Christ Church, Chaptico King & Queen Parish News Thursday, November 13, 2014 In the Episcopal Diocese of Washington ‘There Is Something Each of Us Can Commit To’ During our Stewardship Season, you’ll be hearing from parishioners about their connection to Christ Church. Beth Fitch will speak on Sunday, Nov. 16. Brad Reeves spoke this past Sunday, Nov. 9. Here are his remarks. I ’ve been considering what I wanted to say for several weeks about how I feel about Christ Church and pledge campaigns. Over that same time I’ve listened to Reverend Mariann and several of the points she has made during her sermons. I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the lesser Looney Tune character the “Tasmanian Devil,” or noticed the commercial that shows why some people shouldn’t have energy drinks. At that point he takes off in his whirlwind manner and destroys everything in sight. Well, to prepare for this, I started a little like “The Taz” by trying word association. The real problem got to be one word led to another and another until I was going to have an hour-long lecture. That wouldn’t do. I liked the word association, though. One of the first was commitment. We are approaching Commitment Sunday. Commitment . . . that’s a good word . . . but file that away toward the end. Brad Reeves Pledge is another. It’s one that has already been mentioned from this chancel several times. A pledge is very personal, not something I should make a judgment on or tell you what your commitment should be. Commitment, there’s that word. The next word I associated was guarantee, then dedication, enthusiasm, eagerness and excitement. I was using the synonym function on my computer way too much. Finally, I ended up with community. Community may seem a strange place to end when the first word was commitment. Christ Church, Chaptico is a community of Christians. We as a community (a group, a neighborhood, a population - more word associations) have traveled through a difficult 12 months. Three different clergy people over 12 months, each having their own concept or perception or sense of what we as a congregation/ community needed. I’m going move a little off point for a moment. Think of faith and being Christian as a cube. There is up and down, left and right, and there is forward and backward. We speak of being “CHRIST” centered. I can only work to keep me away from the edges and hope I’m close to the center. I will share with you another image I have: fog. Sometimes a sermon phrase . . . a reading . . . or something will hit me just right and I think I can almost see clearly! And sometimes, it’s just “pea soup.” Now for the pledge part . . . the personal part . . . the real commitment part. The powers who think this stuff up call it Time, Talent and Treasure. I could not and would not stand here and say anyone is not doing their part. The beautiful, contemplative space that is Christ Church Christ Episcopal Church 25390 Maddox Road Chaptico, MD 20621 Parish Hall & Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 9am to 4pm [email protected] www. Parish Hall & Office 37497 Zach Fowler Rd P.O. Box 8, Chaptico Office Phone: 301-884-3451 Mailing: P.O. Box 8, Chaptico, MD 20621 Inside: Lectionary Page 2 Worship / Prayer List 2 Parish Announcements 3 Parish and Community Events 4 Continued on page 3 The Lectionary Page Page 2 Bulletin Bulletin Link: Sunday Link: 20after%20Pentecost%207.27.14%20-.pdf Sunday Services Sunday, Nov. 16, Readings 8:00am, Morning 1st Lesson: Judges 4:1-7 Prayer / Holy Eucharist Psalm: 123 Epistle: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 10:30am, Organ & Choir / Holy Eucharist Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 8:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite I LEM: Dr. Eugene Guazzo Greeters: David & Mary Simmons Lector: Shelby Guazzo Rev. Mariann Babnis 10:30am Holy Eucharist, Rite II Office: 301-884-3451; LEMs: Greg Penk Cell: 202-285-5746 Greeters: David & Crystal Spranger MBabnis@christepiscopa Lector: Hannah Spranger Refreshments: Potluck Sunday. Rev. Babnis may also be reached on her cellphone 202-285-5746. The Episcopal Church, visit The Lectionary Page - Find the full readings at Sunday, Nov. 23, Readings 1st Lesson: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Psalm: 