October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Church Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Parochial Vicar: In Residence: In Residence: Deacon Deacon Father John Meyers Father Rafael Vargas Father Livinus Ugochukwu Father Rodolfo Vasconcelos Father William Small Stanley M. Zaleski José Hernandez Mass Schedule Sundays: Weekdays: Saturday: Holy Days: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 Spanish, 12:00 p.m. 6 30 a.m.& 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Brazilian 4 p.m. Vigil, 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 12 noon, 7p.m. Spanish & English Confessions: Saturdays 3:00-3:45 p.m. & by Appt. Eucharistic Adoration: Weds 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Parish Offices 5450 Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, PA. 19124 Rectory: 215-535-2962 FAX: 215-535-3091 Baptism Contact the priest after Sunday Mass to begin the preparations. Spanish Baptism - 2nd Sunday English Baptism - 4th Sunday Website www.smtparish.org Webmaster: [email protected] Godparent / Sponsor A person must be registered in the parish for 6 months & be a Catholic in good standing to receive a letter of eligibility. Rectory Office Hours Monday-Wednesday, Friday 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM Closed 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Saturday 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Scrip Hours Monday , Wednesday, Friday 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday - Friday Closed 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM Saturday 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM Sunday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Registration We welcome new parishioners to register: After Saturday Vigil or Sunday Masses. Pre-Jordan First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM (Spanish) Second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM (English) Marriage Contact a priest for an appointment immediately upon formal engagement. Wedding dates will only be set after meeting. A minimum 6 months required prior to a wedding. Quinceañeras / Sweet 16 Contact a priest a least 6 months in advance and before committing to a date. Prerequisites: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmations, and attendance at a workshop. Funeral Please have your funeral director contact us directly. Homebound / Hospital To make arrangements for a home or hospital sick visit, contact the rectory. Eucharistic Adoration Every Wednesday from after the 8:30 Mass until 5:00 PM Confession Every Saturday 3:00—3:45 PM and by appointment Neo-Catechumenal Way Liturgy of the Word Wednesday 7:30 PM Eucharist: Saturday 7:30 PM in the Chapel Parish Groups Choir Wednesday Evenings 7:30 PM Parish Prayer Groups: English - Monday 8 PM (Lower Sacristy) Spanish - Tuesday 7:00 PM (Lower Sacristy) Brazilian - Sunday 7 PM (Upper Church) 162—Saint Martin of Tours Sodality Tuesday Mornings following the 8:30 AM Mass in the Chapel. (School Year) Ultreya (Spanish) 7 PM in the chapel on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Senior Citizens Friday 11:00 AM School Hall (School Year) Holy Name Second Sunday of every month 8:00 AM Mass Religious Education Mrs. Becky Español ext. 415 PREP (CCD) - Tuesday Evening 6:45 - 8:00 PM (School Year) St. Martin of Tours Independence Mission School Convent 999 Sanger St. Philadelphia, PA. 19124 215-535-8771 School Office Mrs. Susan Kedra, 215-535-2962 ext. 420 FAX: 215-533-1579 Principal Sister Ellen Giardino, I.H.M. Tuition & Notary Public Mrs. Sandy Zaleski, ext. 404 Psalm 96 My Dear People, This weekend the Church celebrates Mission Sunday. It not only involves a 2nd collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith but also an opportunity to consider our own God-given mission to become saints. As members of a parish, we are called to offer a living witness to Christ by the way we live. In particular the geographical area that makes up our parish should receive special attention. Outreach to those who are not of our faith may feel a bit awkward for us as Catholics, but when an opportunity does present itself, we do well to invite them to “Come and see!” (John 1:46). Without much effort in this direction we seem to attract a few folks to our parish. How much more often it would happen if we should see it as our solemn duty to extend invitations to others to join us on the Way of Jesus Christ! After all, that is how each of us has come to believe, right? Someone invites us to step forward in the name of Christ and we respond… some sooner and others later, but still, here we are! Father John Mis Queridos Feligreses, Este fin de semana la Iglesia celebra la Jornada Misionera. No sólo implica una segunda colecta de la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe, sino también la oportunidad de examinar nuestra