AdvancesinProductionEngineering&Management ISSN1854‐6250 Volume10|Number1|March2015|pp18–26 Journalhome:apem‐ Originalscientificpaper Tool selection for rough and finish CNC milling operations based on tool‐path generation and machining optimisation Mwinuka, T.E.a,*, Mgwatu, M.I.a a University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania A B S T R A C T Most of CAD/CAM systems lack fully‐automated process planning capabilities and depend on semi‐automatic capabilities that necessitate the traditional selection of tools and cutting parameters. This paper attempts to determine propercombinationsofcuttingtoolsthroughthegenerationoftoolpathsand optimisation of machining parameters using an example of the CNC milling process. Several machining simulations with different combinations of tool sizeswereperformedusingMasterCAMsoftware.Basedonthesesimulations, substantialvariationsintoolpathswereobservedfordifferenttoolcombina‐ tionsandassuchtheoptimumtoolcombinationcouldonlybeobtainedarbi‐ trarily.Thetoolpathsderivedfrommachiningsimulationswereusedtoopti‐ mise machining parameters, that is, cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut withtheobjectiveofminimisingproductiontime.Inthiscase,anoptimisation model was developed as a nonlinear programming problem and solved using extended LINGO nonlinear software. The results show that the subjectivity whenselectingcuttingtoolscanbeavoidedwhenappropriatetoolsarechosen alongside with the generation of a tool path within a CAD/CAM system using optimisedmachiningparameters.Asaconsequence,CNCmachinetoolscould be effectively utilised and the productivity significantly improved at shorter productiontimeandcost. ©2015PEI,UniversityofMaribor.Allrightsreserved. A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: CAD/CAM Millingoperations Machiningoptimisation Nonlinearprogramming Tool‐pathgeneration Toolselection *Correspondingauthor: [email protected] (Mwinuka,T.E.) Articlehistory: Received30December2013 Revised26December2014 Accepted25January2015 AdvancesinProductionEngineering&Management ISSN1854‐6250 Letnik10|Številka1|Marec2015|Strani18–26 Spletnastran:apem‐ Izvirni znanstveničlanek Izbira orodij za grobe in fine CNC‐obdelave pri rezkanju na osnovi generiranja poti orodij in optimizacije obdelave Mwinuka, T.E.a,*, Mgwatu, M.I.a a University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania P O V Z E T E K P O D A T K I O Č L A N K U VelikavečinaCAD/CAMsistemovnimavgrajene možnosti avtomatskeganačr‐ tovanjaprocesaobdelave,zatosemorauporabnikševednoposluževatitradi‐ cionalne izbire orodij in parametrov odrezovanja. Prispevek opisuje izbiro pravilnihkombinacijobdelovalnihorodijskozigeneracijopotiorodijinoptimi‐ zacijo obdelovalnih parametrov na zgledu CNC‐rezkanja. S pomočjo orodja MasterCAM je bilo izvedenih več simulacij obdelave z različnimi orodji. Na osnovisimulacijjebilougotovljeno,dasepotiorodijzarazličnaorodjabistve‐ norazlikujejo,zatojeizbiraoptimalnekombinacijeorodijprepuščenasubjek‐ tivnemu odločanju. Poti orodij, ki so bile dobljene s pomočjo simulacij, smo natouporabilizaoptimizacijoobdelovalnihparametrov,tj.obdelovalnehitros‐ ti,podajanjainglobinereza,pričemerjebilciljminimiziratičasizdelave.Tak‐ šnapostavitevproblemaimanelinearenznačaj,zatosmogarešilizrazširjeno LINGO programsko opremo, ki omogoča reševanje nelinearnih problemov. Rezultatisopokazali,daselahkosubjektivnostipriizbirirezalnihorodijizog‐ nemo, če poleg ustrezne izbire orodij generiramo tudi poti orodij znotraj CAD/CAM sistema s pomočjo optimalnih parametrov odrezovanja. Predlagan pristop omogoča, da so CNC‐stroji učinkoviteje izrabljeni ob hkratni povečani produktivnost,karvodikskrajšanjuizdelovalnegačasainstroškov. Ključnebesede: CAD/CAM Rezkanje Optimizacijaodrezovanja Nelinearnoprogramiranje Generiranjepotiorodij Izbiraorodij ©2015PEI,UniversityofMaribor.Allrightsreserved. *Kontaktnaoseba: [email protected] (Mwinuka,T.E.) Zgodovinačlanka: Prejet30.decembra2013 Popravljen26.decembra2014 Sprejet25.januarja2015 References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] ElMaraghy, H.A. (1993). Evolution and future perspectives of CAPP, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 42, No. 2, 739-751, doi: 10.1016/S0007-8506(07)62537-2. Ahmad, N., Haque, A.F.M., Hasin, A.A. (2001). Current trend in computer aided process planning, In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Paper Meet and 2nd International Conference, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Mechanical Engineering Division, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 81-92. 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