100 Epistle: Ephesians 1:15-23 Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46 8:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite I LEM: Keith Loker Greeters: John & Patti Harhai Lector: John MacBryde 10:30am Holy Eucharist, Rite II LEMs: Herbie Redmond Greeters: Greg & Laura Rocheleau Lector: Clare Whitbeck Refreshments: The Wright Family A Tribute To Our Dearly Departed Dana Woodward McGarity ~ July 6, 1941 – November 2, 2014 Memorial Service at Christ Church on Saturday, Nov. 29, at 11:00am. Reception to follow at the Parish Hall. Pray for Parish Members: Clare Whitbeck, Thelma Fuller, William Mattingly, Caroline Baldwin, Bo Saunders, Lucy Richardson, Dorothy Pecson, Bill Edger, Diana Donahue, Lewis Morgan, and Margaret VanMeter. Also pray for: Richard Griffith - Colton; Ginny Zenefski - Donahue; Bill Armstrong - Baldwin; Marvin Miller, John Richards, Jamie Augustine - Penk; Henry & Melba Lauver, Chrissy Cliff, Brenda Williams, Ray Faulkner, & Belinda Tauber - Moore; Kay DesMarais – Edger; Wayne Pettit – Cooper; Junior Farrell, Noah Merrell, John Depta, Peach Burch - Sirk; Yamamoto Family, Atwood Family - Fitch; Patricia McWilliams - McWilliams; Antonia Stine, Brian & Ann Marie Tucker, Barbara Ganderton - Wright; Worthey Family – Dollins; Kim Cullins – Nelson; John White –McQuilkin; Linda Hanson – Mike Oliver; Karletta Magura, Kenny Halso –Smith; Loic Jaffres, Pensacola Jefferson - Hiebert; Edward B. Harrell, Doug HudenSchmidt, Archie Weeks – Schuhart; Frank Bell - Babnis; Jeffrey Chapman - Whitbeck; Scott Peabody - Heflin; Juanita Gass - Reeves; Kay Pugh - Kauffman; Mikey Burton - Burton; and Rhodie Quade - Burch. Recently Departed: Dee Brooks - Friend of Greg Penk; Rt. Rev. Mark Dyer - Babnis; Gene Seabolt –Cooper. Page 3 Parish Announcements ‘Something We Can Commit To’ From Page 1 This is that real personal part that you have to figure out for yourself. Many of you know I was treasurer for many years, taking over for Herb Redmond while he was attending Christ Church, La Plata. It may have been even earlier, BD (Before Donna). One of those early years for me, the Vestry conducted an every member pledge campaign . . . which I was part of . . . to get 100 pledges for $100. It was a long time ago. As young fellow I was surprised when one of the pledges was $1,000. That one individual gave 10% of our pledge campaign goal. Again, what you commit to in “time . . . talent . . . and treasure” is very important. When Reverend Jessee Neat was here he wanted the vestry to attended several retreats over several years . . . in the middle of the winter. We drove back from Virginia in a snowstorm one year . . . and another time to the College of Preachers at the cathedral in some really yucky weather. It was there after an evening and most of the next day, with a facilitator’s prodding, when we went around the room and unanimously concluded our mission, or at least what we felt clear about, was to be a church community open to everyone and to reach out to those who needed comfort and support. To be able to walk into this building at any time and feel the comfort most of us feel when we sit quietly and feel the Christian presence. This was what we felt committed to. Now as you may recall in the beginning, commitment was the first word and community the last. There is something each of us can commit to. That is to stay active, engaged, and reach out to each other to help your friend or neighbor feel more or a greater part of this community. Reach out to those who are searching for a community to commit to. They may not even know they are searching or what they are missing. Our best effort going forward needs to be to build the congregation/community of Christ Church. As a “Christian” community of 30 or 40 families we are a strong small parish. As a group of 60 or 70 the load on each of us might be lighter . . . by half? As a “Christian” community of 100, in the vernacular of youth, WE WOULD BE AWESOME! Pledge Commitment Enthusiasm Dedication Excitement Community Thank you. — Brad Reeves Bless Your Blessings 6 feathers spoken for, only 19 left! Christ Church youth group is excited to bring you the turkey of blessings! A turkey (like the one above) is hanging at the back of the church. The