The Effect of a green roof on thermal comfort and learning performance in a naturally ventilated classroom in a hot and humid climate Speakers: Huang, Wen-Pin1; Ruey-Lung, Hwang2; Kuo-Tsang Huang3 1 Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan National United University, Miaoli, Taiwan 3 National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 2 Abstract: Green roofs have been considered as an ecological strategy for improving indoor thermal comfort levels. By analyzing the results of an experiment, this paper discusses overheating and learning performance in two naturally ventilated classrooms, one below a green roof and one below a bare roof. In this study, indoor thermal conditions were measured in order to determine the occurence of overheating during the hot periods of the year and, as well, the severity of thermal discomfort was examined in each classroom. The overheating periods were determined over a period of time where indoor operative temperatures reached or went above the upper limits of acceptability for 3 categories according to EN 15251. Besides assessing the risk of overheating, the study also investigates the effects of green roofs on students’ learning performances. The conclusions highlight the importance of green roofs for improving thermal comfort and students’ learning performance in naturally ventilated classrooms in hot and humid climates. Keywords: green roof, thermal comfort, schoolwork performance, overheating risk Introduction In Taiwan, elementary and high schools traditionally have been naturally ventilated. Numerous Taiwan schools in the cities have been experiencing overheating in the summer month and demands for cooling the classroom have increased. Outdoor air temperatures continue to rise as a result of global warming and urban heat island. By providing better thermal conditions in school classrooms students will have fewer complaints and, as well, they will be able to focus more on their studies. This has convinced school administrators and designers to treat the risk of overheating in the summer months as a real and serious issue, particularly for the classrooms directly below the building’s roof. Due to the intensity of strong solar radiation and long hours of direct sunlight, it is difficult for a classroom directly below a roof to maintain proper indoor thermal comfort levels during the warm and hot months of year, especially those classroom without sufficient insulation. A green roof is an ecological design method, which uses the foliage of plants to reduce heat going into the building. The vegetation layer limits heat entering the building and the solar radiation is absorbed and converted by the plant’s photosynthesis, evapo-transpiration, and respiration. The equivalent albedo of a green roof is in the range of 0.7-0.85 which is much 1 higher than that (0.1-0.2) of a bare roof. Moreover, the layer of soil gives an added insulation to the building’s roof and, as well, the water content of the soil increases thermal inertia. Green roofs are typically used in warm and hot climates to enhance the insulation performance of roofs, making the buildings less prone to overheating in the summer because of their thermal behaviour with the solar radiation. Here we presented a study that investigated the risk of overheating and the learning performance of the students in two naturally ventilated classrooms directly below a building’s roof, one having a green roof and the other a bare roof. Through measurements of the microclimatic variables, this study assessed the risk of overheating and student’s learning performance in two classrooms directly below both a green roof and a bare roof. The study’s ultimate goal was to analyze the effects of a green roof in the naturally ventilated school buildings and how it reduces the risk of overheating while improving the learning performace of students. Experiment set up, instrumentation and location The experiment was conducted in a naturally ventilated, two-story, southwest facing school building in Taichung, Taiwan. The experiment’s measurements were taken in two classrooms directly below two different kinds roofs; a green roof and a bare roof (see figure 1). The size of each room is 9.0 m x 8.0 m. For this study, a period of climatic monitoring was conducted in both classrooms from September 7th to October the 25th, 2014, during the first six weeks of the school semester. This period was selected as it is the time of year in Taiwan when the weather gradually transitions from hot to cool. (a) green roof (b) bare roof Fig. 1 The photographs of (a) green roof and (b) bare roof investigated in this study The air temperature, relative humidity(RH), globe temperature, and wind speed were continuously monitored during this period. Only the measurements recorded at the time when the classroom was in