AdvancesinProductionEngineering&Management ISSN1854‐6250 Volume9|Number4|December2014|pp187–200 Journalhome:apem‐ Originalscientificpaper A Petri net model for the integration of purchasing, production and packaging using Kanban system Ullah, H.a,* a Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Institut Teknologi Brunei, Jalan Tungku Link, Brunei A B S T R A C T AnewgenericdeterministicallytimedPetrinet(PN)modelwas developedfor the integration of purchasing, production, and packaging using the Kanban system. Firstly, the individual building blocks of the model were developed whicharethencombinedtogethertoobtaintheoverallintegratedPNmodel. Thismodelallowsthemodelingofanintegratedproductionsystemconfigu‐ ration for determining the optimal Work‐In‐Process (WIP), lead‐time, sta‐ tion’sutilization,andrateofproductionofthesystem.Eachstationcanhave multiple identical servers. The model is solved first by initial marking and thenbyoptimalmarkingusingLINGOsoftware.Themachiningservercircuit withthelargestcycletimedeterminesthebottleneckstation,asthecycletime of this circuit merely represents the capacity of the corresponding station. Elementary circuits with cycle times greater than the cycle time of the ma‐ chining server circuit are selected for optimization. These circuits result in constraints. The objective of optimization is to ensure the WIP minimum correspondstothemaximumthroughput.Themaximumthroughputwiththe minimumWIPisformulatedasalinearprogrammingproblem.Themodelcan beusedfordesigning,evaluating,andoptimizingthelayoutofanintegrated production system. This model could be extended using Fuzzy PN, Coloured PN,orQueuingPN. ©2014PEI,UniversityofMaribor.Allrightsreserved. A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Production Purchasing Packaging Petrinet Kanban *Correspondingauthor: [email protected] (Ullah,H.) Articlehistory: Received29June2014 Revised13November2014 Accepted18November2014 AdvancesinProductionEngineering&Management ISSN1854‐6250 Letnik9|Številka4|December2014|Strani187–200 Spletnastran:apem‐ Izvirniznanstveničlanek Model Petrijeve mreže za integracijo nabave, proizvodnje in pakiranja s pomočjo Kanban sistema Ullah, H.a,* a Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Institut Teknologi Brunei, Jalan Tungku Link, Brunei P O V Z E T E K RazvilismonovčasovnodeterminiranmodelPetrijevemreže (angl.PetriNet –PN)zaintegracijonabave,proizvodnjeinpakiranjaspomočjoKanbansis‐ tema.Modelsmozgradilipostopomaprekposameznihgradnikovdocelovite‐ gaintegralnegamodelanaosnoviPetrijevemreže.Modelomogočaoblikovan‐ jeintegriranegaproizvodnegasistemazadoločanjeoptimalnegaobsegapro‐ cesnihzalog,pretočnihčasov,izrabekapacitetstrojevinproizvodneučinkovi‐ tosticelotnegasistema.Vsakodelovnomesto(postaja)lahkoimavečidentič‐ nihstrežnikov.Modelsmonajprejrešilizzačetnimoznačevanjem,natopaz optimalnim označevanjem (tj. dodeljevanjem osnovnih postavk, žetonov) s pomočjo programske opreme LINGO. Delovno mesto z najdaljšimi proizvod‐ nimičasijeozkogrlovproizvodnji.Ciljoptimizacijejebilzagotovitiminimum procesnihzalogobsočasninajvečjizmogljivostiproizvodnje,karlahkoopre‐ delimo kot problem v okviru linearnega programiranja. Model lahko upora‐ bimozaoblikovanje,ocenjevanjeinoptimiranjerazmestitveopremevproiz‐ vodnemsistemu.RazširimogalahkospomočjopreostalihvrstPetrijevemre‐ že, npr. mehko Petrijevo mrežo (angl. Fuzzy Petri Net), obarvano Petrijevo mrežo(angl.ColouredPetriNet)int.i.QueuingPetrijevomrežo. ©2014PEI,UniversityofMaribor.Allrightsreserved. P O D A T K I O Č L A N K U Ključnebesede: Proizvodnja Nabava Pakiranje Petrijevamreža Kanban *Kontaktnaoseba: [email protected] (Ullah,H.) Zgodovinačlanka: Prejet29.junija2014 Popravljen13.novembra2014 Sprejet18.novembra2014 References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] Bassim, M.N. 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