THE SERVICE OF WORSHIP FOR THE LORD’S DAY 19th Sunday after Pentecost • October 19, 2014 8:15 and 11:00AM Gathering Around the Word Welcome and Announcements Tim Stewart and Cassie Todd Prelude Crown Him with Many Crowns [Elvey] Sharon Long and Lynn Zuck * Call to Worship Leader: People: Leader: All: The glory of God is a consuming fire. Who can see God’s face and live? Yet we have come to know the Lord in the face of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ our Lord we have seen the face of God. * Hymn of Praise God of Grace and God of Glory [all] No. 307 (purple) * Prayer of Praise and the Lord’s Prayer * Confession of Sin Mighty God, we confess that we are not ready for your holy realm. We worship wealth and power, forgetting that all things belong to you. We seek places of honor and glory, forgetting that glory is yours alone. Forgive us, merciful God, so that we may return to your fold, and rejoice in your presence. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Lamb upon the throne, we offer our prayer. * Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison SERMON NOTES Exodus 33.12–23 Psalm 99 1 Thessalonians 1.1–10 Matthew 22.15–22 Moses watches as God’s glory passes by. Like Moses, worship at God’s mountain; the Lord is holy. Paul writes to a church to give thanks and pray for them. The Pharisees test Jesus with a question about paying taxes. * Gathering Song 3. They asked Jesus if it was lawful to pay ________ to ____________. * Call to Worship 5. For many Christians ______________ to _________ is a problem. 6. One pastor contends: • we are becoming more and more _________________ • there is something intrinsically seductive about __________ 7. The Bible does not say “money is the root of all evil,” it says “the _______ of money is the root of all evil.” 8. We are left with a basic question: Is God _________ in my life or not?” No. 581 (purple) The glory of God is a consuming fire. Who can see God’s face and live? Yet we have come to know the Lord in the face of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ our Lord we have seen the face of God. * Songs of Praise Show Me Your Ways Mercy * Prayer of Praise and the Lord’s Prayer * Confession of Sin Mighty God, we confess that we are not ready for your holy realm. We worship wealth and power, forgetting that all things belong to you. We seek places of honor and glory, forgetting that glory is yours alone. Forgive us, merciful God, so that we may return to your fold, and rejoice in your presence. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Lamb upon the throne, we offer our prayer. Proclaiming the Word The Children Gather [children then continue onto Holy Moly in Room 2] The Old Testament Lesson The New Testament Lesson Exodus 33.12-23 Matthew 22.15-22 The Old Testament Lesson The New Testament Lesson Lead on, O King Eternal [Raney] Praise Chorale accompanied by Lynn Zuck “Caesar” and God Sermon The Call for God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory Breathe * Response Modern Doxology * Prayer of Dedication Sharon Long No. 606 (purple) Aileen Brandt Prayers of the People Bearing and Following the Word into the World * Sermon Song The Sealing of the Word We Will Glorify * Charge/Benediction The Sacrament of Christian Baptism [8.15AM] * Sending Song Bearing and Following the Word into the World [8.15AM] Baptized in Water [all] [11.00AM] Take My Life [all] Tim Stewart * Affirmation of Faith * Affirmation of Faith The Call for God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory The Sanctuary of God [Southbridge] * Response Doxology * Prayer of Dedication Prayers of the People “Caesar” and God Exodus 33.12-23 Matthew 22.15-22 Responding to the Word Tim Stewart Responding to the Word * Hymn of Response Word of God * Hallelujah The Children Gather Sermon Leader: People: Leader: All: Tim Stewart and Cassie Todd * Assurance of Pardon and Sharing the Peace Proclaiming the Word Ministry of Music Our God is Holy 2. They sent their disciples to try to ___________ Jesus. 