propia misión dada por Dios a ser santos. Como miembros de una parroquia, estamos llamados a ofrecer un testimonio vivo de Cristo por la forma en que vivimos. En particular, la zona geográfica que conforma nuestra parroquia debe recibir una atención especial. Debemos evangelizar a los que no son de nuestra fe, te puedes sentir un poco incómodo como católico, pero cuando la oportunidad se presente, debemos invitarlos a que "Vengan y vean" (Juan 1:46). Sin mucho esfuerzo en este sentido nos parece atraer a algunas personas a nuestra parroquia. ¿Cuánto más a menudo sucedería si lo viéramos como un deber sagrado de invitar a otros a unirse a nosotros en el camino de Jesucristo! Después de todo, así es como cada uno de nosotros ha llegado a creer, ¿verdad? Alguien nos invita a dar un paso adelante en el nombre de Cristo y nosotros respondemos... unos antes y otros después, pero aun así, aquí estamos! Padre John SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 10:00 German Saldarriaga ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday, October 25 4:00 PM Mass Emily Pineda Kyle Choo-Mang Aryelle Charles Sunday, October 26 8:00 AM Mass Natasha Hernandez Nicole Colon Maria Nido Sunday, October 26 10:00 AM Mass Samuel Poplar Daysia Gonzalez Adolfo Orozco Sunday, October 26 12 Noon Mass Juan Decasanova Donald Logan Vy Le MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 6:30 8:30 Helen Sawicki 35th anniversary TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 6:30 8:30 Jean Elliott 9th anniversary WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 6:30 8:30 Eugene Lewis Sr. & Jr. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 6:30 8:30 Brendan McQuillan FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 6:30 James Murray 42nd anniversary 8:30 Robert Knobbs, Jr. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 8:30 Regina Osiecki 32nd anniversary IMPORTANT NOTICE ALL CURRENT EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLYCOMMUNION MUST ATTEND A BRIEF TRAINING SESSION ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 TH , AT 11:00 AM IN ST. MARTIN OF TOURS CHAPEL. THE THREE YEAR TERM OF COMMISSION TO THIS HONORABLE SERVICE HAS EXPIRED FOR MOST EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WHO WISH TO BE RECOMMISSIONED AND INSTALLED IN THIS MINISTRY. 162—St. Martin of Tours 2 .Horas de oficina Rectoría Lunes - Miércoles-Viernes 9:00 AM a 7:00 PM Martes y Jueves 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Cerrado 12:00-12:30p.m. Sábado: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Domingos de 8:30 AM a 1:30 PM Adoración del Santísimo Los miercoles - En la capilla - Después de la misa a las 8:30 A.M. hasta 5:00P.M. Misericordia ! Misericordia! - Bendición a las 5:00 P.M. Inscripción--Para inscribirse como miembro de San Martín de Tours, Deben l hablar con un sacerdote después de la misa a 215-535-2962. Círculo de Oración--Cada jueves a las 7 PM se reúne el grupo de oración en la iglesia. ELIGIBILIDAD Uno que necesita una carta de eligibilidad, tiene que ser inscrito en la parroquia por lo menos seis meses antes de pedirla. REGISTRATIÓN Les damos una bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses a nuestra parroquia. Se puede registrarse: después de la misa domencial. BAUTISMO Deben hablar con un sacerdote después de la misa. Deberán estar registrados y ser miembros activos en la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del bautismo de su hijo(a). PADRINO Es necesario ser registrado en la parroquia y ser un católico práctico por lo menos 6 meses antes de que pueda recibir una carta de elegibilidad. HORAS DE TARJETAS DE REGALOS Lunes - Miércoles-Viernes 10:00 A.M.—6:30 P.M. Martes y Jueves10 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. Sábado 3:00 P.M.—5:30 P.M. Domingo 9:00 A.M.—1:00 P.M. BODAS Llame a un sacerdote para hacer una cita tan pronto que se hayan comprometido. Es necesario que se reúnan con un sacerdote para obtener una fecha. Se requieren 6 meses para hacer preparativos. FUNERALES Nuestro personal de la rectoría estará dispuesto asistirles para hacer los arreglos para la misa. Favor de pedir que el director de la funeraria nos llame también. QUINCEAÑERAS / SWEET 16 Favor de comunicarse con un padre por lo menos con 6 meses adelantado y antes de que decida una fecha. Pre-requisitos: Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación y hay que asistir a un taller. HOSPITALES y ASILOS de ANCIANOS Para hacer cita para hospitales, casas o asilos de ancianos para personas enfermas, favor de comunicarse con la rectoría. ******************************************************************************************** SICK LIST Eileen Andrews, Bernadette Appiott, Mary Ellen Atwell, Baby Kara, Kristina Bauer, Mary Anna Beck, Howe Benner, Maggie Benner, Kathy Bertino, Donna Brown, Eileen Brown, Patricia Burkart, Eugene