Maori Hill School Newsletter No. 31 Dear Parents and Caregivers Welcome back to school for Term 4. It was lovely to see all the children back after the break. Everyone appears to have settled quickly into learning programmes and school routines. Our teachers met during the break and have a busy term of learning activities planned for the children. During Term 4 all children are expected to wear a sunhat when playing outside at school. We recommend all children have a school sunhat, available from the office. Please ensure all hats are named. Summer sports are now underway and we have many teams participating in a variety of sports. Thank you to the many parents who have volunteered to assist with coaching and managing teams. The staff and I look forward to another successful school term. What’s on Next Week? Monday Rebecca Allnutt (student teacher) visiting Tuesday PTA meeting Wednesday Pizza orders taken in library before 9am Vision Hearing Testing Y6 Kayaking Thursday Pizza Day Friday Junior aquatics School Assembly 2.30pm Regards Alistair Campbell Principal Classroom News Room 1- Mrs Ferguson The children have impressed me with the way they have confidently come back into the classroom and demonstrated to me that they can make their way around the room and complete their assigned ‘must dos’. This term will again be a busy one with of course aquatics starting on Friday, thank you to those parents who can assist. Things to remember; sunhats must be worn in the playground at all times, named water bottles for the classroom, Friday is library day books must be back so they can have a new one issued and suitable clothing and footwear so the children can participate in fitness/athletic activities. Congratulations to Matthew Jarvie, who was the Person of the Week on Friday the 26 September. Classroom award winners from Friday 26 September were: R1 Sam Anderson, Edward Platt R1a Anna Gent, Allie Yin R2 Alice Graham, Marley Thompson R3 Maita Madambi, Noah Hamilton R4 Mia Jordan, Liam Ruru R5 Lizzie Fry, Thomas Roberts R7 Katelyn Coster, Lily Finlay R8 Fergus Miller, Ryan Hamilton R9 Keoni Amituana’i, Mya Haigh Welcome A special welcome to the following new pupils who joined Maori Hill School recently: Samuel Anderson Cameron Stevens Imogen Leaper Room 1a – Miss Wright What a great start to the new term, it is wonderful to see everyone back and ready to learn! This term we have our Aquatics Programme every Friday so please remember to send your child along with their togs. Any parent help with these trips to Moana Pool would be very much appreciated so please let me know if you are available. We are practising our athletics this term so suitable footwear will be needed. Please don’t forget that this term your child Thursday, 16 October 2014 needs to be wearing a sunhat with a wide brim every day when playing outside at lunch times. Thank you for your support. Room 2 – Mrs Walker Welcome back! It has been so fantastic to see everyone back in Room 2 to start Term 4. We have had a wonderful start to the term. We have been enjoying writing stories with true and false events from our holidays. We have been trying to guess which things are true and which are false in the holiday stories. Some are tricky. Aquatics start Friday and the three following Fridays after that. Children need to bring their togs, a towel, a swimming bag and a small snack ready to go to the pool at 10:10 from school. Room 3 – Mrs Wiparata Room 3 have had a fantastic start to the new term, all settled back into school and ready to learn. This term we are going to work really hard to bring our reading packets every single day. Some of us might need a wee reminder from parents until we remember by ourselves. This is because we use our reading books every day and need them at school. We are looking forward to our aquatics programme starting tomorrow at Moana Pool and we’ll all make sure we come ready with our swimming gear and a wrapped snack in our tog bags. Thank-you to the parent helpers who have let me know you are available to help supervise. Nearly all of us have our sunhats here so we can wear them when we’re outside. Next week we have to have them every day so we can be outside. Room 8 – Mrs Scott It has been a chilly start back to term 4. Let’s hope for some warmer weather soon. Room 8 has come back ready for learning and have made a great start to the term. We are using the ‘balloon pop’ game as our class reward system this term. Ask your child how this works - they are all very excited about it. First day of our Junior Aquatics programme starts tomorrow. Please ensure you have your togs, towel and named goggles ready. Also if there are any parent helpers available please let me know. Thank you. Room 9 – Mrs Weatherly It is great to see the children refreshed and ready to tackle the exciting term ahead. This week we have been creating some wonderful wildflower landscapes in art. These are now up in the classroom so please make sure you pop in to see their amazing work. We