. Purdue University, majoring in ele-brother of the bride, David Prentice obtain tickets by calling the. chair- The bride and her husband are at the 11 a.m. ceremory Scotch Plains Baptist Chrt" mentary education. She is a mem-of Chovy Chase, Md., and Peter man, Mrs. Michael Sgarro. graduates of Arthur L. Johnson Marilyn J . Hannon was ber of the PEO Sisterhood, Chapter Barden of Riplcy, N.Y. Now Until Sept 5th Regional High School. She is a staff and Maurice C, Workman s^ A, assistant at Esso Research and En- ist, A reception followed The bride attended Wcstfield High only gineering Co., Elizabeth. A staff church. Mr. Wohld, formerly of Naperviile, School and Douglass College and III., has beon with the Navy for the was graduated from the College of Former Resident assistant for the same company in Given in marriage by her past four years and is currently Emporia in Emporia, Kan. Her hus- Receives Degree Florham Park, he attended Union the bride wore a peau de studying electrical engineering un- band, a graduate of the College of Junior College and is attending the fashioned with a semi-full der a Navy College Education pro- Emporia, is a student, in the College Mrs, Anwar D. Maalouf of Boston Evening Division of Fairlcigh Dick- elbow length tulle veil was gram at Purdue. of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas has received her MS degree in nurs- inson University in Madison. to a peau de soie heajpitce The wedding will take place Oct. State University in Manhattan, Kan. ing education from Boston Univercurried a bouquet of while 31 at the Congress Street Methodist Out of towns guests staying at the sity where she studied under a govand feathered carnations. home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mumernment scholarship. She has ac-St. Paul's Club Church in Lafayette, Ind. Miss Joan Ireland of Scotch ford were Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Long cepted a position on the staff of the Plans Season was the honor attendant 9( and Mrs. Marie Bistort of Winfield, Children's Hospital in Boston. Mrs. The executive hoard of St. Paul's an aqua peau de soie tess Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor Kan., Miss Tcri Long and Miss Maalouf is the former Betty Wade, velvet headband and veil to reason, but taking God at his word. Mary Groper stayed at the home of daughter of Mrs, Elizabeth H. Wade Couples Club met recently at the She carried a bouquet o( 8 Mr, and Mrs. Leo Franco. home of the president, Mr. and Mrs. of 918 Grandview Ave. —A, B. Evans Anthony T. Testa of Landsdowne white feathered camatitE Ave. Plans were made for the club Kathleen Smith, attired *! through December, and especially maid of honor, was junta for the first meeting of the season maid for her sister. Charles Roberta of Saturday, Sept. 25. A reception and buffet supper will be held on that served a s best man. date, St. Paul's Couples Club is Wellington Ew«n of Conn., brother of the tm\ open to all couples of the parish, John Clark of Orange, Com In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Testa, tbe eJHjeutivc board includes Mr, and The bride is a graduate «f Mrs- Herbert Waeket, Mr. aaj-.JIrs. Ploins-Fanwood High S*» XlJ Jdhn Waters, Mr. and M^;'JHVin Union County Teetaeal to* Wilder, Mr. and Mrsi Edward Swan, She attended AidwscsBiraSAMr. and Mrs. John Jaruzclskl, and Ioge in Phillipi, W.Va % Ec graduate of Milford Bgk Mr. and Mrs, George Nigh. Carolyn Smith 4.99 Miss Diane Dukes To Wed Mr, Woh Id Is Bride of James EwenJr.3 each for 13.99 FINAL SALE Milford, Conn..