Dora’s Essentials, 2012 Calendar Also by Pandora October to December

Dora’s Essentials, 2012 Calendar
October to December
(Books, Blogs & Smiles 4)
By Pandora Poikilos
Copyright 2012 by Pandora Poikilos
Smashwords Edition
Also by Pandora
1 October 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… If the facts don’t fit the theory,
change the facts. (Albert Einstein)
Blog of the day… Making It Lovely,
Book of the day… More Water, Less Meat? by Bruno McGrath
2 October 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… To put the world right in order, we
must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in
order, we must first put the family in order; to put the
family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life;
we must first set our hearts right.(Confucius)
Blog of the day… Joy’s Hope,
Book of the day… Transformative Travel by Kate Benzin
3 October 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… Those we love don’t go away, they walk
beside us. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved,
still missed.(Mhar)
Blog of the day… O My Family,
Book of the day… 15 Shades of Pink (15 Romantic Short
Stories) by Lisa Scott
4 October 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… Be not afraid of greatness. Some are
born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness
thrust upon ‘em.(William Shakespeare)
Blog of the day… Life in Grace,
Book of the day… The Art of Change by Kelly Andria
5 October 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… Breakups aren’t always meant for makeups, sometimes they are meant for wake-ups.
Blog of the day… Simple Mom,
Book of the day… A Kingdom’s Cost by JR Tomlin
6 October 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… You’ll never find the right person, if
you never let go of the wrong one.
Blog of the day… Along for the Ride,
Book of the day… God Loves You – Chester Blue by Suzanne
7 October 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… Don’t complain about someone not
treating you right. If you know you deserve better, why are
you with them?
Blog of the day… Gussy Sews,
Book of the day… A Leprechaun’s Lament by Wayne Zurl
8 October 2012, Monday (Columbus Day, Thanksgiving –
Thought of the day… Love is the glue that cements
friendships. Jealousy keeps it from sticking.
Blog of the day… Oh Happy Day,
Book of the day… The Seventh Level by Joe Hefferon
9 October 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… Absence sharpens love, presence
strengthens it.
Blog of the day… Design Mom,
Book of the day… A Year On Your Path to Growth by Keri Nola
10 October 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… The only way to have a friend is to be
Blog of the day… The TomKat Studio,
Book of the day… Falling for Rain by Janice Kirk & Gina
11 October 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a
door. (Milton Berle)
Blog of the day… Retail Me Not,
Book of the day… Bactine by Paul Kater
12 October 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… Trust is like a piece of paper; once
it’s crumpled it can’t be perfect again.
Blog of the day… Utah Shopping Secrets,
Book of the day… Curiosity Kills the Cat by Elizabeth Nelson
13 October 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… At any given moment you have the power
to say this is not how the story is going to end.
Blog of the day… Shabby Princess,
Book of the day… The Beautiful American by Marilyn
14 October 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… People are made to be loved and things
are made to be used. The confusion comes when people are
used and things are loved.
Blog of the day… Pixels & Ice-cream,
Book of the day… A Gathering of Angels by Cate Dean
15 October 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… If an article is attractive, or useful,
or inexpensive, they'll stop making it tomorrow; if it's
all three, they stopped making it yesterday.(Mignon
Blog of the day… Summertime Designs,
Book of the day… Bending the Boyne by JS Dunn
16 October 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… The odds of going to the store for a
loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are
three billion to one.(Erma Bombeck)
Blog of the day… The Coffee Shop Blog,
Book of the day… Seeing Through the Eyes of Love by Valarie
17 October 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… A bargain is something you can't use at
a price you can't resist.(Franklin P. Jones)
Blog of the day… Becky’s Blog,
Book of the day… Blood & Whiskey by Katherine McFall &
Clark Hays
18 October 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… It's always been and always will be the
same in the world: The horse does the work and the
coachman is tipped.(Author Unknown)
Blog of the day… Color Me Katie,
Book of the day… Freedom’s Sword by JR Tomlin
19 October 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… The man who says he is willing to meet
you halfway is usually a poor judge of distance.(Author
Blog of the day… A Little Sussy,
Book of the day… Bobby Jay: Stick & Stack Are Alive by Gean
20 October 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… Love is shown in your deeds,
your words.
not in
Blog of the day… The Savvy Photographer,
Book of the day… The Bridge Club by Patricia Sands
21 October 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… The brain is the most outstanding
organ; it works 24 hours a day 365 days a year from birth
until you fall in love.
