Page 1 October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 St. Pius X Parish 220 Lawrence Road Broomall, PA 19008 Reverend William C. Kaufman, Pastor Reverend H. James Hutchins, Pastor Emeritus Reverend James Joseph Kelly, Pastor Emeritus Reverend David A. Waters, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. John J. Jagodzinski, Priest In Residence Reverend John R. Weber, Priest in Residence Deacon Joseph E. Iannucci, Retired We are a Tithing Parish 181—Saint Pius X Page 2 October 19, 2014 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 5:15p.m. – Saturday evening Vigil 7:30a.m., 9:30a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE 6:30a.m. and 8:00a.m. — Monday to Friday 8:00a.m. only on Saturday HOLY DAY SCHEDULE 7:00p.m. Vigil 6:30, 8:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday Any time by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Will be celebrated every Sunday of each month at 12:45p.m. Parents of first-born children should contact priest for Pre-Jordan and to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Engaged couples should meet with a priest to discuss plans for their marriage, select a date, and be informed of the church guidelines. Do this a year in advance of your date. SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS Contact a parish priest at St. Pius or contact the Vocation Office for Diocesan Priesthood at 610-6675778. BULLETIN DEADLINE Sunday prior to inclusion. Email: [email protected]. PRAYING FOR SICK AND DECEASED Call the rectory secretary to place the name of the sick person in the bulletin; call to have deceased prayed for at Sunday Mass. PARISH REGISTRATION After Mass on Sunday or call for appointment. We are a Tithing Parish 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Rectory: 610-353-4880 Convent: 610-356-6848 School Office: 610-356-7222 CCD Office: 610-353-6950 Parish Youth Minister: 215-498-8365 Rectory Fax: 610-356-1084 PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH FACEBOOK ADDRESS: saintpiusbroomall SCHOOL FACEBOOK ADDRESS: spxbroomall CRISIS PREGNANCY HOTLINE: 610-626-4006 RACHEL’S VINEYARD: 215-906-6337/610-399-0890 LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN 9:30 a.m. AND 11:30 a.m. Masses (September to June). 9:30 a.m. (Summer). For children 6 to 11. CCD Religious education for children attending public school or non-Catholic private school Tuesdays: Afternoon – K-6, 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Evening – 6:45 to 8:00 p.m. Grades 7 & 8 – 3 times a month 6:45 to 8:00 p.m. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sunday – 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. No Saturday Hours. DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturday morning following the 8a.m. Mass. Divine Mercy Chaplet: Every Mon. thru Sat. following the 8a.m. Mass in the Church. Eucharistic Adoration: Mon. thru Sat. in the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel from 8:30a.m. to 8:30p.m. and Sun. 1p.m. to 5p.m. Pro-Life Prayers are said in the Adoration Chapel at 7p.m. on the Third Monday of each month. They conclude with Evening Prayer at 7:30p.m. Rosary every Mon. thru Sat. at 7:30a.m. in Church prior to the 8a.m. Mass. 181—Saint Pius X Page 3 October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time REMEMBER OUR SICK Scott Albee, Frederick Baumann, Miriam Beaumont, Edith Berrodin, Christa Biolka, Frances Boguski, Beatrice Cander, Dolores Cavone, Kay D’Alesio, Marie DePaul, Marie DiBabbo, Jeffrey Forrest, Vince Giacomucci, Anna Ginevro, Mary Golden, Marie Helmig, John Horrigan, Leonard Ianelli, Deacon Joseph Iannucci, Noreen Johns, Patrick Keating, Joan Kiss, Maureen Krepol, Mary Lawler, Joanne Marino, Diana McCauley, Peter McGee, Eugene McIntyre, Dolores McLaughlin, Aimee Wright McMuth, Baby McMuth, Brandon Milano, Jeanette Minton, M. Mullison, Mary Nigro, Joan Otruba, Michael Pagliara, Stanley Puchalla, Christopher Pugliese, Dolores Stewart, Rose Tesauro, Zachary Trexter, Mark Voci, Lillian Wanielista, John Young, Theresa Zeglen, Salvatore Zimbello REMEMBER OUR DECEASED Bridget Gallagher, Brigid Smyth Sunday, October 19, 2014 Vigil William & Mary Cleary 7:30 Carlo Musciano 9:30 Peter Ruggeri 11:30 Thomas Cosgrove, Sr. 5:15 Thomas Cosgrove, Sr. Monday, October 20, 2014 6:30 Nikol Lonesky 8:00 John H. Smith Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:30 Mary Rita Cleary 8:00 Josephine Spoltore Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:30 Richard Petras—15th Anniv. 