- is also an l. of Alderson-Broaddifs Coftf employed by the CiiM ^"> pnrtment of tlio state et Cr." After a wedding tnp ' GeorRe, N.Y., Mr- <™d M ' will make their home » i" Conn. Prenuptlal showers to tt included a luncheon and m. The coupios novice bridge group eous shower given by *!: will meet tomorrow evening at the Pasko of Dtinellen and a homes of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams of 783 Knollwood Ter,, andand linen shower fiivw Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wachlcr of It Wesley Fnrrell of SUMMER FASHIONS Newcomers' Events All good things must come to an end Amy Dr. Tuesday evening the nov- Welcome Wagon ice bridge group will meet at Mrs. •James Farley's home at 43 Wood- Members of Welcome 1® brook Cir, Wednesday evening the meet tomorrow for lnwft regular bridge group will meet at Stage House Inn in Scotchi| the homes of Mrs. William Grifflan Members and their of 751 Tamaques Way and Mrs. leave New Hope, Pa. Thomas Shields of 765 Bulvklcre p.m. for a bnrsc tfip Ave. iware. and to clear out our summer goods we have drastically reduced all merchandise MISSIS - CHILDRENS - JUNIOR BATHING SUITS Vi off (Some to 2 / 3 off) Free 3-Letter Monogram . . . On Blouses of Easy-Care Bmcron ®m& Pima Cotton • • • • • W1.IU. i.tlnrk Navy fU.M 1'ink i M e l i t i:ro«n i ).IK)I». l!f»-y UBlttH1it.> jane Pree • • • m I'liuU li..,l iii-nutir *nir)*iB » IJIiif Slacks and Shorts to 60% off Playclothes » TuniixilKo • * • • Mint K . l l v <lr.>fii l . l u l i i i!f«'«>n lH*rh i\rt<vn • <H'W . j.|,ik • I.Iulit lllm> * "'''«•" smith Parking «t 132 timer St. For you*1 Shopping Convenience wa are MONDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. CUSTOMER PARKING FUOM 138 ELMER ST. Coat Cleaning During Month of August to 4.99 Skirts 1.99 and up Dresses 1.99 and up Blouses and Shirts Coats,, odds and ends 99c and up V2 Off • Yt'lUiw • ,N«vs • H«yn» DURING OUR ANNUAL from 99c Were to 245.00 MONOGRAM COLORS • White- BIOUSE COLORS CHILDRENS - TEEN - Dresses from 3.99 to 69.99 A d d II J X ' I - M H K I I t n t i r l i I n V O I D 1 v, iiriSiiitM . , . y n i t r I ' n v o r i k : l i l o M s o s t y l e s w i f l i v o m ' o w n i n i t i a l s . . . ri!<>iin;.T;iiiii:-)''il F I ! K I \ . K u m o i i " * H t i ' i l i v J H U H ' R D s i e r o n '"' | i ( J y i ' s l c r ; i m l p i t n a c n t l t m 1 j<»ii>.i-, t n i l i - m l w i t h r i m * a m i i ' i i u s « e fi>r ( • • i ' i i : i l o r r u n - c r w m r , t ! n f l ii]> <<r ! n t s v v !<'>-vnl s t y l e s l o l o p y o u r s k i r t s n m l s l i m .iiiii'i. l i r r t u m i : ! i i i i l n m r>p s t i l r l u n l cfilltu* s t y l e s t<> t ' h c o s " f r o n t . ft) a f i i n l i i s l i c i i r r j i v o f i - u l t i r s I n i n v e n t s p r i n t ; w i l d n f r o s h . r . i n u i " i l o o k . by Bobby jame MISSES SAVE! ANY CLOTH COAT Cash * Car.)' Delivery ?' (Ca,| & Send your coats now for qualify cleaning at our special pric*>. Hero Is an idoal opportunity to refresh your c o a l 9 ( i . limited time, wo arc offering quality cleantrw] of( " ^ substantial savings . . . Nothing's beon changed but *^ . . . every coat got* expert cleaning and con'M Bo smart . . , send your coats Now anil SAVt I PHONI H S-OIOO-OTHES TGWMS W W Jane ssmith 129.139 CiNTRAl AVE. &Q 2-4800 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENiNGS Free Cmtomer Parking ot 132 Elmer S». . RANOOIMI * AB-fNOfON - « * WMTH81J9,
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