AUBURN MOUNTAINVIEW HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 Dance Guest Pass Due by Oct 15 at 3:00pm If approved this guest pass will be valid for the following 2 AMHS dances this year: READ THOROUGHLY AND FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS – THIS IS IMPORTANT TO GETTING YOUR PASS APPROVED! Dance (circle one that applies) Homecoming October 18, 2014, Tolo TBD, and Prom TBD (Seniors Only) Student name:________________________________________ Grade__________ 2nd Period room # ___________ Please Print Guest name:__________________________________________ Age:______ Home Phone _____________________ Please Print AMHS Student Directions: Important: All guests must be in high school (no middle school students) All guests must not be older than 20 years of age. You cannot buy tickets until guest passes are approved so DO NOT WAIT until the final date. Read the form and then sign in Box 1. Have your parent/guardian read and sign this form in Box 2 – EVEN IF YOU ARE OVER 18. Include an emergency phone number. Turn in the completed form WITH YOUR GUESTS ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL along with a copy of your guests photo ID to Ms. Thomas in Activities Office (Room #119) GUEST PASSES due October 15, 2014 by 3:00 p.m. Bring a photo ID to dance or you will not be admitted. BRING COPY OF GUEST’S ID WHEN YOU TURN IN YOUR GUEST PASS! Guest Directions: Read the form and sign in Box 3. Have your parent/guardian read and sign this form in box 3 – EVEN IF YOU ARE OVER 18. Obtain your school administrator’s signed permission (or employer, if not attending school) (Box 4) to attend this dance and return this form with a Clear Copy of your Photo ID to your AMHS host by the deadline. Bring a photo ID to the dance or you will not be admitted. Expected Student Behavior: Students will demonstrate good character, maintain high community standards, and follow all school rules, including DRESS CODE as outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook. Students will respect and be courteous towards all students and chaperones. All school personnel of Auburn Mountainview High School have been given authority from the School Board to correct students involved in misconduct. Therefore, you should show due consideration and respect for these employees at all times. This includes: 1) identifying yourself upon request by any staff member, and 2) following directions given by any staff member. Please come to have a good time while respecting the rules. If asked to stop/change your dancing behavior, please comply respectfully with the request. RULES: * Please face your partner when you dance. * Both feet must be on or near the floor. * No sitting or laying on the floor. * No inappropriate gestures, movements or contact with your dance partner. *There will be no warnings. * If you fail to follow the dance rules, you will be asked to leave. NO REFUNDS. Thank you for your understanding as we try to provide a fun, clean environment for all. Consequences: Students violating the AMHS Dance contract will be removed from the dance. Student’s parents will be called and expected to pick up their students immediately. Student’s violating this AMHS Dance contract may NOT be allowed to attend future AMHS dances. Any student who (a) illegally uses, possesses, sells, is under the influence, or has the odor of drugs, alcohol, controlled or mood-altering substances; (b) illegally uses, possesses, sells, or is under the influence of medication which is not prescribed for her or his use by a licensed doctor; (c) illegally uses, possesses, sells, or gives to another, drug paraphernalia at school or at a school-sponsored activity or event; or (d) facilitates the possession or transaction of illegal substances or paraphernalia at school or at a school-sponsored activity or event, will be disciplined. Such discipline may include participation in intervention activities, referral to a law enforcement agency when appropriate, and/or suspension or expulsion from school. Weapons: It is unlawful for any student to carry onto, handle, transfer, or use any weapon on any school property, including buses, or during any school-sponsored activity. This includes weapons in cars parked at school. Weapons include items such as firearms, knives, explosive devices (including firecrackers), and any other objects which may be used as a weapon or which imitates a weapon. The use of pepper spray is not allowed at Auburn Mountainview High School. Violation of this policy will result in emergency suspension with a recommendation for expulsion. Students who have knowledge of weapons on campus, and fail to report that information, may be subject to disciplinary action. Procedures: When entering the dance, a photo ID is required – NO EXCEPTIONS! Dance participants may not leave the dance and return at a later time. Dance times are from 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. The last time for dance entry is 9:30 p.m. READ THOROUGHLY AND FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS – THIS IS IMPORTANT TO GETTING YOUR PASS APPROVED! AUBURN MOUNTAINVIEW DANCE GUEST PASS REQUIRED SIGNATURES Box 1 AUBURN MOUNTAINVIEW HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT By signing you agree that you are responsible for yourself and will follow all dance rules and guidelines set forth in this contract and at the direction of chaperones. If you are bringing a guest to the dance, your signature below indicates that you agree that you are responsible for your guest and that she/he will follow all dance rules and guidelines set forth in this contract and at the direction of all chaperones. _____________________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ AMHS Student Signature Printed Name Phone NO ADMITTANCE WITHOUT PHOTO ID AT THE DANCE Box 2 AUBURN MOUNTAINVIEW HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT’S PARENT/GUARDIAN By signing you are giving permission for your son or daughter to attend the dance, and you acknowledge the dance rules and guidelines set forth in this contract and at the direction of chaperones. If your daughter or son is to bring a guest, your signature below indicates that you are giving your son or daughter permission to bring the guest. _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________ Printed Name ___________________________ Phone Box 3 GUEST By signing, you agree to follow all Auburn Mountainview High School rules at the dance as set forth in this contract and at the direction of all chaperones. _____________________________________ Guest Signature ____________________________ Printed Name ___________________________ School Name ___________________ Date of Birth _________________ Age ___________________________ Grade ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian of Guest Signature ____________________________ Printed Name If NOT in high school, school graduated from: ________________________Year:______ ___________________________ Phone __________________________ Driver’s License Number NO ADMITTANCE WITHOUT PHOTO ID AT THE DANCE Box 4 GUEST STUDENT’S SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR (High School or College)-if not enrolled, we will need an employer’s reference. I_____________________________________ (High/College School Principal, Asst. Principal, Dean of Students, Activities Director, and Dorm Resident Director) approve the above stated student attending the Auburn Mountainview dance. I declare that he/she is in good standing with the policies and rules of ____________________________________________________School. _____________________________________ Administrator Signature ____________________________ Phone ___________________________ Date AMHS Activity Coordinator Use Only Approved or Denied Approval Signature_________________________________ Date_________________________
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