turkey begins featherless, and one by one, feathers are purchased, dedicated in thanksgiving of, or in honor of a loved one, or something you’re thankful for this holiday season, and then hung on the turkey. Including your name on the feather is optional. Feathers can be found at the back of the church. Rev. Mariann will bless the turkey on Sunday, November 23, and a picture will be taken for the weekly newsletter. Feathers are $5 each. Pay by cash or check. Feathers are accompanied by a slip which you’ll include with your payment in the offering plate. A fun and unique way to share and express what you’re thankful for. Hurry, only 10 more days before Rev. Mariann blesses our turkey! Looking for A Few Good Vestry Members Have you ever considered adding your talents to the management of our parish? If you have, now is the time to step up! We need to install three new members at our annual meeting in January — one to complete the last year of a term and two to serve three-year terms. Contact Rev. Mariann or any vestry member for more information or to express your interest. Parish and Community Events Friday Night Sunday School (FNSS) 6:30-8:00pm FNSS, also known as youth and adult bible study. The next session will be held on Friday, Nov. 21. All are welcome! Family and friends are welcome! Contact the office @ 301-884 -3451 for further information. No fee! Click here for the full program schedule. 2015 Annual Meeting Date Set Mark Your Calendars! Search Committee Prayer The annual meeting of Christ Church will be held Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015, at noon in the Parish Hall. We'll meet to review the year, hear reports from the wardens and officers, elect vestry members and delegates to the Diocesan Convention, and discuss any new business that needs to be brought to the attention of the congregation. Potluck luncheon, too! O God, let your Holy Spirit be with us in this time of transition. Give guidance and clarity to the members of the search committee, vestry, and all in Christ Church as we seek your will for us as a congregation. Send us a new rector who will challenge, guide and minister with us as we seek to serve you faithfully. Mark your calendars for this important event! Santa is Coming to Christ Church! Attention all children of Christ Church (and those young at heart): Santa Claus is coming to the Christ Church Parish hall on Sunday, December 14, 2 to 4 PM. Drinks & snacks will be provided. A special joint event sponsored by the Country Lakes Homeowner’s Association and hosted by Christ Church. Christ Church parishioners wishing to contribute food, drinks, or other items, may do so. Free and open to all Christ Church parishioners, residents of Country Lakes, and their families and friends. Bring your camera! For more information, contact Monty @ 240-434-2883 or e-mail: [email protected] Health Tips November is American Diabetes Month. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. Nearly 30 million people in the U.S. have diabetes and another 86 million are at high risk. Diabetes can cause blindness, nerve damage, kidney disease, heart disease and other health problems. What should I do? People at risk for developing diabetes can cut their risk in half by eating healthy, increasing physical activity, and losing weight. For information on ways to help prevent diabetes in your community go to: Christ Episcopal Church 25390 Maddox Road Chaptico, MD 20621 Parish Hall - 37497 Zach Fowler Rd P.O. Box 8, Chaptico, MD Office Phone: 301-884-3451 We pray through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. PARISH HALL FITNESS SCHEDULE ~Tuesdays~ Zumba at 6:30pm Flaunt at 7:35pm $6 per class or $30 for six classes. Click here to view the full schedule. Call Lisa Martino at 240-925-4153. ~Thursdays~ Yoga with Lynn Burton Two morning sessions! Gentle yoga on the mat with Lynn at 9am. Class ends at 10:30 following a period of meditation/relaxation that will leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and renewed. At 10:45am there is a chair exercise/yoga class. It is designed to stretch the entire body from head to toe. Lynn accepts donations. Parish Hall Office Hours Tuesday-Friday: 9am to 4pm [email protected]
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