Blog of the day… Pioneer Woman,
Book of the day… Cancelled by Elizabeth Ann West
22 October 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… Everyone is gifted. Some open the
package sooner.
Blog of the day… Brooke Snow,
Book of the day… Chicken Boy by Gregory G Allen
23 October 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… True love stories never have a happy
ending cause love never ends.
Blog of the day… Scott Kelby,
Book of the day… Convicted by Tim Hughes
24 October 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… A bank is a place where they lend you
an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it
begins to rain.(Robert Frost)
Blog of the day… I Heart Faces,
Book of the day… Dandelions in the Garden by Charlie
25 October 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… Do something today, that your future
self will thank you for.
Blog of the day… 365 Days of Slow Cooking,
Book of the day… Dementional by Tonya Cannariato
26 October 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… A good laugh and a long sleep are the
two best cures for anything.(Irish Proverb)
Blog of the day… Picky Palate,
Book of the day… The Destiny of Shaitan by Laxmi Hariharan
27 October 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… Never fear shadows. They simply mean
there's a light shining somewhere nearby. (Ruth Renkel)
Blog of the day… Bakerella,
Book of the day… Don’t Fear the Reaper by William F Houle &
JE Taylor
28 October 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… A man wrapped up in himself makes a
very small bundle.(Benjamin Franklin)
Blog of the day… The Pioneer Woman Cooks,
Book of the day… Dust to Blood by Tonya Cannariato
29 October 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels
responsible.(George Burns)
Blog of the day… 100 Days of Real Food,
Book of the day… Fat Bodyguards by Marita Fowler
30 October 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… Be careful about reading health books.
You may die of a misprint.(Mark Twain)
Blog of the day… Bake At 350,
Book of the day… Fissured by Lynne Cantwell
31 October 2012, Wednesday (Halloween)
Thought of the day… Courage is knowing what not to fear.
Blog of the day… Lovin from the Oven,
Book of the day… Gastien: The Cost of a Dream by Caddy
1 November 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… If a man smiles all the time, he’s
probably selling something that doesn’t work.(George
Blog of the day… Two Peas & Their Pod,
Book of the day… Hatred, Ridicule & Contempt by David Cooper
2 November 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… Men want the same thing from their
underwear that they want from women: a little bit of
support, and a little bit of freedom.(Jerry Seinfield)
Blog of the day… The Ugly Duckling House,
Book of the day… Ha Ain’t Lion by Celia Kyle
3 November 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… If you hit every time, the target is
too near or too big.(Tom Hirshfield)
Blog of the day… The Old Painted Cottage,
Book of the day… Heiress of Lies by Cege Smith
4 November 2012, Sunday (Daylight Saving Ends)
Thought of the day… There are three kinds of men. The one
that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for
themselves.(Will Rogers)
Blog of the day… The Lettered Cottage,
Book of the day… Hot & Spicy by PT Macias
5 November 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… A closed mouth gathers no feet.
Blog of the day… My Romantic Home,
Book of the day… Interview with a Prankster by Bob Mitchley
6 November 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… Don’t waste a minute not being happy.
If one window closes, run to the next window — or break
down a door.(Brooke Shields)
Blog of the day… Funky Junk Interiors,
Book of the day… The Life & Times of Car Johnson by Rebekah
7 November 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… The greatest advantage of speaking the
truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.