sesssion were used for the analysis. The air temperature and RH were 2 recorded using ESCORT iLog Temperature/Humidity Datalogger, and globe temperature using the CENTER 314. A hot-wired omni-directional DeltaOHM thermo-anemometer HD2103.2 was used to record the wind speed. All the instrumentation used are in accordance with the ISO 7726 [1] requirements on equipments for evaluating the status of thermal environment. A central spots in the classrooms were selected as points of climatic monitoring. Methodology for assessing risk of overheating Current international standards for indoor thermal environment in naturally ventilated buildings are the “ASHRAE Standard 55:2010-Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy” [2] and “European Standard EN 15251:2007-Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics” [3]. Based on the database developed in the 2000s from field surveys in naturally ventilated school buildings, when the upper limit of the comfort zones for the warm season of Taiwan projected by these two standards was compared, Hwang and Shih[4] found that the predictability of the adaptive model in ASHRAE 55 appeared to be less than that of the model in EN 15251. Thus, EN 15251 was adopted as the thermal comfort standard in this study. In EN 15251, the optimal indoor operative temperature (Tc) in naturally ventilated buildings is predicted as: Tc = 0.33 × Trm + 18 .8 (1) Trm = (T−1 + 0.8 × T− 2 + 0.6 × T−3 + 0.5 × T− 4 + 0.4 × T−5 + 0.3 × T− 6 + 0.2 × T−7 ) / 3.8 (2) where Trm is exponentially weighted running mean of the outdoor temperature; T-1 is daily mean outdoor temperature for the previous day; T-2,…is daily mean outdoor temperature for the day before and so forth. The aceptable bands for the 3 categories of buildings used in EN 15251 are: Tc ±2, Tc ±3 and Tc ±4°C for categories I, II and III respectively. Furthermore, the risk and magnitude of overheating can be calculated according to the amount by which the operative temperature for any given hour exceeds the predicted comfort temperature calculated using equation (1). The European Standard EN 15251 defines the likelihood of overheating as equation (3) PDH = exp[0.4734 × ∆T − 2.607] 1 + exp[0.4734 × ∆T − 2.607] (3) where PDH is the proportion in heat discomfort and ∆Τ is the difference between the actual operative temperature and the comfort temperature. Operative temperature is the thermal index used throughout this study as it is the one used for the assessment of the indoor environment in EN 15251. The operative temperature is the 3 weighted average of the air temperature and the mean radiant temperature and expresses their combined effect. The weights depend on the convective and the radiant heat-transfer coefficients of the clothed body of the occupant. The operative temperature is calculated using Equation (4) [5]. Top = (4) Ta ⋅ 10v + Tr 1 + 10v (5) Tr = [(Tg + 273)4 + (1.2 ×105 ⋅ d −0.4 )v0.6 (Tg − Ta )0.25 − 273 where Tg , Ta adnd v are the measured values of globe temperature, air temperature and air velocity, respectively. The globe’s diameter d used in this study is 150mm. Results of Measurements Figures 2 show the maximum, minimum and daily mean outside temperature for the monitoring periods. Also shown are the adaptive thermal comfort (Tc) and upper limits for Category I and II. 35 Temperature, °C 30 25 20 daily rang mean temp optimal temp Upper limit for Cat. I Upper limit for Cat. II 15 9/7 9/15 9/23 10/1 10/9 10/17 10/25 Date Fig. 2 Distribution of ambient temperature, optimal comfort temperature and upper limits for Category I and II in Taichung, Taiwan over the whole monitoring period (from Sept. 7th to Oct. 25th, 2013) The measured indoor air temperatures during school hours (08:00-12:00 for Wednesday and 08:00-16:00 for other weekdays) of the classroom directly below both the green roof and bare roofsare presented in Figure 3. The measured air temperatures fluctuates betwee 23.5 to 32.2 °C inside both classrooms, indicating that it is sometimes too hot during sunny afternoons by referred to by the upper limits of Catatgory II and depicted by the dashed line in Figure 3. It is also observed that the application of a green roof contributes to the reduction of the indoor temperature during most of the monitored period. 