Burns, Pat Burton, Mary Jo Callan, Denise Calvy, Baby Patrick Carlettini, , Anna Cepparulo, Rose Marie Cushman, Carol Delmont, Josephine DiRaddo, Frank Dougherty, John Dubek, Joe and Linda Duffy, Joan Dungan, Arthur Dustman, John Dustman, Adele Ehmann, Kathleen Famigletti, DorisFirth, Michael Foley, Jim Gerle, Angelina Gilorma, Nicole Goodwin, Anthony Gross, Jim Haines, John Haines, Margie Haines, Michael Haines, Joyce Harley, James Harley, Lucille Hassett, Scott Heffert, Aida Hernandez, Thomas Hickey, William Holden, Shawn Horn, Tom Horn, Ashe Hosein, Evans Hosein & Family, Joshua Hosein, Tara Hosein, Carolyn Humphries, John & Linda Humphries, Mary Humphries, Gina Kahn, Robert Knobbs, Nicole Leposki, Peter F. Lyden, Baby William Daniel Maier, Bonnie Marshall, Joseph McDermott, Joe Mersheran, Jennifer McNamara, Rosemary Meehan, Rusty Messiner, Karen Morrissey, Kevin Mills, Paul W. Olley, Pat and Carmella Pace, Christine Rajkowski, Dennis Ranaldi, Pat Reynolds, Diane Ricci, Joleen Robertson, Daniel Rohrbach Jr., Julie Ann Seiler, Charles Senick, Joan Shiffler, Hugh Simon, Sabrina Simpson, Theresa Smith-Dingas, Tiyuana Smith, Bill Snow, Sharon Snow, Judy Spinelli, Russell Stevenson, Delores Stevenson, Joseph Taylor, Nelly Tuma, Jose R. Tuma, Virginia Tuma, Connie Ulrich, Ulrich twins, Lisa Van Horn, Narciso Varela, Sharon Walker, Georgia Wardlaw, Louise Wittman, Baby Madison Woltemate. DECEASED Please remember the deceased in your prayers. May they rest in the peace of Christ. Bud Kramer & Louis Averill 162—St. Martin of Tours MILITARY LIST We remember all our Military Personal who are serving our country. May God bless you and keep you safe. Major Richard Alsdorf Jr. A.F. Stevielynn Brown, Tex. Sgt. James T. Butterly, SSGT James Carey, Sr. Airman Michelle Carey, A.F.Tech Sergeant Daniel Colon, PFC, PRI. Robert Dooner, LC Luke Flanagan, Airman Richard P. Kirk III , Major Thomas McAvoy, Lewis (Kip) Moore, Corporal Sam Quintana, Marieeliana Russo, Chief Petty Officer Jered Sasen U.S.N., Nicholas Serrato, Staff Sgt. Andrew Sickel, SFC. Jose L. Vera, Jeffrey J. Wallen, SSG Christopher Weber, SFC Matthew Weber GOD BLESS OUR UNITED STATES MILITARY! WEEKLY COLLECTIONS: October 12, 2014 * Church Maintenance ** Archdiocesan ***Stewardship 4:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am $1369.82 $1887.75 $2403.10 *$29.00 *$20.00 *$52.00 **$0.00 *$15.00 **$0.00 ***250.00 ***$0.00 ***$0.00 12:00 pm. Neo-Cat Rectory $1402.30 $886.00 $250.00 *$37.00 *$0.00 *10.00$ **$7.00 **$0.00 **$3.00 ***0.00 ***0.00 ***2065.00 50/50: $200.00 TOTAL COLLECTIONS : $10,886.97 3 SMT ANNUAL UNITY MASS Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:00 a.m. in the Upper Church You are cordially invited to celebrate our parish Patron Saint’s Feast Day and the diversity of Saint Martin of Tours Church. Mass will be celebrated in three languages (English, Spanish, and Portuguese) with a procession of flags. Included in the procession will be our veterans, Knights of Columbus, and parishioners who would like to display their native dress. If you would like to represent your culture with a native dress, please feel free to sign the list after Mass. Following our celebration at Mass, we will have a gathering in the Parish Hall to continue the celebration. We are asking for food donations with an international flare. As with every celebration, volunteers are needed for its success. Food donation lists and volunteer sheets will be available after each of the Masses. Types of volunteers needed are set-up/clean-up crews and servers. ATTENTION : ALL VETERANS AND ACTIVE MILITARY PERSONNEL You are cordially invited to attend Saint Martin of Tours Unity Mass on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 11:00 AM in the Upper Church. We welcome you to join in the Entrance Procession. If you have your military uniform and/ or medals/citations, you are encouraged to wear them. THE HISTORY OF THE ROSARY A Presentation on the Fascinating History of the Rosary through the Ages will be given by the Authors of The Rosary Collectors Guide at the Council Home of the Rev. John P. McHugh Council, Knights of Columbus, 5323 Oxford Ave., at 2:00 PM on Sunday, October 19th. Part of the Presenters’ Collection will be on Display. This Event is Open to the Public and Admissionis Free. Light Refreshments will be served after the Program. Please bring your Family and Friends. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Today is World Mission Sunday! We are called to this Eucharistic Celebration and invited to “do good on earth,” to be missionary by putting our faith into action in support of the work of missionaries like Sister Clara who rescues girls from human trafficking in India, giving them a loving home. Your prayers and generous gifts to the Society for the Propagation of Faith on World Mission Sunday support the tireless work of so many priests, religious and lay leaders around the world as they offer practical, emotional and spiritual care to communities, children and families in desperate need, bringing the light of Christ to the darkest of circumstances. PRO-LIFE Thank you so much for the donation of $200.00 to the Pro-Life Union on Respect Life Sunday. This generous gift will allow us to continue our work in outreach, education, public policy, and alternatives. Over the last few weeks in the forty days for life campaign in Center City, we have seen the hearts of mothers change. Your support allows us to be a part of this beautiful witness and assist the mothers who make the choice of life. St. Martin of Tours is starting a Junior Youth Group for 7 th and 8th grade students who have already received their Confirmation. Meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:45-8:00pm in the school building, starting on October 14th. Please direct any questions to Meredith Kahn ([email protected]), Liz Wal ([email protected]) or call Joe McGlynn at (267) 774-9488. San Martin of Tours comenzara un grupo de jóvenes llamado “Junior Youth Group” para jóvenes de escuela que se encuentran en los grados 7 y 8 que ya han recibido ya su confirmación. Las reuniones serán los martes de 6:45pm- 8pm en la escuela empezando Octubre 14. Si tiene alguna pregunta favor de contactar: Meredith Kahn ([email protected]), Liz Wal ([email protected]) o call Joe Mcglynn at (267)774-9488. 162—St. Martin of Tours 4 The last Saturday in September has become known as Villanova Service Day to all of us here at St. Martin of Tours. We once again welcomed about 20 students and faculty members, as well as friends and family members of ‘Nova, who came to help with various projects. Most were involved in painting the stairways and railings in school while some put a much-needed fresh coat of paint on the powder room in the convent. The entrance to the Music Department got a good power-washing and this has made a remarkable difference! About 12 of our own eighth graders with Mr. Pavonarius joined in on the service project…great experience for their future years! They weeded around the statue of Our Lady on the Boulevard side of the church as well as around the statue of Mary in front of the convent and did general clean-up of the church and school area. We also received a very large donation of teacher resources and incentives from a Villanova parent, Jim Connelly, President of Creative Teaching Press based in California… another expression of thoughtful generosity! Villanova friends and our students…and the “sprucing up” they give our school and grounds! To see more photos of this day of service, visit the Post on our new website: www.stmartinoftoursphila.org. All parishioners, present and former students and their families are invited to attend a Memorial Mass for the repose of the soul of Sister James Grace on Wednesday evening, 7:00 pm in our parish church. Sister Grace spent 12 years here at St. Martin of Tours, teaching first grade and also working in the Learning Support Program. She was quite visible in the parish, joining in on the many activities held during those years. She died on July 6th after a two-year battle with cancer; her funeral Mass and burial were at Immaculata…a distance for many to travel to early in the morning. The Sisters of SMT thought this Mass would give everyone an opportunity to join together to pray for and share memories of Sister Grace. Memorial cards will be available after Mass. We hope you will be able to be there! SMT CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) ATHLETIC MINISTRY BASKETBALL REGISTRATION For boys & girls (active parishioners) currently enrolled in grades 5,6,7 & 8 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday October 20,21,22,23,24, 2014 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM REGISTRATION FEE $90.00 *Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) : If you are interested in registering your child, please bring registration fee and the child’s medical insurance information with you at the time of registration. Parent/Guardian must be present at time of registration. *Parent / Guardian will be required to sign a medical release form in order for the child to participate in this program. *Program information available at time of registration. ***WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF PARENT VOLUNTEERS FOR COMUUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS, COACHING POSITIONS, CHAPERONES, ETC. Please call rectory for details. 162—St. Martin of Tours 5 JOSEPH A. QUINN, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS S.W. Corner Roosevelt Blvd. and Sanger St. • Distinguished Service Since 1940 Plans Available For Pre-Arranged and Pre-Paid Funerals JOSEPH A. QUINN, JR. 215-535-1821 MARTIN F. QUINN "I will find your leak!" 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