8:00 Joan M. Dougherty Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:30 Maria Tomasa Salgado 8:00 Joseph & Mary Natoli Friday, October 24, 2014 6:30 Herbert & Madge McCoy 8:00 Bryson Family Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:00 John Gallagher Sunday, October 26, 2014 Vigil Beniamino Tarquini 7:30 Walter J. Dutka 9:30 John Giannone 11:30 Jim & Marie Ralph 5:15 Patrick, Eleanor & Joyce Bizzari We are a Tithing Parish SANCTUARY LAMP October 19, 2014 Nikol Lonesky BREAD & WINE October 19, 2014 Nikol Lonesky 1) 2) 3) Football Mania Winners The winners for Week 6 are: #1106-4A059 St. Pius X $25 #264-4A059 St. Anselm $25 #349-4A059 St. Pius X $50 LEGION OF MARY The LOM at S.P.X. is a ministry of Catholics age 18 and over and is Our Lady's conquering army. Members are foot soldiers who go out and spread the love of Christ to others, as Christ Himself told us to "Go preach the Gospel to the whole of creation." (Mark 16:15). Active work means contacting persons and make them feel loved. To love is to act and to bring Jesus through Mary. Meetings are held every Thursday from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the S.P.X. Conference Rm. in the Dowd Ctr. The Legion prayers & rosary are recited and spiritual reading is discussed. Members receive a two hour weekly assignment. The Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima is available for a week's visit to your home to ask for God's blessings for your special intentions. Questions about the LOM and Pilgrim Statue, please call Mary Pat Sfida, 610-449-8758. PRAY THE ROSARY......YOU IDENTIFY WITH OUR LORD AND HIS BLESSED MOTHER BY APPLYING THEIR DEEDS TO YOUR OWN LIFE; IT IS THE SCOURGE OF THE DEVIL! St. Pius X Over Fifty Club We will be having a Halloween Party at our next meeting on October 21st. Best costume will get a prize. There will be no meeting on November 4th because of Election DDay. The Mass for our deceased members will be on November 18th at 11:00, meeting will follow. November 13th is the Casino Trip and Dec. 1st is the Christmas trip to the Sands. Call Pat at 610-356-1622 for more trip details. Membership dues are being collected and Christmas Luncheon tickets are being sold. Call Rosemarie at 484-422-8863 for club information. SOMETHING NEW!!! St. Pius X TRIPS for ALL!!!! 12/1-Christmas Fun in Bethlehem, PA. $85 includes Sands Casino—receive $20 Slot Play, Buffet Luncheon Voucher, Discount Coupon Booklet for The Outlets at Sands, Tickets to “Tony Orlando’s Great American Christmas” Call Pat Cosgrove—610-356-1622, [email protected]. Give your name, address, phone # to receive flyers with details. 181—Saint Pius X Page 4 October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Sisters & Brothers, We join with the entire Catholic world to celebrate Mission Sunday. Pope Francis begins his message for this year’s celebration of World Mission Sunday with these words: “Today vast members of people still do not know Jesus Christ.” Today we focus on the words from St. Matthew’s Gospel, ‘I will Build My Church’. We help build the church with our prayers and financial assistance. The second collection this weekend is for the Propagation of the Faith, World Mission Sunday. Our parish welcomes this weekend, Father Domenic A. Rossi, O’Praem. (a Norbertine Father of Daylesford Abbey). Father Rossi is here to lend us in a four day parish retreat. All are welcome all the time, but especially these days of retreat. Father Rossi will speak at all the Masses this weekend. We will then gather on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7PM. Father Rossi will also have sometime with our parish grade school children on Monday. He will gather with our CCD children on Tuesday. On the last evening, Wednesday, there will be a collection to give to Father Rossi for his ministry to the homeless, through the Bethesda Project. This coming Thursday, we will open our 2015 Mass Book. The date & procedure has been published for five weeks in this bulletin. In advance I thank those who will be helping me with this procedure. Next Sunday, October 26th, we will be welcoming to our parish a team from the Middle States Association. They will be here for 4 days to visit our parish grade school and make their commendations and recommendation as they renew our Middle States Accreditation. Please pray that all goes well after much work and preparation for this visit. To look ahead, because November 1st, All Saints Day, falls on a Saturday this year the obligation to attend Mass is lifted. So, we do not have to go to Mass on Saturday, November 1st for All Saints Day. For those who might like to attend All Saints Mass there will be a Vigil Mass at 7PM on October 31st and an 8AM Mass on Saturday, November 1st. On Saturday, November 1st and Sunday, November 2nd we will celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at the Masses. The minister of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is the priest. I hope to have six priests at each Mass to assist with this sacrament. Who should be anointed? All who suffer terminal or chronic disease, such as diabetes, arthritis, lung or heart disease, alcoholism, etc. should be anointed. Anyone who is in a weakened condition due to age or infirmity should be anointed. All who suffer physically, mentally, spiritually should be anointed. Anointing with oil expresses our faith and prayer. The characteristics and uses of oil express our prayer for what we ask God to do in those who are anointed. Just as oil—in suntan oils PROTECTS the skin, just as—oil PRESERVES car engines to keep them running, just as—oil STRENGTHENS to prevent a diaper rash, irritations, and infections, so oil is