Blog of the day… Makely School for Girls,
Book of the day… Life in Death by Harlow Drake
8 November 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… A human being should be able to change
a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship,
design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build
a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give
orders, co-operate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a
new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty
meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is
for insects.(Robert A. Heinlein)
Blog of the day… Shanty 2 Chic,
Book of the day… Life, Love & Lack Thereof by Acamea
9 November 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… Some of the world’s greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were
impossible.(Doug Larson)
Blog of the day… Lolly Jane,
Book of the day… Like Mayflies in A Stream by Shauna Roberts
10 November 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… Don’t judge each day by the harvest you
reap, but by the seeds you plant.(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Blog of the day… AM Dolce Vita,
Book of the day… Living the Life you Love by Paula Renaye
11 November 2012, Sunday (Veterans Day)
Thought of the day… If you don’t like being a doormat
then get off the floor.(Al Anon)
Blog of the day… Susie Harris,
Book of the day… The Lonely Chair: The Story by Gean Penny
12 November 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… The most effective way to do it, is to
do it.(Amelia Earhart)
Blog of the day… Centsational Girl,
Book of the day… Long Time Coming by Jennifer James
13 November 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… When you forgive, you heal your own
anger and hurt and are able to let love lead again. It’s
like spring cleaning for your heart.(Marci Shimoff)
Blog of the day… Design Gal,
Book of the day… Love Kinection by Jennifer James
14 November 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… Forget about the fast lane. If you
really want to fly, just harness your power to your
Blog of the day… All Things Thrifty,
Book of the day… The Miss-Adventures of Amy & Tracy by KG
15 November 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… Life should not be a journey to the
grave with the intention of arriving safely in
an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid
in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other,
body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and
screaming….. WOO HOO…. What a RIDE!”
Blog of the day… The Inspired Room,
Book of the day… Murder at the Rocks by Jill Paterson
16 November 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… The secret of getting ahead is getting
started.(Sally Berger)
Blog of the day… The Bungalow Blog,
Book of the day… Nate Rocks the Boat by Karen Pokras Toz
17 November 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… If you obey all the rules, you miss all
the fun.(Katharine Hepburn)
Blog of the day… Nesting Place,
Book of the day… No Remorse by Mary Lynn Bast
18 November 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go
through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need
to be able to throw something back.(Maya Angelou)
Blog of the day… Perfectly Imperfect,
Book of the day… Paths to Divinity by Joseph DiCristofano
19 November 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… We can do no great things, only small
things with great love.(Mother Teresa)
Blog of the day… Southern Hospitality,
Book of the day… Peck: A Book by JL Hohler III
20 November 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… Do you want to meet the love of your
life? Look in the mirror.(Byron Katie)
Blog of the day… Sew 4 Home,
Book of the day… The Snare by Jess Butcher
21 November 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… We are not held back by the love we
didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we’re not
extending in the present.(Marianne Williamson)
Blog of the day… The Shabby Creek Cottage,
Book of the day… Pegasus by Marilyn Holdsworth
22 November 2012, Thursday (Thanksgiving)
Thought of the day… When I stand before God at the end of
my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of
talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave
me’.(Erma Bombeck)
Blog of the day… Madigan Made,
Book of the day… Pike’s Quest by KJ Bennett
23 November 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… A woman has got to love a bad man once
or twice in her life, to be thankful for a good one.