are looking forward to aquatics tomorrow. Please remember to bring your togs, goggles and a snack. We will be starting our ‘seed bombs’ next week so please make sure you bring in a small packet of summer flower seeds for Monday. Room 7 – Mrs Ashton We have made a great start to our work this term. We are learning about the ways that advertisements work and we have written a couple ourselves using the ‘bandwagon’ and ‘testimonial’ styles. We are looking forward to starting our athletics activities in the afternoons as we run, jump and throw our best times and distances. Room 4 – Ms Allison We have had a wonderful start to this term. We began work on a dictionary of motivational language and from that we made fabulous pop art words. We are starting to look at advertising and we will be making a poster that is all about us. This term we have to wear sun hats with a brim as we are doing athletics training. In maths we are starting the measurement strand so we will be doing some form of baking - not to eat - for the fair. By Elisa Fitzgerald and Ms. Allison Room 5 – Mr McKenzie Hello and welcome to Term 4. We hope you are well rested and ready. This week in Room 5 we have been working on advertising, in maths we have been using basic facts strategies. In topic we have been working on “what is the fair for” and what we are going to sell at the fair. Have a great week. Reporters: Alex and Louis Room 6 – Miss Selbie This week in Room 6 it was our first week back. We had athletics, everyone had a great time. We also went to the library and borrowed some great books. For homework we had to think up something for the fair. We even started our new art project with Mr Pearce. Tomorrow we are going to our Drills and Skills session at the Edgar Centre which should be good fun. Lost Property The lost property will be outside Room 4 on Friday after lunch. Ms Allison Sports: Year 4/5 touch team Our Year 4-5 touch team is looking for a willing and able coach who can help organise the team at the games and maybe fit in a practise. If you (or someone you know), know the basic rules and would be able to help out in this way (games are on Thursday afternoons), please email Lisa Wiparata. Thank-you! [email protected] Kapa Haka Congratulations to the wonderful Maori Hill Kapa Haka group who performed at the Otago Polyfest at the end of Term 3. An enthusiastic and dedicated Year 6 group, you all did a fantastic job and made Maori Hill School so proud. A huge thank you to all of the teachers and parents who helped Mrs Wetere, Miss Selbie and Mr McKenzie. Friday 7th November- MHS International Dress Up Day We will be celebrating the nationalities that are represented at our school by dressing up in costumes that reflect something about your family background on Friday 7 November. Parents if you have a game, story, song or food that you can share in your child’s class on that day, please let his/her teacher know. There will be a parade of nations in assembly and some special items by our talented children. Please be ready to let Mrs Hanff know on Monday 20 October, if you wish to perform a song, dance or greeting in assembly. Music This term all years will be having another burst of ukulele. If anyone has their own ukulele at home, please bring it along to lessons. Thanks. Mrs Fry Pizza day Next yummy pizza day is next week Thursday 23 October BUT ....orders will be taken in library on Wednesday 22 October between 8:30 and 9:00 am. $2 per slice. Options include cheese and ham, cheese and tomato or just cheese. Gluten free crust is available. Thankyou for supporting your PTA. Photo Orders Photos went home with children this week. The class photo is displayed on the classroom window and the sports team photos are on the wall in the lower library. Photo orders are due in no later than Friday 31 October. PTA News Sports Tops We have a new supply of sports tops in now, smaller sizes now available right through to the large size. The tops are the same design and quality but now at a lower price of $20.00/top. Available to purchase from the office between 8.30-9am. Raffle Cards: Keep on selling, there is a box in reception for the completed card and money. Thank you. Sausage Sizzle each Tuesday is $2 per week or $13.50 for the term. Next PTA Meeting – Tues 21 October at 7pm in the Staffroom. Next Fair collection is Friday 24/10 at 2:15-3:00pm in the side room of the hall. Please bring along all good quality unwanted books, clothing, toys and white elephant items. If you could please bag or box things up with like categories. Note, any larger sized items can be delivered to the school on Saturday 15 November being the day prior to the fair. 4 weeks to go!! ROSS DOWLING MARQUET GRIFFIN BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Proud to support Maori Hill School We provide a full range of legal services Call 477 8046 2nd Floor, Savoy Building, 50 Princes St PO Box 1144, Dunedin 9054 Website – Fax – 477-6998
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