used in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. In this Sacrament, Jesus is truly present to protect, preserve, and strengthen all who are anointed. Any who you know or wish to invite or bring for this anointing is most welcome. The way this celebration of the anointing of the sick takes place at Mass will be explained at each Mass that weekend. God bless you! Fr. Kaufman We are a Tithing Parish 181—Saint Pius X Page 5 October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19-22, 2014 In our parish church. MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!!!! Sunday, October 19—All the Masses Monday, Oct. 20—7PM Tuesday, Oct. 21—7PM Wednesday, Oct. 22—7PM Retreat will be given by Father Domenic A. Rossi, O.Praem Father Rossi is a Norbertine priest of Daylesford Abbey in Paoli. He is the author of Listening to God’s Whispers. ALL ARE WELCOME! 2015 Mass Book The 2015 Announced Mass Intentions Book will be opened on Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 at 9:00AM in the Dowd Center. I, along with a number of helpers, will begin this process at 9:00AM. The procedure will be: You will come into the Dowd Center and receive a number and have a seat and wait until your number is called. I am asking you to enter the Dowd Center from the parking lot side of the Church. The doors will be opened before 9AM. When your number is called you will then come to a table where I will be with envelopes marked with the date and time of each available Mass. You will tell me your dates and if it is available, you will receive the envelope with the month, day, and time already on it. You will then go to another table and fill in the name for whom you wish this mass and at whose request. There will be helpers to help you with this. When your envelopes are properly filled in you will turn them into a helper, along with a $10.00 Stipend for each mass. Each person will be permitted 8 Masses: Two for a weekend (Saturday evening or Sunday) Six for any other days at 6;30 or 8:00 This procedure works very well. It moves along quickly and easily. Take note that no individual Mass Intentions will be scheduled for: A) Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil—April 2, 3, 4, 2015 B) Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 C) Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015 D) Priests Convocation, May 27, 28, 2015 E) Father’s Day, June 21, 2015 F) All Souls Day, November 2, 2015 G) Christmas Eve, Evening of Dec. 24, 2015 H) Christmas Day, December 25, 2015 No 6:30AM Mass: - Easter Monday, April 6, 2015 - Day after Thanksgiving, November 27, 2015 - Week after Christmas, December 28, 29, 30, 31, 2015 The stipends for all Mass Intentions are $10.00 each. When the Mass book is full (this year it was mid-June when all Mass times & days were taken, the parish office can arrange for unannounced Masses for deceased. I have priests at our Villa in Darby or Fr. Weber at the Franciscan Monastery in Washington DC offer these unannounced Masses. We are a Tithing Parish 181—Saint Pius X Page 6 October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. PIUS X SCHOOL NEWS 2014-2015 School Registration Information!!! REGISTRATION FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR BEGAN ON JANUARY 26, 2014 FOR ALL GRADES, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU JOIN OUR SAINT PIUS FAMILY! REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION: -Birth Certificate -Baptismal Certificate (if not baptized at Saint Pius X Church) -Full Immunization record given to school prior to Sept. 1, 2014. Children will not be admitted to school without immunization records -Social Security card -A non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 -Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2014 -Pre-K students must be 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2014 (4 Year Old Program) -Pre-K students must be 3 years old by Sept. 1, 2014 (3 Year Old Program) Please call the School Office (610-356-7222) for further information. St. Pius X Cub Club “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” Wednesday, 11/12/14 from 6:00-7:00PM, St. Pius School Cafeteria, Join our preschool teachers as they lead us on a bear hunt! Share a story, make a craft, sing some songs and enjoy a snack! All children age 18 months through preschool age are welcome to attend this free, community event. Please RSVP by 11/5/14 to [email protected]. 2014-2015 ST. PIUS X WINTER SPORTS REGISTRATION Registration is now underway for all 2014-2015 St. Pius X CYO Winter sports, including Boys JV and Varsity Basketball, Girls JV and Varsity Basketball, and Intramural basketball for grades 1-4. To be eligible to participate, all children must be either a student of St. Pius X School or a registered member of the parish, actively attending CCD. Please go to the St. Pius X Athletic Association website ( to register and for more information. 