FALL 2014 REGISTRATION Important reminders about our program:

Important reminders
about our program:
Spooky Science
Money Math
This Halloween, come try our scary experiments! Change the liquids (using chemistry), make fake eyeballs (eggs) float in midsolution, learn about bats, how they help our
environment, and the basics of flying. Learn
science tricks to “spook” your friends!
Use money to solve and create word problems.
Play games to clarify word problem decoding.
Review the basics of monetary transactions.
CRN 5421
1 Session
KIDS D5876 Section 01
NCC, Room W243
Friday 6:30PM-8:30PM 10/24/14
Tuition: $18 per person Instructor: Peter Kinahan, is a math
specialist in the Stamford School System
who uses non-traditional ways to get kids
excited about math and science.
CRN 5129
KIDS D5926 Section 01
Friday 6:30PM-8:30PM Tuition: $18 per person Instructor: Peter Kinahan
1 Session
NCC, Room W240
re-registration is
parent MUST
attend “Friday is
Family Night” events
with children
• T he fee for Friday
nights is $18 per
person ($18 for each
child, and $18 for
each parent)
lease pack a snack
for Saturday classes,
please no peanuts or peanut products
arents must
accompany children
to and from classes
Please call
(203) 857-7080
To Register call
(203) 857-7237
Italian Feast
grades 4-6
Creating Video Games
grades 5-7
Learn to cook fresh pasta dishes, pizza’s,
Stromboli, tiramisu and more. Prepare
healthy but exciting and tasty meals. At the
end of the class, taste your delicious creations.
Do you love playing games? Can’t live
without your Xbox360, PS, Wii, DS, PSP
or PC? Have you ever thought, “I could
probably imagine an incredible game!”
In this class, you will learn how to use the
powerful, yet simple to learn “Scratch”
programming interface, fresh from the
M.I.T. media lab, to create games. You
will also learn how to use photo editing
and graphic creation programs to develop
original artwork that you can use in your
game. The class will also teach you the ins
and outs of Audacity in order to record and
produce killer sound effects for your game.
Please bring a flash drive to class.
CRN 6041
KIDS D5121 Section 01
Saturday 9:00AM-12:00PM Tuition: $60 Instructor: Neena Perez
1 Session
NCC, Room W123
CRN 5083
5 Sessions
KIDS D5032 Section 01
NCC, Room E209
Saturday 9:30AM-12:00PM Begins 10/11/14
Tuition: $125 Instructor: Bronwyn Ryan, is an Elementary
Educator for the Stamford Public Schools
College for Kids
Amazing Girl Science
Conference: Expand Your
Horizons in Science,
Technology, Engineering
and Math (STEM)
grades 4-8
Learn how to make balloon powered
racecars for maximum speed and distance. You will also be amazed and
intrigued with the exploration of the
properties of light and the rainbow
connection. This event is designed to
“WOW” girls in grades 4-8 by what
they accomplish!
CRN 6037
1 Session
KIDS D5194 Section 01
NCC, Room Etheater
Saturday 9:00AM-12:30PM 10/18/14
Tuition: $30
Instructor: Saturday Academy for Girls
Build a Mobile App FOR GIRLS
Sat Academy for Girls. Lets get Appy!
Learn what it takes to transform your ideas
into a real mobile app. Girls will learn how
to code by building a mobile app with app
inventor. Please bring a healthy shack (no
peanut products).
CRN 6038
1 Session
KIDS D5072 Section 01
NCC, Room W251
Saturday 9:00AM-12:30PM 11/22/14
Tuition: $39 Instructor: Saturday Academy for Girls
Chess Battles
grades 1-5
Parent/Child Holiday Baking
Just in time for the Holidays, join this class
and have fun creating new recipes to add to
your collection. You will be baking MintChocolate Brownies, White Chocolate
Cranberry cookies, Gingerbread cookies
and Apple Pie turnovers. Class size is limited so register now!
CRN 6051
1 Session
KIDS D5067 Section 01
NCC, Room W123
Saturday 9:00AM-12:00PM 12/6/14
Tuition: $60 Instructor: Neena Perez, Culinary Graduate Chef Neena Perez has been teaching
Culinary Art classes for both cooking and
baking, to adults and children throughout
Fairfield and Westchester County for over
7 years
Babysitting Training
Ages 11-15
Students will learn to care for children and
babies and earn an American Red Cross
babysitting certificate. Working with
mannequins, they will learn safety rules,
diapering, feeding, appropriate toys, and
communication with parents.
