Morning Buzz Friday, 17 October 2014 AmFraser Research Team STI Index (previous day Close) 3,154.21 (‐1.39%) TODAY’S HEADLINE MARKETS IN TAILSPIN; VOLATILITY TO CONTINUE TILL CENTRAL BANKS GIVE CLARITY All eyes will be on next FOMC mee ng at the end of Oct and Opec conference next month. The global anxiety over asset classes has reverberated across equity markets in the past few days. On Thursday, Singapore's Straits Times Index dropped 44.51 points, or 1.39 per cent, to 3,154.21 points, following Japan's Nikkei 225 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index which lost 2.22 per cent and 1.03 per cent respec vely. Vol (mil): 1,602.2 / Val (S$ mil): 1,349.8 Source: Bloomberg MAJOR STOCK INDICES DJ Ind Avg 16,117.24 -0.15% 1,862.76 0.01% S & P 500 Nasdaq Comp Hang Seng 4,217.39 0.05% 22,900.94 -1.03% Source: Bloomberg COMMODITIES Gold (SPOT) US$ 1,238.67 -0.02% Oil (NYMEX WTI) 83.12 0.51% 930.00 -0.53% Baltic Dry The Vix index, which tracks the vola lity of S&P 500 stocks, hit its highest level since June 2012, while yields on 10‐year US Treasuries lurched below 2 per cent ‐ the lowest since June last year ‐ as investors piled into safe haven assets. Fears of a recession in Europe were renewed a er a string of disappoin ng data on factory orders, industrial produc on and foreign trade from Germany, the largest economy in eurozone. The Interna onal Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned of a 35‐40 per cent chance of the eurozone slipping back into recession if preven ve ac on was not taken. The IMF also trimmed its 2014 global growth forecast from 3.7 per cent to 3.3 per cent last week. The darkening economic clouds led the Interna onal Energy Administra on, an energy watchdog for Western countries, to trim its forecast for oil demand growth to its slowest pace in five years as well. A er the Federal Open Market Commi ee mee ng on Oct 30 will come the Opec mee ng on Nov 27, when the cartel will decide whether or not it will cut produc on to boost oil prices. Source: Bloomberg EXCHANGE RATES NEWS BUZZ Asco Residence Trust: Acquires hotel in Tokyo USD : SGD 1.2737 / MYR : SGD 0.3879 Source: Bloomberg M1: Higher revenue sends Q3 earnings up 12.7% RH Petrogas: Plan for China oilfield gets nod Keppel Reit: Q3 distribu on dips 6.1% to 1.85 cents a unit INTEREST RATES 3-mth Sibor 0.413% SGS (10yr) 2.185% Source: Bloomberg AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd 1 AmFraser Friday, 17 October 2014 News Buzz Asco Residence Trust (S$1.205) Acquires hotel in Tokyo Asco Residence Trust (ART) has announced its acquisi on of a hotel in Tokyo's Shinjuku area for eight billion yen (about S$95.2mil), was valued at 8.4bil yen as at Sept 10 this year. The acquisi on will be accre ve at an earnings before interest, tax, deprecia on and amor sa on (Ebitda) yield of 4.3% and is expected to increase Asco Reit's FY2013 DPU by 0.6% to 8.45 Singapore cents on a pro forma basis. This acquisi on in Shinjuku has increased the trust's assets in Japan to 16.5% of its total por olio value, broadened its earnings base, and will further enhance Asco Reit's por olio, added Mr Ronald Tay, chief execu ve officer of Asco Residence Trust Management Limited. M1 (S$3.440) Higher revenue sends Q3 earnings up 12.7% A be er topline drove M1's net profit 12.7% higher to S$44.5mil for its third quarter. Opera ng revenue, which includes service revenue and handset sales, was up 3.5% at S$250.2mil. EPS share stood at 4.8 Singapore cents for the quarter. M1 is shelving its plans to be a receiver of cross‐carriage content through its MiBox Internet TV service, having withdrawn