AdvancesinProductionEngineering&Management ISSN1854‐6250 Volume9|Number4|December2014|pp159–167 Journalhome:apem‐ Originalscientificpaper Laser cladding of Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy with vanadium carbide particles El‐Labban, H.F. a, Mahmoud, E.R.I.a,*, Al‐Wadai, H.a a Faculty of Engineering, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia A B S T R A C T The tribological properties of Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy are generally poor. This study wasan attempttoproduceahardenedsurfacelayeronthisalloyforlonger service life during severe wear conditions. For this purpose, laser surface cladding of this alloy with vanadium carbide (VC) powder was performed usingaYAGFiberlaseratpowerstrengthsof1000W,1500W,and2000W and a travelling speed of 4 mm/s. Surface cladded layers of Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy metal matrix composite reinforced with VC particles were produced on the substrateunderallprocessingconditions.Thesizeofthecladdinglayerwas increased by increasing the processing power. The cladding layer was well bondedtothesubstrate,especiallyathigherprocessingpowers.TheVCparti‐ cles were homogenously distributed within the cladding layer at processing powersof2000Wand1500W,whilstitshowedsomeclustersatapowerof 1000 W. Someof the VC particles were melted and re‐solidified as fine long dendriticstructuresduringthelasertreatment.Thecladdinglayerproduced under all processing conditions exhibits remarkable improvement of hard‐ nessandwearresistance(almosttwice).Astheprocessingpowersdecreased, thesurfaceofthecladdinglayersshowedhigherhardness.Thecladdinglayer alsoshowedimprovedcorrosionresistance. ©2014PEI,UniversityofMaribor.Allrightsreserved. A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Lasercladding Ti‐6Al‐4Valloy VCpowder Surfacemicrohardness Wearandcorrosionresistance *Correspondingauthor: [email protected] (Mahmoud,E.R.I.) Articlehistory: Received2August2014 Revised29October2014 Accepted10November2014 AdvancesinProductionEngineering&Management ISSN1854‐6250 Letnik9|Številka4|December2014|Strani159–167 Spletnastran:apem‐ Izvirniznanstveničlanek Lasersko nanašanje vanadijevega karbidnega prahu na zlitino Ti‐6Al‐4V El‐Labban, H.F. a, Mahmoud, E.R.I.a,*, Al‐Wadai, H.a a Faculty of Engineering, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia P O V Z E T E K TribološkelastnostizlitineTi‐6Al‐4Vsorazmeromaslabe.Vraziskavipredla‐ gamoobdelovalnipostopekzautrditevpovršineomenjenezlitine,kiomogo‐ ča daljšo uporabo izdelkov pod zahtevnimi pogoji obrabe. Za ta namen smo uporabili postopek laserskega nanašanja vanadijevega karbidnega pragu (angl. Vanadium Carbide – VC ) na zlitino Ti‐6Al‐4V. Uporabili smo YAG vla‐ kenski laser z močmi 1000 W, 1500 W in 2000 W ter hitrostjo nanašanja 4 mm/s.Tosobiliprocesniparametri,kismojihuporabilizalaserskonanašan‐ je vanadijevega karbidnega prahu na osnovni material (vzorec) iz Ti‐6Al‐4V zlitine,sčimersmodosegliučvrstitevvrhnjegaslojavzorca.Debelinananeše‐ negaslojajenaraščalazvečanjemmočilaserja.Nanešenslojsejedobrospojil z osnovnim materialom, še posebej pri višjih procesnih močeh laserja. Pri močeh2000Win1500Wsejevanadijevkarbidniprahhomogenoporazdelil po nanešenem sloju, medtem ko so se pri moči 1000 W pokazale nekatere neenakomerne porazdelitve prahu. Del prahu oziroma delcev vanadijevega karbidasejemedlaserskimnanašanjemnajprejstalilinnatoponovnostrdilv oblikidolgihdendritnihstruktur.Nanešenislojisoimelibistvenovišjotrdoto inodpornostprotiobrabi(ugotovilismoskorajdvakratvišjevrednosti),into ne glede na procesne parametre nanašanja. Pri nižjih procesnih močeh, smo dobilivišjotrdotonanešenihslojev.Ugotovilismotudi,dasoslojizelodobro obstojniprotikoroziji. ©2014PEI,UniversityofMaribor.Allrightsreserved. P O D A T K I O Č L A N K U Ključnebesede: Laserskonanašanje ZlitinaTi‐6Al‐4V Vanadijevkarbidniprah Površinskamikrotrdota Odpornostprotiobrabiinkoroziji *Kontaktnaoseba: [email protected] (Mahmoud,E.R.I.) Zgodovinačlanka: Prejet2.avgusta2014 Popravljen29.oktobra2014 Sprejet10.novembra2014 References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] Ochonogor, O.F., Meacock, C., Abdulwahab, M., Pityana, S., Popoola, A.P.I. (2012). Effects of Ti and TiC ceramic powder on laser-cladded Ti-6Al-4V in situ intermetallic composite, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 263, 591-596, doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.09.114. Lin, Y.-C., Lin, Y.-C. (2011). 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