EXHIBITION A PLACE TO EAT, MEET & BUY GIFTS Sunday 15 February – Sunday 22 March “THE RAMRYGE ANGELS” Bereavement Studies by Claudia Brown. An exhibition of perspex sculptures illuminating the stages of grief will be on display in St John’s Chapel Cathedral Shop 01452 229813 STUDY DAYS AND LECTURES Saturday 7 – Sunday 8 February GREEK LITERATURE WEEKEND Spend a weekend with the creators of the western literary tradition Tutor: Dr Paul Pritchard. The Parliament Suite For more information visit: www.ancientgreekinbristol.com NEW FOR 2015: “LIVING STONES” Friday 27 March 10.30am – 12.30pm A unique behind the scenes opportunity to visit the Masons Workshop and meet the team. Our Master Mason will lead you on a tour of the workshop before guiding you round the Cathedral looking at mason’s work, past and present Tickets: £28 including lunch in the historic Parliament Rooms, £19.00 without lunch. Available from 0845 652 1823 or www.gloucestercathedral.org.uk LENT 2015: EXPLORING THE WAY OF CHRIST Led by Canon Andrew Braddock and the Revd John Paul Hoskins Four evenings of discussion exploring the heart of the Christian faith and who Jesus is for us today Monday evenings 2, 9, 16, 23 March, 7.30pm-9pm, 4 College Green, Gloucester Contact Canon Braddock, 01452 835549; [email protected] Further details of the Lent programme available in the New Year DAILY SERVICES AT GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL Please join us at any of our daily services sung by the nationally acclaimed Cathedral Choir SUNDAY 7.40am Morning Prayer (said) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.15am Sung Eucharist with Children’s Church 3.00pm Choral Evensong MONDAY – SATURDAY 8.00am Holy Communion 8.30am Morning Prayer (said) 12.30pm Holy Communion 5.30pm Choral Evensong (4.30 on Saturdays; Evening Prayer is said on Mondays) Beautiful, unusual and unique gifts to suit all tastes (situated at the back of the Nave) Mon-Fri 10.00am – 4.30pm Saturday 10.00am – 4.00pm Sunday 11.45am – 2.45pm Cathedral Coffee Shop 01452 527701 Home of our exclusive Pilgrim’s Pie! Delicious cakes, snacks and light lunches served daily (access from the West Walk of the Cloister or via the external door as signposted) Mon-Fri 10.00am – 4.30pm Saturday 10.00am – 4.30pm Sunday 11.00am – 3.00pm BOOKING INFORMATION AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Cathedral, working in partnership with the Three Choirs Festival, is offering a new ticket booking service. Full Terms & Conditions can be seen at www.gloucestercathedral.org.uk Online Booking – www.gloucestercathedral.org.uk Telephone Booking – 0845 652 1823. (Mon–Fri 10.00am–4.00pm) Booking in Person – At the Cathedral Shop or on the venue door, prior to start of the performance. You can sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter for all the latest news and events from Gloucester Cathedral sent straight to your inbox. Visit www.gloucestercathedral.org.uk and follow the on-screen instructions Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/GloucesterCathedral All details in this leaflet were correct at time of press. Gloucester Cathedral reserves the right to change or cancel events. Please check the website or phone the Cathedral Office for any closures or changes. Gloucester Cathedral is a charity by Act of Parliament. HRMC reference no. X9493/1 12 College Green Gloucester GL1 2LX www.gloucestercathedral.org.uk 01452 528095 Services and Events JANUARY – MARCH 2015 SPECIAL SERVICES CONCERTS AND EVENTS CONCERTS AND EVENTS Sunday 4 January 10.15am EUCHARIST FOR THE FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY Sung by Pembroke College Choir Saturday 17 January 11.00am COFFEE CONCERT James Geidt – Bass Lay CLerk Tickets £6 available on the door, includes refreshments All proceeds go towards the work of Gloucester Cathedral Choir Saturday 7 March 7.30pm HAYDN’S CREATION Stroud Choral Society Tickets £20, £15 & U16 free. Details at www.stroudchoral.org Sunday 11 January 10.15am EUCHARIST - BAPTISM OF CHRIST Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Junior Choir Sunday 11 January 6.00pm EPIPHANY CAROL SERVICE ‘The Glory of Christ’s Coming’ Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Youth Choir Sunday 25 January 5.30pm ORCHESTRAL EUCHARIST - CONVERSION OF ST PAUL Cathedral Choir and Corelli Ensemble Sunday 1 February 10.15pm CANDLEMAS EUCHARIST AND PROCESSION TO THE LADY CHAPEL Cathedral Choir Wednesday 18 February 7.30pm ASH WEDNESDAY EUCHARIST With imposition of ashes for the beginning of Lent Sung by Severn’s Eight Sunday 15 March 10.15am MOTHERING SUNDAY EUCHARIST With presentation of flowers Followed by a Cathedral Junior Choir concert in the Chapter House at 12noon All are Welcome Thursday 19 March 5.30pm EUCHARIST - JOSEPH OF NAZARETH Cathedral Youth Choir Tuesday 24 March 11.00am DONKEY SERVICE The Hop, Skip and Jump Foundation Celebrating the role of the donkey in the life of Jesus Christ A fun and interactive service for children of all ages Sunday 29 March 10.15am PALM SUNDAY The Eucharist with the Blessing of the Palms and the Singing of The Passion at St Mary de Lode Church – with the Donkey! We begin Holy Week and enter the Cathedral just as Jesus entered Jerusalem See our website for details of services and any changes or closures Tuesday 27 January 7.30pm THE CARING CHORUS OPEN EVENING In the Chapter House. All abilities and voice parts are welcome. Turn up and try it out! Thursday 29 January 12.30pm LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL Martyn Rawles – Lichfield Cathedral Admission free with retiring collection in aid of Cathedral Music Saturday 31 January 9.30am Chapter House SING SATURDAY J.S. Bach: St John Passion Gloucester Choral Society, Director – Adrian Partington Admission £12 to include music hire and refreshments Under 25’s Free. Turn up and pay on the day [email protected] Friday 13 March 7.30pm LET’S TALK BACH Professor John Butt in the Chapter House Tickets £15.00 available from 01242 691190 Or visit www.gloucesterchoral.com Saturday 14 – Sunday 20 March English Tourism Week RUGBY WORLD CUP CITY TRAIL Collect your Free Trail from the Tourist Information Centre then go in search of numbered World Cup Rugby Balls located in places of interest around the City Full details at www.thecityofgloucester.gov.uk Wednesday 18 March 6.00pm CATHEDRAL JUNIOR VOICES PROJECT CONCERT The Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Junior Choir will be joined by local school children to perform a short concert of choral music Admission free with a retiring collection for the Junior Voices Project Sunday 1 February 4.00pm CEREMONY OF CAROLS – BRITTEN Gloucester Cathedral Choristers and Harpist Eluned Pierce will perform Britten’s beautiful work by candlelight Admission free with retiring collection in aid of Cathedral Music Saturday 21 March 11.00am COFFEE CONCERT Allegra Giagu – soprano, Nicole Panizza – piano Tickets £6 available on the door, includes refreshments All proceeds go towards the work of Gloucester Cathedral Choir Saturday 7 February 11.00am COFFEE CONCERT Matthew Drinkwater – Classical Piano Tickets £6 available on the door, includes refreshments All proceeds go towards the work of Gloucester Cathedral Choir Saturday 21 March 7.00pm ST MATTHEW PASSION Gloucester Choral Society Tickets £10.00 to £30 available from 01242 691190 Or visit www.gloucesterchoral.com Friday 20 February 7.00pm WE CARE, WE SING Choral and Musical Concert, Gloucestershire Young Carers, Bath Philharmonia. In support of young carers in the county More details at www.glosyoungcarers.org.uk Thursday 26 February 12.30pm LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL James Norrey – Assistant Director of Music, Newcastle Cathedral Admission free with retiring collection in aid of Cathedral Music Friday 27 February to Sunday 1 March GLOUCESTER RESIDENTS’ WEEKEND Special offers for Gloucester residents in postcode areas GL1-GL4 More details at www.thecityofgloucester.co.uk Thursday 26 March 12.30pm LUNCHTIME ORGAN RECITAL Joe Laming – Organ Scholar, Gloucester Cathedral Recital sponsored by the Michael James Trust Admission free with retiring collection in aid of Cathedral Music CHILDREN AND FAMILY EVENTS February Half Term 2015 Saturday 14 to Sunday 22 February Mon-Sat 10.45am - 3.15pm Sun 12noon - 2.30pm “OODLES OF DOODLES” Free Children’s Trail Collect your map from a Welcomer then explore the Cathedral in search of hidden graffiti such as mason’s marks and symbols
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