2015 Sacramental Dates Confirmation Tuesday, February 24 at 4:00PM First Reconciliation (Penance) Sat., March 14 at 11:00AM First Holy Communion Sat., April 25 at 10:00AM We are a Tithing Parish CYO Coaches Needed Interested in coaching a CYO sport this winter? The St. Pius X Athletic Association ( is looking for individuals interested in coaching the following sports this Winter season: Boys and Girls JV/Varsity Basketball and Intramural Basketball. All candidates must provide the required criminal/child abuse background checks and attend coach’s orientation training and protected God’s children training. If you are interested, please contact Bruce Heuser at [email protected] for Girls Basketball, Nick Mangano [email protected] for Boys Basketball and Intramurals or [email protected] by October 14, 2014. Returning coaches should also reply. Criminal & Child Abuse background checks, please contact Brigid McIntyre at [email protected]. Coaches orientation: Please email Jason Budd at [email protected] for the schedule. : Register at theOrgID=18461&theme=0. Any individuals interested in coaching any CYO sport in the future should get their background & training completed. 2014 Basketball Tryout Schedule SPX CYO JV & Varsity Girls and Boys Basketball tryouts for registered girls & boys in grades 5-8 will be held at the following times. All players must make at least 2 of the 3 tryout sessions to be eligible for “A” team selection. Please arrive 15 minutes early to check in and receive your assigned tryout #. Sun., Nov. 2: JV Girls: 12pm—2pm, Varsity Girls: 2pm-4pm, JV Boys: 4pm-6pm, Varsity Boys: 6pm-8pm. Mon., Nov. 3: JV Boys: 6pm-7:30pm, Varsity Boys: 7:30pm9pm. Wed., Nov. 5: Varsity Girls: 6pm-7:30pm. Thurs., Nov 6: JV Boys: 6pm-7:30pm, Varsity Boys: 7:30pm9pm. Fri., Nov. 7: JV Girls: 6pm-7:30pm, Varsity Girls: 7:30pm-9pm. Sat., Nov. 8: JV Girls: 12pm-1:30pm. Tryout sessions will be closed to all parents. Please drop off & pick up your child in the gym lobby area. Intramural Basketball Intramural Basketball 1st to 4th grade will start Sat., November 15th, November 22nd, December 6th, All Saturdays in January and February. Boys: grade 1-2: 8am9am, Girls: grade 1-2: 9am-10am, Boys: grade 3-4: 10am11am, Girls: grade 3-4: 11am-12pm. Please contact Bruce Heuser at [email protected] (AD for Winter Girls Basketball), Nick Mangano at [email protected] (AD for Winter Boys & Intramurals Basketball) if you have any questions. 181—Saint Pius X Page 7 October 19, 2014 “God’s WORD Alive” Women’s Group Becoming a Woman Who Loves Beginning Wednesday, October 1st 9:30—11:30am If God is love, then love must be the one all-powerful principle in the universe! Come and join us as we learn how to love as Jesus loved—unconditionally, passionately, and sacrificially. This is the key to true happiness! Women of all ages and walks of life are welcome! If you are interested in joining us, please call Rita at 610-543-5348. Men’s Gospel Reflection & Faith Sharing (formerly Men’s Bible Study) will meet on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9PM in the Dowd Center. All are welcome to attend. Call Tom Clark, 484-995-1140 or Joe Paesani, 610-662-6881 for more information. LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN Liturgy of The Word for Children is celebrated at the 9:30 A.M. Mass and 11:30 A.M. Mass on Sundays, from September through June. During July and August, Liturgy of the Word for Children will be celebrated at the Sunday 9:30AM Mass ONLY. **HELP NEEDED** St. Pius X USHERS ASSOCIATION We are now open to all male and female volunteers, 16 years of age and older, who wish to join our organization as an usher. If you wish to join, please give your name and telephone number to the captain of the mass you are attending, or you can call me, Bob Barson, President, at 610-853-1450. USHER’S WINNING NUMBER The Usher’s Winning number for SEPTEMBER is #7685. Please call Mike Vogel at 610-356-2599. BABYSITTING DURING SUNDAY MASS AT 9:30AM For children ages 1 year to 5 years, is available in Dowd Hall (Church Basement) during the 9:30 A.M. Mass. Please enter the Church Basement by the door nearest the Rectory Front Door. One adult and several adolescents supervise the children. Pre-registration is not necessary. Parents sign-in the child each Sunday. We are a Tithing Parish 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time FOOD FOR THE POOR There is no season when the poor do not need to be fed. Please bring your non-perishables to church on the Second Sunday of the month and leave them in the Church Vestibule. Our Holy Father reminded us to not forget about the poor. Every Second Sunday of the Month we collect food for the poor. Confirmation Candidates The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered at Saint Pius X in February of the year to boys and girls in 6th grade who have been enrolled in Catholic School or a religious education program. Private Catholic School students who will be 6th grade students in 2014-15 and who desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in February 2015, should contact Mrs. Corcoran by phone at 610-353-6950, or by email at [email protected]. First Wednesday Casserole Mercy Hospice is still feeding the homeless everyday. Please keep them in your prayers