All aud dition infor CAPTIV VATE web

All auddition inforrmation inccluding daates, time and
a venuees is publisshed on th
VATE website:
What’ss it all abou
The Commercial Dancee Auditions arre being held tto establish leeading represeentative dancee ensembles within
W are looking for the best aand most passsionate dancers in our primaary and seconndary
Parramattta Diocese. We
schools w
who are interested in workinng with some oof Sydney’s leeading choreoggraphers to prroduce dance routines
and sustaained works off the highest standard.
Captivatee will showcasse these ensem
mbles at majoor venues and other events including com
mmunity festivaals,
sporting eevents and charity fundraiseers to showca se their exem
mplary talent annd help providde our talentedd dance
with pathwayss to professionnal and/or terttiary dance oppportunities.
students w
The Capttivate team will bring together the most m
motivated and leading
danceers in our prim
mary and seconndary
schools too inspire them
m to achieve daance excellennce as individuuals and as ann ensemble. TThere will be a strong
focus on dance techniqques and perfoormance qual ity for all participating studeents. Ensemblee members may
m be
given highh profile perfoormance opportunities whichh will give them
m direct expossure to the daance industry,
governmeent and arts coommunity deccision makers and dance em
mployers. An opportunity
noot to be missedd!
Who shhould audiition?
Dancers w
who are passiionate about their art and w
would like to join an ensemble dedicated tto commercial styles of
dance, esspecially, but not
n limited to Jazz,
Broadwaay, Tap, Hip Hop,
H Streetdannce and Funk..
The Commercial Dancee Ensemble iss open to Prim
mary Students (Year 3-6) (NEW IN 2012) and Secondary
students. Exceptions may
m be made to
t younger stuudents based purely on audition.
Leading choreog
graphers and dance profession
Commerccial Dance Ensemble will bee coordinated by Peta Markkham-Ward annd the Catholicc Education Office,
Parramattta. Students will
w have access through Caaptivate to leading choreogrraphers and daance professionals in
all styles of dance. Daance artists alrready working with Captivatte include Shaaun Parker, Lissa Griffiths, Craig Bary,
Fiona Maalone, Marnie and
a Melanie Palomares,
Naathan Sheens, Patricia O’Malley, Daryl M
Morante, Coreyy
Podberskki and Simonee Vanderwolf and
a many morre style speciaalists. For enqquiries about aany specific daance
genre artiists working with
w Captivate email [email protected]
u or
[email protected]
What iss the cost?
UITION is available to all students of Cattholic Schools in the Parram
matta Diocese.. There may be
b some
contribution for costum
ming, dependinng on artistic ddesign choicess made by the ensembles inn the course of
o their
preparatioon for perform
mance and other special eveents / workshoops that may occur
during thhe year.
There will be some cossts involved in other CAPTIV
VATE initiativees that all CAP
PTIVATE Dannce Ensemble members
are encouuraged to partticipate in eg Dancin’
Daze. Fundraising options
are avvailable to asssist students / families
to pay forr these initiativves.
What w
will happen
n at the audition?
The Capttivate team will run this as a professional audition so sttudents can geet a taste of w
what it is like inn the
dance inddustry, the firsst of many valuuable lessons learnt within the
t program.
You will be required to:
• Register – all studentts must arrivee with compleeted and sign
ned Audition Form, and have
photo takken
• Warm up
p within a gro
• Demonsttrate a range of technical dance exercises
• Learn an
nd perform a short
routinee (varying styyles)
• Perform a short dancce sequence tthat you havee prepared (1-2 minutes) tthat you belieeve
shows yo
our ability in one or more of your prefeerred dance styles.
(with oor without music –
CD or iPo
• Improvisse or free form
m to music prrovided on th
he day
What ddo I wear/b
Suitable aand appropriaate dance attiree including sh oes for the styyle in which yoou wish to shoowcase. If studdents do
tap they aare to bring tap shoes.
For the w
warm up, technnical exercisess and dance aaudition dancee wear must be
b close fittingg and allow complete
ease of m
movement ie leeotards, crop tops,
fitted sinnglets, tights, dance
shorts for
f girls and tra
rackpants, shoorts, tshirts, sinnglets for guyss (NO JEANS)) etc.
Plenty of Water
Remembber to look thee part. First impressions aare important! Please enssure girls are to have hair securely
and neattly tied back.
What ddo I need to
o do?
Email Petta Markham-W
Ward and let her
h know you aare planning on
o attending.
Fill out the form (availaable on the weebsite), have yyour parent/guuardian sign it and bring it w
with you to the audition.
A photo w
would be of beenefit but digitaal identificatioon photos can be taken on thhe day.