CRN 4813
KIDS D5036 Section 01
Saturday 9:00AM-12:30PM Tuition: $85 2 Sessions
NCC, Room W101
Begins 10/4/2004
CRN 4815
2 Sessions
KIDS D5036 Section 02
NCC, Room W101
Saturday 9:00AM-12:30PM Begins 11/1/14
Tuition: $85 Instructor: Jeanne Yusko, is an instructor
trainer with the American Red Cross.
Visit us on-line: www.norwalk.edu
Learn chess and practice your game under
the guidance of a Chess Master. This class
is for both beginners and those who would
like to learn more. Students placed by ability. Former students welcome to return.
No prerequisites.
CRN 6036
4 Sessions
KIDS D5005 Section 01
NCC, Room W230
Saturday 9:30AM-11:30AM Begins 10/11/14
Tuition: $85 Instructor: Alex Eydelman, is a Russian
Chess Master who teaches in school programs throughout Fairfield County.
Do you wish your fingers could fly across
the keyboard and type as fast as you think?
They can. Take the time now to learn this
lifelong skill. This class is for beginners as
well as returning students. Students who
have taken this class previously and want
to continue improving their skills will continue to build upon the level of skill already
accomplished. Classes also provide online
links to practice typing.
CRN 5098
5 Sessions
KIDS D5101 Section 01
NCC, Room E205
Saturday 9:30AM-12:00PM Begins 10/11/14
Tuition: $125 Instructor: Hedy Siegel, is the library
media specialist at Newfield Elementary
School in Stamford.
Sewing - Beginners
Grades 5-7
CRN 6039
4 Sessions
KIDS D5085 Section 01
NCC, Room W103
Saturday 9:15AM-1:15PM Begins 10/11/14
Tuition: $199 Instructor: Jane Grech, is an accomplished patternmaker and couture seamstress and teaches adults and children
throughout the area.
Study Skills
Grades 6-8
Want to start the new school year off with
a homerun? Step up to the plate with the
knowledge and power you’ll need to be an
MVP (most valuable pupil). Learn how to
organize, manage time, prepare for tests,
take notes and gain the confidence to succeed in school.
CRN 5702
5 Sessions
KIDS D5064 Section 01
NCC, Room W226
Saturday 9:30AM-12:00PM Begins 10/11/14
Tuition: $115 Instructor: Annea Rosenberg, has been
a teacher for 41 years. She has taught
elementary school, gifted education
and middle school social studies. She is
presently the library Media Specialist at
Scofield Magnet Middle School in Stamford.
This Saturday Mandarin class is
designed for students who have a
Mandarin Chinese-speaking environment at home. The class uses
MaLiPing method & literature rich
textbooks. The textbooks incorporate
a large amount of Chinese culture and
literature, which gives the children a
chance to learn the language as well
as their heritage. Speaking and listening are practiced in the Chinese-only class environment. Adjusted for kids’
busy after-school schedules, the teaching focus is divided into steps: decoding,
reading and then writing. Speaking Mandarin Chinese at home regularly is essential to the success of this curriculum.
New students: New students must check placement information at http://
MaLiPing Chinese
MaLiPing Chinese
1st grade
CRN 3818
15 Sessions
KIDS D5177 Section 01 NCC, Room E219
Saturday 1:30PM-3:30PM Begins 9/6/14
Tuition: $225 No Class: 11/29/14
Instructor: Jill Telesco is a native Chinese
speaker and has been teaching and tutoring for 5 years.
5th grade
CRN 5097
15 Sessions
KIDS D5177 Section 05 NCC, Room E225
Saturday 1:30PM-3:30PM Begins 9/6/14
Tuition: $225 No Class: 11/29/14
Instructor: Tracy Yuan, B.A., is a native Chinese speaker and teaches Chinese in the College for Kids program.