its applica on for a na onwide TV licence. RH Petrogas (S$0.505) Plan for China oilfield gets nod RH Petrogas (RHP) said that its overall development plan for the Yongping Oilfield in the Fuyu 1 Block has received approval from China's Na onal Development and Reform Commission. The block is expected to yield a total of 14.6mil barrels of oil during its produc on cycle, of which RHP will hold a 49% interest. Keppel Reit (S$1.175) Q3 distribu on dips 6.1% to 1.85 cents a unit Keppel Reit's DPU dipped 6.1% to 1.85 cents for the third quarter ended Sept 30, due to factors such as higher borrowing costs and trust expenses. For its fiscal third quarter, Keppel Reit's net property income grew 12.4% year on year to S$38.52mil given be er performance at Ocean Financial Centre and 8 Exhibi on Street in Melbourne. Keppel Reit's leverage level stood at 42.1% as at Sept 30 and it has no refinancing requirements for the next 14 months. The Reit manager is staggering the distribu on payout, with the first 1.8 cents per share to be distributed on Nov 12 and the remaining 0.05 cent on Nov 28. Source: The Business Times / Bloomberg / Straits Times AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd 2 AmFraser Friday, 17 October 2014 Corporate Ac on Dividend Company Results Ann Date Period DPS Ex-Date Book Close Payable Share Price Yield 16-Oct-14 (%) 13-Oct-14 FY14 SGD 0.013900 17-Oct-14 21-Oct-14 14-Nov -14 SGD 1.065 1.3 Sabana Shari'ah Compliant 15-Oct-14 3Q14 SGD 0.018100 21-Oct-14 24-Oct-14 28-Nov -14 SGD 1.000 1.8 Parkson Retail Asia 21-Aug-14 FY14 SGD 0.025000 3-Nov-14 5-Nov -14 13-Nov -14 SGD 0.890 2.8 Parkson Retail Asia - Special 21-Aug-14 FY14 SGD 0.030000 3-Nov-14 5-Nov -14 13-Nov -14 SGD 0.890 3.4 Wing Tai Hldgs 28-Aug-14 FY14 SGD 0.030000 6-Nov-14 10-Nov -14 24-Nov -14 SGD 1.730 1.7 Wing Tai Hldgs 28-Aug-14 FY14 SGD 0.030000 6-Nov-14 10-Nov -14 24-Nov -14 SGD 1.730 1.7 Singapore Press Hldgs 15-Oct-14 FY14 SGD 0.080000 8-Dec-14 10-Dec-14 23-Dec-14 SGD 4.160 1.9 Singapore Press Hldgs - Special 15-Oct-14 FY14 SGD 0.060000 8-Dec-14 10-Dec-14 23-Dec-14 SGD 4.160 1.4 SPH REIT * Include Ordinary, Cash, Special, Bonus, Variable and Base Rights & Bonus Issue BUYOUTS Offer Price Remarks Closing Date Offeror China Energy SGD 0.052 Cash 5.30 p.m. on 14 Oct 2014 Lianguo Int'l Ltd Fischer Tech SGD 0.16 Cash 5.30 p.m. on 8 Oct 2014 Harmony (S) Holdings Pte. Ltd. Source: SGX Annoucement AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd 3 AmFraser Friday, 17 October 2014 Financial Calendar Monday Tuesday 13-Oct Wednesday 14-Oct SG: 3Q14 Advance GDP Estimates Q4: SPH REIT (Not later than 14 Oct) Thursday 15-Oct SG: Prices of Private Residential Units Sold by Developers Friday 16-Oct Q3: Keppel Infrastructure Trust / Keppel REIT / M1 17-Oct Q3: CapitaMall Trust / Keppel T&T *Q3: First REIT Q3: Qian Hu / Sabana Shari'ah Q4: Spore Press Hldgs 20-Oct SG (Oct 2014): 2nd Open Bidding Exercise for COE Start @ 12.00 noon 21-Oct SG (OCT 2014): 2nd Open Bidding Exercise for COE Q2: Mapletree Logistics Trust Q1: Spore Exchange Q3: Keppel Land Q2: Mapletree Industrial Trust Q4: Frasers Commercial Trust Q3: Keppel Corp / Soilbuild Biz Space / Suntec REIT 22-Oct SG (Oct 2014): 2nd Open Bidding Exercise for COE End @ 4.00 p.m. 23-Oct Q2: Ascendas REIT SG (Sept 2014): CPI Q3: Aztech Grp / Cache Logistics Trust / Cambridge Industrial Trust SG: 3Q14 Real Estate Statistics Q4: Frasers Centrepoint Trust Q2: Mapletree Commercial Trust / Mapletree Greater China Q3: CapitaCommercial Trust / CapitaRetail China Trust / Utd Overseas Insurance Deepavali 27-Oct 24-Oct 28-Oct Q2: Ascendas India Trust Q3: CDL