(Marjorie Kinnan)
Blog of the day… Knock Off Decor,
Book of the day… Pimp Ur Blog Episode 2 – Increase Search
Results with articles & feeds by Paul Rice & Messie Jessie
24 November 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… Always concentrate on how far you have
come, rather than how far you have left to go. The
difference in how easy it seems will amaze you.(Heidi
Blog of the day… Design Dazzle,
Book of the day… Pimp Ur Blog Episode 3- Working with
Amazon & Google by Paul Rice
25 November 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… The more anger towards the past you
carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in
the present.(Barbara De Angelis)
Blog of the day… Better After,
Book of the day… Priscilla the Great by Sybil Nelson
26 November 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… The question isn’t who’s going to let
me; it’s who is going to stop me.(Ayn Rand)
Blog of the day… The House of Smith’s,
Book of the day… Reality Bites: Tales of a Half-Vampire by
Shaunda Kenndedy Wenger
27 November 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… Success is getting what you
want, happiness is wanting what you get.(Ingrid Bergman)
Blog of the day… Young House Love,
Book of the day… Rest for the Wicked by Cate Dean
28 November 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… Do you really want to look back on your
life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not
been afraid to live it?(Caroline Myss)
Blog of the day… Vintage Fern,
Book of the day… The Road to Hell by Christopher C Starr
29 November 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… And the trouble is, if you don’t risk
anything, you risk more.(Erica Jong)
Blog of the day… Nap Time Crafts,
Book of the day… Satan Loves You by Grady Hendrix
30 November 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… The most courageous act is still
to think for yourself. Aloud.(Coco Chanel)
Blog of the day… Amazing Mae,
Book of the day… The Savior by Natasha Salnikova
1 December 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… Stop wearing your wishbone where your
backbone ought to be.(Elizabeth Gilbert)
Blog of the day… Anna Maria Horner,
Book of the day… Scent of the Roses by PG Forte
2 December 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… The most common way people give up
their power is by thinking they don’t have any.(Alice
Blog of the day… The Creative Mama,
Book of the day… Serpent Singer & Other Stories by MH Bonham
3 December 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… Keep looking my way, my head is held
high. You want to bring me down? I dare you to try!
Blog of the day… No Big Dill,
Book of the day… The Seven Gifts by John Mellor
4 December 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be
stronger men.(John F Kennedy)
Blog of the day… Whipperberry,
Book of the day… Silver: Acheron by Keira Michelle Telford
5 December 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… A man must be big enough to admit his
mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong
enough to correct them.(John C. Maxwell)
Blog of the day… Make It & Love It,
Book of the day… Solstice by Donna Burgess
6 December 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… I believe in being strong when
everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy
girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is
another day and I believe in miracles.(Audrey Hepburn)
Blog of the day… Katydid & Kid,
Book of the day… Song of the Fairy Queen by Valeries Douglas
7 December 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… Let go of the things that can no longer
be fixed. If you force to try to put them back, things will
only get worse. Holding on is being brave, but sometimes
moving on makes you even tougher!
Blog of the day… Blue Cricket Design,
Book of the day… Sora’s Quest by TL Shreffler
8 December 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… He who conquers others is strong; He
who conquers himself is mighty.(Lao Tzu)
Blog of the day… Create Studio,
Book of the day… Souled by Diana Murdock
9 December 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… A faithful friend is a strong defense;
And he that hath found him hath found a treasure.(Louisa
May Alcott)
Blog of the day… A Pretty Cool Life,
Book of the day… Spiral Tattoo by Michael J Parry
10 December 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… You can’t really be strong until you
see a funny side to things.(Ken Kesey)
Blog of the day… Homemade by Jill,
Book of the day… Talon of the Unnamed Goddess by CR Daems
and JR Tomlin
11 December 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… A strong mind always hopes, and has
always cause to hope.(Thomas Carlyle)
Blog of the day… Simplify,
Book of the day… Ten Thousand New Year’s Eves by Dawn
DeAnna Wilson
12 December 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… The weaker are always anxious for
justice and equality. The strong pay no heed to either.
Blog of the day… Ruffles & Stuff,
Book of the day… The Time of My Life by Lynn Murphy
13 December 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… He who believes is strong; he who
doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.
(Louisa May Alcott)
Blog of the day… Landee See, Landee Doo,
Book of the day… Tommy Tippett by AK McKay
14 December 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… People grow through experience if they
meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character
is built.(Eleanor Roosevelt)
Blog of the day… Little Lovelies,
Book of the day… Until My Soul Gets It Right by Karen
Wojcik Berner
15 December 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… The way a man plays a game shows some
of his character. The way he loses shows all of it.