and remember your casseroles are important for their success. Thank you for all you help! AID FOR FRIENDS MEALS Aid for Friends is in desperate need of meals for those in need. If you are able to help with providing your leftovers in tins provided by the Parish, it would be of tremendous help. Tins and supplies are located in the Church basement on top of the Aid For Friends Freezer. This is an easy way to help the shut-ins, elderly and others in need of meals. If you have any questions, contact Paul Boston at 610-574-8442. DIVINE MERCY CENACLE Come, gather with us on the 1st & 3rd Friday of every month at 3:30p.m. We meet in the Divine Mercy Chapel to pray the Chaplet and then adjourn to the Dowd Center Conference Room to learn about the infinite mercy of Jesus, as presented by Jesus to St. Faustina. Come see how your heart will be changed and your spiritual life will be enriched. Questions: call Cathy at 610-3538117. 4th Friday Casserole Club The 4th Friday Casseroles will be delivered on October 24, 2014. You may place your casserole in the freezer in the church kitchenette any time before the 24th. Please help with this important and rewarding ministry. Any questions please call Bernadette Sherlock 610-449-7977 or Trish McGuire 610-353-0352. 181—Saint Pius X Page 8 October 19, 2014 St. Pius X Bereavement Group Due to pastoral reasons, the St. Pius X Bereavement Group that was scheduled to meet from October 29th until December 17th, has been POSTPONED. The Group plans to reschedule meetings for the spring. Please be in touch with Donnalee Mintz @ 610-789-9399 or Father Kaufman with any questions or bereavement needs. Thank you for your understanding. St. Pius X ADULT CHOIR Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name! Could the psalm be any clearer? There can be no doubt that we are all called to sing the Lord’s praises, whether in our pew singing congregational hymns and psalms, or in the choir loft singing specially prepared music which praises His name in a very intense way. Our choir season has begun for this liturgical year, but it is not at all too late to add your voice to that of the faithful members of our SPX adult choir. We would really love to have you join us! Choir rehearses every Thursday evening from 7:00 until about 8:30 and sings each week at either the Saturday vigil, or the 9:30, or the 11:30 Sunday Masses as well as at special festive liturgies throughout the year. We are in special need of MEN’S voice. You need not be able to read music to join, just to be able to match pitches. You don’t even need to be to be able to be at every rehearsal and every Mass we sing...we practice each piece many times so that all will be comfortably familiar before we perform it. Please give serious thought to adding your voice to ours, especially if you have had some experience singing in school, or church, or even in a well-tuned shower stall. If you would like further information, please call Bob Jones at 610-357-0047, or email at [email protected] or just climb the stairs at the rear of the church up to the choir loft any Thursday night. We’ll be looking for you! Trivia Night—Archbishop Carroll High School Fri., Nov. 7th, Doors open at 6:30pm, Rounds begin at 7pm. Tables of 8/$150. Information & tickets 610688-7610 or [email protected]. St. Pius X CYO High School Basketball (Boys & Girls). For information, contact Jim Locke by text or cell at #484-326-9840 We are a Tithing Parish 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Learning Garden THANK YOU!!! Thanks to all who made the Learning Garden a success! We were able to supply St. Mark’s Food Cupboard each week with fresh herbs and vegetables during July, August and some of September. WE had a great deal of children plant, maintain, and harvest the garden throughout the summer. A special thanks to Fr. Kaufman, our parishioners, who donated their time and funds, Mr. DeLuca for the spigot, and Matt Cook for making this great project a reality. Have a warm and safe winter, we’ll see you in March! Johnny’s Run for Life Thank you to all who helped make Johnny’s Run For Life a huge success! Over nine hundred runners, walkers and watchers attended the sixth annual Johnny’s Run! We were blessed, once again, with beautiful weather. For the first time the Run was held at Cardinal O’Hara High School where Johnny spent the finest four years of his life. The home stands were completely packed for the outdoor Mass in the stadium. It lifted our hearts to see so many parishioners from St. Pius X attending the Mass. Father Kaufman, Father Hutchins and Father Ugo concelebrated the Mass with Father Vincent Morabito. The 5k course was truly a cross country event negotiating water obstacles, bales of hay, rolling hills and gravel roads. Most interestingly the course was set up so that it circled around the 25 foot Cross in the back of the school. Henceforth the Cross shall be called Johnny’s Cross. Thanks to Ron Calvey, owner of Rita’s Water Ice on Township Line & West Chester Pike for over 10 gallons of water ice as well as 1,000 Krispy Kreme doughnuts and over 1,000 bags