4 Table 1 summarises the cumulative hours where temperatures reached or went above the upper limits of category I, II and III in EN 15251. The number of hours exceeding Category I limits is reduced from 159 to 130 when a green roof is in place, while the hours exceeding Category II limit is reduced by two-third when a green roof is applied. The number of hours of temperature higher than Catgoery III limits is 34 for bare roof compared to 10 for green roof. 33 Temperature, C 31 ° 29 27 green roof bare roof upper limits for Cat. II 25 23 9/9 9/16 9/24 10/1 10/9 10/17 10/24 Date Fig. 3 Indoor operative temperature profile during school hours over the whole monitoring period Table 1 Cumulative hours exceeding three reference temperatures Green roof Bare roof Category I 130 (52%) 159 (63%) Category II 66 (26%) 100 (40%) Category III 10 (4%) 34 (13%) For each hour of occupation over the whole monitoring period, the difference between the actual operative temperature and the comfort temperature was calculated, and the proportion of human occupants not comfortable was evaluated using equation(3). Figure 4 shows a histogram of the PDH profiles recorded for both the green roof and bare roof. The maximum PDH was 28% in the case of the green room, compare to 34% in the case of the bare roof. Similary, the averaged PDH over the whole monitoring period increased from 11.6% in the case of green roof and by 14.3% in the case of bare roof. Impact on student’s learning performance To calculate the effects of the thermal climate on student’s learning performance, the hourly measured temperatures for each classroom were substituted into an empirical equation, suggested by Seppanen et al [6], to translate indoor temperature to schoolwork performance. The formula is shown in equation (6) and applicable for an indoor air temperature range of 15-35°C. According to equation (6), maximum performance is reached at an indoor temperature of 21.8℃. The productivity is reduced by 11.7% when the indoor temperature reaches the maximum of Tmax (31.7°C) over the whole monitoring period. 5 RP = 0.1647524 × Ta - 0.0058274 × Ta2 + 0.0000623 × Ta3 - 0.4685328 (6) where RP is relative performance, and Ta is room temperature (°C). 80 72 70 green roof 59 58 count of hours 60 50 56 47 bare roof 45 43 39 40 30 29 21 20 20 8 10 7 0 0 <5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-35% 0 0 >35% PDH intervals Fig. 4 PDH histogram for the whole monitoring period learning performance, % 100 95 99.4 max 95.4 99.2 Q3 94.5 Q1 90.1 91.1 90 88.4 min 87.3 85 80 green roof bare roof Fig. 5 Box plots for the predicted learning performance (Q1=25% percentile, Q3=75% percentile) With the measured temperature profiles as input, equation(6) was used to determine hourly performance indices in both indoor and outdoor environments. Figure 5 showsthe predicted students performance in the classrooms below a green roof and a bare roof. The resulting average performances were 93.3% and 92.5% for the green roof and the bare roof, respectively. The students’ learning performance in the classroom with a green roof is slightly increased compared to that of the classroom with a bare roof. 6 Conclusion This study investigated the contribution of a green roof and it affects on of the thermal comfort levels in the school building where it has been place on. The conclusions are sumarized as follows: The green roof reduced the occurance of overheating. Concluded from the measured indoor operative temperatures in each classroom, lower occurence of overheating was measured in the classroom covered by green roof and likewise there was a higher occurence of overheating in the classroom covered by a bare roof. When a green roof was applied, the percentage of school hours where temperatures exceeding the upper limit of category II in EN 15251 was reduced from 63% to 52%, from 40% to 26% for Category II and from 13% to 4% for Category III. As well, the green roof reduced the severity of discomfort during hot periods. The maximum PDH in the case of green roof was 28%, compare to 34% in the case of the bare roof. Similary, the average PDH over the whole monitoring period increased by 11.6% in the case of green roof and by 14.3% in the case of bare roof. Finally, the impact of a green roof on students’ learning performance is slightly less than 1%. Acknowledgement We offer our sincere appreciation for assistance in grant to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan under the project number NSC-102-2221-E-239-028. Reference [1] ISO(1988), ISO Standard 7726:1998, Ergonomics of the Thermal Environment— Instruments for Measuring Physical quantities. Geneva: International Standard Organization. [2] ASHRAE (2010), ASHRAE Standard 55:2010, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy. Atlanda: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers. [3] CEN(2010), EN 15251:2007, Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics, Brussels: CEN. [4] Hwang R.L., Shih W.M. (2014), Appicability of different adaptive thermal comfort standard in Taiwan, HV&AC, 44(1):23-27. [5] CIBSE (2006), Guide A-Environmental design, London, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. [6] Seppanen O., Fisk W., Lei Q. (2006), Effect of temperature on task performance in office environment. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LNBL report 60946. 7
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