Fleetwood Elementary School LION’S NOTE OCTOBER 2014 Remember the dates… October 1 Fall Book Fair begins October 3 PTO Family Bingo/Pizza Night 6:00 p.m. October 8 Fall Plant sale ends Fall Book Fair ends October 13 PTO Committee Chair Meeting – Library – 7:00 p.m. October 14 Fall School Pictures 9:00 October 17 Physical Fitness Testing October 22 Chick-Fil-A Night 5:00 p.m. October 24 Physical Fitness Testing – Raindate Pumpkin Contest begins October 30 Pumpkin Contest ends October 31 Halloween Party & Parade 1:15 p.m. Principal’s Corner Dear Fleetwood Community, Where did September go? It's amazing how fast time goes. Our boys and girls have hit the ground running and are diligently working at demonstrating their knowledge. They have already produced some remarkable work. Our expectation is that our boys and girls will continue to work as hard as they can and make all of us proud. As always we expect our community to be involved. Please check the calendar to see what events may interest you. Although time moves fast and we are all very busy please consider volunteering for just one activity. It's always wonderful to see the look on our boys and girls faces when someone they know gets involved in their education. Mike Profico Principal Please read over the following information concerning policies, procedures and future events at Fleetwood School HALLOWEEN PARADE Our annual Halloween Parade will take place during the afternoon of Friday, October 31. All parents, grandparents and friends are invited to come and view our parade. However only Room Parents are permitted back in the building for the parties. You will be receiving a flyer with more specific information on this special event. HOMEWORK POLICY Parents should leave a message requesting homework on the answering machine when calling a student in absent or by calling the office before 9:30. Homework should not be picked up by parents before 2:30 p.m., as teachers need time to get the homework organized. We cannot honor requests for homework to be ready that day if called in after 9:30 a.m. Thank you for your consideration in honoring this policy. FORGOTTEN HOMEWORK It is Fleetwood’s policy that if a student forgets his/her homework a parent or other adult must accompany the child to the classroom to get the homework before 4:00 p.m. We do not want children wandering the halls unsupervised after school. If you need to return for homework, please see Mr. Profico in the main office. Please do not ask custodians to open any doors. We would like to encourage you not to return to pick up the homework so that your child learns to be responsible for his/her own homework. LUNCH MONEY When you send in a check for lunch money, please put your child’s name on the check so the cafeteria workers will know which student it is for. TRANSPORTATION POLICY This is just a reminder that the policy for transportation, other than to and from home, must be on a five day a week basis. Unfortunately they are unable to accommodate social events, rotating schedules or other situations. Changing to a location other than home will only be done in case of an emergency. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. PICTURE DAY Our annual Fall Picture Day will take place on Tuesday, October 14. You will be receiving a packet explaining the procedures for ordering pictures of your child. SCHOOL BIRTHDAY PARTIES AND CELEBRATIONS Tired of staying up all night trying to bake for your child’s class? Tired of going to the Stop & Shop (now Shoprite) at the last minute to but cupcakes for your child’s class? Well be tired no more. Nutri Serve (Mount Laurel’s food service provider) offers birthday treats. And get this…they fall within the guidelines of New Jersey School Nutrition Policy. Check out the forms at our online backpack. http://mtlaurelschools.org/administration/backpack.php. Be a Birthday Book Giver! Would you like to remember your child’s birthday in a special way that many children could share? Why not honor him or her by donating a new book to the school library? When the book is added to the collection, the gift will be acknowledged in the child’s classroom with a presentation of a certificate. A bookplate bearing the child’s name will be put in the front of the book, and he or she will be the first to check it out from the library. I will purchase an attractive and suitable, hardcover book for your child. A gift of $15.00 will purchase a book that the child will be proud of for many years. If you would like to honor your child in this special way, please send in $15.00 cash (no checks please) along with the completed form at the bottom of this page. I will purchase the book at the beginning of the month, so I will need the information and money by the 1st of the month of the child’s birthday. September birthdays may be celebrated in October, and summer birthdays can be celebrated anytime. Please feel free to contact me with any questions! Mrs. Tiffany Andrayo, Library Media Specialist [email protected] Yes, I would like to participate in the Birthday Book Program for the Fleetwood Library! Child’s Name ________________________________ Child’s Teacher ______________________________ Birthday _____________________________________ If your child has any special interests or a favorite subject (Example: science, fairy tales, cooking, etc.) you may list them below. This will help me in the selection of a special birthday book for your child. Interests __________________________________________________________________________ Return this form along with payment to Mrs. Andrayo in the library.
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