of Herr’s pretzels and potato chips were consumed! Pete Mullin purchased 200 ice cream sandwiches to add more sugar and fat to this year’s event. Tom Clark purchased over 500 bottles of water. On Saturday before the race, the Knights of Columbus sponsored a pasta dinnert with almost 200 attending. Many thanks to all the Knights including Charlie Waldecker, Bill & Lori Carano, Jolene Petras, Len Gliwa and chief cook Billy, the son of Bill & Lori Carano. In the 5k race run Rob Mancini acquitted himself after a disastrous race the year before when two seven year olds beat him. His daughters Christine & Elizabeth again won their age groups and earned $500.00 for their schools Cardinal O’Hara and St. Pius X. Over $10,000.00 was raised for the crisis pregnancy center A Baby’s Breath. Most importantly almost one thousand people present heard the message of God and will be wearing t-shirts with Johnny’s final Facebook message, CHOOSE LIFE. 181—Saint Pius X Page 9 October 19, 2014 Holy Land Trip with Fr. Santorsola!!! Travel with Fr. Albert Santorsola, Parochial Vicar of Corpus Christi Parish, Lansdale, PA on our Holy Land trip. Where: Jerusalem, Bethlehem Nazareth, Galilee, Via Crucis, Last Supper Gethsemane, Dormition, Nativity Church, Capernaum. Trip Dates: April 08-18, 2015; Cost: $3,999.00 Airfare and ALL-Included. To register, please contact (855) 842-8001 or (508) 340-9370. You can also register online at! Proximo Travel Your Catholic Tour Company. If there are any questions or concerns, you can also contact Linda Delvy at 610-585 -0561. ****Concerning safety concerns and issues, people have been traveling to and from the Holy Land without incident. Proximo travel would never compromise or jeopardize the safety of the tourists who travel with them! There have been flights to Israel from Philadelphia airport and other airports without incident on a daily basis!**** Christmas in New York Monday, December 8th. Daytrip Itinerary: 9:30am: depart St. Pius X via deluxe motorcoach. 12 Noon: arrive in New York City. Lunch on own at The Concourse at Rockefeller Center and time permitting a visit to St. Patrick’s Cathedral or leisure time. 1:30pm: arrive at Radio City Music Hall (West 51st Street). 2:00pm: Take your First Mezzanine Seat to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular starring the famous Rockettes! 3:34pm: (approx.) departure from Theatre, 4:00pm: enjoy a delicious sit down dinner at Ellen’s Stardust Diner 5:30pm: (approx.) departure from restaurant. 8:00pm: (approx.) Return Home. Price per person: $161.00. For reservations, contact Kim Marozzi @ 610-325-8624 or [email protected]. Mass for Religious Liberty All are invited to participate in the 2nd Annual Mass for Religious Liberty on November 4. In Delaware County the host site will be St. Anastasia Church, 3301 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA on November 3rd, 2014. The Mass will be celebrated at 7PM and will be offered in thanksgiving for our Religious Liberty, and for continued protection of this sacred right. Last year, more than 35,000 Catholics in more than 50 of Pennsylvania’s counties participated. All are welcome. Spread the word. For additional details visit We are a Tithing Parish 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYERS FOR THE MILITARY PERSONELL OF SPX!! Send the name of a family member or relative who is serving in the Navy, Air Force, Army, National Guard, or Marines to the rectory for inclusion in the list of Military we are praying for: Dylan Imperato, USAF; Staff Sgt. Allen Hubbard, US Army; Cpt. Ross Peterson, US Army; Kyle S. Solimeo, US Navy; Sgt. John M. Ciaccio, USMC; Sgt. Patrick Trauger, USAF; Lance Corp. James Matthew Trauger, USMC; Colin Devlin, US Navy Edward E. Hall, US Coast Guard; Matthew L. Martin ET1, US Navy; Christopher Bucciarelli, US Navy; Sgt. Chris Mowery, USMC; Pvt. 1st Class Sean Donegan, US National Guard; Spc. Suwimon Panalak, US Army; John Woodcock, USMC; Capt. Brian McKenna, US Army ; PFC Eric Constantino, US Army; Michael Mandelbaum, USAF; Spc. Michael J. Shane, Jr., US Army; 2nd Lt. Michael C. Ryan, USAF; Lt. Aileen P. Mattson Lott, U.S.N.; Ssgt. Nick Miccarelli, US Army; 1st Mate David Carroll, USMM; 1st Lt. Matthew Anderson, USMC; PFC Brandon Mader, US Army; Lt. Joseph O’Donnell, US Army; Pvt. Andrew Aubrey, US Army; SFC Johnathan Wightman, US Army; Pvt. Steven Hatch, US Army; Capt. Thomas Guglielmi; Capt. James Guglielmi; Lt. Commander Thomas J. Scola, Jr., US Navy; Capt. Brandon Koster, USAF; Corporal Philip T. Rupnick, USMC; Sgt. Daniel Whalen, USMC; Lt. Erric Lott, USN; Lt. Michael J. Gossett, USN; 2nd Lt. Kathleen Krepol Hubbard, US Army; PFC. Luke O’Donnell, Joseph DeRosa IV, US Navy, Jason Rowles, US Navy, Major Benjamin M. Hyde, US Army Reserves. Marple Newtown Basketball Fundraiser Please join Marple Newtown High School Girls Basketball for a Beef & Beer Fundraiser on Sat., November 8th at St. Luke’s Hall, 35 N. Malin Road, Broomall from 7:30—11:30pm. Tickets are $35 and include food, beer and entertainment by The Junkyard Band. For tickets, please contact Mike Colgan 610-3567948 or Tom Barnes 610-356-7339. Thanks for your support! MAIN LINE SINGLES DINNER CLUB - (AGES 52-64) Catholic men & women are cordially invited to join the "Main Line Singles Dinner Club" to share common interests and dine together 2 to 3 times a month. Our next scheduled event is: (Sat) Oct. 25th @ 6:15PM— ”Pre-Halloween House Party” at a member’s home in Broomall, PA. Ask about our once a month Fri night Bowling/Lite Bite. More info call Barb (610) 896-6542. Catholic men are encouraged to participate. 