Document 348293

Please remember in your prayers: Nelda Anderson, Agnes Andrus, Joe Ascione, Olivia Ashley,
Chris Bilgischer, Sonny Blair, Abby Bobo, Dee Boggs, Shirley Brock, Wilson Bynum, Peyton
Carroccio, Kent Cheney, Emma Grace Coker, Kirsten Cothran, Robin Dalrymple, Fran Dalton,
Ashley Davis, Diana Davis-Blair, Jack Davis, Bobby Douglas, Linda Eubank, Sunny Evans, Mary
Flowers, David Ford, Ann Foerster, Daniel Frazier, Greg Galster, Hanky Gwin, Charlene Hamlin,
Joyce Henderson, Robert Henderson, Sherri Hicks, Matt Howard, Debbie Kell, Allyson Lewis, Billie
Mahaffy, Martha Mahoney, Miriam Makris, Tommy May, Mary McBee, David McLemore, Zyg
Majewski, Carol Maranto, Leon Massanelli, Mary Alice Harvey Mitchell, Jimmie Nevener, June Nichol,
Drake Palmer, Suzanne Pardue, Betty Price, Ian Priestnall, George Pugh, Lynne Trulock Ravellette,
Rachael Redding, Karen Redwine, Wesley Rowe, Patrick Rushing, Hans Schweitzer, Lee McNew
Scoggins, Sis Stark, Connie Stayton, Wayne Stone, Chuck Stowe, Joe Sugg, Ed Thompson, Martin
Tindall, Eddye Tomboli, Don Tucker, Sue Turley, Julia & Gib Weisbecker, Aaron Wewers, Ann
White, Eloise Williams, Ronald Williams, Harra Windsor, Jeanette Wood, Chris Young For the
success, safety and support of our men and women in uniform: Jacob Burdick, Marc
Cunningham, Houston Ford, Erik Forestiere, Jeremy Graves, Andy Harrison, Gary Hogan, David
Hoots, Geoffrey Martin, Evan McBee, Patrick McBee, Samantha McBee, Antwone Wilson
Trinity Episcopal Church
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
est. 1838
Trinity extends its deepest sympathy to the family of Helen Deniston who died Wednesday and to
Brent Johnson whose brother, William E. Johnson, died Thursday.
Today is CPC Sunday. The envelopes in today’s service sheet are for the ECW’s special ingathering
for the Church Periodical Club (CPC). Through the printed word, the CPC supplies reading, study,
reference, teaching and devotional materials free to those who cannot obtain them. You are invited to
give the gift that speaks volumes. Peggy McLemore is our CPC chairman.
The Vestry will meet Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the conference room.
Trinity ECW members (all women of Trinity church), please remember to sign up for the Fall
Gathering that will be held November 7 & 8 at our church. You will enjoy great speakers, wonderful
food, and a chance to meet ECW members from all over Arkansas. Brochures are in the back of the
church with all the details and prices. Hope you'll join us! Please call Donna Coker (692-0445) if you
have any questions.
Cooking for a Taste of Trinity continues each Wednesday at 9 a.m. in the main kitchen. For those
who prefer to make casseroles/soups at home, containers and freezer space are available at the church.
The United Thank Offering ingathering for this fall will be Sunday, Nov. 16. Please pick up a
"little blue box" at the back of the church and begin counting your many blessings. — Gina DeMoss,
UTO Chairman.
The Gospel According to St. Matthew is the topic for the Adult Sunday School class. Come join us
at 9:30 a.m. Sundays.
Join us Wednesday at 12:05 for our weekly Holy Communion Service, followed by lunch
The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
October 19, 2014
10:30 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist: Rite II
The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
10:30 a.m. October 19, 2014
The Rt. Rev. Larry R. Benfield, M.Div., Bishop of Arkansas
The Rev. Walter Van Zandt Windsor, D.Min., Rector of Trinity Parish
Mr. Faron Wilson, M.M.E., Organist/Choirmaster
The Great Thanksgiving, Prayer A ............................................................................... BCP 361
Hymnal S 120: Sursum Corda (Lift up your hearts)
Hymnal S 129: Sanctus (Holy, holy, holy) (kneel following) ....................................... Robert Powell
The Lord’s Prayer ............................................................................................................ BCP 364
Hymnal S 163: Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) ............................................................. Robert Powell
Please remember that as we enter the church, we prepare ourselves for divine service by kneeling quietly in prayer and acknowledging the presence of God in this place. Please afford one another a time of quiet prayer prior to the beginning of the service.
~ The Communion ~
Prelude on “Mit Freuden Zart” ...........................................................................Roger C. Wilson
All baptized Christians are welcome at the Table of Our Lord. Please join us at the altar rail to receive
Holy Communion. If it is more convenient for us to bring the Sacrament to your seat, let the ushers know.
Processional Hymn 408: “Sing praise to God” ............................................... Mit Freuden zart
Acclamation ...................................................................................................................... BCP 355
Hymnal 326: “From glory to glory” ............................................................................ St. Keverne
Hymnal S280: Gloria in excelsis ............................................................................. Robert Powell
“The Lord Bless You and Keep You”” ........................................... Peter Lutkin
Collect of the Day (kneel)......................................................................................................(insert)
Prayer of Thanksgiving ................................................................................................... BCP 365
The First Reading: Exodus 33:12-23 (sit) .......................................................................... (insert)
The Final Blessing
Psalm 99 (said in unison) ........................................................................................................ (insert)
Recessional Hymn 594: “God of grace and God of glory” .............................. Cwm Rhondda
The Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 ................................................................. (insert)
Postlude on “Cwm Rhondda” ....................................................................arr. Humphrey Turner
Hymnal 478: “Jesus, our mighty Lord” ................................................................. Monk’s Gate
The Gospel: Matthew 22:15-22 .......................................................................................... (insert)
The Sermon ............................................................... the Rev. Dr. Walter Van Zandt Windsor
The Nicene Creed ............................................................................................................ BCP 358
The Prayers of the People, Form VI............................................................................. BCP 392
Confession of Sin and Absolution ................................................................................ BCP 360
The Peace (stand) .............................................................................................................. BCP 360
At this time you are invited to exchange a sign of God’s Peace with the persons closest to you in the pew. The offering of the
Peace is not a time for conversation but it is an outward and visible sign of reconciliation, a tradition we continue from the
most ancient church.
Offertory Anthem: “Thy Church, O God, Her Heart to Thee Upraiseth” .... Eric Thiman
Presentation of the Offering and Doxology (stand) .................................. Hymnal 380 (vs. 3)
Verger .................................................................................................................... Ronnie Stayton
Lectors ............................................................................................. Missy Rushing, Phil McBee
Chalice Bearer ........................................................................................................ Doug Dorris
Ushers ..................................................................................... John Wellenberger, Tim Wasson
Security .......................................................................................................................... Joe Coker
Lock-up ..................................................................................................................... Tim Wasson
he flowers are given to the glory of God by Ann and Al White in memory of
Hendrix Rowell, Al White Sr. and Mary Nell Wortham.