4. Jesus said to give to __________ what is his, and to God what is ____________. 9:40AM Gathering Around the Word Pre-service Song Welcome and Announcements * Assurance of Pardon and Sharing the Peace * Glory Be to the Father Sunday after Pentecost • October 19, 2014 1. The Pharisees were concerned about Jesus’ growing _______________. PERSONAL NOTES (Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.) THE SERVICE OF WORSHIP FOR THE LORD’S DAY 19th Oh Happy Day No. 482 (purple) No. 697 (purple) * Charge/Benediction Celebrate [Smith] * congregation standing Sharon Long answers: (1) popularity, (2) trap, (3) taxes/Caesar, (4) Caesar/God’s, (5) rendering/God, (6) acquisitive/money, (7) love, (8) first * Postlude CHANCEL FLOWERS Next Communion service will be November 2, 2014 The Chancel Flowers today are dedicated to the Glory of God by Barb McNamara in loving memory of her husband, Jim McNamara. Next Communion service will be November 2, 2014 SERVICE NOTES Announcements Sixth Annual Trunk o’ Treats, this Friday, October 24, 5:00PM-7:00PM, Muscle Car City Museum. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to register your vehicle, please complete a registration form at the carousel. Cash donations are appreciated as well as candy donations. If you have registered your trunk you MUST provide your own candy. We will provide refills once your candy has run out. Heads Up - We’re Back! Nut lovers and bakers - Ordering early ensures your pecans before Thanksgiving! Bring your order to the pecan table in the narthex before or after any service. These are the FRESHEST, MOST DELICIOUS PECANS. Order our mammoth halves, or medium nuts for all purposes or any of our beautiful gift bags for yourself, family or friends. ALL AT LAST YEARS PRICES. Thanks so much for your continued support of Presbyterian Women’s many worthwhile missions. Protect Yourself from Identity Theft! Monday, October 20 at 11:30AM. All men and women are invited. At our Salad Luncheon/Fall Gathering, US Postal Inspector Mark Cavic will explain how to keep your information safe and protect your identity. Friends and neighbors are welcome as well. Bring a salad to feed six, or a larger salad if bringing guests. Please help us in planning— sign up at the carousel. Peace River Presbytery PW Workshop, Saturday, November 1, 9:00AM-1:00PM, Northminster Presbyterian Church in Sarasota. Workshop Sessions are open to everyone—not just PW leaders. Sign up for 2 workshops: “God is Wild About You,” and “Mision Peniel” (in Immokalee). $10 includes lunch. We’ll carpool. Registration deadline: Monday, October 20. Sign up at the carousel, or at the Fall Gathering. Pastor’s Class for PW Bible Study - Wednesday, October 22, at 10:00AM. Chapter 9 - Naomi and the Women of Bethlehem. 8:15 SERVICE 8:15 SERVICE WELCOMERS LEAD USHER USHERS 9:40 SERVICE 9:40 SERVICE 11:00 SERVICE 11:00 SERVICE WELCOMERS USHERS WELCOMERS USHERS DEACON DELIVERING FLOWERS 8:15 CAROUSEL VOLUNTEERS 9:40 AND 11:00 CAROUSEL VOLUNTEER SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Creator’s Crafters—An opportunity for fellowship and friendship. October 28, Noon to 3:00PM, in Room 1. Bring a bag lunch—stay as long as you wish. Bring any craft you like, need help with, or just sit and chat. The Food Bank - There is a major need for ANY NON PERISHABLE FOODS (cereal, peanut butter, soups, etc.) at our local food pantry is urgent! Please be sure to bring in non-perishable food every Sunday. Let’s fill our box in the narthex! Thank you! WEDNESDAY Our church will host a community choral group, gathered to honor those who have struggled with cancer in their lives and in the lives of those whom they love. Any singers from our church and our community are invited to rehearse Sing for the Cure, on Sundays at 2:00PM beginning today. Also needed are narrators.Anyone