181—Saint Pius X FRANK C. VIDEON FUNERAL HOME David T. Videon, Supervisor Family Owned - Our Only Location Sproul & Lawrence Roads, Broomall VOLKSWAGEN • AUDI 610-356-8080 4940 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA [email protected] Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto Alex Hanna Serving Delaware County For Over 60 Years Follow us on: All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing $75 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF 25% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding 1.866.264.8444 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED conveniently from your home or office. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 610-696-0100 610-356-9000 New Location Coming in November 2014 Audi Devon 15% OFF Serving PA, NJ & DE General Manager New & Certified Pre-Owned OPTIMAL NUTRITION ON A DAILY BASIS Need A Plumber? Cleanse...Revitalize...Replenish Lose Weight Naturally Through Effective Cleansing! JACQUELINE DiMENNA Anthony McDermott Plumbing LLC 610-357-8659 Health & Wellness Coach Master Plumber Lic. & Ins. 30 Years Experience PA 051417 610-853-9513 Licensed & Insured CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT [email protected] WWW.AMDPLUMBINGLLC.COM TOWNSHIP LINE BEER & CIGARS Wet Basement? Call today Check out our reviews on: Craft • Imported • Micro-Brewed Beer Fine Cigars “UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT” 484-410-4110 5315 Township Line Rd., Drexel Hill 610-449-1433 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING, MOLD REMOVAL, FOUNDATION REPAIR Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Broomall Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics COME SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! 1220 West Chester Pike Havertown, PA 19083 Machine Shop 610-544-9103 Auto Repairs 610-544-9490 Quality Automotive & Diesel Repair 484-454-3230 PA Lic. #006806 FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured RIGHTWAY Engine Remanufacturing & Installation 701 Parkway Blvd. • Broomall, PA 19008 • Fax: 610-544-8997 WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 Heating • Air Conditioning • Plumbing Family Owned & Operated • 24 Hour Emergency Service DERRY ELECTRICAL Quality Work For a Reasonable Price 610-358-2487 • Diocese Member NO JOB TOO SMALL All that is missing at Bonner & Prendie is you! Licensed & Insured 610-656-5579 [email protected] 181-St. Pius X, Broomall, PA - (3rd) Rte. F Open House: October 12th - 11:00 AM -1:00 PM & November 9th - 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Scholarship Exam: October 12th - 8:00 AM and November 9th - 8:00 AM Contact the Admissions office for more information 610-259-0280 ext 3225 or [email protected] JohnP atrickP ublishingC ompany,I nc.800- 333-3166• w KING FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. Serving Families Since 1892 610-543-9777 PAGNONI’S Thomas Sinclair ~ Funeral Director Lauren Sinclair-Kederis AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR AUTO BODY FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Serving Parish for 30 years 610-353-6899 455 Park Way, Broomall Member of Diocese NEWTOWN SQUARE 209 N. Newtown Street Road Newtown Square, PA 19073 Supervisor~Parishioner WE TO CLEAN YOUR DIRTY DOG, LEAVE THE MESS HERE! • 610-355-9500 BATHE YOUR OWN DOG • WE BATHE YOUR DOG FULL SERVICE GROOMING 3549 A Rhoads Ave., Newtown Square Retirement Income Solutions With Michael S. Monastra, Jr. Financial Advisor • Parishioner 610-328-7900 x18 SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION PLUMBING • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING 6400 Baltimore Avenue, Lansdowne, PA 19050 610-622-0550 • 610-644-7127 • HEALING KNEADS 610-325-9395 PA013984 President / Diocese Member Massage & Exercise Center St. Pius X Parishioner Broomall B m is Re odeli ell & Repair 801 W. Sproul Road Springfield, PA 19084 (215) 828-9014 (cell) One call does it all! WWW.CASCATA-CAFFE.COM EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Y $13.95 3-COURSE MEAL • Kitchens • Basements • All Repairs ONL Includes Soup or Salad, Chicken Veal, Seafood or Pasta & Choice of Dessert 3PM to 5PM Tuesday through Friday Eddie D’s Painting ng (610) 690-5430 Since 1992 610-356-7900 Interior / Exterior Quality Work & Affordable Price 610-633-9293 Expert Tree Trimming and Removal at Guaranteed Best Prices!! • Baths • Windows/Doors • And Much More... Lic. & Ins. • Diocese Member PA Lic #PA089251 Dr. Michael Allodoli, Optometrist MENTION THIS AD & SAVE 10% Robert L. D’Anjolell Jr. - Supv. 2811 