Hospitality Trust / OSIM Q3: Raffles Medical Grp *Q1: Micro-Mechanics Hldgs 29-Oct Q3: Great Eastern Hldgs 30-Oct Q3: Indofood Agri Resources / OCBC (Before mkt open) / Parkway Life REIT / Tuan Sing / UOB 31-Oct SG (Sept 2014): Unemployment Rate & Employment Q3: Forterra Trust / Global Premium Htls Q4: Second Chance Properties *Q3: DBS 3-Nov-14 SG (Nov 2014): 1st Open Bidding Exercise for COE Start @ 12.00 noon 4-Nov SG (Nov 2014): 1st Open Bidding Exercise for COE Q2: CitySpring Infrastructure Trust Q2: Global Logistic Properties Q3: Cosco Corp Q3: Hi-P Int'l 10-Nov 5-Nov SG (Nov 2014): 1st Open Bidding Exercise for COE End @ 4.00 p.m. Q3: SembCorp Maritime 11-Nov Q3: Vard Hldgs 6-Nov Q2: SIA 7-Nov Q1: IFS Capital Q3: Asian Pay Television Trust / China Aviation Oil / SembCorp Industries 12-Nov 13-Nov Q1: Croesus Retail Trust Q3: HTL Int'l Q2: AusNet Services *Q2: SATS 14-Nov Q2: Terratech Grp (Release on Sat, 15Nov) Q3: Macquarie Int'l Infras Fund * TentaƟve Source: Company; Bloomberg AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd 4 AmFraser Friday, 17 October 2014 Disclaimer This report is prepared by AmFraser Securi es Pte Ltd (“AmFraser”), which is a holder of a capital markets services licence and an exempt financial adviser in Singapore. This report is provided for informa on only and is not an offer or a solicita on to deal in securi es or to enter into any legal rela ons, nor an advice or a recommenda on with respect to such securi es. This report is prepared for general circula on. It does not have regard to the specific investment objec ves, financial situa on and the par cular needs of any recipient hereof. You should independently evaluate par cular investments and consult an independent financial adviser before dealing in any securi es men oned in this report. This report is confiden al. This report may not be published, circulated, reproduced or distributed in whole or in part by any recipient of this report to any other person without the prior wri en consent of AmFraser. 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However, as of the date of this report, neither AmFraser nor its representa ve(s) who produced this report (each a “research analyst”), has any proprietary posi on or material interest in, and AmFraser does not make any market in, the securi es which are recommended in this report. Each research analyst of AmFraser who produced this report hereby cer fies that (1) the views expressed in this report accurately reflect his/ her personal views about all of the subject corpora on(s) and securi es in this report; (2) the report was produced independently by him/ her; (3) he/she does not carry out, whether for himself/herself or on behalf of AmFraser or any other person, any of the Subject Business involving any of the subject corpora on(s) or securi es referred to in this report; and (4) he/she has not received and will not receive any compensa on that is directly or indirectly related or linked to the recommenda ons or views expressed in this report or to any sales, trading, dealing or corporate finance advisory services or transac on in respect of the securi es in this report. However, the compensa on received by each such research analyst is based upon various factors, including AmFraser’s total revenues, a por on of which are generated from AmFraser’s business of dealing in securi es. Copyright 2014. AmFraser Securi es Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. ______________________________ LEE Wing How for AmFraser Securi es Pte Ltd AmFraser Securities Pte Ltd 5
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