interested in singing or reading should talk to Joy this week! Pastors Appreciation - Join in the fellowship and celebration on Sunday, October 26 at 5:00PM as the church family takes Pastor Tim and Karin and Pastor Cassie and Matt out for dinner at Phil’s 41. A sign-up sheet is at the Information Carousel. We must provide a final count so be sure to sign up by October 19 if you plan to attend. Red Kettle Volunteers Needed - Our church will again be supporting the local Salvation Army in their Christmas Red Kettle Bell Ringing Campaign. The Campaign will run from November 7 to December 24 from 9AM to 5PM. We need volunteers to fill 160 two hour time slots as a Bell Ringer. Last year we had 68 BSPC people ringing the bell, helping the Salvation Army to exceed all past Campaigns. The location of our Red Kettle is at the nearby Publix, same place as last year. If you would like to be a Bell Ringer, please get a Volunteer Form at the Information Counter in the Narthex, complete it and place in the Red Bucket on the Information Counter. Please consider volunteering for multiple time periods. THURSDAY FRIDAY BILL AND MARY LOU CARROLL BILL THOMSON BRY PFOLSGROF, JOE AND KATHY POTTS DON AND BRENDA TANKERSLEY LEANNE KING MY PLACE YOUTH GROUP CHUCK AND BARB MCFARLAND BARBEL CADIEN, ROGER GARRISON RAY AND JOANN JASICA JAN DEWITT AND NANCY BREWSTER CAROL BRYAN DICK AND SIN STEVENS CALENDAR OF EVENTS TRADITIONAL WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] 8:15AM HOLY GROUNDS CAFÉ [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 9:15AM - 11:00AM CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] 9:40AM FAITHWORKS - GOD ANTHOLOGY [ROOM 3/5] 9:40AM FAITHWORKS - BIBLE 101 [ROOM 4] 9:40AM FAITHWORKS - HOLY MOLY [ROOM 2] 10:00AM TRADITIONAL WORSHIP [SANCTUARY] 11:00AM FAITHWORKS - GOD ANTHOLOGY [ROOM 3/5] 11:00AM MY PLACE YOUTH GROUP [YOUTH ROOM] 11:00AM - 2:00PM SING FOR THE CURE REHEARSAL [SANCTUARY] 2:00PM FITNESS N’ FUN [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 9:00AM FALL GATHERING LUNCHEON [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 11:30AM DANCE AND DEVOTION [SANCTUARY] 5:00PM CONNECTING TEAM [ROOM 4] 9:00AM WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 10:00AM STEPHEN MINISTRY [ROOM 3/5] 2:00PM PERSONNEL [BOARDROOM] 6:30PM SUNCOAST STATESMEN [CHOIR ROOM] 7:00PM MEN’S BIBLE STUDY [OFF CAMPUS - SKYVIEW CAFÉ] 8:00AM FITNESS N’ FUN [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 9:00AM CARD EMBROIDERY [ROOM 1] 10:00AM GRIEFSHARE [ROOM 4] 10:00AM PASTOR’S CLASS - PW [PASTOR’S STUDY] 10:00AM STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING [ROOM 3/5] 2:00PM EXPLORERS GROUP - PEACE RIVER CRUISE [OFF CAMPUS] 2:00PM WEDNESDAY NIGHT SHARING (POTLUCK DINNER) [F. HALL] 5:00PM FAITHWORKS - GLORY TO GOD STUDY [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 6:00PM PRAISE TEAM REHEARSAL [SANCTUARY] 6:00PM ADULT DAY CARE [RESOURCE CENTER] 9:30AM CHRISTIAN ED [ROOM 4] 10:00AM AA [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 12:00PM PRAISE BELL REHEARSAL [SANCTUARY] 3:45PM PRAISE CHORALE REHEARSAL [CHOIR ROOM] 7:00PM FITNESS N’ FUN [FELLOWSHIP HALL] 9:00AM TRUNK O’ TREATS [OFF CAMPUS - MUSCLE CAR CITY] 5:00PM LAST WEEKEND’S ATTENDANCE 8:15 – 178 9:40 136 11:00 – 90; FaithWorks - 71 Newsletter available online Get Smoke Signals at (printer friendly version available) BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Holy Grounds Café - Please join us today in fellowship hall for a cup of coffee and pastry! Hours are 9:15AM - 10:45AM. Volunteers today: Tom and Lois Gorman. Tim Stewart: Pastor Cassie Todd : Associate Pastor Joy Toll-Chandler: Director of Worship Arts Eric Jordan: Director, Praise Team 11330 Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955.1402 phone: 941.639.0001 fax: 941.639.1069 [email protected] ... reaching up, making disciples, changing lives
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