Document 348185

Other Areas of the Curriculum we will
be learning about are:
Science: We will be using our senses to taste, smell and
describe porridge when we read the story of The Magic
Porridge Pot.
History: We will be learning about Black History Week
Spellings: These will be linked to the phonics phases children are working at and will be tested each week.
Year 1
Curriculum Newsle(er
For Parents
Autumn Term 1
What you can do at home to support
your child
Reading: It is important that you read with your child every
day and fill in a comment in their ‘Reading Diary’.
Homework: Support your child to complete their homework from the menu that will be sent out every two weeks.
P.E.: Year 1 P.E. lessons will be every Thursday and Friday
please ensure that your child has suitable P.E. kit and does
not wear jewellery on these days.
Mrs Atkinson and Miss Coy
Our current learning challenge is:
Match graphemes for all phonemes
‘Is there a place where dreams come true’
Read accurately by blending sounds
Make simple predic,ons and link to own experiences
During this challenge we will be answering the following
Wri+ng, spelling, grammar and punctua+on:
Leave spaces between words and use capital le/ers for the
beginning of a sentence.
Begin to use basic punctua,on: . ?
Can you draw a fairy tale object from observa,on?
Can you imagine and create your own castle?
Can you re-tell a tradi,onal story?
Can you paint your own fairy tale se<ng?
Can you use all your senses to describe?
As well as the learning challenges, there will be lots of opportuni,es to learn in the con,nuous provision. Such as; dressing up as a
prince or princess, ac,ng out stories and many more!
We will be learning about:
Coun,ng and recognising numbers to 100.
Number – addi,on, subtrac,on—one and two digit numbers to 20
Problem solving– one step problems
Recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes
Doubling and halving different objects and quan,,es.
Our WOW outcome at the end of
our challenge will be to :
Hold a fairy tale show.