MaLiPing Chinese
MaLiPing Chinese
2nd grade
CRN 4019
15 Sessions
KIDS D5177 Section 02 NCC, Room E220
Saturday 1:30PM-3:30PM Begins 9/6/14
Tuition: $225 No Class: 11/29/14
Instructor: Yunning Xu, M.A., has
taught Chinese to young children for
over four years.
6th grade
CRN 5427
15 Sessions
KIDS D5177 Section 06 NCC, Room E226
Saturday 1:30PM-3:30PM Begins 9/6/14
Tuition: $225 No Class: 11/29/14
Instructor: Vicky Zhang, M.B.A. is a
native Chinese speaker from Beijing,
and teaches Chinese in the College for
Kids program.
MaLiPing Chinese
3rd grade
CRN 4251
15 Sessions
KIDS D5177 Section 03 NCC, Room E222
Saturday 1:30PM-3:30PM Begins 9/6/14
Tuition: $225 No Class: 11/29/14
Instructor: Bing Yang, M.A. is a native
Chinese speaker who has taught Chinese at the Chinese Language School
of Fairfield County in Stamford for 3
MaLiPing Chinese
4th grade
CRN 5966
15 Sessions
KIDS D5177 Section 04 NCC, Room E223
Saturday 1:30PM-3:30PM Begins 9/6/14
Tuition: $225 No Class: 11/29/14
Instructor: Li Ding, M.A. is a native
Chinese speaker and has taught Chinese
at the Chinese Language School of Fairfield County in Stamford for 2 years.
College for Kids
This program will teach students about the
basics of sewing as well as how to construct creative projects using a safe sewing machine and the necessary tools to aid
with sewing. Students will also learn to cut
out a pattern, transfer the pattern to fabric,
cut the fabric, and sew the project together.
The projects are a string bag and a back-slit
skirt. Sewing machines will be provided.
Please bring a bag lunch.
MaLiPing Chinese
MaLiPing Chinese
8th grade
CRN 5706
15 Sessions
KIDS D5177 Section 07 NCC, Room E228
Saturday 1:30PM-3:30PM Begins 9/6/14
Tuition: $225 No Class: 11/29/14
Instructor: Dongmei Li, M.A. has
taught Chinese courses at all levels for
over 10 years which includes Harvard University. Her research interest
includes Chinese linguistics, Chinese
pedagogy, language acquisition, and
188 Richards Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854-1655
Child’s Name: Child’s Birth Date:
Parent: Child’s Age:
Child’s SS#: Grade:
College for Kids Registration
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: E-mail:
Emergency Contact: Emergency Phone:
Who will pick up student?
Name: Phone:
Name: Phone:
Please Note: Medication cannot be administered by any employee of NCC.
If a medical issue should arise your child will be transported to the nearest hospital.
CRN:___________ Course Title:________________________________________________________________ Date ________ Fee $_________
CRN:___________ Course Title:________________________________________________________________ Date ________ Fee $_________
CRN:___________ Course Title:________________________________________________________________ Date ________ Fee $_________
For Friday night classes parents must
register on separate form from their child.
Parent’s Name
Child’s Name: Parent’s SS# and/or Date of Birth:
CRN:___________ Course Title:________________________________________________________________ Date ________ Fee $_________
CRN:___________ Course Title:________________________________________________________________ Date ________ Fee $_________
CRN:___________ Course Title:________________________________________________________________ Date ________ Fee $_________
Signature:_____________________________________________________________ Date:_______________
TOTAL $_________________
To register, complete and return this form with payment. Your cancelled check will be your receipt. All information is kept strictly confidential.
ONLINE: For how to register, see directions on page 65.
BY MAIL: Mail to: NCC Records Office, 188 Richards Avenue, Norwalk, CT, 06854-1655
BY FAX: Fax this form to 203-857-7012
on – Thur, 10:00am – 4:30pm and Fri, 10:00am – 3:30pm, at the Records Office, Room 102, East Campus.
BY PHONE: Call 203-857-7237 Mon–Fri, 10:00am–3:00pm.
PAYMENT: q Check q Money Order enclosed payable to NCC in the amount of $_________. Charge my: q Visa q MasterCard q Discover Card
Card #: Expiration Date:
If paying by check or money order check here q Make checks payable to Norwalk Community College, Records Office, 188 Richards Avenue, Norwalk , CT 06854.
Visit us on-line: www.norwalk.edu