West Chester Pike Broomall, PA 19008 610-356-4200 LOU PACE AUTO BODY 610-325-7688 Experience Peace of Mind: Paint & Body Specialist Since 1979 610-325-5566 24 S. Sproul Rd., (Rt. 320) BROOMALL EYE CARE Lawrence Park Shopping Center, Broomall, PA 19008 Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. Broomall CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Or go to for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. Air Conditioning & Heating “Let Our Family Serve Yours” 610-328-4341 24 Hour Emergency Service • Senior & Veteran Discount Visit us at: Diocese Member Homecare Companion Services Homecare in the Dunwoody Tradition • Companions • Private Duty Care • Assistance with Doctor's Appts. • Meal Preparation • Organization of Mail • Laundry/Light Housekeeping NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA RN Supervision of all Staff Please contact Colleen Boyce Moran, RN-CEO at 610-359-4503 Dr. Paul Carpinello CHILD & ADULT ORTHODONTICS Independent Living Personal Care Memory Support Continuing Care Retirement Community 3217 W. Chester Pk., Newtown Sq. (610) 356-8850 1041 Pontiac Rd., Drexel Hill 490 Manor Avenue • Downingtown, PA 888-479-4314 (610) 446-6004 4877 W. Chester Pk., Edgemont (610) 353-0807 181-St. Pius X, Broomall, PA - (i) Rte. F John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166• w Since 1903 Kish Serving the Delaware County for over 35 years Joseph J. Capista, DDS Joseph P. Lamb, DDS Robert J. Spennato, DMD Brian C. Shepanski, DMD Lorianne Kish-Burdsall, F.D./Supv. Broomall: 610-353-2700 Funeral Home, Ltd. John Williamson Buy One, Get One 1/2 OFF Wills ($25) Estates • Accidents • Malpractice Pro-Life Parishioner for 50 Years 1991 Sproul Road • Broomall Attorney At Law 2112 Darby Rd., Havertown, PA 610-446-2322 • w • Diocese Member Curt D. Miller, M.D. Mark P. Brigham, M.D. Dean W. Trevlyn, M.D. Paul A. Horenstein, M.D. Richard J. Levenberg, M.D. Anne E. Colton, M.D. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 9, 2014 EIGHTH GRADE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAM Saturday, December 6, 2014 We Deliver 610-359-9926 We Cater Expert nursing care Call 610-353-5000 3409 West Chester Pk., FINE LINES PAINTING Ste. 102 Int./Ext. • Over 30 Yrs of Quality Painting Newtown Sq., PA 19073 POWER WASHING DECK CLEANING & STAINING 484.318.9918 GARAGE DOORS PIANO - KEYBOARD New Doors & Openers Repairs - All Major Brands LESSONS IN YOUR HOME 610.353.0800 SPORTS MEDICINE • KNEE AND SHOULDER RECONSTRUCTION SPINE AND DISC SURGERY • TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENT • FOOT & ANKLE (between Main Line Health & Popeyes) 720 N.Eagle Rd., Havertown 610-446-5600 610.359.1111 215.729.6200 Outfitting Your Entire Bridal Party From Dresses To Alterations W/COUPON MICHAEL CARR Beginners to advanced All Ages senior discounts Suite 201 CALL Norbert Elberson 130 So. State Rd. eld, PA 19064 484.472.6950 (610) 604-4898 Springfi INSTRIDETHERAPY.COM PA013279 Please visit our website at for information on scholarships, financial aid, and transportation. 356-2902 NEWTOWN SQ/EDGEMONT 1-800-Donohue West Chester • Downingtown Newtown Square • Wayne Upper Darby (On-Site Crematory) PLUMBING & HEATING INC. JOHN GILL, REALTOR® SPX Graduate & Current SPX School Parent 609 E. Baltimore Pk., Media, PA 19063 O: 610-566-1100 C: 610-864-8074 Drexel Hill 610-853-3400 Narberth 610-688-3848 Newtown Square 610-356-6781 "A Realtor You Can Trust" Visit our local factory & showroom and TOWNSHIP LINE BEER & CIGARS save, with a mattress built just for you! Craft • Imported • Micro-Brewed Beer Fine Cigars 484-472-6240 1101 Sussex Blvd, Broomall, PA MARY ELIZABETH DEVINE 5315 Township Line Rd., Drexel Hill 610-449-1433 ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate • Wills • Estates Family Law • Injury Claims Drexel Hill • 610-789-0800 Carpentry & Remodeling Basements Windows, Doors Kitchens & Bathrooms Affordable & Quality Workmanship 20 Years Experience References • Licensed/Insured Call Barry Breznicky Jr. The Dollfus Agency 610-933-6070 J&D ANNE DELUCA MATLAWSKI ~ Parishioner ~ DISCOUNT TIRES Broomall, PA Rob 455 Parkway Drive, Broomall 610-325-5688 610-544-2004 LEAVE MESSAGE LAW OFFICES OF SAND GIBBS WILLS & T RUSTS • REAL ESTATE • PERSONAL INJURY CUSTODY • DIVORCE • MEDIATION (610) 359-1999 • [email protected] ST U F F 3605 Chapel Rd., St. Albans Circle Newtown Square 610-716-6308 Since 1947 DAN SCIULLI Tire & Auto Service Air Conditioning & Heating 610-325-3474 • CONSIGNMENT • JEWELRY • ANTIQUES • • VINTAGE • HOME GOODS • Parishioner Lic. # NMLS#179730 REED KILROY CONSTRUCTION 610-324-5925 610-789-2121 Emissions - Inspection - Alignment - Brakes - Tune-Ups Township Line & Lynn Blvd. • Upper Darby Parishioner NOW Y... ED B OFFER PA066746 Phil & Bern Insured PA TDD/TTY # 800.654.5988 181-St. Pius X, Broomall, PA - (b) Rte. F ©2013 Kindred Healthcare Operating, Inc. CSR 176680-01, EOE “We Appreciate Your Business!!” 200 Lawrence Rd. (next door to St. Pius X) (484) 420-4941 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 •
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