Blog of the day… Bits of Everything,
Book of the day… Vitality by Tim Andrewartha
16 December 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… Watch your thoughts, for they become
words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch
your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits,
for they become character. Watch your character, for it
becomes your destiny.
Blog of the day… Grosgrain,
Book of the day… Waiting Game by JL Ficks & JE Dugue
17 December 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… You can easily judge the character of a
man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Blog of the day… So You Think You’re Crafty,
Book of the day… Water by Terra Harmony
18 December 2012, Tuesday
Thought of the day… Most people say that is it is the
intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it
is character.(Albert Einstein)
Blog of the day… V & Co,
Book of the day… What Binds Us by Larry Benjamin
19 December 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… No change of circumstances can repair a
defect of character.(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Blog of the day… Bijou Lovely,
Book of the day… Whorticulture by Marie-Anne Mancio
20 December 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… I look to a day when people will not be
judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of
their character.(Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Blog of the day… Little Birdie Secrets,
Book of the day… Windswept Hearts by Robynn Gabel
21 December 2012, Friday (Winter Begins)
Thought of the day… The measure of a man’s real character
is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
(Thomas Babington Macaulay)
Blog of the day… Wee Wonderfuls,
Book of the day… Wings of Shadow by Anna Kyss
22 December 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… The true test of character is not how
much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don’t
know what to do.(John W. Holt, Jr.)
Blog of the day… Crafter-holic,
Book of the day… Wishbone by Brooklyn Hudson
23 December 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… I care not what others think of what I
do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do!
That is character!(Theodore Roosevelt)
Blog of the day… Thirty Handmade Days,
Book of the day… Wispy by Rob Andrews
24 December 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… He knows not his own strength who hath
not met adversity.(William Samuel Johnson)
Blog of the day… Just Something I Made,
Book of the day… Women for All Seasons by Angela Joseph
25 December 2012, Tuesday (Christmas Day)
Thought of the day… Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If
you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure
out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
(Michael Jordan)
Blog of the day… Less Cake, More Frosting
Book of the day… The Mancode: Exposed by Rachel Thompson
26 December 2012, Wednesday
Thought of the day… Never let your head hang down. Never
give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And
don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun
shines.(Leroy Satchel Paige)
Blog of the day… Made It On Monday,
Book of the day… The Astrologer’s Daughter by Elyse Douglas
27 December 2012, Thursday
Thought of the day… The friend in my adversity I shall
always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to
relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so
ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.
(Ulysses S. Grant)
Blog of the day… The Long Thread,
Book of the day… Sundered by Shannon Mayer
28 December 2012, Friday
Thought of the day… Remember that everyone you meet is
afraid of something, loves something, and has lost
something.(H. Jackson Brown Jr)
Blog of the day… Today’s Creative Blog,
Book of the day… The Dating Intervention by Lynn Ricci
29 December 2012, Saturday
Thought of the day… The two most powerful warriors are
patience and time.” …so remember: great achievements take
time, there is no overnight success.(Leo Tolstoy)
Blog of the day… Lil Blue Boo,
Book of the day… Marching with Caesar by RW Peake
30 December 2012, Sunday
Thought of the day… When you want to succeed as bad as you
want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.(Eric Thomas)
Blog of the day… Happy Together,
Book of the day… Ballistic by Paul Levine
31 December 2012, Monday
Thought of the day… Nothing is impossible, the word itself
says ‘I’m possible’!(Audrey Hepburn)
Blog of the day… UCreate,
Book of the day… Dragon Badge by Scott Moon
About Pandora Poikilos
International best-selling author, Pandora Poikilos has
been writing for more than 10 years for various media which
include newspapers, radio, television and various websites.
A social media enthusiast who is passionate about blogging
and finding her way around the virtual world, she wills
away time in the real world by reading, writing and people
All blogs are listed as submitted by their respective
owners, I will not in anyway be responsible for the content
posted on these blogs.